
By Haddassa

139K 3.6K 308

What would you do if the family you were adopted by was actually a family of werewolves, creatures you had be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chaper 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 27

2.8K 74 12
By Haddassa

I have a feeling this will fill your hunger for some revenge. Hope you all enjoy!!!!

Chapter 27

I couldn't stop gasping like a pathetic fish. Of course my childhood best friend just happen to be my mates girlfriend! Did the world truly hate me so much? Did fate do this, just to sit up there laughing his ass off at the expression on my face? Keila looked back and forth, confused why her boyfriend was growling at me. Her brows furrowed in confusion. Jace started to shake with fury.

"Why are you here?" he growled.

I could feel my throat tighten up, but ignored it. I promised myself I would be strong, if not for me then for my family.

I returned the glare with one of my own icy ones. I couldn't reply though. I knew if I spoke my voice would crack, giving away the hurt that I felt. I would just have to show my own hatred with my expressions.

"I asked, what are you doing here?" he snarled in an alpha tone that I had always hated. As if it could affect me. That snapped me out of the hurt.

"It doesn't matter why I'm here, just accept I'm here!" I yelled.

I felt the heat of what felt like a thousand bodies, all coming to watch. I didn't dare look away from Jace though to see who was really there. I kept my glare up, making him move Keila behind him, to protect her from me. After all I was his biggest threat. I could ruin him by just uttering the word mate, and either his life or mine would end. If mine ended his wolf would be crushed, ruined. It still hurt to know that he was protecting his girlfriend from me, his mate. But that was only in the back of my mind, it was overcome too much by anger.

"What is going on Jace? Eliana?" Keila asked. There was no answer from either of us.

She pushed herself in front of Jace, pushing his protective arms away, and stood in front of me.

"What the hell is going on?" she asked me.

I looked up at Jace, but he silently shook his head. Oh, so now he was asking me for a favour, I thought sarcastically. I looked back at her, but couldn't think of what to say. I'm your boyfriend's mate, but he isn't accepting me because I'm from the Jenner pack. That would go well!

Neither of us knew what to say. I wanted to tell her everything, but didn't know if our friendship from years ago was strong enough to protect me. I shook my head, at a loss of words.

Her eyes darkened, and she turned to Jace. He too said nothing, just looked down. Well didn't we feel guilty. She turned and walked off, out of the crowd that had gathered around, mostly Jace's pack members, but also a few curious humans. After all, the new girl was getting into a argument with the most popular guy in school.

Now that Keila left, it was just Jace and I.

He lowered his voice, into a whisper. "Why are you here?" he asked.

"It's a long story, by let's just say its your fault," I snarled dryly.

"How the hell is it my fault, I did absolutely nothing," he snarled back.

"Exactly, you did nothing!" I said back with just as much anger, if not more.

His eyes turned pitch black, he ran up and grabbed me, and pinned me against the locker, with his arm on my neck. I tried to ignore the tingles it sent through my body, with the skin contact or his arm at my neck. I didn't panic though, and focused on getting out of the hold.

"Don't tell me I did nothing!" Seems somebody doesn't like it when people say he's lazy.

I grabbed at his arm, and drew my fingers down, slicing the skin with my nails, and revealing blood. I then pulled my knee up with great force, and got him in the stomach. He stepped back, cursing under his breath.

I was beyond furious now. Nothing could calm me down.

"Don't you ever touch me. I don't care who you are. I don't care what happens between us, but don't you dare touch me again!" I snarled.

"What you have done to me in the past is beyond acceptable. You ruined me! For nights I would cry myself to sleep, and all because of you."

I got up close to him, and gave a solid punch in the face, getting his eye, before kneeing him real good in the balls. The air whooshed out of him in a whistle. As he started to fall to his knees, I grabbed his head, laced my fingers roughly through his hair, and brought his face to contact with knee with a sickening crunch. Blood started to spew out of his now broken nose. I released my grip on him, and he feel to the ground in shock. I was so glad for the mate supper strength thing.

I couldn't understand why he wasn't fighting back, but was glad for it. Maybe he was just too shocked I was finally fighting back. I was glad I was. My veins were pumping with adrenaline, anger, and a hint of joy. I finally had the upper hand in what was going on between us.

