By KidWithHat58304

37K 338 431

(EDIT MADE BY ME. ART MADE BY Raisehart ON DEVIANTART.) (REQUESTS ARE CLOSED.) A bunch of A Hat in Time onesh... More

The Cry in The Forest (Snatcher x Moonjumper)
Rise From Despair (Conductor x Cooking Cat)
The New Bird On The Block (Conductor x MovieStar!Reader)
Extraordinary Love (Moonjumper x Hat Kid but it's platonic)
More Than Just A Servant (Snatcher x Reader)
Breaking Point (Jokling oneshot)
Over the Moon (Shimo x Reader)
Vandalism On The Owl Express (JOKE)
Savior (Breaking Point Continuation)
You, My Diva (DJ Grooves x Female!Human!Reader)
Memories of the Past (Touchstarve!Conductor x Reader)
There When You Need Me (DJ Grooves x Conductor)
Morning Wake-Up Call (Snatcher x Bakadere!Reader x Moonjumper)
Pulled You Out From The Fire (Snatcher x Tsundere!Reader)
That's What Friends Are For! (Tsundere!Mustache Girl x Deredere!Hat Kid)
Love Is The Cure (Sick!Reader x Moonjumper)
Little Hope (Abused!Reader x Moonjumper)
Long-Lost Partner (Snatcher!Reader x Moonjumper)
A Golden Fortune (Empress x Reader)
(A/N) Some news and a random question...
Cold Hands, Colder Heart (Yandere!Shimo x Reader)
A Heart Made Of Steel and Love (Robot!Reader x DJ Grooves)
Melt My Ice-Cold Heart (DJ Grooves x Conductor)
One Halloween Night, Too Much Drama (DJ Grooves x Conductor)
When Western Love Goes Too Far (AgedUp!Mustache Girl x Yandere!Conductor)
(A/N) 9K views + 100 votes
Birthdays in Subcon... with a twist (Subcon Forest Oneshot)
(A/N) 10K view milestone + Updates and Events!
(A/N) Requesting for an artist!
Farewell! (prologue)

Lovestruck From The Horizon (Yandere!Moonjumper x Reader)

1.2K 13 15
By KidWithHat58304

To the reader reading this, I would like to tell you a little bit about the build up in this story. So, I had convinced my friend ( misakidoubts ) to roleplay this whole thing with me! Technically, I act as the Moonjumper and my friend as themselves. 

Also, um... a little warning to the reader- There is a certain part of the chapter which my friend classifies as "lime" so, yeah. Watch out.


(Y/N) - Your name

(N/N) - Nickname


Man, the pain. It hurts.

You opened your eyes and was greeted by the starry night sky. It was a peaceful sight.

Though, if only you didn't hurt like hell, you would be enjoying it rather than suffering.

You seem to be laying in a crater lost in thought until you looked to the right and saw...

A figure with sapphire blue skin, eyes shot red with a broken monocle and streaks of red on his eyes. He wore a red cloak and-

HE WAS FLOATING?! What kind of "thing" is this?! This legless figure made you scream, only to fall face-first into the mud.

༻ ??? ༺

"Hey, please don't run! I won't hurt you!"

You flinched in pain at the being in front of you. You couldn't swallow what he just told you so you slowly backed away and got up, keeping a good distance away from it.

༻ ??? ༺

"Come with me and I'll aid that wound of yours!"

He reached out his hand to you, grinning innocently with a fang glittering in the night.

You reluctantly took his hand. So many things were happening at the same time. At first, you felt a rough tug on your arm. Then, the next, you felt like you were in the air! It went by so fast you did not have the reaction time and end up finding yourself in his arms, holding you bridal-style.

The face he had on showed was of pure regret, immediately responding right after.

༻ ??? ༺

"Oh, I apologize! Did I scare you?"



You shook your head as if he didn't hear you. You felt close to blacking out and closed your eyes to accept it.


You got up.

Your leg was stinging with pain like crazy. It seemed to have been stitched with a red string of some sort. You're not sure what to do with it, really, so you just laid there in pain.

༻ ??? ༺

"Hey, you're awake!"

The sound of your savior had echoed in between the birch trees surrounding you.


"Did you stitch me up? Because it hurts..."

You said softly, more to yourself because the pain kept making you shiver and your hands were becoming sweaty. You couldn't help but let out tiny whimpers of pain.

༻ ??? ༺

"Well, yes! I... I apologize if it hurts... I'm only skilled in stitching fabrics but not skin and flesh..."

He was like a sad puppy. Literally. He put a hand to his mouth. That was when you noticed the shackles on his wrists.


"Hey, what happened? I mean not to be rude but what's up with the shackles?"

You tried your best to speak up whilst squeezing your hands together, ignoring the pain.

