chapter 18

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"Okay how much did you guys get cleaned up?" I asked as we loaded up the van.

"We got the the first and second floor but not the third nor fourth,"Michael said looking bored

"Okay since you guys did that well clean the rest,"Ella said looking at Ashton with eyes full of love.

I couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same about her.

"What about our stuff?"i asked

"Its already packed and their moving it tomorrow evening,"Cry said stopping the conversation she was having with Calum.

"Guys we have something to tell."Calum said as we pulled up into their yard.

"What is it CalPal?"I asked.

"Well me and Cry are going out,"i answered.

"Aw Calum that's so adorible!"we all corised at the same time.

"I thought you guys would be mad"

"No huny were proud of you. Now come on i need to get inside before i fall,"i said.

After six hours of us deep cleaning the house they were finally done.

"I'm tired,"Desi saying sitting down next to me.

"Who wants to play a game?"Cry asked

"I do!"we all said around the room.

"How about never have i ever?"Ashton and Luke asked.

"Okay,"i answered.

I mean how harmless could this game be.

"Never have i kissed a boy?"Ashton said more like questioned.

The only ones to put up a finger was me and Ella.

Then it was Luke's turn."Never have i ever lost my verginety?"

None put their fingers up.

Then Calum."Never have i had a boyfriend."

The only one to put their fingers up were us girls.

Then Michael. "Never have i obsessed over a boy band.

Everyone but him had a finger up.

Then Ella. "Never have i ever had a crush on Luke Robert Hemmings"

The only person to put up a finger was ofcorse me.

We sat their for a total of four minutes before Desi spoke up,"Never have i kissed a girl."

Every one but me,Ella,and Cry put up a finger.

Then it went Cry. "Never have i tried on a shoe two sizes to small.

"Everyone but me and Desi put up a finger.

"Never have i ever had an adiction the skittles."

All the boys put their fingers up.

"Never have i ever had the biggest foot in my family on female or male,"Ashton said

And of course i had to put my finger up ending the game.

"What shoe size do you have?"Luke asked .

"You don't need to know," i sais yawning.

"Lets go to bed,"Ashton said yawning to.

After an hour of us getting ready for bed we all said goodnight and passed out .
Okay guys how did you like it. How about Calum and Cry. Do you ship it? Okay imma go now bye.

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