The Inventor of Vale (RWBY x...

By Codestar4673

102K 1.5K 931

Everyone knows about the weapon shop called Imagination Weaponized, it's where nearly everyone goes to get or... More

V1 Chapter 1:The Shining Beacon
V1 Chapter 2:An Old Face
V1 Chapter 3:Initiation, Start!
V1 Chapter 4:Battle for the Pieces
V1 Chapter 5:First Day Fights
V1 Chapter 6:A Day Out
V1 Chapter 7:A Troublesome Day
V1 Chapter 8:In the Forest of Red
V1 Chapter 9:Straying Debates
V2 Chapter 1:Food Fight
V2 Chapter 2:Reflecting Opinions
V2 Chapter 3:A Major Problem with Paint
V2 Chapter 4:Extra Help
V2 Chapter 5:A Much Needed Talk
V2 Chapter 6:A Dance to Remember
V2 Chapter 7:Mission Ready
V2 Chapter 8:Exploration
V2 Chapter 9:Tunnel Vision
V2 Chapter 10:Hidden Glow
V3 Chapter 1:The Tournament Begins!
V3 Chapter 2:Truth
V3 Chapter 3:Answers
V3 Chapter 4:Unofficial Brawl
V3 Chapter 5:On Deaf Ears
V3 Chapter 6:Battle of Beacon
V3 Chapter 7:Aftermath
V4 Chapter 1:Anguish
V4 Chapter 2:Revelations
V4 Chapter 3:No Where Else To Go

V1 Chapter 10:Black, White, and Grey

3.6K 56 28
By Codestar4673

The next morning, Ruby is seen walking up, stretching and yawning as she does. She looks down to see Blake's bed and Y/n's sleeping bag still empty, making her worry. Yang and Weiss soon wake up after her, with Yang reacting the same way.

Ruby:We should go look for them, they could be in trouble.

Yang:I agree. You think we should get Skylar?

Ruby:Yeah, she should know.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Skylar looking through a magnifying glass

Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and Skylar are now walking through the city, looking for the two missing faunus.

Ruby:they've been gone all weekend.

Weiss:Blake's a big girl, I'm sure she can handle herself. Same goes for Y/n.

Yang:Weiss, come on. They're our teammates.

Weiss:Is she? We all heard what she said. And what about Y/n.

Skylar:Yeah, what about Y/n, Weiss?

Skylar sends Weiss a glare, making her stay quiet. Yang spoke up to make sure the two don't fight.

Yang:Look, maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Either way, they're both missing and we need to find them.

Weiss:A member of the White Fang. Right underneath our noses!

Ruby:I just hope they're okay.

Meanwhile, across the city, Blake, Y/n, and Sun are sitting on the balcony of a cafe. Blake takes a sip from her tea, before looking up and seeing Sun hold his cup with his tail, taking a sip from it. Y/n, meanwhile, is starring into his coffee. She takes a deep breath, before speaking.

Blake:So, you two want to know more about me.

Sun:(raises hands) Finally, she speaks! Nearly two days and you two have given me nothing but small talk and weird looks. (Blake's gives an annoyed look) Yeah! Like that.

Blake:(rolls eyes).. Sun, Y/n... are you two familiar with the White Fang?

Y/n:Yes, I am.

Sun:Well duh! I don't I think there's a faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks if you ask me.

As Sun was saying this, Y/n tried to get his attention and make him stop, giving up when Sun finished. Blake took a sip of her tea before responding.

Blake:I was, once a member of the White Fang.

Sun:(chokes on drink, coughs) Wait a minute, you were a member of the White Fang?

Blake:That's right. I was a member for most of my life actually. You could almost say I was born into it. Back then, things were different. In the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between humans and the faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality. The faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as a voice of our people. And I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. And I actually thought they were making a difference... but I was just a youthful optimist... Then, five years ago, our leader step down, and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking. Suddenly our peaceful protest were being replaced with organized attacks. We we're setting fire to shows that refused to serve us. Hijacking cargo from companies that use faunus labor. And the worst part was? It was working. We were being treated like equals. But not out of respect... out of fear. So, I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence. And instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a huntress. So here I am. A criminal hiding in plain view. All with the help of a little, black bow.

She moves her cat ears, making the bow twitch to show her point.

Sun:So, have you told your friends any of this? Besides Y/n, of course.

Blake stays silent, averting her eyes.

Y/n:It's complicated. Don't worry about it.

Sun:Well, what about you? You secretly part of the White Fang too?

Y/n:No, never was a part of it.