༻ ??? ༺

"My... my shackles? They're a part of my past... after..."

"Hey, actually, I forgot to introduce myself!"

He cut off at the most obvious part, almost like he was hiding something.

He then slowly floats down, to an angle where the moonlight shone on him. He strikes a flamboyant pose, arm to his chest with his head facing to the moonlight.

༻ ??? ༺

"You may call me...


... the Moonjumper!"

"How elegant" was what you thought as the now called Moonjumper asks for your name.


"I'm (Y/N), but you can call me (N/N)."

He smiled at the name, raising his non-imaginary eyebrows in a daze.

Hold up, why is he blushing? Or... you expect he is. His face seemed to turn into a darker shade of blue. It was either extremely bad or extremely good. Either way, you wish it was the latter, since he is the only thing out here that you can trust.


"Hey, you okay there?"

With the quick sign, he jumped, forgetting you were there in the first place.


"Ah! Uh... I apologize for spacing out like that..."

"You might be very confused... therefore I'll try to explain it to you as briefly as I can."

"To start it off, you had fallen from the sky by unknown reasons. It was a coincidence that some trees had managed to break your fall. But a branch had managed to pierce your leg. I'm not an expert in fixing up such injuries... therefore I apologize if it hurts. It has been a while ever since I encountered a mortal."

Your face expression was probably the dumbest thing you could have ever made. You did not even need to see yourself to know how dumb you looked!


"I... I'm sorry. Do you need me to repeat it again?"


"No, no. You don't, but wait, what do you mean when you said you haven't encountered a mortal in so long?"


"Ah, yes! I don't want to scare you but... now that you mention it..."

"I'm a corpse. A floating corpse. An immortal. I normally forget what it is like as a mortal, which has caused me inexperience with their kind."

"I am controlled in the horizon way up there. It's my home!"

He points far off to the sky where the horizon seemed to be.


"It gets pretty lonely up there... you don't know how long it was ever since I came across someone like you..."

"M-maybe I could bring you to the horizon?"


"Alright, I'm pretty thirsty..."


"Oh, I forgot to mention! Look behind you!"

You look behind, greeted by a ravine with multiple waterfalls on both sides. It was beautiful, you couldn't deny it. You just had to pause longer to take it all in. He allowed you to admire it a little longer, due to you being one of the starstruck viewers who came to watch the beautiful sight.


"I could take you there! Then, we can go to the horizon right after!"



You smiled, getting up slowly. You sniffled, eyes are teary of how your leg felt. It felt like someone was tearing your skin apart.

With no warning once again, he scooped you up.


"You can't walk like that, dear. You'll get hurt!"



You wiped your tears quickly, trying not to act like a baby,

There, you reached the low ground. In the river down below, you could spot glossy blue water shining in the moonlight. How funny! The water is the same shade as Moonjumper's skin. The collision of the waterfalls nearby had created a mist of water vapor dancing in the night, shining thanks to once again the moonlight. He sets you down near the water so you can drink.

You scooped the water with two hands and drink it slowly, not chugging it down like a maniac even though you were mad thirsty after a couple of sips. Then, you washed your face, feeling like you have been healed by its magical power.

Not long after, you could hear a sigh come out from Moonjumper.


"I have to tell you this... I've been alone out here for nearly a decade. For someone like me... it makes me insane. I don't even remember the last time I encountered a mortal!"

"I truly thank you for coming here! Even though it was by coincidence..."

You paused for a while, looking at Moonjumper in sympathy. He really has been out there for that long?


"Man, that is a very long time. I would be bored out of my skull here alone for nearly a decade. Say, can you come with me for a visit to meet some of my friends if I leave? Maybe we can spend some time before you go back to the horizon."

You gasped and immediately began chattering and waving around your hands as if you did sign language. Then, you realized how loud you was and slowly quiet down, becoming embarrassed at your outburst, mumbling a small apology.


"I can't... thanks to the horizon's curse, I am forbidden to go anywhere beyond these birch trees."

He seemed to have started crying, tears dropping down. He tried to wipe them off, though it started to seem too obvious. His sobs became more violent as he covers his face with his hands.

"Geez, what a horrible first impression", he thought.


"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry!" 

You knelt down to him and gave him a huge hug, trying to comfort him by patting his back. Man, if there was a time you hated yourself more in your life... it would be right now.

He buries his head into you, seeming to calm down after a while.


"W-would you like to go to the horizon now?"

He backs off, wiping a tear and forcing a smile to make you stop worrying.



You smiled. That smiled made Moonjumper feel like he was blessed and, in a nick of time, he scoops you up and you two ascend into the clouds, with you clinging onto his cloak.

You couldn't bare open your eyes so you kept them closed, feeling the cold air rip through your clothes as Moonjumper pulls you higher...

...and into the horizon.

