Speechless- B*BARNES

By roguelc25

474K 11K 3.9K

"Does she talk?" "No. She's been mute since childhood." Gemini Destiny Braddock. A girl with a very unknown... More

Description and Cast
001. Home Sweet Home
002. Help Needed
003. First Night Back
004. Don't Worry
005. Gifts and Visits
006. Family Business
007. Sickness
008. Accidents
009. The Compound
010. Bets
011. Unnoticed Ghost
012. House Rules
013. Feeling Bad
014. Apologies
015. Tic-Tac and Disney Films
016. Welcome Home
017. Anxiety Sucks
018. Cameras and Pictures
019. Crazy Karaoke
020. More Disney and Tears
021. Insomnia
022. Little Get Away
023. The S.S. Stark
024. The D.R
025. Never Have I Ever
026. Wins
027. Welcome
028. Bar Night and Problems
029. Family and Planning
030. Struggling and Just Dance
031. Coping and Confessions
032. Help, Plans and Threats
033. Friends and Date
034. Aftermath, Fears and Comfort
035. Return
037. Halloween
038. Mother Figure
039. The Kid
040. Spontaneous Trips
041. Game Night
042. Childhood
043. Over Working
044. Family Surprise
045. Christmas
046. New Years
047. Lazy Day
048. Camping Trip
049. Archery and Campfire Songs
050. San Fran and Secrets
051. Emptiness
052. Starting the Aftermath
053. Dark Day
054. Friendship
055. Promises
056. Back to Work
057. Children
058. News

036. Memory Lane Home Movies

2.7K 88 7
By roguelc25


GEMINI SURPRISINGLY WOKE in a good mood. After the revealing her reason for her fear of cars, she hadn't been feeling as happy as usual. She'd become more introverted in a way, or so Tony pointed out, her hardly signing to anyone and spending a lot of her time in her room. 

She sat in the living room with her computer on her lap. She was playing Sims 4 currently enjoying herself. Headphones sat over her ears as she bobbed her head to the Queen song playing. It was so loud she hadn't realised anyone had entered the room.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when Bucky tapped her lightly on her shoulder. Pulling the headphones away from her ears, the sound of his laughter filled them. "Sorry." He kissed her head as she pouted at him. "I did call you though."

She shook her head, patting the seat next to her.  "What's up?

"Your brother called Tony, said you weren't answering his texts. He's coming over with something." He explained to her.

"Oh God, what's he found?" Bucky looked intrigued. "When he ends up calling Tony it normally means he's found something that needs to be shared."

He shrugged. "No clue. He'll be here soon though." Gemini nodded, returning to her game. "So what you up to?" 

She shrugged, "Playing the Sims." She pointed to the creation she had made in Create a Sim.

Bucky raised his eyebrows, impressed. "Is that meant to be Tony?" She nodded. "That's cool."

She smiled before clicking on another sim. "Can you try and guess who that's meant to be?

The amount of red, white and blue made Bucky laugh. "Steve?" She smiled again. "His patriotism."

"It's thriving." She joked before returning to her newest sim. 

Bucky cocked an eyebrow. "Is that..." He moved closer to the girl. "Is that meant to be me?" 

Gemini nodded, looking up to him. "I use a lot of customised content for the game so I found a metal arm to make you." She explained, motioning to the metal. "Do you like it? Is it okay?"

He loved how Gemini looked for his approval. He kissed her head. "It's great, I love it." He replied, smiling at her. She pointed to a certain part of the sim. Bucky pointed to his unshaven chin. "Stubble?" She nodded. "Yeah."

The pair sat alone for a while enjoying the silence and each other's company before the rowdy children of the Compound came barging into the living room from their training.

"Steve, I've found Bucky." Wanda called out, catching the attention of the pair. Bucky apologised to the super soldier that was currently glaring when he remembered the promise he had made.

Suddenly the TV screen came on and Gemini's computer screen appeared. The group looked confused at the screen.

"What is that?" Bruce asked, looking around the room. "Where did it come from?" 

Gemini raised her hand. "It's my game."

"Oh my God, is that Steve?" Natasha laughed, pointing at the patriot-looking sim. She nodded. "That's amazing."

The group gathered on the seats looking at the screen in amazement. "I had to make two households cause the maximum is eight so I did guys in one, girls in the other." Gemini explained clicking on the Tony sim.

He looked between the screen and Gemini shocked. "How- What- Who?" He couldn't comprehend.

"You like?" She asked innocently.

He hugged her shoulders. "Me love." She laughed. 

She continued to show the other sims, making Thor very happy that his was shirtless. "You see mortals, Gemini understands that my lookalike should look godly like me." She looked to Bucky, rolling her eyes.

Suddenly a voice caught her attention. "My dearest sister, how are we on this fine..." He looked to his watch. "Afternoon?" 

She waved to Nate who was shortly followed by the other five. "Do you guys go anywhere without each other?" Sam asked.

"No." They all replied, simultaneously.

"So what did you find?" Gemini changed the subject quickly, noticing the many boxes that the group of six held. 

"Oh, you're gonna love this." Toni spoke up, dropping her box on the coffee table.

"So we were cleaning out a closet cause you know what your sister's like with her shopping addiction." Toni glared at Nate. "We found all these boxes of stuff. Quick question, do you have a VHS player?" 

"Oh God." Gemini realised looking to Joe for assistance. "They didn't."

"They did." He replied. 

Opening the oldest looking box, Nate blew the dust off the tape before placing it in the player.

