chapter 6

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Desis' pov
I can't believe she actually got it done. I'm so proud of her!

"Michael where do you want to eat? No Nando's!" I say as Mikey and I run towards the food court.

"How about TacoBell?"he asked.( I don't know if malls have TacoBell, I'm just putting it in there so deal with it)

"Have you guys decided on where we eat?" Ashton asked, walking up to us.

"Please tell me its TacoBell,"Rem pleaded.

"How did you know?" Michael asked. 

"Because Desi knows i could always go for a taco."

"Well let's go before you get grumpy," I say, grabbing a hold of Rem's arm pulling her.
"I don't get grumpy," she protested as we sat at a table.
After about six minutes of us waiting a young blonde came to take our order. 
"What can i get you boys?"she asked completely ignoring Rem and i.
"Excuse me, we're here, too,"Rem said calmly.

"What do you want to drink?" Calum asked int my right ear.

"Dr. Pepper for Rem and Tea for me," i answered back.

"Three Dr. Peppers, one tea, one Coke, and one Fanta," Calum replied to the waitress.

"Your drinks will be here momentarly," she answered walking away swigging her ugly flat ass.

"Well, wasn't she rude,"I said.

"God, I hate girls like her," Michael said, snearing.

After about five minutes she came back carrying our drinks with a fake smile planted on her lips.

"Here you guys go,"she said putting down the boys drink.

As she began to put ours down she nocked my drink into my lap, causing me jump up.

"You bitch. You did that on purpose," i said feeling Rems hand on my shoulder instantly calming me down.

When i looked at the waitress face i saw shock and confusion. 

"I'm so sorry i didnt mean to say that,"I say running my hand through my hair and sitting down next to Rem.

Seeing her walk away i placed my head on the table. To be honest, I felt like crap for what i just did. I had to take anger management classes.

"Desi, its okay you didnt mean to yell at her,"Rem said patting my back, trying to bring me out of my depression.

"What can i get you?" she asked coming back to our table shooting daggers my way.

I knew Rem was close to snapping because i could felt her hole body start to shake from holding it in.Just as she took the boys order she walked away without taking mine nor Rems order.

After about twenty-five minutes she brought the boys their order. That's when Rem exploded one her.

"How dare you, you little slut. First you ignore us,then you spill an drink on my friend making her fell bad about yelling at you, and you go on to ignore us and then you show poor service skills by not taking a customer's order..." was all she got out before she noticed i was basically caving in on myself in fear.

Rem was never the one to break down in public, but she did the moment she saw my fear stricken face. 

"Im so sorry, Des,"she said as a tear leaked down her face.

"It's okay," i answered as i saw her broken expression when she saw me.

"Well if you two hoes weren't here, i could be with blondie there," she said stepping into Rem's face.

A 5 SOS fanfic(slow Update)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя