The Slithery Child of the Cre...

By MeitanteiShinkuRan

2.6K 69 8

(Next Generation AU) "Koro-sensei's legacy has been passed and waiting to be fulfilled, but not in a way the... More

Author's Note
The Great News: Koro-sensei Has a Son!
Nagisa Shiota Got The Call
The New Class E Mission: Raising Him
First Meeting
The Start Of A Beautiful Friendship
Memories Under Falling Cherry Blossoms
Panic Attacks And Pancakes
The E-Class Reunion
Tsukiro and The E-Class

Akari Yukimura's New Role

214 6 0
By MeitanteiShinkuRan

The Karasumas looked at each other before turning their heads to their former students, Tadaomi sighed deeply as he spoke, "I forgot to tell you but...Tsukiro-kun is not the only child created by Yanagisawa Kotarou."

Akari and Nagisa's eyes widened in shock.

"In fact, he created another child. His own child."


Yukimura Akari couldn't believe what she had heard.

Seven years ago, her sister Aguri had died. It was the worse day of Akari's life. Her sister was the only family she had besides her absentee father, as her mother died because of an illness. After her mother's death, her father's treatment over his daughters had changed, he became heartbroken and started to couldn't take care of them. That is when Aguri started to take the reigns and support her little sister, who became a budding child actress at that time.

Akari loved her older sister with all her heart. She loves how she smiles whether problems started to appear, and she likes to support her sister, no matter what Akari would choose to be.

She kinda admit, she was jealous of Aguri in terms of genetic department. Although her appearance was somewhat plain, with short black hair and dark eyes tinged with orange hues, Aguri had a massive chest, which Akari would want to have. Aguri was also tall for a woman her age, compared to Akari who inherited their mother's short stature.

Akari hated Yanagisawa the first time when he was introduced by her father as Aguri's fiancé. As an actress, she knew how to read emotions of a person, and she could see Yanagisawa's smile being forced as he smiled at Akari and Aguri. Aguri, too, was smiling, but the smile doesn't reach her sad eyes. That is when Akari realized that her sister doesn't love the man. She was only forced to marry Yanagisawa, as their family business, a pharmaceutical company, merged business with Yanagisawa's. Her sister Aguri was just a collateral.

She saw her sister became depressed as years went by, even though Aguri never shows her sadness to other people, hiding her sorrows within a smile and her cheerful personality. Yanagisawa made Aguri work for him, while Aguri balancing her new work with her teaching career. She could see dark circles on Aguri's onyx eyes, as she only had to sleep for a few hours. She could hear her sister crying every night, even though Aguri shrugged it off, saying she was not crying.

One day, she noticed her sister finally became happy. Her sunken eyes twinkled, as her smiles were getting genuine as ever, compared before. She sometimes hummed some cheerful songs while she cooked for her sister, and what's weird, it seems that Aguri finally looked forward going to Yanagisawa's lab with a smile on her face. Akari knew that look.

Aguri had finally fallen in love.

Akari prayed it was not Yanagisawa. That devil was not right for her sister. Turns out it was someone else who made her sister look like that way.

One day, she noticed a gift box on her sister's bag, when Aguri was out. She opened the box with curiosity, thinking if Aguri was planning to give it to someone.

It was a huge black necktie.

Akari sighed and rolled her hazel eyes, smiling. She knew her sister's fashion choices, it was terrible. She wondered if the recipient of the gift would wear that, the necktie looks dorky. At least, Akari knew that her sister had found someone who made her happy. Hoping that she would stay like that forever.

Until one day.

She became devastated when her sister died. She had witnessed her sister lying lifeless on the arms of her future teacher, Koro-sensei. At that time, she thought Koro-sensei killed Aguri at first, so she made one of the greatest mistakes of her life. She had injected tentacles on her nape, for revenge. She pretended to be someone else, to be a meek-looking green-haired Kaede Kayano. The pudding lover. The innocent one. The bystander.

Turns out it was a bad idea.

She risked her life for revenge. She bore the pain of the tentacles, thinking ways to kill the murderer who killed her sister. For a year, she only focused on revenge. Her tentacles fought with Koro-sensei, with her trying to hold on what her sanity had left. She nearly died, for her revenge. She was starting to regret her decision as her sanity slowly fading away, letting the tentacles and their whispering hold her entire soul.

Until Nagisa kissed her right on the lips, his tongue melding with hers, as she was pulled back to the surface. (And she was still blushing when she thought about that day.)

Until Koro-sensei had revealed everything. The truth she was waiting for all this time. And Akari could only see the necktie hanging on Koro-sensei's neck with a sad realizing look in her face, while it was fluttering lazily in the wind, mocking her.

Aguri was falling in love... With Koro-sensei.

The man who had made Aguri happy before she died.

So it is time to repay the debt.

She sacrificed everything for everyone.

Koro-sensei, the teacher who truly loved her sister and fulfilled his promise to her by taking care of Aguri's class. For her sister, the one she really cared and loved, who had supported her in any way . For Nagisa, who became her real friend and the one Akari had started to love. For her classmates, the one who accepted her despite everything.

She took the blow, her blood sprayed to the cold hard ground, just to save Koro-sensei time to recover. She smiled, as she was looking at the moon above, before she closed her eyes.

But turns out, Koro-sensei saved her instead, bringing her back to life. Kayano thought there will be happy ending, but turns out that at the end of the story, he still died on their arms.

Koro-sensei was now reunited with Aguri, as their souls and strings entwined to each other, as they walked in the afterlife. Akari smiled despite the tears in her eyes. At least, she knew that their story had a happy ending at least, although laced with tragedy.

Akari thought that their love story ends with Koro-sensei dying on their arms and reuniting with Aguri in the afterlife.

Turns out it was not yet done.


"I can't believe that man made two children out of unethical means," Akari said out of spite, "Using my sister as his guinea pig. After all, he had crossed a line when he used Koro-sensei as a guinea pig for his crazy experiments. I still wonder why the government still funded his research at that time. No offense, Karasuma-san."

Karasuma nodded, "None taken. Sometimes the government has to sacrifice dignity for publicity and progress. Or for the sake of the world. Sometimes it backfires, causing more trouble on the citizens."

Nagisa comforted the distressed actress, "But at least, we now know about their existence, and of course, we knew Tsukiro-kun was now safe."

"But what about the other one? As much as I hate the fact that she was the daughter of, she is still my little niece. She is still Aguri-neechan's child. Any news about her? Is she safe?" Akari asked Tadaomi, her golden eyes etched in worry.

The military man sighed as his head lowered, speaking in a sad voice, "Unfortunately, we had no news about the kid. Yanagisawa Katara-san never told us about the issue, but according to her written statements, she had escaped with newborn Tsukiro-kun when the octopus' assassination incident happened 7 years ago, along with her co-worker and the newborn female, but her co-worker was caught along with the girl when they try to escape. Katara-san escaped with the boy, and according to her, she was still in recovery from giving birth to them days prior."

Irina gave a look of pity, her hand touched her husband's shoulder, "Giving birth was not easy, you know. It took me weeks to recover and work after giving birth to Aimi-chan."

"Also, she was in the vinicity of the mountain when we assassinated the octopus," Karasuma continued, earning the shocked looks of the two young adults in front of him.

"What?! But we never seen her while we went to infiltrate the mountain to get to Koro-sensei!" Akari exclaimed, while Nagisa nodded in agreement.

"But she did. She went after you had infiltrated, holding the newborn boy in her arms. Unfortunately, she can't go forward to your location," Karasuma grimly spoke.

"Why she can't go forward and go to Koro-sensei? He was Tsukiro-kun's father, Sensei deserved to know about his little child!" Akari stressed out, her hazel eyes narrowed.

Being a perceptive person as he is, Nagisa realized too quickly. He remembered what Karasuma-sensei had told about Tsukiro earlier. Closing his azure eyes, he sighed as he spilled the beans.

"Tsukiro-kun can't."

Akari looked at her bluehaired companion, her voice faltered in confusion. Nagisa opened his eyes, stared at Tsukiro, who was playing with Aimi, with a pitiful expression, then looked at their former sensei.

"If we remember what you said, Sensei, Tsukiro-kun apparently had inherited some of the abilities that Koro-sensei had. More likely, he can conjure tentacles from any part of his body. Tsukiro-kun's condition is more advanced than the tentacle implants that Kayano and Itona had before, but less advanced than the Koro-sensei's. And as the file and you had said before, Tsukiro-kun's tentacles can't be easily removed, for the antimatter particles is already grafted in his DNA, isn't that right, Karasuma-sensei? " Nagisa explained thoroughly, as Karasuma nodded in response.

