Pokémon Sword and Shield: Anm...

By AnimeLoverMurillo

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Bella has no recollection of her memories but when she woke up she was covered in bruises and held onto a Roc... More

Bella's Info
Chapter 1 ~ The Forgotten
Chapter 2 ~ A New Journey
Chapter 3 ~ First Catch in Galar, Bella Style
Chapter 4 ~ The Gym Challenge Begins
Chapter 5 ~ Young Milo Had a Farm
Chapter 6 ~ First Battle, Bella Style
Chapter 7 ~ Ahoy Matey
Chapter 8~ Battling Fire with Fire: Part 1
Chapter 9 ~ Battling Fire with Fire: Part 2
Chapter 10 ~ Ultra Beast Unleashed
Chapter 11 ~ Recovering The Memories
Chapter 13 ~ Bump in the Night
Chapter 14 ~ Rise of Bella and Scorch
Chapter 15 ~ Gym Leader Audition - Part 1
Chapter 16 ~ Gym Leader Audition - Part 2
Chapter 17 ~ Ice and Rock Don't Get Along
Chapter 18 ~ Will Darkness Prevails?
Chapter 19 ~ Battling the Darkness
Chapter 20 ~ Dragon Tamer vs The Quartet Knights - Part 1
Chapter 21 ~ Dragon Tamer vs The Quartet Knights - Part 2
Chapter 22 ~ Semifinals Gala
Chapter 23 ~ Semifinals and Search for Leon
Chapter 24 ~ Champion Cup
Chapter 25 ~ Eternatus Rises
Chapter 26 ~ Zacian and Zamazenta
Chapter 27 - Sword vs Shield
Chapter 28 - Wedding Battle

Chapter 12 ~ Reborn Bella

663 13 4
By AnimeLoverMurillo

While Valarie talked to her father through Rotom Phone. Hop, Victor, and Gloria try to get their Pokémon to try to comfort Bella from her depression and think of a way to cheer her up. But will Bella ever recover from that traumatic event? Who knows.

Bella's P.O.V

I sat on a bench looking at my lap as Hop, Victor, and Gloria's Pokémon try to entertain me, but I wasn't feeling well. But I tried to smile the best I could but I couldn't, I was still blaming myself for leaving Eevee behind. I felt someone sat next to me and I looked up to see Hop sitting next to me, he tried to smile but he was feeling down too.

Hop: hey Bella, I know it's hard but I'm sure Eevee's alright
Bella: how can you be sure? You weren't there
Hop: I know... But I know your Eevee is strong, even if it was for just a day, I'm sure she's alright
Bella: I guess
Valarie: hey kids, we need to get going to Hammerlocke vault, you coming Bella?
Bella: [frown] no, I'll stay here
Valarie: you sure, you can stay with Raihan if you want
Bella: at this point [stand up] I shouldn't even be in the Gym Challenge, I was a fool to participate in the challenge. I'm sorry [walks away]
Hop: Bella-
Valarie: it's okay Hop, let her go
Hop: but Bella's-
Valarie: I know it's hard Hop, but right now Bella needs to have some space. I'm sure she'll be alright
Hop: I hope you're right

I continued to walk away from my friends as I walked all around Hammerlocke, I continued to walk and walk until I spotted what looked like a cafe. I entered the cafe and saw all the people and Pokémon, I was a bit scared but stopped when I heard a voice from behind.

Voice: you seem frightened child

I turned around and saw an elderly lady that wears a very long pink and green dress, a green and black hat, and white shoes with purple fuzz on them. To complete her outfit, she wears three arm bangles that match her dress, a black and pink glove, and a gigantic poofy purple scarf with three white mothball-like baubles hanging from it. She also carries a pink and green striped umbrella with a poofy purple design that matches her dress and scarf.

Bella: I am? Oh I'm sorry, am I blocking your way?
Elderly Woman: no dear, in fact Ms. Goodman sent me to find you, I followed you into this cafe when you walked away from your friends. Why don't we sit and have a chat, I'm sure there's a lot you need to get off your chest
Bella: [look down] [frowns] to be honest... I really do need someone to talk to, I just don't wanna talk about it to my friends... Oh I'm sorry! My name is Bella Lodge
Opal: [smile] it's nice to meet you Bella, call me Opal. Now why don't we go sit down and grab some tea
Bella: [faint smile] of course

Opal and I sat down when the waiter came up to take our order, I looked down when I heard a Pokémon cry and saw a vaguely anthropoid Pokémon with a body composed of whipped cream. Its head resembles several dollops of whipped cream styled like hair, with a large crowning dollop flanked by two loop-like "bangs." Each of these bangs is topped with a strawberry. The lower body is similarly composed of two dollops of whipped cream resembling a robe or a dress. It has two stout arms with three fingers each extending between the dollops of its body. I thought she looked adorable but I was too scared to pet her. When the waiter left, the Pokémon didn't follow the waiter, instead it went to stand next to Opal, so this must be Opal's Pokémon.

