
By WeirdShadowPerson

64.6K 1.4K 436

America and Canada, or Alfred and Matthew. The two countries of North America are hiding some very dark secre... More

A/N.. sorry-
Seventeen - Part One
Seventeen - Part Two
A/N agAIN- (10k reads ⊙.☉)
h i
Thirty-Five (pt 1)


3.6K 68 4
By WeirdShadowPerson

~~With the Nations~~

"Hey! Everybody, a paper!" The certain voice of an Italian called, running towards the piece once he noticed it. Most nations jumped at the sudden words, circling around the brunette northerner. "Well Italy?" Germany asked. "What does it say?"

The younger brother looked down and read for a second, before tilting his head. Aloud now, he read;

"Hello, Nations of the world. You must be confused, perhaps frightened. I have written this to tell you to fret not, for nothing shall befall you.

Where you are is a space reminiscent of Limbo. Not Limbo in its entirety, but away from Reality. Do not worry, however, this plane works differently from Reality, in that you Nations are experiencing time faster than in Reality. But, you may take however long you need.

Following that, there is a reason you are here. Parallel to this 'Limbo', is one that is shadowed in darkness. That is where my sons are, or, to all of you, Canada and America.

If you could recall, the two had fainted before exiting that meeting of yours, next, disappearing. That is where they went. They are not in much pain, the only true pain is a headache at the most.

The reason for all of this, is what England had portrayed earlier in that meeting. Little of you believe my sons had any struggle of their own; all you know of the struggles are the ones including yourself. Even they were forced to forget parts of their lives, or simply refuse to come to any sort of terms with it and voluntarily forget.

All I wish to accomplish is to show the world there is more that makes up a country, big or small. Along with that, to give a message to my sons, which for you, is unimportant and irrelevant.

Rooms are available for each one of you. There is also a kitchen, a lounge, and whatever else is necessary. If anything else is required, write it on the back of this letter. There will also be additions later down the line, so do not be frightened by that, and help explain the situation to these newcomers. 

Goodbye, Aiyanna

The Italian finished there, tilting his head. "Ve, such a strange letter. It's written like it was written centuries ago!" "Ja, no kiddin'." The Prussian said, snatching the letter from the Italian and skimming over it. "Well, Ita-chan isn't wrong. That's what it says." The dissolved nation felt the eyes of a certain Southern Italian for the name, but easily ignored that was.

"Hmm..." A, before this time, silent arctic nation hummed, his head falling slightly to the side, as the nations around him scooted away. "So. From the looks of things, we were brought here to... React to Matvey and Alfredka's memories, da?" "Seems like, aru." The Chinese man responded, folding his arms, not seeming that interested, while the Russian was a different story. "This will be quite the show, then."

A certain brit scoffed, ignoring the fact he was called out in the letter. "But there is nothing that needs to be shown- MMPPH!" Quickly, the Frenchman covered the island nation's mouth, to the irritation of the smaller man. "Shhh Angleterre, remember what Vene just read? It seems like something important happened to Amérique and Matthieu, that we should know about.... ou quelque chose-" England swatted at the Frenchie, and soon enough the two were fighting (one sided, France was quite amused by the other).

Quiet was the Japanese and German nation. The two both showed signs of being uncomfortable with the turn of events. "Germany-kun, doesn't this feel...-" "Wrong? Ja, intrusive. I don't believe I questioned them about history." Japan sighed, looking down with his bangs covering his eyes. "I never recall doing that either. It isn't my place to judge, and so I never did." Germany nodded at the shorter, yet older man, silently saying, 'same here.'

Romano scoffed, folding his arms like a certain Asian. "Who cares if the burger bastard and the other one has history. We all do. All of this is stupid." He grumbled, with Spain nodding. "Si, I agree with Roma. We all do have history, Alfredo and Canadá are no exception." Every nation seemed to have an opinion here, but it was already settled, before they had even entered this world.

Startling nearly everybody, in a direction that was hard to make out, a video seemed to cut in, like this was a theater now. All was static, before a visage appeared, and something similar to a VHS started to play..