Nagisa held his chin in thought before his gaze went to Akari's hazel orbs, "Do you remember what could damage Koro-sensei?"

Akari's hazel eyes widened in realization, her voice hushed in a whisper, "Anti-Sensei material... That barrier that trapped Sensei was made using that material too."

Nagisa nodded, "Considering the fact that Tsukiro-kun has antimatter cells grafted to him, of course he will be affected by the barrier. Likely, he would also be disintegrated by the laser."

"Of course, the woman would have common sense not to let the boy come in the barrier. It would be risky," Irina spoke, shrugging. Her blonde locks swayed slightly in the wind, as she looked at the two children not far from them.

Tadaomi looked above, remembering that fateful day. "Nagisa is right. Katara-san wanted to enter the barrier to get across and meet the octopus, but she failed after realizing how the anti-octopus barrier affected the child. And considering the fact that the octopus may be dead at the end of the night, leading the child to be imprisoned by the authorities once the news of the child's existence comes out, she decided to raise the child away, for seven years. She was also consumed by guilt from leaving the female newborn behind too, that is why she is dedicated to keep the boy safe."

Akari and Nagisa's gazes went to the little black haired boy playing with Aimi on the grass. Aimi was talking to him, smiling brightly as she held Tsukiro's hands with hers, her fingers intertwined with Tsukiro's fingers. Tsukiro's cheeks was blushing pink, looking at Aimi with a surprised look, as Akari could notice that the boy's hands twitch a little, acting like Koro-sensei's tentacles. It seems like Tsukiro was trying to repress his hands from slithering too much, trying not to scare the little five-year old girl in front of him.

Akari smiled sadly at the scene, while Nagisa patted the woman's back, comforting her. The Karasumas looked at the children with a wistful look, as they saw their little princess interacting with the little human-octopus hybrid.

Akari thought of her sister. Maybe this is her second chance on making her sister amd Koro-sensei happy.

Her new role. This time, it will last until the end of her days. This is not the same with her roles on TV or movies, this is real-life.

And this huge role also had a huge responsibility to uphold. And she will do everything she can to fulfill it.

She turned at the Karasumas as her eyes was filled with determination.

"So... If this is our new mission as students of Koro-sensei, I will accept the challenge. Now, can I have my beloved nephew staying with me?"

Nagisa and the Karasumas look at Akari with a bewildered look.

"But what about your work as an actress? Would it be difficult to take care of not only a child, but with tentacle cells grafted in him, while doing your acting career?" Nagisa asked the ravenhaired girl in worry.

Akari shrugged, "After all, I am a former tentacle user, I can train him to use his tentacles for good. You had no choice on the matter, it is rather me or Itona-kun, which is not related to Tsukiro-kun by blood. I can get used to it, I am an versatile actress, and I can my balance my life as an actress and a supportive aunt. Think of it as my new project, as my role. I will be his guiding aunt. Besides, I wanted to make my sister happy, and what better way to do it by raising her darling son into a respected individual?"

The Karasumas and Nagisa look at each other before looking at Akari who smiled. Tadaomi sighed as Irina smiled sweetly, "Well, let's get the mission started, shall we?"


A/N: And the chapter stops here... For now.

After months of inactivity for this story, I finally had a chapter to update.This was actually longer, but I decided to cut it into two chapters, for it already reached 3k words if I hadn't cut it. Talk about not stopping.

In this chapter, we could see Akari/Kayano's point of view of the situation. As you can see, even though she seems to be moving on from Aguri's death, she still missed her sister a lot. It is not easy to let go of the ones you love, but little by little, wounds of grief have started to heal with the ones who loved her. The E-Class help her cope with it, and with the arrival of her unexpected gift, her nephew Tsukiro-kun, she will finally learn to be happy.

I took longer to update this because I have started to become busier these days. Online classes are starting to get to my nerves so... Stress takes over.

And while I lost some ideas to throw for this story, I had drawn some random TSCCM fan arts on my Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr account, featuring Tsukiro and Aimi as young adults. Talk about productivity.

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