Speechless- B*BARNES

By roguelc25

474K 11K 3.9K

"Does she talk?" "No. She's been mute since childhood." Gemini Destiny Braddock. A girl with a very unknown... More

Description and Cast
001. Home Sweet Home
002. Help Needed
003. First Night Back
004. Don't Worry
005. Gifts and Visits
006. Family Business
007. Sickness
008. Accidents
009. The Compound
010. Bets
011. Unnoticed Ghost
012. House Rules
013. Feeling Bad
014. Apologies
015. Tic-Tac and Disney Films
016. Welcome Home
017. Anxiety Sucks
018. Cameras and Pictures
019. Crazy Karaoke
020. More Disney and Tears
021. Insomnia
022. Little Get Away
023. The S.S. Stark
024. The D.R
025. Never Have I Ever
026. Wins
027. Welcome
028. Bar Night and Problems
029. Family and Planning
030. Struggling and Just Dance
031. Coping and Confessions
032. Help, Plans and Threats
033. Friends and Date
034. Aftermath, Fears and Comfort
035. Return
036. Memory Lane Home Movies
037. Halloween
038. Mother Figure
040. Spontaneous Trips
041. Game Night
042. Childhood
043. Over Working
044. Family Surprise
045. Christmas
046. New Years
047. Lazy Day
048. Camping Trip
049. Archery and Campfire Songs
050. San Fran and Secrets
051. Emptiness
052. Starting the Aftermath
053. Dark Day
054. Friendship
055. Promises
056. Back to Work
057. Children
058. News

039. The Kid

2.5K 78 35
By roguelc25


GEMINI RUBBED HER eyes tiredly as she entered the training room. It was very early and she was told - more like ordered - by Natasha that she was training with them today. In her gym wear she was ready to throw a knife at the first person that even commented on the state of her hair. Granted, she didn't actually care but she couldn't be bothered dealing with anybody at this early hour, especially after having a restless night of sleep.

Sitting on one of the benches that were in the room, she rested her chin on her palms, trying to stop her self from slipping to the slumber. She felt a knock on her leg which jolted her awake suddenly. She was ready to injure the person until she realised it was Bucky.

He held out the mug to her. Hot Chocolate. "I know you're not a coffee fan, so I hope that helps."

Her mood quickly changed as she took the mug. "It does, a lot. Thanks." She blew a kiss to him, unable to pry herself from her spot as her legs were numb.

Sitting beside her, he held his own mug of hot liquid. "How come you're in here, thought you didn't train."

She shook her head. "I don't. Nat's told me she's training me today though."

"Training you for what. How to murder someone in twenty different ways using only a blunt knife?" He asked her rhetorically.

"I wouldn't put it passed her if I'm being honest." She shrugged. "I've seen her nearly knock Clint out with a high heel."

"That doesn't sound all that surprising actually." He admitted to her with a small chuckle.

Gemini nodded, watching as the others slowly started trudging in. The complaints from the twins were both very loud, repeatedly asking why they were here. Steve walked in after just going for a run, which he considered his warm up - to which Gemini couldn't wrap her head around. The only person who didn't seem to be present was Tony, and Bruce but he never joined in anyway.

Nudging Bucky with her elbow. "Where's Tony?"

He shrugged. "Said he had to pick someone up."

Gemini wondered who Tony could be picking up at seven o'clock in the morning on a Saturday. Most people she knew were still asleep, and she wished to be. She could only think of three people that would be awake at this time: Toni and Stephen, as they were both working shifts at the hospital, and her cousin Dave, but that was mainly because he's nocturnal and doesn't sleep until eight in the morning and wake up at seven in the evening.

Natasha whistled for Gemini clapping her hands for her to come over. Turning to Bucky, she handed back the mug, thanking him one last time before going over to the assassin.

"Please don't break any bones in my body, I've done that enough myself." She pleaded with the woman earning a short laugh in response. "I'm serious Nat."

"I thought your name was Gemini." She fired back.

"Don't use Harry Potter jokes with me." She warned her, not impressed with the joke but proud of the reference.