Opal: you seem to be scared of Alcremie, don't worry about her she's completely harmless
Bella: I see... I wish I could pet her, but I can't
Opal: and why not?
Bella: because I might [tighten her fist] get her hurt
Opal: is that so? Well I don't see you as the type to harm a Pokémon
Bella: Huh?
Opal: I see you as a gentle and caring trainer, your battles are remarkable, but when I saw you battle Team Yell, I knew you had the confidence to battle like you should battle
Bella: I get that I'm getting my confidence in battling against others, but what does this have to do with me not being able to touch Pokémon?
Opal: ask yourself this, did you tell Eevee to attack Serviper? Or did she attacked it all on her own just to save you?
Bella:... To be honest... I don't know how to answer that... I barely even know Eevee, I just met her... But she was stubborn and didn't want to leave my side, I rescued her from Neo Team Plasma when they captured her
Opal: well, it seems to me that Eevee is the one who wanted to protect you, don't you think so too? Do you think maybe your Pokémon would do the same thing? Think back to all the times your Pokémon protected you

I looked down when they brought us our order and tea, I thought about how I wanted to protect them, that I didn't realized how much they wanted to protect me. Especially when Nico and Ruth protected me from that Orbeetle, Grookey saving my life when Pumpkaboo attacked, Centiskorch when he protected me from Team Yell's Nickit, Ruth when he grew worried when I was injured during my battle against Kabu. Festivia, Nico, Silvally, and Cloudy protecting me from Buzzwole, and finally Flygon when Buzzwole was gonna attack me and my friends. I realized it that my Pokémon would be willing to risk their lives to protect me, even if they just barley met me. I felt something tug on my jacket, that I looked down and saw Alcremie again. I slowly and carefully reached out to pet her, but I was a bit shaken up to pet her, but after I took a deep breath and thought about how my Pokémon and I interacted in the past. I build up my confidence and petted Alcremie, she chirped happily and smiled when I pet her.

Bella: she's so soft
Opal: with enough confidence, I'm sure you can turn things around and find a way to face your fears
Bella: [smile] I will [sips her tea] now if you'll excuse me... I have some Pokémon to talk to
Opal: of course, you're excused, Bella. But before you go, why don't you catch this Alcremie
Bella: Huh? But I thought she was yours?
Opal: oh no, I brought this Alcremie as a gift for you, to welcome you to the Galar Region. I think fairy types should suit you very well
Bella: [smile] thank you, would you like to be a part of my team?
Alcremie: crem!! [chirps in joy]
Bella: alright, here you go

I brought out a poke ball where Alcremie tapped on the button and entered the poke balls it blinked three times until it clicked. I caught Alcremie. I smiled and placed Alcremie poke ball inside my backpack and bowed at Opal.

Bella: thank you for everything Opal, I know that I can overcome my fears, one step at a time
Opal: I know you will
Bella: now if you'll excuse me, I need to head to Hammerlocke Vault
Opal: take care

I paid for Opal and I's meal as I left the cafe, I ran all the way to Hammerlocke Vaults to see Raihan checking his Rotom Phone when suddenly he spotted me and smiled.

Raihan: hey dragonfly, where have you been?
Bella: [huff] [huff] I need to see, if Valarie still has [huff] [huff] my Pokémon
Raihan: oh, you mean these guys

Raihan tossed a couple pokeballs up in the air to allow Nico, Ruth, Cloudy, Silvally, Lola, Diane, Boo, Festivia, and Scorch as they stood there and look at me and Raihan, but mostly at me.

Bella: I know I was mean to you, and I'm mixed with emotions that I couldn't figure out, but right now... I want to say how sorry I am for pushing you guys away! I know that I shouldn't be afraid and I know that you guys wouldn't harm me... But I want you to know, I care for you guys so much!!! I'm asking you if you will accept my forgiveness!!

I looked down and didn't moved a muscle, that's when I felt a nudge on my head. I looked up and saw Silvally standing there, it then placed it's head on top of my hands like it wants to be petted. I smiled and hugged Silvally while it cheered in joy. Ruth, Nico, and Boo came up to me and asked to be petted, so I did, then Scorch ran up to me and gave me a hug, which I hugged him back. Then Cloudy, Festivia, Diane, and Lola wanted a hug too. I was so happy that they all forgive me so much, that was until Raihan interrupted our special bond.