~~With the Twins~~

~Canada's POV~

Al opened the door, and...

More darkness. I shouldn't have had my hopes so high, but this most definitely crushed the hope I had.

I could feel the disappointment radiating off of Al — he looked like a child who had his candy taken away. I went through the door, it was wide enough we could both fit easily, with room to spare. Looking around, for something- anything. There wouldn't be a door if nothing was there, right?

I walked further inside the room, and soon heard the shuffling feet of Alfie, because of course it was. He was definitely exaggerating his sadness, but it wasn't all that nice to see either.

It was just.. Dark. Nothing around us it seemed. Nothing at all minus that door, which... Turning back to it, I couldn't distinguish it from the blackness of the surrounding area.

I felt Al fall on top of me, sighing dramatically, his face morphed into a cartoon-level frown. "We're gonna be stuck here foreverrrrr Maaattieeeeeeee..." He whined in my ear, since he was laying on my shoulder. "It's just darkness and nothing elsee... What are we gonna dooooooooo..???"

I rolled my eyes. "Jeez Al, sounds like you're dying." "I aM mAtTiE yOu DoNt UnDeRsTaND!!" He fell over purposefully, and I wish I had the gaul to just let him hit the floor. But no, I caught him, and he did a pose like what Papá would do.

"Calm down, you big baby." I said, and he pretended to be shot. "We aren't gonna die here, so stop being melodramatic."

"How do you know?!" He cried, and I wish I was being theatrical with words. "There's no food, there's no water, there's nothing! Nothing at all! We're doooooooooooooooomed..."

While he was going on about whatever, I honestly zoned out, something white had caught my eye. Floating down was a piece of paper, and like a feather it hit the ground. I stood Alfred up, and shook him by the shoulders. "Al, stop sulking. There's a paper, maybe it has something on it." The nation was teary-eyed at this point, and was close to just bursting into full on sobbing. "What is a paper gonna do...? Suddenly give us everything we would ever need?!" I just sighed, holding back my urge to slap him back to sense. "No, Al, no it's not. But what could be on that paper can mean something important."

I heard him mumble, "fine", still very upset for little reason at this point. I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the paper, picking it up and reading it aloud so Mr.everything-is-ruined-and-we're-all-doomed can hear too.

Hello, my sons. I understand you might be confused, perhaps even frightened, but I can assure you, no harm will befall you.

Where you are is in a place reminiscent of Limbo, though not the real Limbo. All you need to know is that this place is not reality, but do not fret. In the darkness, there will be a sanctuary of sorts, a place similar to a house, with everything I know you will need.

Why you are here is a question I assume the both of you have, and the answer you may detest. I can only say, there is no malice in the planning of this, certainly not for the both of you.

You are here because there have been things you have forgotten, or refuse to recall. Even with the times in your histories you remember, your side is never to be told. You both have resentment towards a large swathe of your past, and that is where the refusal to recall originates. I worry about this greatly, it could affect the world at large, your secrecy; it could hurt you if it gets out of hand.

Parallel to your dimension, is a white one. Where the Nations are held, watching alongside you in this. They must know too, for they know very little of your history, aside from the eras that include them.

I apologize in advance. It will not be easy, it will not be fun. Some times will hurt, some times will be heart wrenching — I am aware. You both can be upset for as long as you please, but I do truly mean no ill-will towards you.

I only wish for this to help in the end, in an attempt to benefit the world at large. More understanding needs to come from you Nations, and although hurtful in the moment, I wish for it to be worth it at the end.

Sincerely, Aiyanna

~~Third Person~~

The brothers were baffled by this letter. The message it had, along with the person writing it just confused them.

After reading it, the Canadian looked up to stare, dumbfounded, at the southern nation, who only shared the emotion. The twins just stared, unable to really do much else.

After a few minutes of the puzzling silence, an image of static appeared in front of the two, both brothers jumping from surprise. This static very much grabbed their attention, and soon enough, a video started to play.

