A Love Is Brewing 《shoto todo...

By fulkiii

81.6K 2.1K 1.2K

"Promise me you'll never stop loving me." "I promise I'll never stop loving you. If I ever do stop, I promise... More

~ info ~
Altea Cafe 《chapter 1》
First day of work 《chapter 2》
Hot chocolate《chapter 3》
(A/N) Quirk Information
unexpected 《chapter 4》
The Date 《chapter 5》
It was you? 《chapter 6》
can't seem to forget you 《chapter 7》
Mourning《chapter 8》
Confessions《chapter 9》
Just a Dream?《chapter 10》
The conversation [chapter 11]
Todo? [chapter 12]
The ash blonde [Chapter 13]
Special [Chapter 14]
More secrets [chapter 15]
Hey, I missed you [chapter 16]
Letters [chapter 17]
Falling again [Chapter 18]
[chapter 19]
Truth [chapter 20]
[Chapter 21]
Chapter 22
𝙵 𝙻 𝙰 𝙼 𝙴 𝚂 [𝚌𝚑𝚙. 𝟸𝟺]
𝚁 𝚄 𝙽 𝙰 𝚆 𝙰 𝚈 [𝙲𝚑𝚙.𝟸𝟻]

𝙱 𝙸 𝚁 𝚃 𝙷 [Chapter 23]

819 28 11
By fulkiii

It was quite silent, except for the beeping monitors and the sound of the air coming out from the air vent. Rays of sunlight pierced into the spacious room, although the curtains prevented it to come so much into the room. There were flowers and gifts placed on a table near (y/n)'s hospital bed. On the hospital bed laid an exhausted sleeping (y/n) and next to her sat a slouched bakugo. He was staring at her exhausted features and how sound asleep she was. He had only came in a few minutes ago, he missed her giving birth, but he was here now.

Bakugo lightly sighed as she moved a strand of hair from (y/n)'s face, smiling lightly, he leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

"You did great. He's missing out, y'know.." bakugo whispered as he sat up straight and took a hold of her hand, caressing it.

Not long after, Kirishima slowly cracked the door open and peeked inside the room.

"Hey man" he whispered.

Bakugo didn't respond as he continued to stare at (y/n). Kirishima then fully stepped inside the room and walked toward bakugo, placing his hand on his shoulder when getting to him.

"We should let her rest" kirishima whispered.

"She likes my company" bakugo responded, causing kirishima to chuckle.

"You haven't even met the rascals yet, they're bundles of joy, I'll tell you that. C'mon, let's go spend time with them, the gang is with them already waiting for us." Kirishima added.

Bakugo stayed silent for a moment before standing up and following kirishima to the nursery.

❦ ❦ ❦

"Did.. did she tell you their names? What are they?" Bakugo breathed out softly as he stared with astonishment at the baby boy with pink hair snuggled into his arms.

"Nah man, she didn't, but she did say that she wanted you to be the first to know." Kirishima responded as he bounced the second baby boy with (y/h/c) hair in his arms.

Bakugo looked up at kirishima and quirked a brow.

"Yknow for approval and stuff since you're always so judgy" kirishima cackled as he bared his sharp teeth while he laughed. Bakugo looked at his with a flat expression, not finding any amusement in Kirishima's comment.

On the other side of the room was Mina, sero, and denki, all babying the baby girl in Mina's arms.

"Well aren't you the most cutest baby girl in the world!!! I'm your aunty Mina!! This is sero and denki, your dumb uncles!!" Mina squealed, which caused the baby girl to squirm and whine.

Bakugo quickly snapped his attention to the 3 idiotic young adults on the other side of the room and sent death glares towards them.

"HEY DIMWITS!! MAKE HER CRY AND ILL KILL ALL OF YOU!!" Bakugo growled as he covered the baby boy's ears he was carrying, not trying to make him hear his loud and harsh words.

Mina turned her body towards bakugo, facing the baby girl towards him.

"And that's your uncle bakugo, he's a firecracker and a big o'l meanie" she said as she pressed her lips together and squinted at bakugo, which only made him more pissed.

Before bakugo could retort at Mina's response and bark, a nurse came into the private nursery room and smiled at the group of young adults.

"She's awake and very healthy!" The nurse beamed with delight.

"Oh thank goodness!" Mina gasped.

"How is she?" Kirishima questioned.

"Can we all go visit her?" Sero and denki questioned.