Raihan: not to ruin your lovable Pokémon bond, but Victor, Hop, Gloria, and My possible soon to be future Dragon Queen left to head off to Stow-On-Side
Bella: I need to get going!
Raihan: hold it! You haven't got one of my league cards, after all, I forgot to give it to you when we first met [hands her his league card]
Bella: [takes his league card] thank you so much, I have to get going. Thank you Raihan! Come guys, return to your poke balls

Most of my Pokémon went back into their poke balls while Ruth, Nico, Scorch, and Silvally stayed outside their poke balls. Scorch decided to hop onto my back while Nico was on my head. Ruth entered my backpack and Silvally offered to take me to where Valarie and the others were. I hopped on and we took off, while Raihan bid us farewell. Silvally ran as quickly as possible until we spotted Valarie standing in front of Victor, Hop, and Gloria while Team Yell had their Pokémon out ready to battle, so I hopped off and let Scorch hop off my back while Nico stays in my head and Silvally got in position to fight.

Team Yell Grunt Male: try all you want, we aren't letting you pass!!! now to finish you all-
Bella: Scorch!! Use Double Kick on Nickit!!! Silvally use Iron Head on Skuntank!!!

Silvally and Scorch performed their moves and attacked both Nickit and Skuntank, sending both of them into a crater they made. Team Yell along with Valarie and my friends looked at the direction where it came from and saw me glaring down at Team Yell.

Bella: that's enough, I had enough of this, if you want a fair battle than I'll crush you two by force, fair and square! Let's go Scorch! Silvally! Full throttle!!
Team Yell: [panic] LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!

Team Yell ran away along with bringing their Pokémon back into their poke balls and left, I patted Silvally and Scorch that I didn't notice Hop running up to me and giving me a hug, which of course knocked me and him to the ground.

Hop: Bella! I'm so glad you're okay!
Gloria: we were worried sick
Valarie: and you can touch Pokémon now
Bella: yup, it was all thanks to Opal, she helped me learn a valuable lesson, I'm just glad I don't have to be afraid anymore
Valarie: well I'm glad to hear it, but I have to ask Bella, are you going to continue on with the Gym Challenge? It's okay if you don't want to, you still have time to back out
Bella:... Well... Huh?

I looked up and saw my Pokémon smiling at me, looking pumped up, and motivated, but am I certain I want to continue?... I look down at Scorch and saw him pat my shoulder and nodded a "yes." I smiled and looked up at Valarie and gave her my answer.

Bella: I will... Continue with the challenge
Valarie: [smile] that's the spirit! Now, let us head off to Stow-On-Side!
Victor/Gloria/Hop/Bella: YEAH!!!!!

We all hurried along and walked to our next destination, but while we were walking to Stow-On-Side, we had to go though so many paths that made us hop off some small cliffs, climb a few ladders, and even spotted some interesting Pokémon, we even spotted a Yamask that looked quite different that the one I originally know.

Valarie: wow, a Yamask, but this one is a lot different than the one I know
Rotom: allow me! Yamask, the Spirit Pokémon, a ground and ghost type. It wanders through ruins by night, carrying a mask that's said to have been the face it had when it was still human
Hop: wow, that's a bit, scary
Valarie: nah, I've seen worst. The ones you should be scared of are Haunter, Gengar, and Gastly, but most people are afraid of a Mimikyu
Hop/Victor/Gloria: A MIMIKYU?!?!
Valarie: yes a Mimikyu, Rotom
Rotom: gladly! Mimikyu, the Disguise Pokémon. It wears a rag fashioned into a Pikachu costume in an effort to look less scary. Unfortunately, the costume only makes it creepier
Hop: wow, that's... Creepy, no offense Miku
Miku [Mimikyu]: kiiiiiikiiiiiiii [tilts her head to the side]
Valarie: I got this Mimikyu when she lost her trainer, so I adopted her and took her in to join my team
Gloria: how sweet
Victor: can we get going? It's getting too hot
Valarie: oh right, we should head off, don't want any of you kids getting skin cancer, let's go!
Bella: yeah!!
Hop: let's go!!!

Narrator's P.O.V

With a new found of confidence Bella is now ready to face an even bigger obstacles, however without a dynamax band, how will Bella be able to Pokémon battle against the gym leaders of Fighting and Ghost type? Who knows what kind of obstacles Victor, Hop, Gloria, Bella, and Valarie will face. As their journey continues!

Meanwhile in Spikemuth

Team Yell Grunt Male: we swear boss, this new trainer is tough!
Team Yell Grunt Female: not to mention she has a rare Pokémon! Some kind of cloudy like Pokémon
Team Yell Grunt Male: no! It isn't, it's was something call a Cosmo
Dark Gym Leader: a cloud like Pokémon... Where is she now?
Team Yell Grunt Female: heading to Stow-On-Side! She and her buddies are going to get their Fighting and Ghost badge, after that they'll go to Ballonlea, then to Circhester and finally here at Spikemuth!
Dark Gym Leader:... Hmmmmmm... wait till they get to Circhester, from there on out no one is allowed to enter Spikemuth, once they get to Circhester, bring the girl to me, after what happened at the wild area, I'm certain those guys won't think twice in looking for her here
Team Yell Grunt Male: but boss-
Dark Gym Leader: do I make myself clear?
Team Yell Grunts: yes sir!

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