My Hero Academia: All Mights...

By Seri_The_Rock

59.4K 1.5K 229

Eleiri smiled and commanded the star to vanish from his sight. He knelt in front of her and met her eyes, "I... More

Youre Safe.
Daddys girl.
Protecting you.
I Know.
Dance with me
Road Trip.
Peace Offering.
All Mights Home.
Shes Nobody.
Ellies Sacrifice.
Bread Crumbs
she will always need you.
Who Left you?
In Your Sights.
I Am Here.
Keep being a hero.

I love you.

1.4K 50 1
By Seri_The_Rock

Ellie turned red seeing All Might stand there in the hallway, witnessing their first kiss. Her father turned around and left for her dorm. Ellie looked at Shoto and he started laughing, "well, I thought this only happened in movies." Ellie shoved him playfully and stood up, "I'll see you."
"See you." She left him and headed to her dorm to talk to her dad. Ellie found him sitting at her table with two burgers for dinner. Ellie smiled and sat with him, "Sorry, I didn't mean for you to see that." She blushed.
"It's okay, Ellie. I knew you liked him anyways." He shrugged. "That's why I got him to spend time with you at the Ballet."
"That was very sneaky of you. I thought you'd be all protective and what not."
"Todoroki is a good kid. And who says I'm not already protective of you, sweetie. I trust him but if he breaks your heart..."
"I get it, thanks for being so cool about it."
"I was a teen once too. Now that I think about it, I was your age when I first saw your mom."
"What was mom like?" She asked. "I hardly remember her."
"You were only four when she died. What do you remember of her?"
"I remember her eyes and hair."
"Yeah." He chuckled. "No one could forget those. She had large, round eyes of blue like yours. Sometimes I see her looking at me instead of you."
Ellie rested her chin on her hands and listened to him, "Red hair like fire, she was tall and had the most gentle voice I've ever heard. You sound like her when you're timid." He smiled.
"I do?"
"Yeah, she had a sweet voice and it calmed your soul. She used to sing to me sometimes, God I miss that." All Mights eyes shined thinking of her. "She had a knack for making any situation, no matter how bad, so simple when she spoke. She was always so calm, I never seen her lose her cool unless it was with me of course."
Ellie laughed, trying to picture her mom in her head, "Did she have a quirk? Missy never told me what she had. She never spoke of her."
"Missy never told you about your mom?"
"No." She shook her head. "She always dodged the question."
"You inherited her quirk, Ellie. She had Supernova too."
"She did?" Ellie's eyes shined with tears. All Might suddenly became a little irritated that Missy never filled her in on her mother's quirk. What was he paying her for? "I'll have to talk with her at some point."
"Tell me more about her." She told him excitedly.
"Alright, she loved to give to people. If she had too much of something she would give it to someone who she knew needed it. She was charitable and kind, she was always seen helping people. She had very strong empathy, she loved people."
"Tell me about the time you knew you fell in love with her."
"When I saw her." He told Ellie. "I know that sounds like something out of a movie or a book...but when I saw her, it was like time stopped. It was like a tether had caught me and drew me close. Every time I saw her, I couldn't stop smiling. When she walked into a room, I felt like my heart had been lifted out of a hole."
"You really did love mom, didn't you?" Ellie asked.
"She was my heart. Then when you were born, another force took over me, you were shining. You were so small and so innocent that I was immediately ready to go to war for you. If anyone threatened you, there was no doubt in my mind id be there to protect you."
"But, you weren't." Ellie told him. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad. I knew what you were doing."
"Ellie. What's my catchphrase?"
"I am here."
"How many times have you heard that on tv?"
"Too many."
"I didn't choose that phrase by accident, Ellie."
Everything made sense now, his phrase was not just a comfort to the citizens he saved. It was a reminder to her that he'd always be there for her. Every time she saw him on the news and marveled at her dads strength, he was talking to her. It's easy to forgive a dad for not being around when he's a hero, he was doing something bigger than himself. Knowing he did all of those things for her made her cry. All Might laid a hand on hers, "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you the way a dad should've..OOF!" All Might was attacked into a tight hug as Ellie cried on his shoulder.
"Don't be sorry. You were there for me the only way you knew how."
"I have no excuse now, I'm here for you for real this time."
"I love you." She said in a muffled voice.
All Mights gut burst with joy and suppressed a happy laugh when he heard her say those words, "I love you too, sweetie. I'm here." He hugged her tight and held her as she let out the rest of her tears. She let go when she was ready and looked down at her dad. All Might kissed her forehead before she went back to her seat at the other end of the table. They ate their dinner and All Might thought of something, "Ellie," he spoke up. "I don't mean to tear you away from your boyfriend but what if you and I took a day trip together?"
"Yeah, wed be back in time for you to go back to school next week."
"Where would we go?" She asked.
"That is a surprise, what do you say?" He asked her.
"Yeah, that sounds like fun."
"Be ready by six in the morning."
"Okay, good night, Dad."
"Night sweetie." He left the dorm and went back home to sleep.

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