"She's doing very good, she just had her breakfast and is now resting and reading a poetry book. I'm sorry to say, but only one of you can visit her." The nurse answered.

"I'm the one that is going to see her" bakugo spoke.

❦ ❦ ❦

Bakugo knocked on the white door and peaked inside.

"Hey" he whispered, causing (y/n)'s attention to be on him.

"Katsuki!" (Y/n) breathed out, smiling at him with pure joy.

"Come in, come in!" She said as she placed her poetry book down.

"Don't mind if we do"


As katsuki entered the room fully, he revealed the pink haired baby boy in his arms, sleeping soundly. (Y/n) gasped as she was able to finally see her one of her baby boys.

"Gimme gimme!!" She demanded as she reached her hands out to her baby, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Bakugo made his way towards her and carefully handed her her child.

" oh! You're so beautiful! You got your father's hair color, well.. the blended version of it actually... but you're still so beautiful my darling!" (y/n) stated as she lovingly observed her baby. She snuggled him close to her and kissed him dearly.

"Oh my baby! My precious baby!" She cooed. Bakugo stared at her as he softly smiled.

"Kirishima said that you wanted me to approve of the names?" Bakugo smugly smiled at her, to which (y/n) lightly smacked his arm.

"That's only because you're so judgy kats" (y/n) giggled. Katsuki's smug smile fell as he heard her words, reminding him of Kirishima's words from earlier.

"I'm not judgy." Katsuki growled under his breath, which only caused (y/n) to giggle more.

"Yknow, I was thinking..." (y/n) started as she stared down at her baby. Bakugo hummed in response as he stared at the baby as well.

"I think I'm going to name him katsuki"

Bakugo perked up at her words, looking at her in her eyes with full suprise.

"You're- are you being serious?" He whispered.

"I think I'm being pretty serious" (y/n) glanced over to bakugo and smiled at him before looking back at her baby.

There was a moment of silence before bakugo spoke up.


(Y/n) didn't respond back quickly, she stared at her baby boy grasp onto her wedding ring finger tightly, his eyebrows were furrowed together as he snuggled into her chest, his hair was quite messy and reminded her of bakugo's, yet more of a softer version.

"I'm positive he's going to be so passionate about the things he loves and will give it his best when trying to achieve the things he wants and he won't give up and get back on his feet when failing."

(Y/n) then turned to bakugo and smiled warmly at him.

"I hope he ends up being like you katsuki, I don't care if you have such a low tempered personality, you also have such a kind heart and soft side and you're so passionate as well. And that kind heart and passion of yours has lead you to where you are right now." She stated as she reached out for katsuki's hand and smiled at him warmly.

Bakugo smiled at her kind words and gave her hand a tight squeeze. (Y/n) then discussed the other names she wanted to name her babies and bakugo gave his opinions and eventually they came to an agreement for the other two babies names.

❦ ❦ ❦

(Y/n) sat down on the sofa as she held her (y/h/c) baby boy, shoyo, in her arms, he slept soundly as he buried his face into her chest. Smiling warmly at him, she pressed her lips against his forehead lightly.

On the other hand, her second baby boy, katsuki, was squirming and scrunching his nose, seeming upset.

"Hey squirt, stop squirming. Kinda annoying." Bakugo mumbled as he tried to make katsuki fall asleep, but nevertheless the baby seemed to not fall asleep.

Bakugo let out a groan as he continued to try and put baby katsuki to sleep.

"Sucks not the be a baby whisperer, doesn't it bakugo?" Kirishima pestered as held the red head baby girl, azula, smiling contentedly as she was sound asleep in her arms. Bakugo sent a death glare and daggers to kirishima, but soon stopped when feeling a glare being sent his way.

"Stop it you two! The Todorokis are going to be here soon and I don't want you two bickering and end up making the babies cry!" (Y/n) whisper shouted.

In that moment, the door bell rang throughout the house.

"Ah, it must be them! Katsuki, Give katsuki to kirishima and open the door please!"

Soon, the living room was filled with the todoroki family. (Y/n) was overfilled with joy by being surrounded by todoroki's family and especially seeing that his mother was out of the hospital. She had gotten out recently. Endeavor held azula and admired his granddaughter with full content and so did Rei, who was caressing her tiny hand.