"Now this will probably begin to explain how crazy we actually are." He warned beforehand as the tape began to play. Gemini closed her computer, her attention focusing on the screen as it began.

"Katie, darling how do I use this thing?" The voice spoke. Gemini's breath caught in her throat at the voice she hadn't heard since she was eighteen.

"You're useless with tech aren't you Armino?" Her mother's voice replied as she turned the camera. "There."

"Thank you love." Her father kissed his wife on the cheek. "Hello, little Antoinette. You're probably gonna grow to hate that name when you're older but oh well. We've decided that we're gonna make this videos for up until you're born and then also some other stuff. I hope when you're older you'll watch these, maybe with some friends, hell, maybe with some siblings." He introduced.

"Not in hells chance." Her mother called off screen. Nate and Gemini looked at each other.

"Well that's a bold faced lie." Taury spoke up, making Nate laugh. Gemini didn't though, instead she became completely still, her eyes glued on the screen as she watched a much younger version of her father spoke on the screen, showing the video around their first apartment.

"We just want you to know, Antoinette. Hell, that's gonna get annoying to say. Babe? Can we nickname her?" Armino Braddock called out to his wife.

"What exactly do you have in mind?" Katelyn asked him.

He snapped his finger at his wife before turning his attention back to the camera. "We just want you to know, little Toni, that we love you so much and we can't wait to meet you." He smiled happily, waving at the camera. "Now can you help me turn this off?"

It soon ended. Gemini was frozen in her seat. She couldn't comprehend any of what had happened, she never knew these videos still existed. She thought they had been lost decades ago.

"There's so much more, but these have titles." Nate explained, rooting through the box. "Like this: Our Little Gem Has Arrived."

Swapping the tape out, the next one began. "Hey, Gemini. It's me, your old man. You wanna tell her Toni?" He turned the camera to a much younger version of her sister.

"You were born today." She beamed a toothy grin. The sound of a young Nate's cheers were heard behind her.

"Your brother and sister have been very excited to see you, counting down the days. You were born, May 8th 1989 in San Diego." He began to explain the boring details.

"Papa, she knows when her birthday is." Toni pointed out. "High future Gem, I'm your big sister, Toni." She had snatched the camera from their father, walking around the room to Nate. "This is your older brother Nate, hopefully we're there with you watching this. We're really happy you're here and we can't wait to meet you. Can I sign off Papa?" 

"No! I wanna sign off." Nate argued before the pair were bickering. The sound of Armino sighing was heard before he pried the camera from Toni's small hands. 

"Those are your older siblings. Yeah they argue a lot but they definitely love you and we're all so happy you're here."

The room was quiet as Nate began switching the tapes. Bucky had noticed that Gemini hadn't moved since the first tape played. She just stared at the screen in shock. He couldn't see her eyes, so he couldn't see the tears forming in them, blocking her vision.

She sniffled catching the attention of the others. Becky was the first to her, hugging her auntie tightly, knowing she needed it. Gemini buried her head in the young girl's shoulder, choking back a sob.

Joe placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, wrapping her up in his arms. "We know Zodiac, we know." 

She pushed the Brit off her, standing up and moving to Taury. She didn't even double guess, and wrapped her arms around her best friend, burying her head in her shoulder as she couldn't hold back her emotions anymore. The sob wracked her body leaving the others in the room to feel sorrow and pain at the sound of the young woman crying.

Taury didn't let go of the girl, knowing how much she needed this. It had been the first time she'd heard her parents' voices in a long time. She could understand the pain the girl felt.

Bucky looked to Taury, standing up. She nodded, letting Gemini go and turning her to Bucky. Instead of hugging her though, he picked the small woman into his arm and sat back down on the couch, snuggling her into his chest. He kissed her head.

She soon wiped the tears away violently, she hated the tears. Hearing her father's voice though brought all the memories and emotions she'd suppressed for years to come bubbling back up. Bucky looked to her, pushing her hands away from her face as she tried to wipe every tear that fell. "You're gonna hurt yourself." He told her. "It's okay to cry, remember."

She nodded, kissing his cheek, she thanked him. "And thank you Nate for bringing these." She pointed to the box, quickly climbing off his lap and going to the box. "Now I'm finding one."

Replacing the tape. "This one definitely explains our relationships in a nut shell. 'The Day We Knew They Were Family' is what it's called."

"Oh shit, I remember Nate and me arguing about the SNES." Theo laughed, sitting on the floor in front of Toni. 

"And Toni won that fight by putting on the N64." Taury continued.

"And Taury and Gemini were too busy playing on GameBoys." Toni chimed in.

"Hang on." Theo chimed in just before it began. "This was the day Gem broke my fucking GameBoy!" 

"Language!" Becky yelled at the boy. "I get your family's from Germany, Uncle Theo but no." She chastised.

Gemini smirked, kissing her head. "That's my girl."

The tape began and the first thing heard was a young Theo yelling at Nate. Gemini moved her eyes from the screen momentarily, feeling somebody watching her. She saw Bucky watching her with Becky. She smiled at him, nodding her head. 

He connected his lips to hers quickly, before she rested her head on his shoulder. Nate watched how the former HYDRA soldier communicated with his sister using no words and he knew from that moment. He knew for sure.

Bucky Barnes was the one for his little sister.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Just some memory lane things

Also shows how close Gemini and her father were (in a way)

The next chapter will be out soon

Kayla Lou xxx

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