Chapter 23 : Meet and Greet

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*It's morning time. Drift,Catalyst,Dire, and Calamity have arrived at the island. Midas,Skye,Meowscles,Tntina,Brutus,Agent Peely,Maya,Lynx,Rox,Journey,8-Ball,Rippley,Cameo,Remedy,and Turk packed up and went back to the Agency.*

Calamity's P.O.V. : "Dire, where should we look for the six chosen ones of the light?" "I'm not sure." Answered Dire. "Maybe we should check that huge building?" Asked Catalyst. "Great idea let's do it." Said Drift.

Midas P.O.V. : *In the living room just relaxing with Journey and her group watching T.V.* *Skye comes into the room.* "Hey guys Tntina,Maya, and I made breakfast if you would like to join us." Said Skye with a smile on her face. "That's so thoughtful of you Skye." Said Midas. "Thanks." Said Skye and Midas walking towards her. "Well shall we go?" Said Midas letting his hand out and Skye grabs his hand. "Yes." Said Skye walking away with Midas. *Journey and her group joined Midas and his group for breakfast.*

Journey's P.O.V. : *Sees Midas starring at Skye.* I gotta ask. The way they are acting is like they are dating. Not that I'm interested in Midas, I'm just curious. "Sooo Skye are you and Midas a thing?" Asked Cameo. Thank you Cameo. "Yes." Answered Skye and Midas. "Awww that's so cute." Said Remedy noticing Turk looking at her and blushing.

Drift's P.O.V. : *Gets to the Agency and gets off the boat with Calamity,Catalyst, and Dire.* *Notices the Ghost henchmen are talking to each other and contacting someone.* "Do you guys see these henchmen talking to someone?" Asked Catalyst. "Yes." Said Calamity. "Henchmen we come here in peace." Said Dire putting his hands up.* *Drift,Catalyst, and Calamity do the same.* "Boss there are four people saying they come here in peace and are in the front." Said a Ghost Henchman. *A few minutes go by and Midas comes towards the group of four with his hand behind his back.* "Hello there my name is Midas, the leader of the Agency." Said Midas. "My name is Drift, we came here in peace and came here to seek for the remaining six people that hold the power of the light." *Midas tells the henchmen to stop pointing their guns at the group of four.*  "Interesting...what is this power of the light?" Asked Midas. "The power of the light is like a group of ten people that hold the power." Said Catalyst. "The powers come in different forms like not really having a superpower at all like me." Said Calamity. "But some others have lightning powers like Catalyst." "People that don't really don't have a superpower are still chosen because the goddess Oro chose them to hold the power because of how wise and kind they are." Said Calamity. "Me and one other person that holds the power of the light has a special power. My power is being able to transform myself into a werewolf man." Said Dire. "Very interesting..." Said Midas bringing his hands to his sides. "How do you know if someone holds the power of the light?" Asked Midas. *Ultimate Knight appears and Skye,Meowscles,Tntina,Brutus, and Agent Peely comes out to the front of the Agency to check if Midas is okay.* "Midas? Who are these people?" Asked Skye. "Amazing....I feel great power with you ten here." Said Ultimate Knight. *Ultimate Knight does a scanning process to see  the six have the power of the light. A few moments later...* "Well Ultimate Knight, do they hold the power of the light?" Asked Drift. "Yes they hold it." Said Ultimate Knight disappearing. "Midas what is going on here?" Said Skye grabbing hold of his arm. "Don't worry Skye." Said Midas putting his arm around her. "Someone explain what that person was talking about?" Asked Tntina. "Yeah I am so confused." Said Meowscles. *Drift explains the power of the light. * "Wow." Said Meowscles. "We need you guys to help to defeat Fusion." Said Dire. "What does Fusion want?" Asked Brutus. "He wants to destroy all life on this planet." Said Catalyst. "That's terrible." Said Tntina. "Yes we can only defeat him with all of us chosen from the what do you say will you help us out?" Asked Calamity. "Of course." Said Midas. *Journey and her group comes outside and walks towards the people.* "Who are these people?" Asked 8-Ball. *Midas explains the situation.* "Okay... Riplley,8-Ball,Cameo,Turk,and Remedy will fight off Alter and after you guys are done with dealing Fusion you guys can deal with Chaos Agent and Rue." Said Journey. "Sounds good to me." Said Midas. "Where do we find this Fusion guy at?" Asked Skye. "I'm not exactly sure of that." Said Catalyst. "Well my team and I are going to Steamy Stacks to take on Alter if you need us." Said Journey and the others getting into two boats and leaving. "We should probably go looking for Fusion." Said Dire. "Yeah." Said Brutus. *Everyone else leaves the Agency in two Choppas.*

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