chapter 2

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A/N this chapter has been edited on 12/25/2021 more will be done soon trust me

Desi's PoV:

"She looks so perfect standing there in my american underwear,"I hear my alarm blare.

"Damn we have work today,"I said getting out of my warm bed and into the cold room.I had to wake up one of my roommate and best friend. We've known each other since we were young. Her name's Rem but her real name's Remedy. She turns twenty  today and I'm seventeen almost eighteen.
"She's a good girl hasn't been caught caught,"i heard her alarm blare.

Rem is like a sister to me.  I've known her since we were in fourth grade. 

" Rem get up we have work," I said shacking her.

All she did was make this grunting sound and roll over.

Knowing the only two ways to get her up I yelled," Om Rem! Luke Hemming is in your bedroom! "


"What!" I said jumping up and in the  process flash Desi

"GREAT God my sweet virgin eyes! "Desi screamed looking away.

"Well that' s what you get when you wake me up. Now go get dressed or i'll have mamma nerd come out," I said while getting my clothing and heading towards the bathroom. 

"I'm ready now," I said sliding on my shoes.

We both work at Nan-dos. I work as head floor leader and Desi works as the head cook.

"What do you thank will happen today?"

"Desi you never know maybe someone famous will walk in today ." I said as a joke,knowing nothing like that ever happened around our part of town.

"Come on so we can go do damage control, " Desi said walking out.

Seeing us the mangier, looking relieved, came over to us saying, " Okay guys thanks for coming in, even if it is Rems' birthday. All you guys have to do is wait on four guys. One of them rented the hole restaurant for him and his mattes. "

"Yes sir," we say I heading to the kitchen and Rem to the front of the restaurant.

Six minutes later and the front door opened to revile four young males.

"Hello sirs you must be Mr Hood. Please follow me and pick any table you would like," I said showing them the dinner area. After some debate they chose the table closest to the fronts back door and the door to the kitchen

"Rem! You forgot your pen!" Desi yelled walking out from the kitchen.

"Im not wearing it."I state crossing my arms.

"Come on Rem. Pretty please," she says. Her eyes going big and round and her lip puckering. 

She knows that when she really wants something all she has to do is pull those eyes and id fold. She always gets her way when she does it and she knows it.

"Fine but, you owe me a new beanie,"I state taking it from her and clipping it to my uniform.

"They said they don't really need me today.Maria had her appointment days wrong again. Where should i meant you after you're done. After we'll go to the mall and get you that hat thingy you want," she says smiling wide and leaning against the empty chairs back.

"Well if you want you could wait here with us until were done and then you guys are free to go," the blond one of the four said smiling at us. As i looked at them all i tried to remember where i had seen all of them. As it finally clicked i smiled wide trying not to bounce in happiness. I don't understand how i didn't put two and two together, especially with his last name. I swear i can be a little stupid at times.The one with green hair coughed and cleared his throat.

"Guys i don't know about you but i want food." He states. Noticing his rudeness he blushes brightly looking everywhere but at us.

"Oh yeah sorry about that guys. What kind of food do you want? i asked smiling wider and taking our my notepad. Quickly taking there order i walked to the kitchen order board trying to be calm.

" Hey Desi can i talk to you in the employs room," i said to Desi after I had served them.

"Omg!! Rem do you know who that is?" She asked.

" Yes its the guys we adore so much. My  blonde boy and your ,as you say, your strumming God," I said

" We must be dreaming. " she sighs leaning against the lockers, her hand on her chest. I could see by the look in her eyes she was star struck.

Quickly  we walked back out to the boys table I made sure they didn't need anything before they left and collecting all there dishes and payment. A smile grew on my face noticing the two hundred pounds they had left us as a tip. 

"Okay we need to get home, " I said changing back into the clothes I had on before work. 

"Are the boys fully gone?"  she asks as she laces her shoes again. Her face was still red from the time she sat with the boys.

" I think so. You know we have to meet Cry and Ella at our place right." I said walking out into the restaurant. Outside we could see the sun just barely sitting by the sky's color.

"Its always so beautiful when the son sets, yet so sad because it means the day is over," She says sighing sadly and we step outside ready to leave."Yeah I just can't believe 5SOS was in our restaurant, " she said jumping up and down squealing her head of.

"Calm down we need to save all that energy for practice." I say laughing slightly at her exitedness.

"Okay," she said as we began walking towards our apartment.

About a block from our apartment we were stopped by a group or clearly drunk or high men.

Before i can process anything we are both shouved into the wall. The men to close for my likeings, Especially to Desi. 

"Id advise you to let me and my friend go before i hurt you." I state looking him in the eyes.

All the man did was laugh."What are you gonna do about it bitch?" he asked looking me up and down.

"I think we found some good ones tonight." The second man said smiling wickedly pushing against Desi making her whimper.

"Over my dead body" I say headbutting the dude the kneeing him in his nuts.

He quickly grabbed both in pain doubling over and i quickly as possible i run towards Desi.

Once i was free i grabbed the other by his shirt and yanked him away moving in front of her not noticing the other guy of the three. He had remained silent the whole time till the other two were away from us slightly. As he came as me we began to fight.

"Desi run now!" i yelled hoping at least she would get away.

All of a sudden he stopped and smiled wide and before i knew it i felt something cold and heavy hit my head conking me out.

So what about it guys. Comment what you think.  Okay. Bye. To the side is Rems hair.



A 5 SOS fanfic(slow Update)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang