Have you ever had one those d...

By purplepenny

1.8K 29 25

A young college student, Carrie gets a taste of the vampire world. It is not all loving sparkling creatures t... More

working title- Have you ever had one of those days?
Have you ever had one of those days? ch-2
Have you ever had one of those days? ch-3
have you ever had one of those days? ch-4
Have you ever had one of those days ch-5
have you ever had one of those days? ch-6
have you ever had one of those days ch-7
Have you ever had one of those days ch-8
Have you ever had one of those days? ch-10

Have you ever had one of those days? ch-9

124 1 1
By purplepenny

Have you ever had one of those days? Chapter 9

 He was nervous now even if he did not show it outwardly. The vain running up his neck flowed with steaming life as his heart quickened in pace. Looking at me he knew she was close. My head had risen up and a new found life bubbled back to me. Laughter played with my lips as I promised him.

"She will make you pay..."

The already broken door swung open wide revealing my maker. Ariel's face was first solemn then in a flash it shifted; revealing those dangerous fangs as she snarled like a rapid dog.  Both hands held the frame as she pushed forward. Her long copper hair flew back from the unnatural speed as she moved. Excitement flowed from my brain to my veins as she struck the first blow.

Claude absorbed the force from her punch only slightly stumbling. With a side step he turned already firing the gun. Bullets flew by her head as she twisted and contorted. His grunts and curses filled the air. Lunging toward him, she was unable to dodge the second round of fire power.

The first bullet ripped through her upper thigh; Followed by several hitting her chest. Blood spurted from the fresh wounds as she dropped to the floor. Unlike mine they closed quickly only leaving openings in her clothing. Sitting on her knees now she laughed as she starred at him.

"Do you really think bullets will hurt me Claude?" Dragging up in a strange motion she continued to pursue him. The gun rang out several more times before it clinked against the floor. His heart was slamming into his chest walls. I knew that would only fuel Ariel's rage. Grabbing one of the table legs he tried to pierce her heart. Only he missed, it slid between her ribs. As he backed away she pulled the bloody wood out allowing the blood to ooze out. With movements that no normal eye could see, she beat him. Kicks to the torso followed by a fist slamming into his face.

Claude's head flew back as her powerful punches connected. Blood seeped out of his face in several places. His lungs sucked air as he shook his head. With a second wind he grabbed at her hair; twisting his hand into the long locks for leverage. Using it to drag Ariel forward with a tug, so her head crashed into the television. Sparks flew across the room while the TV buzzed loudly. Burnt hair scented the room.

Stumbling backwards she cussed him harshly. "You bastard..." He returned the jester. "What's wrong you undead bitch? Don't...you like to play fair?" His breathing was labored and sweat trickled down his brow.

Grabbing a bottle of scotch from the mantle; he drank deeply from its short neck before slinging the bottle onto her. The glass exploded into a million pieces as it connected with her head. She was slowing in her reaction time. New blood trickled down her face as the slashes tried to heal. It was his turn to throw punches now. Those powerful muscles twitched to life as Claude's first blow crashed into her skull; only to be followed by a second and third. Addled form his touch she weaved stumbling back onto Todd's corpse.

Ariel's whole demeanor changed as she looked at his lifeless remains. I was sure it was sadness washing over her face. Gently she touched his jaw before kissing the top of his head. Turning to Claude her fangs were now withdrawn and her eyes were big. Fluttering her lashes as she sounded so child like. Men always fell to her feet when she played tricks with their minds.

"What have I done Claude...Was I a bad girl?" her voice was low as she pouted. "Help me...I didn't wanna kill anyone..." his eyes seemed to gloss over. "You're the only one that can change me...protect me Claude...please..." Slowly he moved forward. "You can have me...now and forever...don't you want me?" Sitting up onto her knees, she rubbed her hand across her chest. I knew she was trying to control him with images of sex. She would lure him in and kill him like all the others.

Stepping up close to her, he pulled her slowly to her feet. Looking directly into her eyes he spoke. "Yes I want you Ariel..." A smile curved her lips silently. Spinning her around in his arms he slid a knife across her neck. "I just want you dead bitch!"

Blood violently spat from the deep gash as he released her. Falling to the floor on her knees as the substance drained out of her. Gasping, moaning, gurgling, coughing and finally she slumped to the puddle of blood. The red liquid ran across the short distance inching closure to me.

My own body started to convulse and spasm causing the sharp knifes to tear at my body. Kicking and flailing about the floor my body was being ripped apart from the inside. She was gone. It was as if she had been tiny parts of my body. My vision blurred as the pain expanded to my brain. The fog at she caused was being lifted against my will. Her thoughts no longer sung out inside my head. The glory, satisfaction, pleasure, and thrill of killing turned to shame, guilt, uncertainty, and sorrow. So many faces stretched in horror as I claimed their lives all flew about my mind. All these emotions hit me at once like a semi truck. Then it all went blank, just nothing; I was nothing without her.  Claude's voice broke into the dark emptiness of my mind.

"Still might be a chance for you..."

Hours passed while I mourned for my creator and victims. Claude pulled my limp body out the door and painfully up the steps. Roughly kicking open the door to the roof with one swift kick. The sun had not risen yet. Roosting birds flew away as he dropped my body. Moving quickly he tied my hands to the railings. Slouching back on his heels he held my face in his hands.

"Look at me Carrie!" His voice was harsh but his eyes were not.

"Hmmm" I tried to focus on this man.

"This is gonna hurt like hell but you might just make it. The sun light should kill off any vampire blood you have left. In theory that is..."

Was that sorrow in his eyes? Opening a small black satchel Claude produced a needle. Working with my right arm; he inserted an I.V. line that connected to a bag of saline. After fussing with the flow he took a hold of the other wrist now, slitting a gash up the length of my arm. Screaming out in pain I stare into his eyes as what was left of my blood drains onto the roof top. I should rip his head from his body but the fight in me is gone now. I am almost gone.

"I have to go now Carrie." Standing he walks towards the door. Turning back facing me he adds, "If you make it look me up" The door slammed closed as the first rays of daylight broke the horizon.

Inching up my left leg the ultra violet rays burned me like scalding water. The flesh bubbled and smoked. Screams flooded the air around me. Shaking uncontrollably now my body jerked and twisted against the assault. That familiar rational voice that once guided my ever move spoke out loud and clear. Let's just die.

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