for all the evil within || bs...

By omiluvr

53.3K 1.7K 235

aizawa shouta x male!oc (bsd and bnha/mha crossover) a devil as they would describe him, a man with blood fi... More

character profile of oc
NOTICE #2 (I'm back!)
happy new year! (and back for more)


2.1K 83 16
By omiluvr

[ thoughts : dialogue : important lines : flashbacks

[ kyouka izumi ]

I looked at everyone who was worrying about the training camp. I hummed in wonder then sat down in my seat and simply fumbled with my phone. 

"Kyouka-chan! Are you alright from the exam?" Mina asked with her usual tone, a high one which caught the attention of most of the class. 

"It's fine. Like I said, that wasn't even 1% of what he's capable of so I know what he did was just nothing." I replied as I prepared my things before classes would start. 

They went back to complaining and worrying about the results without even noticing that the bell has rang. They just did when Aizawa-sensei has entered the room together with Kuramoto-san, or Kuramoto-sensei in the matter of fact. 

"Good Morning everyone." Kuramoto-sensei greeted us and we greeted him back. "Incase all of you were wondering, as long as I get my eyes on all of you most of the time, the principal has me attending classes as both your homeroom teacher and a heroics training teacher." He said as he fixed some documents that he carried with him. 

"Regarding the final exams, some have unfortunately failed them." That simple sentence has brought 4 people having to pray on their seats. "Therefore the training camp will be attended by everyone." Aizawa-sensei exclaimed with a creepy smile on his face. 

"It's a surprise ending!"

"Can all of us really go?" 


"Yeah. No on failed the written test but Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato and Sero failed the practical exam." He announced. 

Sero seemed shocked but he did anticipate this so he wasn't that shocked with it. 

"During the practical exam, we created opportunities for students to use to win while we observed how you tackled each task. If we hadn't, many of you would have flet defeated with the task at hand." Aizawa-sensei explained. 

"When you said that you would really beat us up," Ojiro started. 

"It was to pressure you." Aizawa-sensei finished his sentence with an answer. 

"Well Kuramoto-sensei did end up beating Kyouka up." Tsuyu said and the said teacher popped a vein. 

"Hey! I heard that!" He said and simply pursed his lips in annoyance and tapped his feet at a constant rhythm. 

"Anyway, the training camp is a strengthening camp. The ones who failed, must increase their strength there. It's what you call a "reasonable falsehood."" Aizawa-sensei once again said with a creepy smile on his face. 

"Reasonable falsehood?!" 

"They tricked us again! UA is amazing after all. But if you continue with this prevarication, you will be losing our trust." Iida stood up and proclaimed of his saying.

"That's true. We'll reflect on that, but not everything is a lie." Aizawa-sensei said and narrowed his eyes. "Those who failed have failed. There's a special cram class that has been prepared for you. It's actually worse than the class you'd get if you have stayed behind." 

"Plus so what if we lied?" Kuramoto-sensei said as he went through the papers on his hand. "In the end, you still know your abilities and know that you are capable of doing this right? What other people say about yourself should not affect your judgement and thinking on yourself. Keep your head high, do your best and aim for the top as we would also say." He finished and looked up to every single one of us with a serious expression. 

"Isn't that right, Kyouka-chan?" He said with a close eyed smile and I tilted my head. 

"What you did was explanatory in the first place anyway." I said and looked back at the teacher. "It was so Dazai-san like." I said and he scoffed. 

"Excuse me!? I am so much more different than that suicidal maniac that is once again a sadist and masochist, I am nothing like that!" Kuramoto-san said, defending himself.

"No, you do radiate a sadist and masochist feel." Aizawa-sensei said. 

"What? I am greatly offended!" Kuramoto-san answered and Aizawa-sensei rolled his eyes. 

"I don't care." He simply replied with a sighed. 



"The training camp is for a week and we have a lot of things to take." Iida stated as he looked at the booklet. 

They then stated that there were a lot of things to buy for the training camp such as swimwear and other necessities needed for the camp. 

"Oh! Since we just finished our exams and we have a day off for tomorrow, we can shop together as a class!" Hagekura stated. 

"That's nice!" 

"Let's go with it!" 

"Kyouka! Let's go home." We all turned to the door to see Kuramoto-san who was waving and leaning against the door frame. 

"Kuramoto-sensei, can Kyouka join us in shopping tomorrow?" Kaminari asked the teacher. 

"Oh? Perfect timing, Yosano is actually in town and I have to take her shopping as well. I was about to inform you that you would be alone for tomorrow but I guess it all works out in the end." He said and I raised an eyebrow in question. 

"Why is she in town?" I asked as I fixed my things. 

