I See Your Soul [An Original...

By onlylovingmj

84.1K 3.8K 2.8K

[Completed] [18+] It's summer, 1979 when Michael Jackson turns 21, releases "Off the Wall," and meets his fir... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Old Habits
Chapter 3: Glorious
Chapter 4: Tonight
Chapter 5: Butterflies
Chapter 6: August 29, 1979 🧁
Chapter 7: Make a Wish
Chapter 9: Going Steady - Part Two: Are you Awake?
Chapter 10: Going Steady - Part Three: Dare
Chapter 11: Going Steady - Part Four: Truth
Chapter 12: Going Steady - Part Five: What a Nightmare
Chapter 13: Remember the Rules
Chapter 14: Got to be There
Chapter 15: Remain Calm
Chapter 16: Just Listen - Part One
Chapter 17: Just Listen - Part Two ⚠
Chapter 18: Just Listen - Part Three
Chapter 19: Thanksgiving Day - Part One: Laura
Chapter 20: Thanksgiving Day - Part One: Laura (continued)
Chapter 21: Thanksgiving Day - Part Two: Dinner
Chapter 22: Thanksgiving Day - Part Three: Goodnight
Chapter 23: Debussy
Chapter 24: And Chocolate
Chapter 25: And You
Chapter 26: Come Fly with Me
Chapter 27: Family Day - Part One: Destiny
Chapter 28: Family Day - Part Two: Lunch
Chapter 29: Family Day - Part Three: The Water War 💦
Chapter 30: Family Day - Part Four: The Michael Jackson Experience
Chapter 31: Family Day - Part Five: Fish
Chapter 32: Anytime, Anyplace
Chapter 33: Live in Sin
Chapter 34: Hope is Dead
Chapter 35: The Hawk
Chapter 36: Sunflower 🌻
Chapter 37: Magic
Chapter 38: Cheers
Chapter 39: For Us
Chapter 40: Symphony
Chapter 41: Singing in the Rain
Chapter 42: Lazy Boyfriend
Chapter 43: I Promise
Chapter 44: Fifty-five Nights
Chapter 45: Fucking Fish
Chapter 46: Love Is A Donut 🍩
Chapter 47: Everything You Need to Know
Chapter 48: Growing Up
Chapter 49: A Totally Different Person
Chapter 50: Escapism (Part One)
Chapter 51: Escapism (Part Two)
Chapter 52: Escapism (Part Three)
Author's Note & Open Discussion

Chapter 8: Going Steady - Part One: The Rebel

1.6K 82 28
By onlylovingmj

Within just one week, things changed dramatically. Michael had a fax machine sent and set up at Nicole's apartment allowing him the ease and luxury of sending doodles, jokes, and random "thinking of you" messages at all times of day. In addition, he arranged for Bill to have his schedule sent to Nicole first thing every morning, welcoming her into his life fully. Michael was very serious about Nicole's education, as was she of course, so with limited weekdays and Michael's rigorous traveling and performing schedule on weekends, they agreed to see each other as regularly as possible. Dates would be easy and casual. No pressure. "Going steady" was new for them both and while Nicole and Michael wanted to get to know each other, neither were ready for the weight of a serious adult relationship quite yet. It was nice to feel their time together didn't require so much planning and effort. And honestly, both were pleased with the arrangement.

Friday, August 31, 1979:

Nicole finished schooling by noon this Friday, leaving her time to unwind. And in typical fashion, that meant reclining on the sofa with a good book and a cup of tea. But Michael had a few unplanned hours before a late-night rehearsal and vocal lesson, then would be out of town for shows over the weekend. So he invited Nicole over. It was the first time they would see each other since becoming 'official' so each were nervous but excited. Nicole was picked up on campus by Bill. As they approached the gated entrance to Hayvenhurst, an intercom buzzed.

Bill: Mr. Jackson, I'm approaching with Miss. Dillard.

Michael: Alright! Thank you, Bill.

The car slowed to the back of the property on a circular drive, offering a scenic view of the peacocks roaming aimlessly near a stunning brick fountain. Bill came around to open the door as Nicole collected her things from the backseat. By the time she emerged, she saw Michael jogging swiftly across the grass towards them. He looked weightless, his bare feet never quite hitting the ground. Michael stopped right behind Bill, slapping him on the shoulders, but staring at Nicole as he smiled breathlessly.