Natasha threw the first punch, narrowly missing Gemini's face as she dodged. Taking a sly dig into Natasha exposed side, she slipped around her. Natasha turned quickly throwing another punch at the woman. This continued for a few moments, the pair quickly growing more tired as it progressed. The others in the room had stopped their own training to watch them.

It finally ended when Nat took a wonky step and Gemini took her chance to flip the former Red Room assassin onto the floor, holding her foot to her neck. She smiled at her impressed in herself before helping her up. The other's clapped the pair as Gemini returned to her previous seat, taking her hot chocolate from Bucky's hands.

Sam rubbed his wrist nervously at the young woman's strength. "I'm afraid that Gemini can beat Nat in a fight."

"That just means I can kick your ass, Sam." She fired back quickly smirking at the man's fear in his eyes.

He straightened himself. "I wouldn't think so."

"Are you gonna test that, Big Bird?" She mocked him, earning a stray laugh from those who understood and a grumble from Sam as he went back to his target shooting.

A sudden familiar voice brought Gemini's attention to the door. "Whoa, Mr Stark, cool training room." She smiled at the body that appeared in the doorway.

"What is the kid doing here?" She heard Rhodey ask aloud, looking at the teenager.

Gemini whistled to the boy, catching his attention. "Peter, how are you my favourite little geek?"

Peter Parker's face beamed as he saw the woman Tony had introduced to him. "Hi Gemini, I'm good, how are you?"

The Avengers looked between the two. "Hold up. Gem, you know the kid?" Rhodey asked her, shocked.

She nodded. "Peter? Yeah, Tony introduced him to me." She smirked at the boy. "What you doing here Peter? Shouldn't you be building LEGO Death Star's with Ned?"She suggested.

He shook his head. "Did that yesterday." His oblivion to her sarcasm made her chuckle. "Mr Stark invited me over to see a new suit he's making. Then he let me wander around the place." He explained, still in awe of the size of the training room "What are you doing here, Gem? I thought you'd be working at your bar with...Joe is it?"

She shook her head. The young teenager still had so much innocence, even after fighting against some of the most well known superheroes in Germany a few years back.

"Cool." She replied smiling. "And I've been staying here, my apartment got flooded."

"You mean the apartment building they're knocking down because of the faulty piping?" He asked without missing a beat. Gemini's eyes widened, she didn't know that was happening.

"Didn't realise that was gonna happen. Need to go clear out my place before it becomes part of the gravel." She shrugged, sipping from her mug before placing it down. "So what's your new suit like?"

"Oh, it's so awesome. There's these new compartments for it that..." He began to explain the new designs added to make his suit better. The other's went back to their training, not really caring much for the boy's rambling.


The Avengers found themselves later that day, in the living room, doing their own things.

Gemini sat at the table with Peter, helping him with some homework he hadn't finished. Though Gemini didn't know Peter all that well, she looked after him. He reminded her a lot of herself, he'd lost both his parents at a young age and lost his uncle a few years ago and was left in the custody of his Aunt May. She felt protective over Peter, he was still a child in so many ways.

Bucky noticed this from one of the couches. He had been roped into playing a card game with the twins and Rhodey, not really caring what was going on. He watched Gemini as she helped Peter with the dates on his History paper.

"Wait a minute..." He heard Peter say to Gemini. "Excuse, Mr Rogers." He called to Steve. "You fought in World War Two, right?"

Steve looked to Bucky apprehensively. "Yeah, Queens I did. Why?"

Peter smirked. "Okay, good. What was it like in America during the war in the forties?" He asked innocently. Gemini laughed at the boy beside her.

Steve sighed, rolling his eyes. "I don't really remember to be honest, it was a long time ago."

Gemini placed her head on the table, her shoulders shaking with laughter. "Nevermind. Gem, you're good with History."

She was still laughing. "Oh you sweet, innocent child." She wiped a tear from her eye before continuing to help him.

Bucky returned his attention to the card game, only to be hit with a plus four card by Pietro. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the younger man.

"You piece of shit." He grumbled, a little too loudly as he picked up the cards.

Gemini's head snapped up to his swearing, just after finishing the last bit of Peter's History work.

