Avengers One Shots Part Two!

By JakeyP99

293K 8.2K 3.6K

This is my second one shot story! Read my first one please (: No reader inserts, like my last book No Thor... More

"I don't think we can do 'get help' this time, brother."
Clint getting the cereal
Dancing Queen
Request 1
Harley Keener part 1
Ew, a spider
He's only a kid!
Tagged twice
Harley Keener part 2
Part title
Shuri, Queen of Wakanda and Black Panther
"Have I what now?"
"Open the fricking door Parker!"
"THAT'S how it is, huh?"
"STEVE! Are you sure you don't have any grandkids?"
Wrong number
"Get the fuck off my chicken nugget."
A bored Clint is bad
"It's a room and we're trying to escape!"
"Simply terrifying."
"Knock knock."
Request 2
"Black Widow?? You're like my favourite Avenger!"
"Flip, cover, twisty twisty, up over and done."
"What are you doing?"
"So how old are you exactly? 35?"
"I have to go."
Request 3
"Please collect your child."
"What are you doing?"
"Hey Buck, how do you feel about frogs?"
"Who did this to you?"
"'Listen to your therapist' they said."
Steve and Bucky's kids
"Please. Stop."
"My tea?"
"You're a hazard to society."
"Can you put Loki on please?"
"I need to stop a murder. Bye."
Coming out
"Don't. Questioning it only encourages them."
"Finals happened."
Request 4
Request 5
"Thank you."
"I need advice."
Poor Sam
I can't sleep so I wrote this :)
"Steve, what-"
"Do you have any wedding photos?"
Peter's birthday :)
"He's doing fine."
"You are hurting my brain with this question kid."
The Parkers
Another alternate ending to Endgame :)
"How can she not like it?!!"
"Perhaps not, but I would make a radiant bride."
The adventures of Peter and Ralph (and occasionally Shuri and Loki)
"Peter, no."
Worms :)
Mary had a little lamb
(Sweater) Weather
"You knocked me out?!"
Peter being weird :)
"I myself am half-goose."
"Yeah Bucky, grow up."
The bowl
"Steve, what-" part 2! (Request)
Among Us
"You lump of fuck."
Ceougholo thoughts
Halloween special :) (kinda)
"Where the fuck is my cat?"
Parley :)
Bdjwjehdhejakaiejjabs part 2
Social dancing
Love notes
An explanation for the name thing
There was only one bed with a twist
"Oh wait shit that's not right."
Romeo and Juliet kinda
Love Hearts <3
Love Hearts <3 SFW version
"Wasn't expecting to say that today."
Yuri Plisetsky
"No, I'm not the witch."
Valentines Day
Snowmen and Pancakes
"Seriously Buck?"
Axe kick
Lady Gaga
In honour of Lizzies bday
"My name is Sebastian Stan."
Sports Day
"Do you wanna know what t or d can also mean?"
Natasha and Wanda being fucking badasses
"fLoWeR gLeAm AnD gLoW,"
"I'm your idiot,"
The secret identity reveal
"You broke my door?"
"Thank you Bucky."
April Fools
"That's my kid."
How To Drive-by the Avengers
"Go Peter!"
im sick (chapter)
Coming Out
Avengers as my friends and family
The Barnes's
Rest with the angels now At heaven's gate you laugh
Methane bubbles
Stark and Starck
"Bugger off!"
Fury sings 'Into The Unkown'
Mark 1V
aight part 2
"I'm so sorry Mr Stark."
Peters new teacher
"You're wrapped in my cape."
You are my Sunshine, My only Sunshine
Dad!Tony and Kid!Peter
"Stop being so emo."
blood tests
Shang-Chi and Peter Parker: How the two youngest Avengers became friends
Avengers Opinion: Face Masks
What is love?
"Mr Stark?"
"What the fuck Ned?"
Adult problems, just a kid ((MOM SPOILERS!!))
Forget the hearse cause I'll never die
"You're Spider-Man, it makes no sense."
"This is for you!"
"I bullied Spider-Man."
SamBucky soulmate au
I'm a fool with (a goose and) a crush
Ms. Marvel spoilers (one shot)
How to drive- by Harold 'Happy' Hogan
The Maximoffs 1
The Maximoffs 2
Loki Where Mischief Lies
Steve, Thor and Loki vs Technology
"What the hell?"
nothin' makes you frightened
Luis: the worlds second best godmother

