Bakugo's Little Brother |Comp...

By TastyFrenchFries

454K 12.6K 7.2K

Izuku has a bad health condition that costs lots of money to take care of. Because of this Inko couldn't take... More

Orphanage - 1
Izuku Midoriya(2) - 3
Quirk - 4
Quirk(2) - 5
Friends? - 6
Training - 7
A New Start - 8
Scene - 9
First Day - 10
Phone - 11
RUN! - 12

Izuku Midoriya - 2

37K 948 861
By TastyFrenchFries

The Bakugo family walked out of the orphanage as quickly Izuku ran behind him. The tiny boy's green hair bounced up and down covering his big eyes as he walked behind the big family. His big red shoes could be heard hitting the ground as the family walked silently to the car.

Mitsuki moved her spiky hair behind her ears as she reached into her cluttered purse for her keys. Masaru stood at the passengers seat door patiently waiting for the door to open. Katsuki just growled as he waited for his mother to find her keys in her big purse. Izuku stood behind Katsuki's leg as his bushy hair brushed against the older male's body.

Katsuki jumped a little at the unfamiliar touch but calmed down when he saw who it was. At that moment Mitsuki found her keys and quickly opened the door causing a sigh of relief to exit Katsuki's mouth.

Katsuki jumped into the car grumbling curses as his parents did the same. A small squeal could be heard at the door that Katsuki was about to close. Katsuki's head turned around at lighting speed as he looked down to see his new brother trying to jump into the car. A small giggled escaped Mitsuki's mouth as she motioned for her older son to help him up.

Katsuki sighed and bent down and lifted the light boy up and placed him in the car seat next to him. The family hadn't purchased a baby car seat yet because they hadn't realized they were going to adopt a smart 2 year old.

"Okay, Izuku were going to take you to our house." Mitsuki explained as she put her keys in and started the car. Masaru looked into the rear view mirror to see their responses to the statement.

Izuku was smiling a cute blinding smile the Masaru ground adorable while Katsuki just growled. Izuku ended up sitting next to Katsuki since they don't have a seat yet.

The boy's tiny fingers clung onto Bakugo's black shirt as his feet swung back and forth as it laid over the edge. Masaru smiled and turned around to face the front.

Mitsuki, without warning, started the loud car. Izuku jumped a little a clung onto Katsuki's shirt tighter. The older male sighed and put his hand over Izuku's shoulder and pulled him in closer. Izuku just leaned into the touch of the older male and snuggled into the older boy causing Katsuki to blush in embarrassment.

"Someone is getting soft~." Mitsuki said while she looked in the rear view mirror. Masaru just chuckled while Katsuki looked down mumbling shut up. The rest if the car ride was silent unless you count the soft snores coming from Izuku.


When the family got home Katsuki and Izuku were fast asleep confusing the parents since the orphanage wasn't that far away.

Masaru sighed as he slipped off his seat belt. He slowly opened the door and hoped off while fixed his hair.

Mitsuki was already at the back of the car as she smiled. Mitsuki took the sleep Izuku out of Katsuki's arms and carried him on her hips.

The lady then walked up to her house as the wind kept blowing on her nearly lifting up her skirt.

Masaru was close behind her carrying Katsuki on his back.

"So, is his room ready?" Mitsuki asked her husband not taking her eyes off the light boy. He was sleeping so calmly not even the devil could dare wake him up.

"Yes. I finished it is yesterday. Katsuki over here help me." Masaru replied pushing Katsuki up a little during the end. Mitsuki just smiled as she reached the door way. Using her spare hand she slowly unlocked the door to get big house.

"Home Sweet Home." Mitsuki said as her familiar house sent hit her face. The lady slowly slipped off her shoes at the door way as her feet hit the cold tile.

"We should put them in their rooms" Masaru said while also slipping off his shoes while taking off Katsuki's. Mitsuki just nodded to her husband remark and did as she was asked.


Katsuki woke up in his bed room tangled in his soft blanket while an All Might plush stared at his causing him to jump a little. He sighed a breath of relief after realizing what it was and tried to go back to sleep.

"KATSUKI! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!" A lady screamed from downstairs as if she knew he was awake. The teen just growled as he unraveled himself from his burrito and climbed off his bed. He slowly slipped on his slippers and grabbed his phone that was charging at the night stand. He quickly slipped in his Earpuds as he played some calming music.

A loud yawn escaped his lips as he got up to stretch his limbs from being bunched up for a few hours.

The boy walked down the steps quickly moving his hair so it wouldn't block his eyes as he thought about school. He was so caught up in his own mini world he nearly forgot about his family adopting Izuku Midoriya.

"Katsuki!" The teen heard a voice repeat. His head shot up to the source as he removing the Earpuds covering his ear. His attention turned to the small boy, who had already woken up, sitting at the table doodling. He then turned his head back to his mother in utter confusion.

"Ok now that I have your attention please sit right here." Mitsuki said point to any empty seat while ignore the looks her first son gave her. Katsuki raised a brow but walked to the cold stool complying go her orders. He sat down slowly as everyone stared at him like a hawk.

Well, only his mother was staring at him.

"Well you might be wondering why I gather you guys here." Mitsuki stated as she glaced at both of the kids. The two both had confused looks on their faces as they wait for their parent to continue.

"Ok. I decided we should get to know each other as a family, Ok!?" Mitsuki finished as her voice projected toward the end. The two kids nodded slowly while Masaru kept the same expression. He knew his opinion didn't matter during this meeting.

"Ok Let's begin."


Hello My Fellow French Fries

I know most of you guys are coming from my Infinite Milkshakes book so hello!

Anyway thanks for 170 reads so far.

Like only the first chapter yet so many views?!?!

Anyway for the first time in this book

Stay Safe And Don't Get Corona

Peace <3

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