The Dolls

By DollMaker268

467 10 4

Victoria is the servant of a insane (And insanely rich.) man who makes dolls out of humans. Who will be next... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7: A Dreadful Surprise.
Part 8
Part 9
Unofficial part 10
Writers block is killing me

Part 10: Just a dream.

12 0 1
By DollMaker268

Noah woke up in a dimly lit room that smelled horrible, he recognized this room and he hated it. He tried to stand but his leg gave out under him and he heard the handle on the door turn. Then he woke up. He was back in the dorms safe far away from there. It took him a second to process his dream but when he did he burst into tears. Loud sobs echoed through the hall connected his and Victoria's room waking her up. She got up and went into his room expecting him to have been hurt.

"What's wrong?" Victoria asked not being able to see into the room well because the sun wasn't up yet.

"I just had a bad dream is all." Noah said feeling bad for having woke her.

"Alright just quite down." Victoria said walking out of the room, both of them going back to sleep.

Later in the day Noah refused to get out of bed and Victoria having no other choice left him there and went to class. Noah heard a knock at the door and after it wouldn't go away begrudgingly answered the door.  A boy stood in front of him holding a bag.

"This was lost and it said to bring it here." The boy said handing Noah the bag.

"Oh okay then..." Noah said clearly uninterested and wanting to go back to bed.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick?" The boy exclaimed worriedly.

"Uh sick yeah..." Noah retorted about to close the door.

"Wait!" The boy shouted putting his foot in the door.

"Are you actually okay?"

"Why do you care? Your acting like a mom." Noah said spitefully.

"You don't seem fine at all and I'm worried. May I come in?"

All of a sudden Noah got a idea and felt his mood start to elevate but not exactly in a good way.

"You know what? Sure, come on in!" Noah said opening the door and leading the boy into his room. He walked over to his desk grabbing the bottle with his pills in it and ignored the label saying Take one and grabbed three washing it down with water and grabbing a cigarette lighting it, taking a puff then putting it out on his arm flinching as it burned his skin and joined a couple other scars.

"You know I think you are very cute. Si je voulais, je pourrais vous épingler au mur et vous débarrasser de vos tripes. But I wont do that for now." Noah said switching between speaking French and English both two langues he knew well due to him speaking french until he was 5 and continued to learn until he was about 10.

"Are you okay?" The boy said surprised at what he just did and somewhat knowing what he said.

"Do you know what its like to see the world through a filter of sheer bliss? It's heaven and hell. D'une part, vous vous sentez incroyable, mais vous savez qu'une fois qu'il s'estompe, vous chercherez de plus en plus jusqu'à ce que vous vous écrasiez et brûliez. Want to feel it?" Noah said completely manic and having little logic left only wanting a reaction for his own amusement. And the medicine he took would numb all trauma responses and exacerbate his mania.

"You know normally I would feel like I would die if I did this but I fixed that."

"Well that would be nice I suppose... Sure I'll play your game." The boy said unknowing the mess he was about to get into. Quite literally.

"Drink this." Noah said handing him a bottle labeled Coca-Cola. (Coco-Cola at the time had cocaine in it. Though it came out in 1886 and this is 1885 it's my world so I'm making it come out in 1885.)  The boy gulped down the drink and quickly felt its euphoric affects. Noah got closer to him and wrapped his arms around his and leaned into kiss him.

To Victoria - Same time: First person

I got out of my days last class and had time until I was expected back and God knows I wouldn't want to get back before that degenerate expected. I don't even want to imagine what he's doing right now.  Anyway I walked around campus and a meek looking girl walked up to me clearly wanting trouble.

"What's wrong with you? You always act so high and mighty like you're better then us!" She yelled like the pathetic waste of air she was.

"But I am better then you." I said with a snarky tone I'm not very proud to admit I made.

"Oh yeah! Fight me then!"

"Gladly." I said rushing at her kicking her in the stomach knocking the wind out of her and tackling her. I punched her with my fully-functioning hand and more just limply hitting her with my prosthetic hand. Eventually the adrenaline rush stopped and I got off of her.

"Are you sorry?" I asked watching her crying on the ground surrounded by a crowd of people.


What's that I didn't hear you very well?" I wanted to hear her yell it, that she was sorry and she knows it.


"Yes what?"

"Yes I-I'm sorry for making fun of you."

"Good." I said walking away towards the dorms but I noticed I still had a half-hour left and I went to go get some more of that drink Noah likes so much and that makes him slightly more tolerable short of when he's sleeping of course. Along the way I noticed some blood making my glove cling to the joints of my wrist and make them very noticeable. I got the the store and got the drink and new gloves and returned to the dorms to see a very disheveled young man walking out the door...

Back to the normal perspective  

Victoria immediately rushed over to Noah's room and opened the door to the overwhelming smell of sex and Noah sitting calmly on his bed in a button-up shirt smoking a cigarette.

"Who was that?" Victoria asked opening the window to let air in.

"Some boy who dropped off your bag. Didn't catch his name though..." Noah said gesturing to the bag laid neatly in the corner.

"You slept with him without even learning his name!"


"You often disappoint me and you still haven't failed to disappoint me even more!" Victoria said walking out and going to her own room to take a nap leaving Noah's drink in his room.

Alexander and Nora- A week later.

"Sir a letter arrived saying that Noah and Victoria will have to come home." 

"Why?" Alex said placing down the deceased girl he was working on for a family's postmortem  photo.

"It says that Noah attempted to solicit multiple people including staff and Victoria got into many fights where she severely injured many people."

"They lasted a week longer then I thought they would, I'm impressed. Anyway we will go get them tomorrow, leave me to work for now and plan the guidelines for their questioning when they get back."

"Yes sir." Nora said walking out leaving Alex to complete his odd work.

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