"Because of you, I literally had to run until I threw up when I was your captive, and then I couldn't even go home, because you were attacking my family. And you know what? When that intruder was near you, you didn't try to stop him, and now I have a savage trying to kill me. I betrayed my family to tell you that mutt was on your land. You never even gave me a damn thanks!" I spat out in fury. He flinched at the word mutt.

"I also have you and all your family trying to kill me. So I got moved right back into that orphanage that had been my prison for 6 years, because my family felt that I was in too much danger and that it was all their fault. It wasn't their fault! It was yours!" I sent a sharp hard kick into his ribs. He gasped in pain, but still lay there on the ground in complete shock.

"After what you said to me in that jail, I was messed up. You were supposed to help me, protect me. Instead you broke my heart! You ripped it out of my chest and set it on fire before putting it back! I was ruined! For weeks! That was until that my family felt I was no longer safe in their care. And you know what? All you had to do was protect me at least once, not cower like the fool you are! Then I wouldn't be here. I would be at home, with my family! Not in a school full of people who would love to see me dead with my head on a spear in the front yard!" I yelled.

Tears started to blur my vision. I kicked him again, this time harder. I'm pretty sure I heard something snap. With the crack of his rib, it brought some people out of their trance. They started to growl at me, and John came forth. I don't know if he was there the entire time, but he had a sad expression on his face.

He pulled me by the arm, and I gave in. I was so tired. I couldn't be mad at him. He had done nothing wrong, if anything he had helped me out a lot. Some of the pack members were helping Jace back up. He gasped at the pain in his ribs, and his nose.

I started to really cry, as John led me away from the crowd. He pulled me into an empty classroom, where I fell to the floor. The adrenaline must have kept all of Jace's pain at bay, because now that my body was resting I could feel the extent of the pain he was going through at that moment.

I started to sob on the ground where I had just fallen down. John looked helpless, not knowing what to do. Give him a rouge, no problem, but give him a crying girl and he was in trouble.

"Sh, saying it's ok won't comfort you, but I want you to know that you pretty much did what I had been wanting to do for the past few weeks."

I laughed through my tears, and wiped them away.

"See, that's better," he said relieved I was no longer bawling. "Would you like to tell me what happen?"

I sat there for a bit hugging my knees, and staring at the dark stain on the floor. I finally spoke.

"I was a wreck after I got back home. Nobody understood what had happen that made me pull away so much. I would cry all the time.

"Then there was this rouge my family found on our land, and they chased it down, but got it onto your territory. That stupid mate pull made me feel like I was hurting my mate by not giving him a heads up. I called Jace and told him, but he told me to never call him again. I had betrayed my family's trust, all for nothing. They never did find out what I had done, though. The rouge was chased back onto our land by your pack, and it saw me crying over Jace. I think it figured out Jace was my mate, but it also figured out that I was the daughter of the alpha.

"My family felt that it was no longer safe for me. It was already pushing the limit to keep me with you guys trying to kill me, but with the rouge it was too much. They put me back into the orphanage yesterday, and I just snapped. I couldn't stand that I had spent so much time crying over my mate. I spent the last few weeks with my family in despair. Everything kind of built up, and I lashed out at Jace," I explained.

John had another very sad expression on his face.

"I could take you home if you'd like? You don't really look like you should be in school for much longer."

"No, I don't want to look like a coward that runs away after her problems," I said.

He nodded, and held out his hand for me. I eyed it for a second, before accepting the offer for help. He pulled me up as if I weighed nothing.

"Ready to go back to class?" he asked me.

I shook my head, not really wanting to go back just yet. I excused myself to the bathroom, to clean up. John waited outside for me.

I walked into the bathroom, to find it empty. Good. I walked up to the mirror, and found myself looking like death. I had dark rings around my eyes, my eyes were red from crying, and my face was pale for some reason. I tore off a paper towel, and dampened it before dabbing away the makeup.

I froze and looked at my eyes for a long time. They looked sad, with all the light sucked out. I tried to smile, but realized that didn't help either. The smile just didn't reach my eyes. They would just stay sad and empty.