She got up walking to him and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He looked to her. "I said that I bit loudly didn't I?"

She smiled. "Just a little bit." He chuckled, kissing the woman's cheek as she sat herself beside him.

"Wait, Gemini. You're dating The Winter Soldier...Or is it White Wolf now?" Peter began questioning.

She laughed, shaking her head at the boy's rambling. "Yes Peter, Bucky and I are dating." She confirmed to him. Peter nodded quickly changing the subject and joined the group playing cards. "Who's winning?" She asked Bucky.

"That little shit." He grumbled, pointing to a smug Pietro.

"Not for long." She promised before pointing to Wanda. "Play that for me please."

She placed the switch card down before putting at a card in Bucky's deck and telling him to place it. He placed the plus two down, only for Pietro to place one down also, followed by Rhodey and Wanda and then another from Bucky.

Gemini watched the colour in Pietro's face drain and his smile drop as he realised what had happened. "Fuck!" He yelled loudly glaring at Gemini. "You suck Gemini." She laughed along with the others. "Evil little woman."

"Indeed." She admitted, kissing Bucky's cheek. "You're welcome."

"Thank you, doll." He smirked happily towards her. She bowed jokingly before wrapping her arm over his shoulder to help him with the remainder of the game. Peter laughed at the interaction between the two.

Pietro was again screwed over, the second time solely by Rhodey. "I don't like this game anymore." He admitted staring at his handful of cards. "This is not a fun game."

"Welcome to my world, when you hit me with three plus two and two plus fours, you little bastard." Bucky replied, not moving his eyes from his hand. Gemini suppressed her laughter into his shoulder as Pietro grumbled under his breath.

"I love this game when I'm not playing." Gemini replied. "When I have played I have been known to throw cards around the room." She scratched the back of her neck.

"How come?" Wanda asked her

"Theo and Joe, mainly Theo, have a tendency to fuck me over when I get down to three cards so I throw them out of anger." She explained. "Tony was right that UNO has the capability to ruin friendships, I didn't reply to them for a week because I was that mad." She replied. "That and we played Monopoly that same day and they both stitched me up." She added quickly.

"You're very competitive, aren't you Gemini?" Peter asked her curiously.

She nodded. "I don't think I've ever denied it." He chuckled at her comment. Looking down to her watch, she puffed out her cheeks.

"You got work today?" Bucky asked. She shook her head. He raised an eyebrow at her. "What's up then?" 

"I wanna go and empty out the rest of my apartment." She shrugged, running her hand over her face. "But I can't take the bus with all my stuff."

Bucky shook his head at the woman. "I'll drive you, no even bother objecting. I'll just finish this off then we can go." Gemini smiled at him thankfully, kissing his cheek before fleeing off to her room.


The car pulled up to Gemini's former apartment. A sign written in red, explained what would be happening to the building soon. Grabbing Bucky's hand, the pair made their way up to Gemini's apartment.

Taking a few steps in, Gemini finally saw the damage that had been done by the pipes. The walls and floor were peeling away. She was lucky that not many of her belongings had been damaged also. 

Turning to Bucky, he shrugged unsure what to do in this situation. Following her to her old room, the sigh of annoyance left her mouth. 

"Do you want a hand?" Bucky asked her. She nodded to him, pulling a face of concentration as she searched the room, before opening the empty closet and pulling out a duffel bag. Holding out another one, Bucky quickly took ahold of it.

"I'm gonna pack up the photos and stuff, okay?" She replied. Bucky nodded, pointing to the bed.

"I'll get your blankets." She thanked him before getting to work.

Pulling open one of her bedside table drawers, her eyes fell on something. Picking the frame up in hands, her eyes fell on the other person in the photo. She rolled her eyes, pulling the photo out before tearing it two followed by four. She didn't know however, that Bucky had watched the ordeal and saw her throw it in her trash can. 

He cleared his throat before throwing the duffel bag on the bed. "Every blanket and cushion I could find that looked important." He slid a hand through his hair, moving it from his face. "You need a hand in here?" 

