Unstable [Harry Styles AU]

By ImSorryIfISayINeedYa

27.7K 1.4K 187

Everyone has an angelic and demonic side to them, but what defines us is our choices which makes one more pro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Authors Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors Note
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Authors Note

Chapter 16

663 41 7
By ImSorryIfISayINeedYa


"I'm so sorry, Jules. I promise things will work out." Eleanor speaks softly, just above a whisper, and tries to cheer me up.

Sadly the image of Harry on top of another girl hurt more than I could imagine, which surprised me.

Knowing he had been with all of those girls before didn't bother me too much, it made me uncomfortable, but I didn't try to think about it. It was in his past.

But there was something about witnessing it first hand that made the feeling a thousand times more painful.

"Thanks El, I'll be fine. I just need to get my mind off of him." Easier said than done.

"Maybe that's not the right thing to do, do you want to talk to-"

"No." I respond quickly, I knew what she wanted me to do. She wanted me to 'talk it out' with Harry, but I couldn't do that.

If he noticed how his actions hurt me as much as they did, he could get the intentions I have strong feelings for him, and I don't want that to happen.

Maybe he already does know, but it would just confirm his assumptions.

I do care about Harry, but I know he doesn't care about me.

The feeling of rejection is why he can't find out, because he doesn't feel the same. He's a cold hearted bastard.

"You're welcome to stay as long as you want." She walks towards the door of the guest bedroom her and Lou are letting me stay in, and turns around to face me.

"The showers at the end of the hall, to the left. If you need me I'll be downstairs with Louis." Eleanor finishes before giving me a reassuring smile and leaving me alone in the empty room.

I let out a heavy breath, one I didn't know I was holding, and lay down on the bed.

I still am having a hard time processing what just happened. I just found out that my dad is working with Alec and I come home to Harry, who I now know I have feelings for, and he's on top of another girl.

Not going to lie, that one hurt a lot.

Even though, like I said, we aren't together, we've shared so many special moments. I just can't believe he would hurt me like this.

But what did I expect? Him to change and be sweet and fall in love with me?

Maybe in a perfect world, but this was reality, and in reality, fairytales don't exist.

Do I really want to live this way? Always scared and constantly getting hurt emotionally by Harry?

Absolutely not.

But am I the one that can make that decision?

I'm not sure.

I am sure that I don't know what to do next. Louis probably already told Harry I'm here, he's most likely going to come at any moment.

I decide it would be best to forget about all of this- including Harry. I have a feeling that won't happen, but if I can forget it would be a lot less painful for me.

I trot down the stairs to be with Louis and Eleanor. I think being social is exactly what I need right now, not being isolated in a bedroom.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and see them sitting on the couch, then Louis turns around and notices me.

"Oh hey! I was actually just going to come get you- we're going to watch some films and I made some tea. Would you like to join us?" He asks sweetly, making my smile reach from ear to ear and nod.

I love movies, and the tea is a plus.

I join them on the couch, but feel a little out of place- a third wheel feeling. They're all cuddled up in a blanket and I'm alone on the opposite side.

The feeling quickly faded as the film began playing. I got comfortable with my blanket and tea, when suddenly the doorbell rings.

All three of us groan, and luckily Louis gets up so Eleanor and I can stay in our seats.

"Yeah mate, come on in! We're watching 21 Jump Street. It's quite funny." He informs the person standing at the door, which I have no idea who it is, and chuckles before letting the person in.

"Sounds great." He has a Australian accent, strange. Usually people around here have British accents.

Louis walks into the room with a much taller, much broader man trailing behind him.

He wore black skinny jeans and a shirt that said 'You Complete Me'.

Once he realized my existence he smiled and strolled over to me without any hesitation. He sat down right next to me, making me surprised at how comfortable he was with a complete stranger.

"Hi." He grinned at me, showing off his teeth and making me notice a lip ring on his bottom lip. "I'm Luke." He extends his hand and waits for me to take it.

"Hi." I hesitate at first, but chuckle and return his friendly smile. "Jules." I respond and reach out my hand, grasping and shaking it.

"Lovely name." He replies pulling away and directing his gaze to the screen.

Luke and I talked throughout almost the entire movie. Normally I hate it when people talk through movies, but it didn't matter because Louis and El were sound asleep in each others arms on the other side of the couch.

"Cute couple, huh?" He says with a tone of playfulness in his voice, making me nod in agreement.

"They've been together for longer than I've known them, it makes me happy, you know? To see good things happen in this world, even when horrible things are happening all around you. There's always happiness, sometimes it's just hard to find."

I let the words sink in, there's always happiness?

I chuckle before replying. "That was deep." He nods and also laughs in agreement

After the movie finished Luke and I got up and went to the kitchen to eat something, and talked again for a long time about the most random things we could think of.

He was actually quite nice, something that seemed hard to come by recently. It was nice to have another friend, someone to act normal and laugh with- being myself. It was refreshing, even though I could do that with El.

There was something about Luke, he made me feel happy. He reminded me of my friends back home- they always knew exactly what to say to cheer me up.

I came here tonight in a horrible mood, but it's already changed in such a short amount of time.

