Chapter 8

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Lukes PoV(Yeah i did it):

Hearing their advice, I continued to make my way to her room.

"Rem, can i come in?" Hearing no response i walked in any way.

I looked all around the room and she was no were to be found so i looked in the closet. She wasn't in the closet so i desoded she probaly was in the bathroom.

"Rem are you okay?" I asked, knocking on the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine," i heard her say softly.

"I'm sorry for what i said to you earlier, I don't know what came over me, can you accept my apology?" I asked.

"Yeah, as long as you dont do it again," she said, opening the door and giveing me a tight hug. i couldn't help but think about how it felt to have her perfect body pressed against mine as we hugged.She was beautiful no matter what people said.

I know people wouldn't approve of our relationship because she was two years older than me and the same age as Ashton.I didn't care at that moment all what they thought, I liked her more than i had anyone in my whole entire life.

"Come on, we need to show the others that im not upseat anymore,"She said pulling me out of the room and down the stairs.

"Were did they go ?" I asked noticing everyone was gone.

"They might be at the pool," She said walking through the back door and walking over to a giant pool that I hadn't noticed earlier. 

"Hey guys,"Desi says popping up out of the water right in front of us.

"SO did you guys kiss and make up?"Michael asked popping up next to Desi making her jump in supries.

Seeing her like this i couldnt help but laugh at the too. hearing my laugh Rem and Desi both shoot me death glares.

"Sorry i didn't mean to laugh," I said calming down.

"Its fine," they both said at the same time.

"You two go get changed so you to can come join us in the pool," Desi said pointing to two shacks on the left and right side of the pool.

"Okay,"we both said sighing and heading to go get changed.

"But why are we swimming when its so cold out?" I asked before stepping into the little building

"Its a heated pool you idiot. Dang and i thought Cry was dumb," Desi said going all sassy.

Hearing her say this i thought of Louis from one direction and how sassy he was when we were on tour with them.

"Honey, he's way smarter than he looks," Michael sassied back.

I didn't hear Desi's responce to what Michael said because once he said that i closed the door. I hated when Michael did that always standing up for me just because im younger by what, a year? After picking a blue pair of swim trunks i headed outside. When i walked out, I saw Rem in her baby blue swimmsuiet and i found her even cuter than what se was before.

Rems PoV:

After changing i stepped out of the changing room. When i walked out, so did Luke. As i stood there i felt Luke eyes bore into my body.

Knowing Desi was going to do something sarcistic I watched her walk up behinde a destracted Luke.Getting right behinde him she tapped him on the shoulder and whispered loudely,"Enjoying the view, Mr Hemmings?"

Hearing her ask this Luke and I both looked away from each other blusheing slightly.Wanting to hide my enbarassement i dove into the water.When I came up i wasn't as read faced as i was before.

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