"No reason, just wanted to visit us but I figured she just wanted to go shopping in another city." He said then turned to everyone. "I'll just drop her off tomorrow alright? Stay safe in going home kids!" He greeted then we left the scene. 

"You too sensei!" 


"Tell me once again as to why you're gonna shop here too?" I asked as we leave the car and headed for the main entrance of the mall. 

"Well it does have so much shops to choose from and I want to take in everything before I leave again for Yokohama." Yosano-sensei exclaimed as she looked around the shops. 

We see the rest at the entrance and we walked towards them. 

"Kuramoto-sensei, Kyouka-chan! You're here!" Ochaco said and I nod. 

"Just Kuramoto-san outside of school is fine with me." Kuramoto-san said and the rest smiled and nod at this. 

"It's so weird to literally see you with your students. I bet you have beaten up at least 5 of them." Yosano-sensei said and Kuramoto-san rolled his eyes. 

"I haven't okay? And don't say that as if I beat up so many people!" Kuramoto-san exclaimed and Yosano-sensei rolled her eyes. 

"Well you do." Yosano-sensei said and smiled to my classmates. "Hey everyone! I'm Yosano Akiko, a resident doctor of the Armed Detective Agency, nice to meet all of you!" She introduced herself and my classmates watched in awe. 

"Wah! This is an honor, nice to meet you!" 

"You are so pretty!" 

"Nice to meet you too!" 

"Alright. Kyouka just message me when you're done, I guess we're having dinner here if Yosano drags on with her shopping. And stay safe kids alright?" Kuramoto-sensei said and we all nod. 

"Yuuji! Come on, I saw a cute dress over there do you think it would look good on me?" Yosano-sensei said as she linked her arm with Kuramoto-san who simply chuckled. 

"Oh yeah, I think it would look good with you considering that it's a light color and goes contrast well with your dark hair." He simply said and bid farewell with us after. 

"Kuramoto-sensei is such a dreamy guy." Mina said and the boys looked at her as if she's crazy. 

"He literally beat up Kyouka and you're saying that he's attractive?" Mineta asked. 

"Yeah but he's handsome, got a nice figure, attentive as I can see awhile ago." Ochaco said and the boys were just confused with it honestly. 

We discussed the times we would be meeting back on the same spot in a few hours. I went alone to buy myself some more training gear for myself and some other daily necessities needed that I know is not enough from what I have back at home. 

I got most of the stuff cleared and as I was looking for more stuff through the glass of the stores that I can possibly need but I simply sighed and just looked at the open view of the floor below. 

I was scanning the floor below and I raised an eyebrow when I saw that Midoriya was there who looked troubled? 

I looked closer as I walked into a spot need them from the floor above, the floor I was in. I can see the light blue hair from underneath his hood and had my eyes wide. I took my things, didn't run but walked fast since I didn't want to worry any of the people in the mall and alert the man itself, Shigaraki Tomura. 

I see Kuramoto-san and Yosano-sensei in the same store that Yosano-sensei pointed out awhile ago, paying for some clothes. I entered and I tapped Kuramoto-sensei's shoulder. 

"Kyouka? What's going on?" He asked and we left the shop. 

"I think Shigaraki is here." I whispered into his ear and his face hardened. 

"Lead the way." He simply said and I did. 

When we did, I pointed from afar as to what was happening. He looked at me and smiled a little. 

"Stay here alright Kyouka? Inform the police nearby after 5 minutes you see him leave. I have to assume that if we stop him right now, it would be the biggest catastrophe I would have seen." He said and I nod. 

I just observed from afar about what was to happen as I was Kuramoto-san and Yosano-sensei nearing Midoriya. 

[ midoriya izuku ] 

"Oh? Aren't you Midoriya Izuku? From UA right?" I looked up to see Kuramoto-sensei and Yosano-san who smiled at me and Yosano-san almost pressing herself against Kuramoto-sensei which made me confused. 

"Answer." I hear Shigaraki Tomura whisper and I gulped. I smiled to the both of them and forced myself to answer. 

"Ah yes! I am!" I said as cheerfully as I could. 

"My wife and I watched your performance in the school festival and when we saw you we just had to talk to you and say that you did great out there." Kuramoto-sensei said and I got a grasp of the situation. 

They were pretending to be a married couple, good thing both of them have gloves on their hands to prevent Shigaraki from seeing, just so I can have this villain off my neck. 

"Ah! Thank you very much! I really appreciate the support." I said and Yosano-san giggled. 

"If it's alright, can we have the honor of treating you and your friend to some food? I really would want to if you accepted this." Yosano-san said and I can feel Shigaraki's grip of me loosen then get off. 