((JUST SO YOU KNOW, I AM NOT NATIVE AMERICAN/AN AMERICAN INDIAN. I am getting so many things wrong, and I apologize for anybody I may offend or to any piece of info that I get wrong. I use the Navajo language, while reference things the Navajo never really did in full, but other tribes did. I am aware of this, and I do apologize, for annoyance or just sheer cringe. Both are valid, for I am dumb author on Wattpad whos writing about if landmasses had a conscience lmao. Roast me in comments, i deserve it :') ))

The sun was high in the crisp morning air, a gentle breeze wafted through the tall, unkempt grass and trees scattered about.

Two quick footsteps could be heard, as one child seemed to be chasing — waddling is a better term — another. The two fled into the long grass, and was swallowed whole it seemed. The only parts that could be seen of the two were pieces of their hair, two very distinct pieces at that. One, a long curl, the other, a shorter yet still long ahoge.

Not in the too far distance, a woman, with sunkissed skin, warm forest eyes and long, dark wavy hair was watching over the children from afar, a smile present on her face. Soon, she called out; "Maska, Chaska! Ch'yiaan!" The two popped their heads out from the grass, barely able to while standing on the tips of their toes. Even though the woman and the boys looked different — the boys having a pale complexion compared to her, along with blond hair and light colored eyes —, the two responded in sync; "Aoo' shimá!", and had a little race to see who can arrive first.

They arrived at the exact same time, but both boys got into a duel about who was first. While fighting, the mother just sighed, picking up the two and pulling them apart. Then, as if the language they were speaking had just been altered, the boys looked up with pouts.

"Mama! Tell him I was first!" "No, no! I was first, you saw it, right?" The woman simply sighed down at the bickering boys, taking them inside a domed home structure, with sturdy wooden beams holding the roof up, along with hides, bark, and thatching all making it into a den of sorts. "I cannot say for certain, you both arrived very fast. I would say that there is no winner, you both did too well." She said, ending with a smile as she set the boys down on woolen mat of sorts. The brothers nodded at that answer, but turned to each other with competitive grins. "Next time, I will be the winner!" "No! I will be so much faster!"

The woman returned, and gave them a share of food, sitting down besides them. She listened quietly to the playful arguing between the boys, and laughed at their antics. Once finished eating, she let the two go out to play more, as she did the work she needed to, while keeping an eye on her rambunctious boys.

In the dark Limbo, the twins were silent. That woman... They could clearly tell the toddlers in the video were them, but... They couldn't recall her. The names she said, and how they responded...

"I know a tiny bit of Navajo, and that's what it sounds like to me." Alfred said suddenly, tilting his head. It wasn't uncommon for nations to know smaller languages inside their nation, so this information wasn't too surprising. Matthew hummed tilting his head, silently asking the American to explain.

"She basically said, 'food', and we responded with 'ok mom' basically." He said, breaking his eyes away from the disappearing screen. "But... It's just weird..." He mumbled, thinking. Canada sighed, replying softly, "no kidding.."

"Is this what the letter said about us forgetting something?" America asked, looking over at the other nation. "Cuz its like- It feels... familiar.. The names and whatever, but... I don't get it." He said, and seemed to be diving face first into a mental rabbit hole.

Canada let a breath out, and went over to the younger, pulling him away from his spot. "Maybe Al, but don't drive yourself crazy. If it is, the letter said we'd figure it out anyways, so it'll probably come later." He said, hearing the American respond with a quiet, "mmk", but still was facing the ground. "Anyways, we should try to find this house thing. I kinda want to take a nap." Matthew said, smiling when he heard the other chuckle. "Same dude, same."

2360 words

((Christ on a stick, why did I wrITE SO BADLY AAAAAAA- Anyways, ended up changing literally everything lmao, because, past me really didn't know how to write, and granted I was still learning but still, my eyes burn. From not looking away from my computer all day, and from the very bad past me's writing. Anyways, I hope to continue updating these chapters, since I have been re-motivated after so long, and I hope I don't mess anything up too badly :D))

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