Blake:.. Y/n, I have a question.

Y/n:What is it?

Blake:... Your mother isn't the original owner of your shop, is she?

Sun:Wait, shop?

Y/n:(sighs)... No, she wasn't. The original owner was my dad.

Sun:Shop... L/n... wait, are you the son of the Mike L/n! The owner of the Imagination Weaponized weapon shop!

Y/n:Yeah, I am.

Sun:That's so cool! Do you think I could meet him. That would be-

He was interrupted by Blake elbowing his side.

Sun:(rubs side) Ow! What was that for.

Y/n:You, won't be able to meet him.

Sun:Oh, is he out or-

Y/n:No, he's dead...

The three sat in silence, until Y/n stood up, putting some Lien on the table.

Y/n:We should get going.

Y/n walks out of the cafe. Blake turns back to Sun with an angered expression.

Blake:What was that for?

Sun:Hey, I didn't know Mike was his dad, or that he was dead. You were asking about it as well!

Blake:Yeah, to see if he was his dad, nothing else. How did you not know Mike died!

Sun shrugs, making Blake rolls her eyes before standing up and walking out, with Sun right behind her. The two met up with Y/n outside and started to walk down the street. After walking a bit, Sun looks at Y/n.

Sun:Hey, um, sorry about, ya know, bringing up your dad.

Y/n:It's fine. Just, don't talk about it, okay?

Sun nods, and the three continue walking. Meanwhile, back with the rest of RWBY and Skylar, they were still trying to find Blake and Y/n, now calling out for them.




Ruby:Blaaaake!? Yyy/nnn!? Where are yooouu!?



Ruby:Weiss, you're not helping!

Weiss:Oh! You know who might be able to help? The police.

Ruby:Ugh, Weiss...

Weiss:It was just an idea!

Ruby:Yeah, a bad one.

Yang:Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions.

Skylar:And we still have to find Y/n.

Weiss:I think when we hear her side, you'll realize I was right.

Penny:And I think Weiss's hair looks wonderful today!

The four turn around in shock to see Penny behind them.

Ruby:Agh! Penny! Where did you come from!?

Penny:Hey guys, what are you up to?

Skylar:(whispers to Yang) Is this is the one you told me about?

Yang:(whispers back) Yeah. (normal voice) We're looking for our friends Blake and Y/n.

Penny:Oooh! You mean the two faunuses!

Ruby:Wait, how did you know Blake was a faunus?

Penny:Uh, the cat ears?

Yang:What cat ears? Blake wears a... bow...

The five stand in silence. As they do, a tumbleweed rolls pass them, for some reason.

Ruby:(whispers)She does like tuna a lot.

Penny:So, where are they?

Ruby:We don't know. They've been missing since Friday.

Penny:(gasp, goes up to Ruby) That's terrible! Well don't you worry Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your teammates.

Ruby:Ah, that's really nice of you Penny, uh, but we're-we're okay. Really. Right guys?

Ruby looks over to everyone else, however, They were all gone, leaving her alone with Penny. Ruby stays silent as another tumbleweed passes by.

Penny:It sure is windy today.

Going back to Sun, Blake, and Y/n, the three are seen still walking down a street.

Sun:So, what's the plan now?

Blake:I Still don't believe the White Fang is behind these robberies. They've never needed that much dust before.

Sun:What if they did?


Sun:What I mean is, the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there, right?

Y/n:Yes, that would make sense...

Blake:The only thing is, I have no idea where that would be.

Sun:Well, while I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about offloading a huge shipment of dust coming in from Atlas.

Blake:How huge?

Sun:Huge. Big Schnee Company freighter.

Blake:You're sure?


Y/n:Alright then. Looks like we'll be having ourselves a steak out.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n popping popcorn for the steak out

Blake and Y/n are seen on a warehouse, laying on their stomachs, surveying the area. As Blake watched the Schnee Dust containers, Y/n has his goggles on and in infrared mode, seeing if he can see anyone. As they do, Blake turns to Y/n.

Blake:... Y/n, I've been wondering...

Y/n:(still looking through goggles) What's up?

Blake:After you found out I was part of the White Fang, why did you still come after me, even before I told you my story.

Y/n stays silent, before sighing and removing his goggles to look at Blake.

Y/n:After I found out, I realized something, you didn't try to kill me.


Y/n:If you were part of the current White Fang and still took orders from them, you would've tried to kill me, since you knew who I was. You know about my shop, about my father. since you haven't tried to kill me yet, I assumed you weren't part of the White Fang anymore.