He's in the middle of telling me a story when the grandfather clock in the other room chimes twelve times, indicating it's midnight.

"Oh wow, twelve already? I guess time flys when you're having fun." He gushes, making us both laugh.

"I'm going to have to get going, I have some things I'm going to need to do in the morning. It was nice meeting you." He grins widely at me and I return it.

"It was nice meeting you also. We'll have to talk again sometime soon." I announce, receiving a hug from Luke, which I happily returned.

He pats my back, and we both walk to the front door. We say one last goodbye as he opens the door, letting in a cool breeze, and his figure becomes more faded as he walks further into the night.

I hear his car start and drive away as I close the front door and make my way back to the couch, where Louis and Eleanor are sleeping.

I walk up the stairs and to the bedroom they're letting me stay in, then close the door and climb inside the bed.

I snuggle up into the pillow, hoping maybe I can dream these demons away.


"Harry, for the tenth time, she's not here!" I hear Eleanor yell, waking me up. I check the time, eight in the morning.

"I know she's here, don't try to fucking pretend she's not!" He voices loudly, he sounded tired and annoyed.

He must be in a great mood.

"Come on, Haz. Just calm down." Louis' voice comes into the picture, trying to tone it all down.

It didn't help, considering the fact Harry was now screaming at him.

I groan and lift the covers off of me, getting out of bed and walking down the stairs.

The voices continue to get louder until Harry and Louis come into view, arguing with each other, and Eleanor sitting with her head in her hands.

When she see's me she looks extremely surprised, confused why I came downstairs since they were trying to cover for me.

I shake my head and mouth the words 'it's fine' to her, making her nod and look back at the boys.

Immediately I avert my gaze to Harry, who was now silent and staring at me.

"What do you want?" I wonder, the annoyance in my voice prominent.

"Well, I came here for you." He shifts uncomfortably, looking down at his feet.

Is he...nervous?

I roll my eyes and chuckle on the inside, looking at Harry and for a change seeing him as the one who's uncomfortable.

I raise my eyebrow at him, waiting for him to continue.

"So, let's go. We're going home." I look at Louis and Eleanor, who look sympathetic while Louis shakes his head at Harry.

Before I have the chance to agree or object, he pulls me by my arm and leads me outside and to his car, opening the door for me then getting in on his side.

He starts the car and turns around in his seat to look behind us, then backs up.

The car ride was silent to his house, you could feel the tension in the air.

I wasn't mad at what Harry did, it just hurt. And to be honest it was annoying, but I don't know why I wasn't excpecting him to do something like this.

I walked into the house with Harry trailing behind me, and immediately after walking through the doors I was pushed up against the wall, and he was pinning me on it.

I tried to squirm away, but he gently held me in place. His strength overpowered mine- even though he wasn't even trying.

"Please- listen." He softly speaks, his voice trailing off and close to cracking as he looks at the spot on the wall next to my head, then looks me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry. I was such a dick, I wasn't thinking. I know you probably hate me for everything I've done to you, but I'm not as bad as you think. I just..." He sighs, trying to think of something to say. "I make a lot of mistakes, Jules. And one huge mistake was being so horrible to you. I'm so sorry if you hate me, I don't mean to hurt you." He finishes, I could tell each word he said was the truth, and his eyes never left mine.

My heart ached the whole time he was talking, all I wanted to do was to hug him, telling him it's alright, but for some reason I couldn't.

"I thought I lost you completely last night." His voice became strained, hurt. "I thought you were going to leave." Oh like it would matter, he always finds a way to get me back.

He lifted up his hand and placed it on the inside of his shirt near the back of his neck, undoing something.

He looked down at me and pulled off his airplane necklace.

"I want you to have this." He tells me, putting it around my neck and clasping it together.

"My mother gave it to me the day she left. She said no matter what she would always be with me, as long as I wore her necklace." My heart broke from his words, but I didn't sense any pain in his voice.

"I want you to wear it, so no matter what you'll always have me with you." He gives me a weak smile and begins to turn around, but I grab his broad shoulder and turn him back around, pulling him into me and hugging him.

He hugged me back, holding me tightly, and it felt right. Even if he gets on my nerves, I'll always be with Harry. He's almost a part of me now, which sounds strange, but I've grown so close to him these past months.

He's a part of my life now, wether I wanted him to be or not.

And when I first met him, that was my only fear- to have to be with him.

Oh, how times have changed.

He pulled away quickly and kissed me, but it wasn't demanding or eager, it was short and full of affection. It felt completely real, and maybe even my favorite kiss we have shared so far.

It felt promising, he let it linger for a while before he pulled away and gave me a wide grin, showing off his big dimples.

He walked away and out to the kitchen, leaving me alone.

I gently touched the necklace hanging around my neck, wondering if it was always going to be there.

"What do you want for dinner?" Harry interrupts my thoughts, popping his head into my line of sight.

"Anything is fine." I reply flatly, my mind focused elsewhere.

I walk into the kitchen with him, and the rest of the night is as normal as it will ever be.

"Don't worry, love. I'll be back soon." Harry states as he lifts himself out of bed, not wanting to leave.