I plastered on a fake smile, and walked out to meet John.

"Won't you get in trouble for helping me?" I asked him.

"For right now, no. The perks of being a Beta. I just have to avoid seeing Jace for a couple of periods."

He walked me over to my locker, where I picked up my binder that had fallen during the argument.

"What period do you have now?" he asked me.

"Um, English 10."

"Me too."

He led me to class, but on the way he started to chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked him.

"Your the only person that would ever get into a fight like that on your first day at a new school, let alone before second period even started," he answered.

He was right. It was really funny. I started to laugh, and he started to grin.

"There you go. Now that's a real smile."

I slapped his arm playfully.

"Abusive!" I bit back a laugh, and just stared straight ahead.

When we entered class it got quite, and everyone stopped and stared at the girl that beat up the school's most popular student. I followed John to his seat. As I passed pack members they growled at me, and it took all of my strength not to snap and attack them too. I sat down, and the teacher asked who I was. She then got the class to focus and get back to brainstorming for a paper that would be do in a month. They were each given a list of historical topics, and would have a chance to research and write a paper on the topics.

She handed the list to me, with all but seven of the topics crossed off. I scanned over the few topics left, and chose the Salem Witch Trial. Once my topic was chosen I just sat back and pulled out my iPod. I started to play temple run, but couldn't focus enough to jump over roots.

Instead my mind drifted to the trouble I would be in when I see Jace next time. Would he beat me up? Would he kill me? Would he simply ignore me? So many questions, but none of them I was sure I knew the answer to.

By the time lunch came around, everyone knew of what happen. Some people congratulated me. Some glared, while others just smirked. One time a girl came up to me, and tried to punch me for beating up her apparent crush. I caught the punch, and pushed her away from me.

I was all alone when I enters the cafeteria. John had promised to be my bodyguard, but bailed on me. He never met me by my classroom after the bell rang. As soon as I entered over a thousand pairs of eyes all snapped up to me. I felt like vanishing into thin air. I looked at my hand. Damn, didn't work.

I took a small step back, but crashed into a hard chest. I tensed up, fearing the worst. When nothing but a strong pair of arms reached out to help support me, I relaxed. I turned around to find mystery helper to be Daniel. He glared at the crowed, getting them all to turn around.

He pulled me into line, holding a protective arm around my waist. This position would usually be very uncomfortable, but since he was like a brother to me, I thought nothing of it. We got our food, and he pulled me down to sit at a table full of what I would call jocks. I raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

"What?" he asked with a huge bite of food in his mouth, muffling the what to sound like "wu".

I chuckled at him. "When you were younger, you didn't even like sports, now your a jock?"

He swallowed, thank god, before answering. "Hey I just started to like them, ok?" he said back defensively. "When you were younger, you looked like a boy with long hair!"

"Are you saying that I wasn't pretty at all? I wouldn't be making fun of the girl that just beat up-" I was cut off. My large smirk was transformed into an annoyed frown.

"Hey, aren't you the girl that beat up Jace?" Somebody at the table asked.

I turned around, to look at the interrupter. It was a boy who was sitting at the other side of the table. He had light blond hair, and humor filled blue eyes.

"I am," I said smugly.

Daniel snorted from my side, and I elbowed him in the chest.

"Trust me when I say this on behalf of the entire table, thank you. We have all been putting up with too much of his crap."

They all started to nod in agreement. They started to look at me, trying to figure me out. One guy with reddish hair was plain out checking me out.

"Daniel, you lied. She's hot!" he said, with far too much ego. 

I scoffed at him, before flat out ignoring him. I turned back to Daniel, who was glaring at the ego headed moron.

"Eliana! What the hell did you do?" somebody asked from behind me.

I turned around, to see Abby behind me. She continued marching to my table.

"I've heard so many rumours-" I stood up, and put a hand on her mouth.

"Sh!" I whisper yelled. "Do you want the whole school to know?" I asked while pulling her down to the empty seat next to me. I still had my hand over her mouth.

She gave me a pointed look. Translation, take your hand off of my mouth before I lick it. Message comprehended, I thought dryly to myself before pulling my hand off.