Blake:Why would I?

Y/n stays silent, looking away from Blake.

Y/n:That's a story for another time...

As Blake was about to question Y/n more, Sun came from behind them.

Sun:Did I miss anything?

The two turn around to see Sun carrying an armful of apples.

Blake:Not really. they've offloaded all the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there.

Sun:Cool. I stole you guys some food. (holds up an apple)

Blake:Do you always break the law without a second thought?

Sun:Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?

Blake glares at Sun, making him regret what he said.

Sun:Okay, too soon.

A sudden gust of wind surprised the three, making Sun drop the apples. The three look up to see a bullhead landing in an open space, with people getting out.

Y/n:That's not good...

Sun:Is that them?

Blake:Yes. It's them.

The three watch as the grunts start to steal the containers.

Sun:You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?

Blake:No, I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right.

???:Hey! What's the hold up?

The three look down again to see Roman Torchwick exiting the bullhead, yelling at the grunts as he does.

Roman:We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, soo, why don't you animals try to pick up the pace.

Blake:This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a human. Especially not one like that.

Sun:Hey! What are you doing!?

Blake draws her sword and jumps down, hiding behind some containers.

Y/n:She's gonna get herself killed.

Y/n draws his guns and jumps down as well.

Sun:Oh, not you too!

Y/n goes and hides behind some crates. He peeks over to see Blake creeping behind Roman.

Roman:No you idiot! This isn't a leash!

Once his back was turned, Blake ran up to him and held her sword to his neck.

Roman:What the-? Oh for f-

Blake:Nobody move!

The grunts draw their weapons and point them at Blake.

Roman:Woah! Take it easy there little lady.

As more grunts surrounded them, Blake reached up with her other hand and took off her bow, reveling her cat ears.

Blake:Brothers of the White Fang. Why are you aiding this scum?

The grunts lower their weapons, seemingly agreeing with her.

Roman:Heh, oh kid. Didn't you get the memo?

Blake:What are you talking about?

Roman:The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together.

Blake:Tell me what it is or I'll put an end your little operation.

A huge gust of wind distracted Blake, making her look up to see more bullheads hovering above her.

Roman:I wouldn't call it a little operation.

As Blake looked at the bullheads, she didn't notice Roman pointing his cane at the ground and firing, causing a explosion and launching her back. As she's down, Roman aimed at her and fired again. She dodged out of the way as he started rapidly firing at her. As she backflipped away, she hid behind some containers, the same containers Y/n was behind.

Y/n:Are you okay!?

Blake:I'm fine.

Roman started to walk towards Blake, taunting her as he does. He stops when a banana peel falls on his hat, covering his eyes. He reaches up and grabs a banana peel, throwing it to the side. Afterwards he looks up, only to see Sun landing on his face, knocking him over. Sun rolls as he lands and flips to get back in his feet.

Sun:Leave her alone.

Grunts started to jump out of the bullheads and surround Sun, trapping him in a circle.

Roman:You are not the brightest banana in the bunch, are ya kid?

Before the grunts could move, Y/n runs out and uses one of the grunts as a launching platform, knocking them back as he get in the circle as well.

Roman:How many of you kids are there!? Get them!

The grunts start to close on the two and attack them. As two approach Sun, he punches one away and dodges the others sword, kicking them down. He jumps and kicks another, using them to launch him away. Once away, Sun pulls out his weapon, a collapsible bo staff, and uses it to knock another grunt away. As he knocks away more grunts, he sends one past Roman, making the ginger attack him.

Meanwhile with Y/n, he was sticking with ranged attacks, keeping the grunts away from him. As more and more grunts showed up, they started to crowd him more, making him start to slash at the grunts with his swords. As one approached him, he slashed him away, sending the grunt into more grunts. Dodging the grunt from behind him, he jumps on their shoulders and jumped again sending them to the ground as he's now in the air. Before he lands, he spawns a mini Nevermore and rides it around, letting it attack the grunts. He jumps off and summons two Ursas to go help the Nevermore and runs off to find the others. Once he does, he sees Blake and Sun in battle with Roman, before Blake launches Roman onto his back. He looks up to see a container hanging above the two and fires at the wire, making it fall. The two jump out of the way as Roman points he came at Sun, ready to fire. He doesn't get the chance, however, as Y/n comes up from behind him and slashes at his back, distracting him. Roman turns to now fight Y/n. As the two clash, Roman knocked the swords out of Y/n's hands and pointed his cane at his face, making Sun and Blake stop in worry. Roman was once again distracted, however, by a voice calling out to him.