The only thing you could see there were clouds, creating a calming mist that screams tranquility.

You could feel the horizon's light breeze, almost like it was hushing you to sleep.

You focused on it so much that you forgot that Moonjumper was there.


"Welcome to the horizon!"



You unconsciously rubbed your head against Moonjumper, admiring the pretty sight.


"From the horizon, I can see everyone and everything from up here! Especially beyond my restricted area."


"You're so lucky to have a beautiful sight to look at everyday"

In reply, Moonjumper smiled, brightening up the mood.


"Why, yes. It is quite beautiful. Though, seeing this every day... it makes me wish I was there in the outside world with no restrictions. It's like it's taunting me..."


"...do you want me to describe how it looks like in the outside world?"

He turns to you, his eyes glimmering in interest like a child.


"Really? You would?".


"Of course! Whatever makes you happy, Moonjumper".

He laid you down on what seems to be a cloud, positioning a good distance away from you for you to think. He looked like a child waiting for their mother to tell him a bed time story!


"Go ahead!"


"Well, first of all, there's just a lot of people here there. Some friendly, some don't even bother lifting their heads but that's okay! My friends and I would always go walk around the city which is bustling with cars, advertisements and stuff. Then, we always go to this one big field packed with pretty flowers as we play around in the grass and always investigate insects. And by the end of the day, we lay by this enormous tree and watch the sunset, careful that we don't fall asleep and go back home..."

You drifted apart by the end of it, realizing how fun it was to be around when Moonjumper didn't even have any people to look at.


"I-I'm sorry".

His eyes seemed to shine at the description of the outside world. It was one out of the million reasons why he REALLY wanted to break free of the horizon's curse.


"No, you don't need to apologize!"

He waves two hands in front of him, nervously smiling.


"I just wish I could bring you along to the outside world. I have to go actually, but I don't know how and where to start..."

He perks his head up, eyes widening at the same time.


"Oh, yo-you have to go? Already? Don't you want to admire the beautiful sight any longer?"


"Well, I can't stay here longer without proper clothing or whatnot." 

You scratched the back of your head, biting your lip as his smile fell.


"I-I have one thing to ask of you... before you go".


"What is it, Moonjumper?"

You clasped your hands together, eyes locking with his which made him tense up a little.



"Do you... believe in love at first sight?"

His face goes dark blue, trying to cover it with his collar.


"Well, yeah, sometimes. I don't believe it when I feel like I have a crush on this person but after a while, I believe it is"

You felt uneasy all of a sudden...

He jerked to the side, blushing at full force with a grin that stretched across his face.


"Moonjumper, are you-"

You paused, getting the hint. Moonjumper looked up, a little more flustered now that you understood him. So, he tried to speak up...




"I-I love you, (Y/N)! I know, I-it's weird... that we just met... but..."

He grabs hold of your hand with two of his own, never breaking eye contact.


"I can't handle it. From start to end, you always appealed to me as someone kind and loving!"

"I... wish to love you 'til the end of time... if I could..."

He squealed, covering his now navy blue face with his hands that let go of yours.


"Sorry it had to be so sudden..."

You shoved his hands away from his face, hugged him and gave him a peck on the cheek before turning back, covering your face with your knees and didn't turn around.

He did nothing to take it back. He just laid there, flat on a cloud by the reaction.


"Moonjumper, are you okay?"

You panicked, going over to him to check if he was alright.


"I... yes... I... actually, no"

His face was like a ripe blueberry picked out from a bush.

A very sweet blueberry, indeed.


"...D-do you want me to kiss you again?"

You couldn't help but laugh at your question. Gee, (N/N). The fact that you act more dominant than he is in his own home is unnerving. You couldn't even ask for directions in a foreign country and now you act like the boss of him.

He let out another squeal, though he can't deny he is DESPERATE for more.

All he could do...

... was a nod.

This time, you tried to be more serious and hold him up properly so you could kiss him. He quickly responded and shifted more comfortably, allowing you to do so.

Then, unconsciously, his tongue touched your lip and you swear you would have jumped down from the horizon because you couldn't contain your hyper level. Immediately, his tongue and your tongues meet up like snakes and fought to own their territories. You whined softly at how dominant his tongue is and lost to him as he pins you down onto the cloud.

He smiled, then proceeded to continue the kiss. This time, one of a caring lover. His movements were calmer, yet so passionate. You felt like you could pass out after a couple of nibs on your lower lip.

Your breath was beginning to get shaky so you pulled back from it. Though, this peck neck didn't want you to breathe and kissed you again. This time, placing a hand behind your head to deepen the kiss. 