He quickly changes and gives me a quick peck on the cheek before leaving the house.

He said he had some "business" to attend to, I didn't push on. I thought it was either important and I can't know about it, or I don't want to know about it.

I decided to take a shower, relax a little bit. I mean, who doesn't love taking showers? You just get some time to yourself and let the hot running water loosen your muscles.

I climbed up the steps and grabbed everything I needed for my shower, and walked in the bathroom and closed the door. I could hear the heavy rain sounding above me, hitting the roof and running down the sides.

As I stand in the shower, closing my eyes and am thankfully now less tense, I swear I hear someone outside of the door.

My eyes shoot open, the noise scaring me since I should be home alone.

I slowly turn the water off- stepping out of the shower and drying off before changing.

I open the door, peering out into the empty hallway. My heart beats faster as I walk further out into the open, looking both ways but not seeing anything- or anyone.

I walk down the stairs and try to relax, no ones here, but sadly my assumptions are put away when I see the front door slightly open, and muddy footprints leading inside the house and behind me.

This is honestly so cliché, but at the moment I'm terrified.

Should I turn around? Horrible images run through my mind about what could be behind me right now, let's just get it over with.

The hairs on my neck stand on end as I make my way around, waiting to see who came in.

To my surprise, no ones there.

I laugh at myself, it must just have been Harry's footprints.

"Jules!" Someone yells in my ear from behind me, grabbing onto my shoulders and turning me around.

I scream, the person scaring me half to death.

"Bria?! What the hell?! You scared me!" I inform her, placing a hand on my chest as I try to control my unsteady breathing.

"I'm sorry!" She giggles, laughing at my reaction. "Anyways, pack your things- we're leaving." Kat walks through the front door, looking as happy and smiley as ever.

What's going on here?

"I'll help you pack. The boys are gone so we can make a quick escape, and Kat's here to help!" She yells giddily, wanting to leave as soon as possible. I thought she was with Niall?

"Wait, what? Where have you even been, Kat? You've been gone for months, and now you just show up?" What is going on?

"Wow, glad to know you're happy to see me!" She laughs, "I've just been home, keeping in touch with Bria though. I felt so bad for leaving you guys here so we've been planning to do this, and now's our chance!" She excitedly speaks and turns to Bria, continuing on their conversation as I stand there, still not understanding how they think they can pull this off.

"Um...guys?" I try to speak over them, but they're too busy talking and getting excited about going home, they don't even realize I don't want to come with them.

"Guys?!" I announce a bit louder, making them stop in the middle of their sentences and turn to me.

I sigh before looking down at the floor, not wanting to look them in the eyes.

"I can't go." I confess making their happiness fade.

"Wha-? What do you mean you can't go?" Kat wonders taking a few steps towards me. "You don't have to be afraid of Harry, Jules." She tries to reason with me, but I don't want to hear it.

"No, no, that's not why I can't go." I trail off- trying to find the words and make it sound as sane as possible. "I want to stay. I don't want to leave."

Kat stands in shock, but Bria's expression turns hurt, angry even.

"What do you mean 'you want to stay.'? You can't stay! I've seen what they really do now, Jules. I've seen who Harry is, we can't stay here." She explains rather loudly in the silent house.

"I'm sorry Bria, I'm not going." I could see her eyes getting glossy, I know she was doing it for my own good, but I can take care of myself. I'll be fine right where I am.

"You must be fucking crazy if you want to stay here, Jules. I'm getting the hell out of here."

"What about Niall?" I ask her, confused about the whole situation in general.

"What about him?" She retaliates, attitude laced all in her voice.

"Well, I thought you guys, you know, liked each other?" It comes out as more of a question than a statement, but she just chuckles.

"I don't like him." Her voice sounded cold and defensive, the way my voice sounded when I first met Harry. "I don't want anything to do with any of this. I'm leaving, and if you don't want to come then that's your problem."

They began to hurry to the door, opening it and letting some of the rain inside. "Good luck." Bria finishes, giving me a soft smile before shutting the door behind her.

"You too."


Harry still isn't home, it's almost one in the morning.

I push the thoughts aside, hoping he's okay.

I go up to our shared bedroom and get myself ready to fall asleep- I was exhausted, like usual.

I put on one of Harry's sweatshirts, his scent immediately filling my nose, and I climbed into bed.

Just as I was almost ready to fall asleep, my phone began to vibrate from the night stand.

I groaned loudly and lifted the sheets up, my bare legs getting goosebumps from the cold air, and I looked at the bright screen. It was Harry's number, but when I picked it up it wasn't Harry's voice.

"Jules? Get down to the club right now. It's Harry...I think he's dying."


Well here's another chapter, sorry it's kind of short compared to what I've been doing.

And I'm pretty sure it's someone's birthday today....


Zayn, I love you so much and I can not believe you're 22. No matter how old you get, please stay the same. Just like in the video diaries when you say you want to live young forever, never grow up. I love you so much and hope you have an amazing day.

So a little shout out to an angel, but seriously I can't believe he's 22.

Anyways, hope you like the update and please vote if you get the chance :)

I love you all!

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