"Look dad, this one looks like shoto when he was a newborn!" Natsuo cackled as he pointed to shoyo, who was resting peacefully in (y/n)'s arms. Shoyo squirmed a bit, slightly irritated by natsuo's loud statement.

"Who's a pretty baby? You are!~" Fuyumi cooed at katsuki as she bounced him lightly in her arms.

The day went by fast and the todorokis soon left, very well content. They offered for (y/n) to stay over at their household for some weeks, which she took to consideration. They even brought her many gifts and baby essentials she'd need, to say, she was overfilled with things and was grateful she wasn't low on supplies and clothing for her 3 rays of sunshine.

☀︎︎ ~☀︎︎ ~☀︎︎

"You look suspicious...no, stressed... are you having daddy issues?? I thought those ended a long time ago" yaoyorozu stated as she gazed at Todoroki, who was staring blankly up at the ceiling while sitting in the lounging room.

Todoroki sent a glare to yaoyorozu as she snuggly smiled at him.

"I don't have 'daddy issues'" todoroki huffed.

"Well whatever it is, it sure has you overly stressed. Don't think I haven't noticed. Ever since our meeting the other day you've been uneasy."

There was a moment of silence before yaoyorozu placed her hand on todoroki's shoulder.

"Thinking of her again?" She softly spoke, trying to be gentle with the topic.

Todoroki thought of (y/n) and how much he wanted to be held in her arms and be showered in kisses.

"I know it's been 5 years, but- I.. I think we can still find her. We just have to keep trying and looking. We can't lose hope-"

"I found her." He stated monotonously

Yaoyorozu's eyes widened as she stared at todorki.

"Wha- you're not playing around with me are you?!" She gasped. Excitement arose in her as she beamed brightly.

"This is great news todoroki!!" She hugged him tightly as he tried to peel her away from him.

Yaoyorozu jumped up and down happily as she tried to shake off all her excitement and squealed.

Eventually yaoyorozu began to cry and she wiped away her tears. She was overwhelmed with joy that she couldn't contain herself.

"You always make so much commotion" he murmurs as he stands up and lightly pats her shoulder, comforting her in a way, knowing the overwhelming feeling.

"Hush, don't think I won't try to steal her away from you!" Yaoyorozu smuggly smiled at todoroki as she wiped away her tears. Todoroki froze up at her statement.

"You wouldn't." He seethed out.

"I did it various of times back then, I will do it again. Don't test me"

The truth was that yaoyorozu and todoroki had taken an interest in (y/n) upon seeing her after a few times, which lead to a rivalry for who could make her fall for. This lead them to eventually despising one another after (y/n) fell for todoroki, although that didn't stop yaoyorozu from trying to court her and make her leave todoroki. And to Todoroki's dismay, (y/n) and yaoyorozu grew to come great friends, which he tried to keep their friendship at a limit and distance, but he couldn't do much since (y/n) would ignore his protests of trying to keep her away from yaoyorozu. Nevertheless, (y/n) assured todoroki that she liked him and liked yaoyorozu as a friend, even though she'd try to convince her to leave Todoroki and go with her. Eventually the rivalry and despising came to an end with the disappearance of (y/n), since both eventually teamed up for search parties for her or just in general would go together for in search of her which lead to a friendship blossoming when todoroki reached his limit and broke down in front of yaoyorozu. It was in that moment that she discovered that he was in fact truly in love with (y/n) and she couldn't contain her own sadness and broke down as well with todoroki and mourned over (y/n) together.

"Anyways, how did you find her?? Did you go on a solo search for her?!" Yaoyorozu gasped in disbelief.

Before Todoroki could answer, she cut him off.

"That doesn't matter! You found her and she's safe and with us!! YET I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'VE KEPT THIS AWAY FROM ME YOU SELFISH JERK!!" Yaoyorozu growled as she smacked Todoroki's shoulder. Before he could protest they were called by another pro hero.

"For a slight moment, I had forgotten that we were in a mission." Yaoyorozu murmured as she went to the direction of the voice with todoroki beside her.

A/n: hello my lovelies!! Sorry for the major hiatus, I've been mourning over some things, and some things is a dumb boy, but I'm better now and over it so I decided to write the next chapter to my babies!! I just wanted to say thank you, I love reading all of your comments and I want to reply to them all, but sometimes I don't know what to respond. Also, it's not the best, but I'm content with the way this chapter came out. I haven't written in such a long time! I'll try to update soon! I love every single one of you, muah! 💕 bye!

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