You let out a little groan, grabbing on his collar and twisting it with your free hands. He then backed away from the kiss, probably due to your hands that keep twisting his lovely cloak. He readjusted his collar, his breath tickling your neck as he slowly licked at it like a cat. Then, all your will to repress such reactions were useless when he suddenly sunk his tooth into your neck like a vampire and sucked on it. You felt goosebumps and wrapped your arms around his waist tightly to let him do his thing. You crossed your legs, chuckling like crazy at how ticklish it was.

It felt like only a second had pass. You were not really keeping track of time thanks to his actions. He backed away, giggling while his left hand clenches your wrist tight. It... sort of hurt. Like he was trying to crush your carpal bones with bare hands. Like he was not going to let you go...

Then, with a purr, he dragged your hand onto his cheek. He leaned into your hand, embracing its warm, loving touch. His flesh was warm, texture as if it is smooth porcelain, though it is puffy. You occasionally pinched his cheek softly, worried he might complain. Though, he payed no mind, sighing with a brighter smile on his face. It reminded you of when your grandmother would always pinch yours. Though now, you are seeing it in her perspective.

As you start to trail to the back of his head to pet him, his purrs had started getting louder and louder.


"What are you, a Moon cat?"

You laughed at how adorable he is. Who knew that the Moonjumper, a being with abilities to fly and soar through the horizon, could be so sensitive at the slightest things?

Well, I mean, he has not been in contact with anyone else in years, so he's probably having the time of his life right now. You hugged him again, burying your face into his chest.

He giggled at your little action. Then, as you hugged him, he carries you up and twirls with you mid-air as your giggles echoed throughout the horizon.

As he starts to calm down, he sets you down on a different cloud, lying his head down on your chest. He looked so at peace, eyes closed in relaxation as he lets out a swoon of an angel.


"Hahaha... I can feel your heartbeat."


"Don't be mean now, it's been a while I've kissed someone oh shi-"

You stopped yourself and face-palmed because you openly exposed yourself.

He gets up, eyes wide open at the statement.


"Wait, YOU- I'm sorry! I thought you weren't..."

He stopped himself from saying something he would regret later, staring off in disappointment.


"NONONO I'm lonely, I-I mean single! That kiss was from my childhood. No big deal, it's okay."

He looked to the side, calming down from the "thing" a while ago. With no doubt, he spoke to get the topic to switch.


"I... I haven't explained my story yet, haven't I?"


"Yeah, would you kindly.. if it doesn't hurt?"


"No, I don't mind! It helps me clear my thinking."


"Alright then..."

You leaned back, starting to calm down as well.


"I... I too was in love. I had a wonderful fiance... a wonderful kingdom. Everything. I had to go off seas for my lessons. Though, as I was away, my fiance missed me like crazy. She would send letters from paragraphs to at least two sentences in the end. Then, when I went to buy flowers in the village, she was... stalking me. She thought I was cheating on her. When I went back, she got so mad... she forced me captive into her cellar where... where I died. And now..."

He pauses, biting his lip, remembering his past. Though it was a personal issue, he had always wanted to talk about it with someone.


"Stupid question but ... do you know where she is?"


"Of course I do! From up here, she had isolated herself in her manor. In an icy abyss."

"There is no way I can talk to her and get this over because... I'm trapped in only my restricted area"

"No one comes here anyways! Well... I thought..."

He tried to sound happier but fails in doing so, being a mood killer.


"Hey, hey. Maybe I can talk to her! Can I ask why you bought flowers?"


"It was for her! Nothing else. The florist that gave me the flowers... she was my childhood friend."

"When I arrived on the horizon, it forced me to watch every detail of how she was tortured by my wife..."

He looked like he was about to cry, though he was able to hold it at this time.

You hugged him, laying onto his shoulder with eyes closed, embracing the moment.

Without saying a word, he hugged back. All these occasional hugs had made him finally warm up to you.


"Can I go to her by any chance?"


"Please, dear. I wouldn't want you to end up like that florist!"

His face held concern, calming down sooner after.


"Oh... no. That's just awful"

You tilted your head down in silence, not knowing what to do. You rested your head near his neck and breathe slowly.

It didn't take long for you to get into a deep sleep, thanks to the horizon's sleepy and calm aura. A light, innocent smile had been plastered on you, warming Moonjumper's deceased heart to his extent.

That was how your life ended.

At that point, you should of realized...

... the real reason Moonjumper wanted to bring you into the horizon was not because he wanted to show you around.

It was because he wanted to trap you here.


All those nice actions was just a facade to pull you into his grasp.

And now that you are, you can't turn back.

Your life, gone. Trapped and forced into this unknown realm formerly known as the horizon.

With your only companion being him.

Love truly is blind.


This was actually pretty fun to make! Sorry it was cringy, just me and my friend playing around with the plotline. I thought it was totally out of character for Moonjumper to act like this. Though, I wanted to preserve the original as much as I can!

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