The Doctor

De Anonymous_The_Writer

3.1K 27 4

18 year old Lacy Von Alluni is no stranger to family disfunction. Its this disfunction that leads her to be s... Mais

The Doctor
Chapter 1: Saved
Chapter 2: Examination
Chapter 3: Bickering
Chapter 4: Luke
Chapter 5: A Walk in the Garden
Chapter 6: The Truth
Chapter 7: Pain
Chapter 8: Linked by the Mark
Chapter 9: A Ticking Time Bomb
Chapter 10: Paranoid Senses
Chapter 11: A Meeting With Evil
Chapter 12: History
Chapter 13: Cat and Mouse
Chapter 15: The End
The Sequel

Chapter 14: Into The Garden

103 2 0
De Anonymous_The_Writer

   “Mel open up.” I called bashing on the large mahogany door just off the main road in Taigha. Mel’s place was our first stop yet my team already seemed anxious and tired. They sat around at the top of the steps waiting for me. When Mel answered the door he had a happy gleam in his eyes that told me he just made a new find. “Wow you haven’t changed a bit..” I said, taking in his disheveled blond hair and crazy eyes. I didn’t matter how many times I talked to him, he was still an alarming sight at first. He gave me a crocked smile of joy,

   “Doctor! What brings you to my door?” He asked.

   “We’re looking for someone.” I said, jerking my head back to my group. “You and your boy are always milling around the human population here so I was wondering if you may have seen a girl running around.” He was thoughtful and serious for a moment.

   “What does she look like?” He asked hesitantly.

   “Strawberry blond hair, blue eyes..” I said,

   “Skinny as a skeleton, flat chest, tiny little thing...” Lexi chirped in, I turned and glared at her making her stop instantly. 

   “Come on in everyone.” He said, pushing the door open for us and walking back. We filed in and closed the door behind us and followed him down the hall and he led us into the large glass dome that he used as his sculpture garden. 

   My group gasped as we got closer to a very life like sculpture and they realized it was a real person. The thing about Mel was that yes, he thinks humans should be held in high regards as the thing that sustains many lives but he has a cooky way of showing his support and “worshiping” them. 

   “Oh god.” Lexi gasped, looking up at a man who had been painted to match white stone and posed looking out over the garden. “I think I’m going to be sick, is he dead?”

   “No, none of them are!” Mel gasped in offense, “How could anyone kill such beautiful, life giving creatures!?”

   “If you like humans so much then how can you impression them here as statues for your own entertainment?” Simon asked in slight disgust. 

   “Because they’re beautiful art and should be preserved as so instead of treated like slaves.” He said with a pout, looking away sharply. I sighed, done with being here already,

   “This isn’t why we are here Mel, do you know where the girl is or not? Because if you don’t we need to get going, we’re wasting time.” The others nodded, happy to be getting a way out of this horrible garden.

   “Strawberry blond with blue eyes, strawberry blond with blue eyes...” He mutter crazily, flitting away from our group and down another path. 

   “Mel!” I yelled angrily after him, we followed him down the path where he had stopped to think again. “If you made my mate into a statue I’m kicking your ass.” I growled, he looked at me with wide but still uncaring eyes. This guy was way to crazy at this point to care about threats by anyone.

   “I don’t know if she is here...” He said finally, holding his chin thoughtfully, “But if you want her you have to find her!” He said playfully then running off. We stood in the middle of the path confused and unsure about what just happened. 

   “I’m not walking through this creep’s garden.” Lexi protested with a pout.

   “Yeah well we didn’t ask for you to come, you volunteered so get looking.” I said, picking a path and beginning to walk it. “Everyone split up, keep your radios on and if you see anything let us know right away.” I instructed. Lexi came running up behind me and walked with me. “I said everyone split up.” annoyance was starting to creep in. “Why the hell did you want to come anyways?” I said, turning sharply to her with a mean gaze. She jumped and looked scared,

   “Well someone has to watch over you..” She said quietly.

   “Yeah? Well I have six others here to do just that, we watch each other’s backs so what is the real reason your here.” 

   “To try and understand you!” She screamed angrily, “You had me, you’ve had me for years yet I’m not enough? You seemed happy and now all you care about is a damn human! A HUMAN!” 

   “Don’t talk about her like that...” I warned with a growl, “You have no idea.”