"I'm sorry but I have to head off first." He greeted to them and whispered something to me. "Don't you try to follow me or else everyone gets it." He left without a word. 

"Are you alright?" Kuramoto-san asked me and I shook my head. "Don't worry, Kyouka has the police calling right about now so no one will be injured with this." I nod at this and I stayed silent. 

Soon enough, the entire mall was evacuated and us, UA students were forced to stay since we had to answer the questions. Everyone was gone and the police arrived. 

"Shigaraki Tomura is not found anywhere." One of the police said. 

"I'm Kuramoto Yuuji from the Armed Detective Agency." Kuramoto-sensei said as he showed an I.D. 

"And I'm Yosano Akiko of the Armed Detective Agency." Yosano-san did the same. 

As they did, the police sounded shocked at the mention of the Agency and sweatdropped as he explained it.

"What is the progress of the situation?" Kuramoto-sensei asked. 

"The mall will be closed temporarily and everyone has evacuated. No person has reported of the same cause nor is injured but no one can find Shigaraki Tomura after a few rounds of searching the mall." One of the police said and Kuramoto-sensei nod. 

"Midoriya, go and take an interview with the police about this, I'm sure they need this. As for the rest, I need all of you to listen to me clearly. Be in groups or pairs, be in crowded areas and don't be all alone in one spot as you go home. Better go home now while the sun is still here." Kuramoto-sensei said. 


"Midoriya, I am trusting you to the police for the rest of the day. Kyouka, I'm dropping you off at the condo then Yosano and I will go to UA to inform the board about this." He said and the said girl nod. 

We went off to our own paths and I was still worried as to what will happen to us. 


[ aizawa shouta ]


I hear someone calling me and I saw Kuramoto who was at the entrance of the faculty room with a woman (?)

"What happened, Kuramoto-san?" All Might said in his normal form. 

[ author's note: since Kuramoto Yuuji is part of the faculty, he now knows about the whole issue about All Might ] 

"Get everyone on the conference room." He simply said and left with the woman. 

I raised an eyebrow but after a few minutes, all of us were in the conference room along with the Principal. 

"What is happening? Why are you suddenly calling us for a meeting? And who is she?" Present Mic said. 

"Calm down Mic and this is---" Kuramoto was about to continue but he was cut off by the woman who was seated beside him. 

"Yosano Akiko, resident doctor of the Armed Detective Agency." She introduced herself and I took a deep breath since for some reason, this bothered me. 

"The kids were out for today to buy some necessities for the training camp until Midoriya had an encounter with Shigaraki Tomura there and the mall was closed for the moment. He's currently in the police station in an interview with Tsukauchi on what happened." Kuramoto said in a summarized version and All Might stood up. 

"I'd better head there right now." We all nod and he left. 

"And what was the reason as to why we're here?" Power Loader asked. 

"With this, I think we can't continue on with the training camp." He simply said and Nezu just sighed. 

"Why would you think that?" He asked. 

"The kids just had an encounter with the man and how are you going to expect for the kids to not encounter them once again?" Kuramoto sounded concerned yet mad at the same time. 

"But this training camp will make them stronger so I guess we can still continue it." Nezu said, in his usual tone. 

"Look, I have no place to say this right now since I am not a teacher but what the fuck?" Yosano said and we all turned at her who sounded just as mad as Kuramoto. 

"I was dragged here just so it can imply how dangerous it is but what am I hearing? Just because they will be in a training camp, they can handle it, no! They are students with not yet fully grown quirks and most of the villains are full grown adults with fully grown quirks, what can't you understand with that?" Yosano said, rambling. 

As I want to agree, I can't because in the end it's still the principal's decision. 

"We have the teachers that can protect the students, isn't that right?" Nezu said. 

"Oh my god, Yuuji." Yosano exclaimed as her hands were on her head and she stood up. "I'm going home, you never know when I can stab someone here when I get too pissed." 

"Open up a Petrus 1889 please, my head is spinning I just need a drink when I get home." Kuramoto said as he also has his hands on his head. 

"Don't worry, I'm opening up a bourbon when I get there as well." Yosano said and left the room. 

"Look, all I'm trying to get through is that it's dangerous with what is happening right now. You are getting the teachers and the students in danger with this and I am asking nicely for the last time, consider this." Kuramoto said with a stern voice then silence was heard across the room. 

"I will but my point still stands with this most likely." Nezu said and Kuramoto stood up. 

"Fucking hell." He simply muttered then left the room. 

SIlence was deafening honestly but that wasn't too loud with my thoughts about Yosano and Kuramoto. 

And how my heart clenched the entire time I see them together. 

[ end of chapter 7 ] 

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