Michael: Hi!

Nicole: Hey, Michael.

Bill stood inadvertently between the two as an unwilling shield for Michael's discomfort. Michael just giggled when Bill poked his ribs, urging him to move closer to his new girlfriend, but clearly too shy to take the hint.

Bill: Hey Mike, why don't you take the young lady's books? Maybe get her some snacks or somethin,' huh?

Michael: Oh! Right-on!

They fumbled with the pass-off as Michael took two steps closer, collecting her books and kissing her cheek. His touch made Nicole blush and generate a snorting noise that she quickly tried to camouflage by clearing her throat. Bill just rolled his eyes, getting back in the car to park it in the proper space. 

Cute kids.

Michael: So... What'd you learn today?

It was an odd question, like something a parent would ask, but Nicole was used to this from Michael now. As a first-year student, all of her classes were pretty rudimentary. But considering the cross-country move and the fact she'd taken a year off post-high school, there was a lot to get reacquainted with. And now with a new relationship, Nicole felt like she was at capacity. Michael knew her concerns, so even though she was now officially a full week into the regular class routine, he was quick to offer support, just as promised. And she was grateful for it.

Nicole: I learned that when you skip class, professors are much less forgiving than--

Michael: You SKIPPED!? It's only your first week! Nicole, you should never, EVER skip school. Nothing is more important than an education. You should know better than that! Nothing --

Nicole: Well, it was worth it... This sweet boy asked me to be his girlfriend, so...

She shrugged coyly before glancing up at Michael, pouting and scratching his head, now able to remember that their picnic did fall on a Wednesday afternoon. Then he laughed, still waving his finger at her.

Michael: Well, there are some exceptions I suppose... but NO MORE! Your schooling is very important. You should take it very seriously and go to every class! Every day! I'm serious now...

Nicole: Yes sir. I've learned my lesson.

She reached for the hand chastising her, lacing her fingers between his as they continued to walk towards the main house. His fingers were thin and strong, but fit hers like a glove. Nicole could feel his bright eyes burning through her as she smirked. It was a small thing, swinging hands through the yard with your sweetheart as he carried your school books, but it gave them each something they'd never felt before.

Michael opened the door, welcoming Nicole to the kitchen. The house was quiet, almost eerie in its stillness. But Michael warmed the space instantly, throwing her books down on the counter and heading for the cupboard to unload whatever caught his eye.

Michael: We have peanuts and popcorn and these gummy things. Oh, and chips! And rice cakes, but you don't want that, it tastes like cardboard.

Nicole: Could I have a drink?

Michael: For sure!

He skipped over to the refrigerator, opening the doors dramatically.

Michael: We have orange juice or apple juice or Pepsi... You like grapes? And water of course. And Kool-aid... Looks like the purple one.

Setting the whole pitcher on the counter made Nicole chuckle a little. This grand house with security and peacocks and gold plaques on the walls but his snacks looked just like hers. And just like every Black family she knew, the Jacksons drank their Kool-aid from a plastic pitcher just like hers. She watched him pull out a few more things before closing the door and standing before her. He wore jeans fastened with a large belt buckle below a black and white striped long-sleeved polo. She was staring. 

He giggled again with so much joy.

Michael: What!? Aren't you hungry?

After surveying the options, Nicole reached for a pre-made cheddar popcorn and apple juice. Michael picked at peanuts, leaving a mess of shells on the countertop. Seemed like a lot of work for an awfully small bite of food.

Nicole: Now what?

Michael: How about a film? We can watch it in the theater... So it's like a date?

Nicole: Sounds perfect.

With loaded arms, they journeyed back across the yard. They had skipped the theater on the tour earlier in the week so Nicole was excited to see it. It looked very much like a smaller version of a public movie space with a projector, grand screen and red-clothed rocking seats for 35. They dumped their arms in the first row and sat in the second while Michael debated the movie.

Michael: So, what should we watch? We have loads of horror movies! Or old black and whites... or 'Stooges?'

Nicole: Oh, I don't care.

Nicole just shrugged as her eyes continued to spin around the room, finally adjusting to the darkness. The walls and ceiling were all painted black. The only lights were those casting on the aisles and the lamp of the projector, illuminating the dust spinning in the air. Sitting next to her made him shy, but in the comfort and beauty of the darkness, Michael felt strong and powerful, just like being on stage. He watched Nicole's eyes focus back to him before he moved in for a kiss, loving the saltiness on her lips. She pulled away with a chuckle, wiping her glossy balm from his bottom lip. Michael relished in her touch. Then saw the movement of shadows by the door.

