Skye x Midas Love Story

By Princess_Amy_Rose_77

27.4K 316 230

Skye and Midas Love Story. Hope you enjoy. I do not own fortnite or the characters in this story. I do not ow... More

Chaper One : Skye's Important Mission
Chapter Two : The Incident
Chapter Three : The Meeting
Chapter Four : The Misunderstanding
Chapter Five : The Unsuspected Fight
Chapter Six : Big Trouble
Chapter Seven : The Act
Chapter Eight : Love Issues 
Chapter Nine : The Prison
Chapter Ten : The Conversion From Ghost To Shadow
Chapter Eleven : The Cat Is Out Of The Bag
Chapter Twelve : Hugs and Tears
Chapter Thirteen : The Wedding
Chapter Fourteen : The After Math
Chapter Fifteen : The Fun Plans
Chapter Sixteen : In The Name Of Love
Chapter Seventeen : Battle and Fireworks
Chapter Eighteen : Hurt and Forgiveness
Chapter Nineteen : Confused?
Chapter 21 : Agreements and Plans
Chapter 22 : Interesting Feeling
Chapter 23 : Meet and Greet
Chapter 24 : Fusion
Chapter 25 : Many Things Going On
Chapter 26 : What?!
Chapter 27 : All For You
Chapter 28 : Where's Skye?
Chapter 29 : Gold
Chapter 30 : Doomsday
Chapter 31 : Ungolden
Chapter 32 : Kit
Chapter 33 : Just Talk To Me
Chapter 34 : Goddness and Knight
Chapter 35 : Midas and Knight
Chapter 36 : Chats
Chapter 37 :Love At It's Finest

Chaoter Twenty : Ghost And Ego

519 7 3
By Princess_Amy_Rose_77

*Skye and Midas go inside.*

Mida's P.O.V. : I need to find or figure out how to stop Chaos Agent and Shadow. "Skye...I'm going to go to my room to think and plan." "I could help y-..." Said Skye getting cut off. "No Skye, I want you to relax." "Oh okay." Said Skye a tiny bit sad and walking away. *Midas goes to his room,*

Skye's P.O.V. : Men...hmph I'll just hang out with girls. *Calls Rox and she answers.* "What's up Skye." Said Rox. "Hey Rox do you want to go hang out?" "Uh YEAH! Where do you want to hang out at?" Asked Rox. "We can go to Risky Reels to watch a movie and order pizza." "Fun! I'm down in an hour." Said Rox. "Great! See you then." "You too!" Said Rox hanging up.* Well this is great now I have plans!

Midas P.O.V. : Think Midas think! Why in the world would Chaos Agent be alive it's just not possible. Better yet, why does he have a daughter? I know he's planning something. Damn Shadow! Is Chaos Agent really in need of a new member of Shadow that he created himself a daughter? Well if that's the case I could invite Rox to join Ghost. ( I know I didn't include Journey as an Agent. That's because Journey, Turk, Ripply, Remedy, 8-Ball, and Cameo have unfinished business with Hazard, Riptide, Sludge, Toxin, Scratch, and Chic. But Journey and the rest are Ego. That means Hazard and the rest are Alter. Chaos Agent is Shadow but Toxin tied Shadow and Alter together almost as one but not completely. The rest of Alter didn't really want to be in Shadow and same with Ego with Ghost. So Toxin made herself mutual with both Alter and Shadow. Journey has contact with Midas so Journey is mutual with both Ego and Ghost.) I need to get rid of Toxin, Chaos Agent, and his daughter. Maybe I should turn them into gold? Seems like a good idea. I could ask Journey and her team Ego to help. Maybe...that's only if my agents and I need their help. I don't want an all out war but we might have to.

Rox's P.O.V. : *Is at Risky Reels waiting for Skye.* *A few minutes later and Skye shows up.* "Hey Skye." "Hey Rox." Said Skye. *They go sit down and call a pizza, then watch the movie.* (So basically like two hours go by.) "What do you want to do now?" "Um I don't know we could-" Said Skye looking over and seeing Cameo getting dragged by Chic. "Rox we need to go help Cameo!" Said Skye and Rox looking over. *They ran and shot their guns and Chic.* *Chic let's go of Cameo and gets into a boat and drives off.* *Skye and Rox go over to Cameo.* "Hey are you okay?!" Said Skye. "Ye-Yeah just a bit beat up....but thank you for saving me from Chic..." Said Cameo. "Not a problem." "I really need to report this Incident with Journey... excuse me while I call her." Said Cameo calling Journey. "Hello?" Asked Journey. "Hey Journey, Chic attacked me and attempted to take me away." Said Cameo. "That's not good. 8-ball and Ripply was attacked by Scratch and Sludge. Not to mention Remedy saw Chaos Agent and Toxin together near Steamy Stacks." Said Journey. "This isn't good. We can't take on all of Alter and Shadow by ourselves." Said Cameo. "We can help." Said Skye. "What do you mean?" Asked Cameo. "I work for the Agency and we are team Ghost. We have issues with Toxin and Chaos Agent, that means we have the same enemies." Said Skye. "Good point...." Said Cameo. "If you would like we can all meet at the Agency and talk to Midas, our leader of Ghost." Said Skye. "That would be great! I'll tell 8-ball, Ripply, Turk, and Remedy to meet you there Cameo." Said Journey. "Okay." Said Cameo hanging up. "Well can you take me to the Agency to wait for Ego to arrive?" Asked Cameo. "Of course!" Said Rox getting into a boat. *Skye and Cameo get in and dive to the Agency.*

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