Gemini smiled, nodding. "Can you look in that drawer, please?"He nodded, pulling them out onto the bed and rummaging through them.


Dropping the last bag into the bag of the car, Gemini looked to the apartment building. That was her independent place of her own.

Bucky knocked her arm. "You okay?" He brought her out of her thoughts.

She nodded. "Yeah...This was the first place I ever got on my own." She replied. "Joe stayed with me for a time after him and Becky's mom broke up. That was funny." She chuckled at the memory. "It's just weird, leaving."

"Good weird, or bad weird?" He asked her. She turned to him, the slight glint of worry in his eyes dissipated at the sight of her smile.

"Good weird." She confirmed, opening the passenger door and getting in.

Bucky closed his door. "I was gonna ask you up there, but decided against it." He started to say "What was the photo that you threw in the trash?"

Gemini scratched the back of her, gliding her hand over one of the scars. She took a deep breath in. "It was a picture of my last ex and I."

Bucky sighed, feeling guilty for asking. "I'm sorry. He was an asshole." 

Gemini nodded. "Something like that..." Her eyes never left her hand, focused on one of scars in particular. Bucky noticed this also, grabbing the hand and running his thumb over the scar.

"He did that to you?" Gemini nodded, warily. She didn't know what to expect and went to pull her hand out of his. Bucky however, stopped her, bringing it up to his lips and kissing the scar. "Good riddance to the bastard. He doesn't know what he lost." 

Her cheeks tinted pink as she thanked him. Kissing her quickly, he smiled before driving the pair back to the Compound. 

Carrying the bags into the living room, the others turned to the pair. 

"Where did you guys go?" Clint asked, staring at the bags, now on the ground. 

"Cleared out the rest of Gemini's stuff from her apartment before it gets knocked down." Bucky replied, still holding a duffel over one of his shoulders. 

"I didn't know that was happening." Nat admitted, looking to Gemini.

"I didn't either. Peter told me actually." She shrugged. Nat nodded, leaving the girl be.

Picking up her duffel bags, she made her way to her room, opening each of them on her bed. 

"Do you need a hand putting this stuff away?" Bucky asked, dropping the last bag on the bed.

Gemini smiled. "No, you don't have to. Go hang out with Steve." She could tell Bucky didn't believe her reply.

"Now you and I both know that that's bullshit." She laughed at his comment. "Now I'll ask again, do you need help?"

"Are you sure?"

"Gem." He told her, looking to her, a smirk on his face, pulling her into his arms. "I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to help." She thanked him, as he rolled his eyes and kissed her head. "Come on, what do you wanna start with?" 


Gemini placed the last photo frame of Joe and her on her dresser and turned to see Bucky fold a blanket on the end of her bed. 

She smiled, successful before high fiving Bucky. She thanked him again, which he shrugged off. The pair dropped their bodies on Gemini's bed. They had agreed to watch something after they finished as she quickly sat up and pulled out her computer. Clicking on the movie, she leaned back into the warmth of Bucky's body, his arm wrapped around her shoulders and her head rested on his chest. 

Neither of them had realised how tired they were until they both felt their eyes closing during the movie. 

Tony had decided to go check on Gemini. He hadn't much else to do since Peter had left and Pepper was busy at Stark Industries. Knocking on the door, he received no answer. Slightly concerned he opened the door slightly to see, not only Gemini but Bucky too, both asleep in each other's arms.

He smirked at the sight. He had never fully forgiven Bucky for what he had done to him, he didn't think he ever will, but he couldn't deny that the man cared a lot about Gemini and her health and he couldn't thank the man more. Closing the door behind him, he left the pair to sleep their exhaustion away.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter

This chapter was supposed to be out a little while ago

I apologise for that but I've been away and hardly had any WiFi to finish this chapter

I'll be home soon though so expect some more updates

I have quite a few ideas for future chapters too.

We've finally met Peter in the story

We got some nice bits of Gemini and Bucky 

(Could someone come up with a ship name for them too please? If somebody hasn't already. It would actually mean a lot xx)

I hope I wrote them up to standard

The next chapter will be out soon

Kayla Lou xxx

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