Melt My Ice-Cold Heart (DJ Grooves x Conductor)

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Requested by: hannahconkle

Art above by: Soundwavepie (DeviantArt)

Original Link:

heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp- i don't know how to tag-

AHEM- either way, we have yet ANOTHER Discotrain fic in the mix! Sorry if it looks effortless or lazy, I was sorta in a rush! But yeah, I still do enjoy Discotrain.




"Peck, peck, peck..."

It was a late, cold winter night. That night, the babysitter of Conductor's grandchildren was supposed to leave until Conductor came back home and that's what Conductor was doing. Because he could only drive a train and there's no way he could ride home with it, he was walking back home. To make it clearer- speed-walking. So much peck had happened that night which had delayed Conductor's arrival.

One in the morning certainly isn't the best time to come home to your grandchildren.

Unfortunately, one bad thing led up to another and Conductor walked into a street of people going out for the festivities. He knew he wasn't going to make it in time. Actually, he knew he never could. So what path could help him arrive home a little faster?

On the far left seemed to be a park, luckily less crowded allowing Conductor to slip pass the them and now, running through the park at god-speed. He knew where his house was. He just needed to find a short-cut to reach it there.

He dashed few more bushes, some branches and twigs messing up his feathers but he didn't mind. Right when he knew he was nearly there, there seemed to be a large clearing of thick snow leading to him home.

This must be it!

He ran with all he could. His breathing was hard, trying to keep up with the many running moments he had that night. His mind was so clouded about his grandchildren he didn't even realize what he was getting himself into.

And when he heard something crack, he knew it was too late.

It certainly wasn't the snow crunching, no...

This thick layer of snow was actually hiding a thin layer of ice... and it's cracking!

No wonder it looked like a clearing! With all the left-over body-strength Conductor had, he ran- a fatal mistake that caused him to fall through the ice and into the freezing water below and its frostiness shot throughout Conductor's body, causing him to flail around to stay on the surface of the water. Luckily, his small size helped him to slightly float on the surface of the water.

Getting out was the problem.

The first thing he did was attempt to grab onto the nearest piece of ice only to crack off and render it useless. A few more attempts and Conductor's body began to give in to the torture of the cold, stiffening his muscles and hindering his movement. He was at the brink of passing out but he didn't want to.

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