"The entire school already knows. Now, are the rumors really true?" she asked, lowing her voice, while glancing at the table. The boys were all going off on their own conversation, not a single one caring about our own.

"What did you hear?" I asked, fearing the worse.

"Your still hung up on Jace, who had dumped you a year ago. So when you saw him you got so pissed you beat him up."

I started to smirk, at the long game of telephone, better known as rumours.

"The beating up part, yes. The dated him a year ago, and still hung up on him, no. We never even dated."

She let out a breath of relief. The bell suddenly rang, and she walked me to my next class.

By the end of the day, I was the most spoken about girl. On the bus, people would try to find out why I had beaten him up? Had I really beaten him up? But the oddest one was- Was I really a mass murderer, out to get hot guys? Some idiot asked me that one, and I just laughed in her face.

When we got home, everyone scattered to go do homework and relax. I grabbed a book, and my iPod, and headed into the pantry. I moved around a couple of boxes full of food, to form a mini fort to protect me from any curious eyes by the door. I started to read, but tears just flowed down my face freely. It wasn't crying, there were no sniffles. It was just what had been held in. I tried to act as though I wasn't crying, and read. I read until Emily started to call everyone out for dinner. I came out of the pantry, after destroying my mini fort to hide the evidence I was in there, and sat down to eat. I ate some of the spaghetti, hoping that the food would encourage my appetite, but it didn't help. I ended up just moving my food around on my plate.

There was a knock at the door, and a little third grader jumped up to get it. A minute later, with the entire table craning their necks to see who it was, the third grader walked back in, with a tear stained Keila. I stopped pushing my food around, and froze. Keila still looked like a golden beauty, standing there with her head down. When she finally looked up, her eyes latched with mine, and I could see hurt, confusion, and anger, all swimming at the surface.

"Keila, so nice to see you again!" Emily said, standing up to give her a hug. As expected, Emily didn't mention anything about the tears, acting as if they weren't there. That was what Emily was like. If she felt it was something that we wanted to overlooked, then it would be.

"I guess your here to catch up with Eliana?" she turned to me, "you get permission to leave the table, but just this once."

Emily also had a thing with eating dinner together as a whole. We all had nobody else out there for us, so why not have each other.

I nodded, before standing up and leading the way to my- our old room. I let Keila in, and she walked over to her old bed. She sat on it crisscross. I shut the door. I slowly turned around to my doom. That's a little melodramatic. Hey! I could very easily die in just a few minutes, I thought defensively. I really needed help, I was fighting inside my own head.

Keila was still sitting there when I turned around. Ok, so she wasn't going to kill me... yet. God, I really need to stop that. I walked over to my own bed, and sat on it facing her. She was looking down at her hands, just staring.

"Eliana?" she broke off.

"Yes?" I encouraged her to go on.

"What is really going on?" she asked, looking up then.

Our eyes locked, and that's when I knew I was going to tell the whole truth. Not just bits and pieces. All of it! Nobody else out there knew all the truth. They are all missing some of it. Even John was missing a bit. And I just so happen to be sharing it all with the girl who had been my friend when no one else would, my sister, my guardian, the only real good I had in my old life. I was also sharing with the same girl that was dating my mate, slept with my mate, and had the guts to cry over him who then came over to cry over him to me.

That urge that I had last night came back. This time nothing could hold me back. No fear of telling somebody about the supernatural world around them, that they had no clue existed. No fear of telling something that would be disappointed. No holding back on the details. I was ready to just pour out like a faucet. But first...

"You have to promise me one thing." She nodded telling me to continue.

I continued on. "You can't look at this from the view point of a loyal wolf of the Steffen's pack, or as Jace's girlfriend. Just look at me like old times, as my best friend."

Her mouth was gaping open, probably from shock that I knew about what she was. She finally got her mouth to close, and she was eyeing me wearily. It was a lot to ask for. We sat there in silence as she thought. Finally she spoke up.

"I will!"

"It all started the day I was adopted-"

Haha! finally! hope you all enjoyed it.

So... What do you guys think about it? Please I would really like a lot of feed back.

Once again, please Vote and Comment!!!!!!!!!!

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