"Please. Stop." Part 2

803 17 12
By JakeyP99

I think someone wanted a part 2, I can't remember lmao so if you requested a part 2, here you go! :)

Well that explains why I loved Twilight Sparkle when I was younger. (Holy shit, part one was published in July??)

It had been a year since the fight with the Avengers. (and nearly a year since I wrote part 1)

Peters life had basically been the same, apart from Flash bullying him more because of the back brace.

Luckily, underneath the suit the back brace was practically invisible so that no one could connect the dots.


Peters phone buzzed in his suits pocket.

Director: The Avengers need you for an upcoming mission -F

Peter: do I have to sir? -PP (hehe peepee)

Director: Yes. Meet at the Avengers Tower to discuss tactics. -F

Peter: Ok sir. -PP

Peter sighed, picked his school bag up and swung to the Avengers Tower.

He slammed into the window, making his brace push into his chest.

Peter muttered.

The window next to him opened and he crawled in. He flipped down onto the ground in a superhero pose, looking up at the Avengers who were sitting at a conference table in civilian clothes.

The team turned around in their chairs to look at the arachnid-themed superhero. Peter stood up and his mask eyes squinted at the team.

"This is your back up?"
Tony asked Fury.

Fury said.

"Why? Not to be rude or anything but the last time we saw him he wasn't in the best shape."
Steve said.

"Because of you guys."
Peter said, pretending to be interested in his nails.

Everyone looked sheepish.

"Ok kid, why don't you go and get changed and we'll discuss the mission."
Fury said.

Peter sighed but nodded and left.

"So how is he gonna help us?"
Tony asked.

"That's for me to know and you to find out."
Fury said, his glare silencing everyone.

Peter came through after a few minutes.

"So what's the plan?"
He asked, sitting on a spare chair, putting his bag by his feet.


Peter groaned when he flopped down onto his bed carefully. Fury had to explain the plan several hundred times before the Avengers got it.

"Stupid Avengers."
He mumbled before falling asleep.


It was the day of the mission. Peter left very early in the morning, well before 10am. (Which is very early in quarantine)

He arrived at the tower in his suit and boarded the jet with the other Avengers.

"You good?"
Steve asked.

Peter nodded, too tired to talk to anyone.

"Let's get this show on the road!"
Clint said with far too much energy for a morning mission.

Peter rolled his eyes but nobody saw because his suit hid it.


Over the duration of the flight, several members of the Avengers tried to initiate a conversation with the teen but couldn't get more than a one word response from him.

"If you're coming on a mission with us you need to say more than one word. How old are you?"
Tony asked.

"I'm seventeen."
Peter grumbled, he'd rather not say his age but the billionaire probably knew everything about him.

"Do you have a girlfriend."


"Why not?"

"I'm gay."
Peter said simply.

"Do you have a boyfriend then?"


"Why not?"
Tony asked.


"Because isn't an answer."
Tony said.

"Yes it is."
Peter said.



"It's not an answer."

"It is. You asked me a question, I answered it. Because was my answer."
Peter said and didn't open his mouth for the rest of the flight.


"Alright, we're here."
Clint said, landing the ship.

Peter pulled his mask down and followed Caps lead like he was told to do.


Halfway through the mission, it all went to shit town.

Cap didn't follow the plan which meant that Clint had to leave his post to help Cap, Sam had to cover Clints spot, Natasha and Bucky had to cover Sams area which was larger than the others because he could fly and cover more ground quicker, Stark had to try and calm Banner down, Thor lost Mjolnir and had to fight with his fists which took longer because he couldn't swing a hammer and knock like twenty guys out at once, Wanda and Vision weren't able to fight because Vision got powered off by a beam and Wanda lost her powers temporarily.