The four turn to see Ruby on top of a nearby building, spinning her scythe before stabbing it into the roof.

Roman:Oh, hello Red! Isn't it past your bedtime?

Ruby turns to talk to someone behind her, which Roman takes advantage of. He fires a shot at her, hitting her strait on, launching her back.


Roman starts to laugh, only to get punched in the face, dizzying him as Y/n runs to the building, picking up his swords as he does and saving them. As he gets there, he sees Penny jumps off the building and starts to attack the grunts. Ignoring it, Y/n summons an Ursa to jump off of and get on top of the building, running over to Ruby when he does.

Y/n:Are you okay!?

Ruby:I'm fine, but What about you!? Where have you been all weekend!?

Y/n:That's, a bit of a long story.

Y/n helps Ruby up as they turn around to see a green laser appear and hit the bullheads, cutting them into pieces. They fly over head and into the water behind them. They look down to see Penny was the one doing it.

Y/n:Is that, Penny?

Ruby:Woah. How is she doing that?

Y/n turns around as a bullhead speeds past them, carrying Roman as he gets away.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Ruby jumping to chibi Y/n and hugging him

The five are now sitting on crates as police are searching the area, arresting any White Fang grunts that were left behind or didn't escape. As the five sits in silence, they hear footsteps walking to them, who were Weiss, Yang, and Skylar. Skylar was the first to walk up, and was walking up to Y/n.

Y/n:I know, I know I should of told you what was going on but I just-

He was interrupted by Skylar hugging him, catching him off guard.

Skylar:Just, don't do something like this again, okay?

Y/n smiles and hugs her back, making most of the students around them smile. Ruby then noticed Weiss walking up to Blake, who gets up and tries to defend her.

Ruby:Look Weiss it's not what you think she explains the whole thing you see she doesn't actually wear a bow she has kitty ears and they're actually kind of cute.

Weiss walks past her and goes up to Blake, staring her in the eyes.

Blake:Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with-

Weiss:Stop. Do you have any idea how long we've been searching for you two? Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours I decided...

The others look on in worry.

Weiss:I don't care!

Blake:You don't care?

Weiss:You said you're not one of them anymore, right?

Blake:No, I-I haven't been since I was younger-

Weiss:Upupupupup! I don't want to hear it. All I want to know, is that the next time something this big comes up you'll come to your teammates, and not some... (looks at Sun) someone else.

Blake:Of course.

The two smile at each other, until Weiss turns and faces Y/n.

Weiss:And as for you!

Y/n:Oh boy here we go...

Weiss:I wanted to apologize.

Y/n:... What?

Weiss:You heard me! I decided to take what you said to heart, and I apologize. You were right.

Y/n:Huh, that's new... Weiss was wrong for once.

Weiss:Don't expect to to happen again, got it.

Y/n:Whatever you say, (smiles) Ice Queen.

Weiss glares at Y/n, before sighing and slightly smiling herself. Ruby looked between the three, before rasing her fist in excitement.

Ruby:Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!

Everyone smiles at one another , until Weiss points at Sun.

Weiss:I'm still not quite sure how I feel about you!

Sun gives off a nervous laugh. Ruby then looks around and notices something.

Ruby:Hey, wait a minute. Where's Penny?

The group looks around to see Penny had disappeared.

Y/n:Aw man, I wanted to ask her about her weapons.

Skylar:You can ask later. Right now, I think we should go. It's nearly midnight.

The rest of the group agreed and walked off to Beacon, planning on going to sleep.

Meanwhile, in a cabin deep within the woods. A man wearing a long, black trench coat is seen standing over a table, a map of Vale hanging above it. Shadows covered the man's face, with only his Purple eyes being visible. On the table were countless pictures of men and women, each having a different colored Grimm next to them or fighting with them. Most of the photos, however, had a large, red X over them. The room was silent, until the door opened, reveling a man also wearing a trench coat. He had blonde hair and a beard, and a set of golden eyes.

???:Hey boss, I found him.

The blonde man held up a photo, which the other man took from him.

???2:Good job, Leroy. Go contact Roman and his crew, tell him we're ready.

Leroy:Right away boss.

Leroy leaves the room. Once he does, the man smiles and looks at the photo.

???2:You tried your best to hide it, Inventor of Vale. But your son's not good at that.

The man puts the photo on the table and walks out of the room, grabbing something covered in a cloth as he does. On the photo wasn't of any other man or woman, but of Y/n, riding his Nevermore with his two Ursas under him.

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