   “I don’t care, I’m better yet you went for her over me and I just don’t get it! How stupid are you?” Without thinking my anger got the better of me, my hand flew up and collided with her cheek. It sent her flying back slightly and she stood in shock holding her reddened cheek. 

   “I picked her because she’s my mate. She bares my mark and I love her. She’s a good, kind hearted person who cares and doesn’t see me as a prize unlike you, she sees me for me, not what she can gain from me and the only reason we were ever a thing is because I was to stupid to say no. I never loved you or felt a thing all those times when you decided to just insert yourself into my life.” She took a shaky, shocked step back. 

   “Wow... she’s good?” She said looking down, “She’s good...” She said with a giggle, “If she’s so good then why the hell have you turned into this..this.. this guy who is mean and hits? You would have never talk to me like this before.”

   “Its not her its you. Your the one challenging her and I and I’m just defending her. Yes I lost my tempter and I’m sorry I hit you but there is only so much stress a guy can handle!”

   “Or maybe its genetics..” She said, knowing it was a blow right to the heart and pride. “I wonder if this is how it started with your dad and mother... I wish you two luck in life.” She said bitterly and stormed away. I stood for a moment lost in thought then sunk to the ground. ‘I’m not like my father, I’d never hurt Lacey..’ I thought to myself, running a troubled hand through my hair.

   “Found her.” Jhan’s gravely voice said over the radio. my shaky hands found the radio in my belt.

   “Whats your position?” I asked,

   “East corner.” I pushed myself back to my feet, my heart wanted to run to the east corner but my body still fought my mental anguish and only moved at a slow walk. I met up with some others on the main path but Lexi was no where to be found now. Jhan was sitting on the bottom step that led down into a work area just off from the garden and had Lacy laying lifelessly in his lap.

   “Whats wrong with her?” He asked as I sat next to him and took her from him. She was pale, bruised, and scabbed up but still alive, breathing is shallow breaths. 

   “Mel uses some serum to freeze them in place. It doesn’t kill, just slowly paralyzes them so they have no control or feeling over themselves. He can then move and mold them into what ever he wants.”

   “What do we do then Doc?” someone asked walking up behind us.

   “Uhh, well...” I said, scratching my head and trying to think on my feet. They don’t exactly cover what to do when a crazy artist paralyzes your girlfriend in medical school.

   “Its in her blood, I can smell it.” Kay, a tall vampire girl who had been staying quiet until now spoke, stepping forward. “Maybe a vampire can bite her and suck it out, you know, like clean her blood.”

   “Yes, its a good idea but how do I know you wont just drink her dry while your at it?” I asked,

   “I’ll do it.” Ceael said stepping forward, he was like Kay and had remained quite and observant till this point. “I’m hundreds of years old and I learned to control my thirst many centuries ago.” He explained. I watched him hesitantly as he stood in front of me. I cradled Lacey closely but finally relaxed and handed her over to him. We all followed as he walked around the work area until he found a couch to rest her on. Then he laid her down and began to drink, stopping every few minutes to spit. I watched him closely and made sure if he began to drink from her blood supply I’d be ready to stop him in an instant.

Lacey’s POV (LOL I just found out I’ve been spelling her name wrong this whole time! haha one chapter from the end, what great timing huh?)

   Feeling began to creep back into my body again and I was cold but slowly warming up. Something was hovering above me and it scared me, not being able to see I instantly assumed it was the man but then I felt the teeth in my neck and I began to twitch and attempt to struggle. My screams were muffled whimpers and squeaks but then someone took my hand and I felt instantly safe.

   “It’s alright, he’s fixing you Lacey.” I heard Cameron tell me softly. 

   “Cam..” I muttered, finding my lips were suddenly able to move again, then my eyes opened and I saw him sitting next to me.

   “Thats enough, she’s back.” He told the guy who had been sucking from my neck.

   “She’s alive!” The guy exclaimed jokingly and I heard many laughs around me. I looked around and saw I was surrounded by smiling people. I sat up and crawled closer to Cam and he instantly wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his shoulder, closed my eyes and smiled happily.

   “What happened?” I asked softly.

   “I’ll explain later.” He said, picking me up. The group turned to leave but stopped in shock as we finally realized that we had been surrounded. They had waiting until everyone was distracted by me and then silently moved in. Lord Castile stood just behind the line of guards that surrounded us and smiled.

   “Hello son.” He said in fake happiness then turned to the guards, “Seize them.”

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