A 5 SOS fanfic(slow Update)

By SissyMoon17

1K 14 20

Desi,Rem,Cryzal, and Ella life was great. well that all changes when Desi and Rem get attacked and meet the b... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4(Edited)
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30

chapter 10

27 0 0
By SissyMoon17


Dude i have 87 readers. Thanks to all that's been along so far. Well here's the story.

Rems pov:

Knowing i was going to loss the moment we started i didn't bother trying. Even though i was in shape i knew id never beat the fastest person i know. Pluss i didn't want to be in pain afterwards.

It took us three hours to complete the race because they kept making us rerace. I felt a slight pain in my shoulder not wanting to show it i grounded my teeth together.

"Come one Desi you need to get a shower now. So do you too," Ella said helping a tired me and a slightly tired Desi off the ground.

Well all she really did with me has hold her hand out. She didn't pull or yank my arm .

She had to pull Des up because she has no arm strangth at all.

After showering Des and i went down stairs and sat with the others.

"Hey Rem you thinking what I'm thinking?"Des asked me.

"If its about having a movie night I'm all in," i said smiling at her deviously.

"Hey can we have a movie night ?" Ella asked from inside the kitchen just as she walked into it.

"Um it's up to the boy's if they to stay the night because i don't care," i said laying my head back on the couch.

"We're staying the night,"Calum answered back.

"What do you guys want to watch?"Des asked getting up and going to her and my movie collection. "I've got the popcorn," i said heading twords the kitchen.

"Does any one want extra butter on theres?"i asked.

Seeing none rase their hands or say anything i mentally yesed. After making eleven bags i had filled two giant bowls full.All i had left to do was add the extra butter and id be on my way. When i got back in the living room everyone was siguated in their spots.

Ella was sitting in the floor next to Calum. Ashton was sitting on one of the couches with Cry. Michael and Des sat apart not touching at all. Luke sat on one side of the other couch. Seeing as i didn't want to sit on the floor i choose to sitt on the same couch as Luke.

After about two and a half movies i began to fall a sleep. Looking around i saw that everyone else had fallen asleep so i desided to go to sleep to.

When i woke up the next day i saw that Ella was already up and heading twoard the kitchen.

"Ella do you think we should cook for them?" I asked straching to my full 5"7 height.

"Yeah," she said begging to pull out bread, eggs, flour,bacon,and the pancake mix.

Hearing the sizzling of oil CalPal and Cry came running into the kitchen with wide smiles on their faces. After a while Ashton woke up and then Luke woke up. The only ones not awake was Michael and Des. I guess our loud voices woke him but because right as their thought entered my head he was standing in the kitchen door way.

"Michael will you please go wake Des up?"i asked sweetly

"Yeah ill get her up," he said more alert yet sleepy at the same time.

"Desi its time to get up,"Michael said shacking her gently.

She wouldnt wake up so Michael just sat there looking at her.

"Aw she's so cute just likely a kitten," he said gushing over how cute Des was when she slept.

Hearing him say this Desi opened her eyes and said," Shut up you pervert."

"Oww i see the kitchen has claws," he said getting up and walking back into the kitchen.

"Des get up now or you won't eat!" I yelled from the stove flipping the last pancake.

"Okay," she said walking into the kitchen.

"Well don't you look like a happy family," someone said from the door way.

I turned around to be meet with my older and younger brothers standing in the kitchen door frame.

All my brothers stood taller than me. My older brother was 6" foot. His name is Drake. He's twenty-two.

One of my younger brothers was fifteen and stood at 6"5. He was known as Cade. Then their was my baby brother, Jason. He's going to be thr tallest at the rate he was going. Hes ten at 5"2.

"Brothers," i say running up to them rapping my arms around them.

" Will you be staying for breakfast?" I asked.

"That's what i wanted to talk about," my oldest brother said.

"You were wondering if id woch the boys while you attend to one of yeh meetings again. Don't you?" I asked

"Ye little sister i would," he answered.

"Will you atleast stay and eat?"

"I'm afraid not sister. My meeting starts in a frew wee minutes. The company thanking of signing a all girl group and I've got to be their. And boys you have a concert coming up. Yeh manager toll me to tell you." He said agnoligeing the boys.

"Well you know the girls won't bite now go eat and you mister better be on your way," i said showing my older brother out the door and locking it.

So you guys have meet Rems siblings next probably going to Desis' or Crys. Don't know just yet and a big thank you to one of my best friends JoilBug63. I'm sorry if i misspelled your user name. Don't be mad. So until next time my lovely humans.


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