Peter sighed and went to Vision and Wanda first as they wouldn't be able to defend themselves as Vision was powered off and Wanda couldn't fight twenty people at once. Plus they were closer to him than the others.

Peter webbed the bad guys up, made sure that the couple were ok before swinging away to help Thor.

After helping Thor, Peter, Thor, Wanda, who got her powers back and Vision, who also got his powers back, went to help the others.

Wanda went to help Natasha and Bucky, Vision went to help Sam, Thor went to help Stark and Peter went to help Cap and Clint.

"You fucking dumbass."
Peter mumbled when he webbed over to Cap and Clint.

Clint said before hitting three guys with an arrow.

Peter rolled his eyes before webbing people up.

He stupidly ignored his spidey sense and felt a burning pain in his back where someone had kicked him.

Peter screamed in pain and dropped to the floor, gasping for breath.

"Spideys down! I repeat, Spideys down!"
Steve said into his comm and rushed over to the teen.

"What happened?"
Steve asked.

"My back."
Peter gasped out.

"We need backup now!"
Clint shouted.

Natasha, Bucky and Wanda came to help Clint while Steve carried Peter to the plane where Bruce was waiting in the small med-bay area.

"What happened?"
Bruce asked as Steve laid Peter down on the bed on his side.

"He got kicked in his back and he's in pain."
Steve said as Bruce peeled the suit off.

"You're wearing a back brace?"
Bruce asked.

Peter gasped out, still in pain.


"After the fight last year, I was in hospital and you guys permanently injured my back."
Peter said, fighting for breath.

"Ok, I need to get an oxygen machine. Steve, pick up that mask, lift Spideys mask up and put the oxygen mask on, making sure that it's secure."
Bruce explained, Steve nodded and found the oxygen tank, pulled Peters mask up and placed the oxygen mask onto his face, securing it tightly. He turned it on and Peter could breathe more easily. (I ain't a doctor so this is probably completely wrong and I'm too lazy to do research.)

Bruce felt Peters back carefully, seeing if his spine was broken or something.

"There's a large fracture in his spine. We need go get him back to the tower so that he can get proper medical help."
Bruce said.

"Call the others and tell them that me and Peter are taking the escape jet to the tower. Help me stabilise him in the jet."
Bruce said and Steve nodded.

"What should I do?"
Steve asked.

"Put the other barriers up and then strap Peter in. Then we'll roll him into the jet and take off after he's safe."
Bruce said and Steve followed the instructions.

Bruce sat down in the jet seat after Steve left and took off for the tower.


The team trudged into the med-bay, wanting to see how the little spider was doing.

Helen Cho greeted them and showed them to Peters room.

"He's awake."
She said and opened the door.

Peter said, lying in a bed.

"What happened?"
Wanda asked.

"My backs been fucked up since our fight last year and then someone kicked me in the back and boom, I ended up here."
Peter explained.

"I also have a cool scar from you guys."
Peter said, lifting the blanket off and showing the scar on his stomach.

"Who gave you that?"
Clint asked.

"Mr Rogers."
Peter said and dropped the blanket back down.

"When are you able to go home."
Sam asked.

"Tonight, Dr Cho is just keeping me in for a bit."
Peter explained.

"Actually, you can go home now if you want."
Dr Cho offered.

Peter said.

"I'm gonna be getting changed so could you all please leave?"
Peter asked and made a shooing motion with his hands.

"Oh yeah, we're just leaving."
Steve said and ushered everyone out.

Dr Cho helped Peter put on his new back brace because his old one got injured before leaving.

Peter got changed into his Spidey suit and left through the window.

And done!

also, i've gotten dressed for the first time since i first started feeling unwell and i'm happy! :)

also i watched the new episode of wandavision and i loved it!! it's amazing!!!!!!


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