Janet: Oh, hey guys! Fancy seeing you here!

LaToya: Hi Michael! Hi Nicole!

The girls strutted in, Janet confidently leading the charge, then plopping down in the seat next to Nicole. LaToya circled and sat next to Michael.

Janet: Hope we aren't interrupting anything...

She spoke with an annoying grin, proudly playing dumb. Michael roughly retaliated with his own fake smile.

Michael: Well, if you think you are, maybe you should go!

Nicole: We were just trying to decide what movie to watch.

Nicole looked at Michael, squeezing his leg softly to calm him.

Nicole: What did you want to watch, Michael?

Michael: Um... 'Sound of Music?'

Janet instantly started to mock.

Janet: "The hiiiiiiills are aliiiiiiive--" WE KNOW! We've seen it a hundred times!

LaToya: What about 'It's a Wonderful Life?'

Janet: Or 'Casablanca!'

Michael: No way, that's too sappy! We can watch 'The Godfather!'

LaToya nudged him hard on the shoulder, making him grimace. She was always quick to scold  like a second Mother.

LaToya: You can't watch that, you're on a date!

He whispered aggressively back with a side-eye to Janet as she riffled through their snacks.

Michael: If I'm on a date, why are you two here!?

A gentle hand squeezed him again.

Nicole: Do you have 'To Kill a Mockingbird?' I love Greggory Peck.

Michael: Yeah! That's one of my favorites!

Nicole: I know.

With a quick wink, Nicole moved to kiss his cheek, but with a twist, Michael forced her to his lips instead. Leveraging off his thigh she kissed him back firmly until Janet's 'oooooooooo's' made her laugh and turn away. Michael glared again, but not so bitterly this time. It was impossible to be mad at her laughing cheeks full of grapes. Michael hopped up, running to the entertainment system to set up the connection. He liked watching their small talk from the back of the room as they passed popcorn back and forth down the row. Nicole seemed like a perfect fit.

The movie began as Michael bounced back down the ramp to his seat, laughing and snatching the popcorn from LaToya as she screeched and laughed in return. Nicole leaned against the armrest separating them, welcoming Michael to weave his arm around her back. She enjoyed his closeness, missing him in the moments between whispers in her ear. Small things like, "You smell nice." or "Do you want more popcorn?" 

Michael studied the movie, admiring it with fresh eyes as he always did, while toying with the shirt sleeve of his date. It was a long film, and finally towards the end Michael noticed he was the only one still watching. The girls had all fallen asleep. His fingertips moved lower, stroking the length of Nicole's arm until she started to stir. Then he whispered again.

Michael: Hey?

Covering her face in both hands, embarrassed she'd fallen asleep, Nicole  was about to apologize, but Michael stopped her with a finger over his own lips. His eyes were dark when he looked at her now. Unraveling himself, he nodded towards the door and pulled Nicole to standing, holding her hand again as they snuck out, leaving the black and white credits to play for a silent room.

Outside the sun was beginning to set, signaling time for this date to end. The large trees surrounding the pool swayed and danced in the evening breeze. Michael couldn't help himself from joining them, outstretching both arms to soak in the remaining sunlight. This was his favorite time of day.

Michael: Sorry about my sisters in there. They're kind of a pain, huh?

Nicole: Don't apologize. I think they're sweet for looking out for you.

Michael: Mmmhm, that's what they want you to think...

He took a few steps ahead before turning around and walking backwards. Facing Nicole he couldn't help but look her over. He smiled approvingly of her casual attire. Hair pulled back, jeans, and a fitted t-shirt reminding him of the morning they first kissed.

Nicole: I was surprised you kissed me in front of them though.

Michael: Oh? Should I not have?

She blushed a little and shrugged again. Watching Michael boldly stare was making her nervous. Then he stopped in his tracks, her body nearly crashing into his tall frame as he reached to steady her. He was trying desperately not to smile. 

Nicole: I mean, I don't mind. I just wasn't sure what the rules were with this kind of thing. I know your family is awfully modest.

Michael: Yes, well, that's true... But I told you girl, I'm a rebel.

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