Chapter 34 : Goddness and Knight

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*Moments before Oro appeared in front of Midas, Oro told Skye aka Enteral Knight to go back to the island .*

Midas P.O.V. *Oro starts talking* "I know where Skye is." Said Oro. "WHERE IS SHE?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" "She's coming back real soon and I did Nothing I only told her the truth about you and what you have caused." Said Oro starting to disappear/teleport but Midas grabs on to Oro causing Midas to teleport with Oro but Oro stops in the half way between certain life and before life. "You pest! How dare you follow the great Oro!" Said Oro angrily.  "Well this pest will defeat the great Oro." *Oro attacks Midas but Midas turns himself into gold so none of Oro's attacks could hurt him.* "Your just as greedy as your parents!" Said Oro grabbing his scepter and tried to break Midas gold off of him but surprisedly doesn't work. "HOW ARE YOU STILL GOLD!?" Said Oro starting to freak out. "You know when your alone for awhile there's a think called getting more powerful and using your powers better." *Oro gets more angry.* "YOU MEAN MY GOLD POWER! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A CURSE YOU PEST!" Said Oro running towards Midas about ready to stab Midas through the chest.* "Your right it is a curse." Said Midas grabbing Oros scepter and touching it with his golden touch, but something weird happens and Oros already gold scepter turns into a shiner gold then to a rust.* "WHAT THE HELL!?" Said Oro. "You lost Oro." Said Midas touching Oro with the golden touch and the same thing happens to Oro that happened with his scepter.* Midas uses Oros now rusted scepter to stab Oro in the chest causing Oro to be completely dead not just rusted. "Finally..." Said Midas getting out back into certain life. * "I don't know what Oro told you Skye but I still love you."

Jules P.O.V. : A few days ago was Kits birthday and I made him a robot body that allows him to speak. It's pretty cool if I do say so myself. "Jules where did mom and dad go?" Asked Kit. "Oh they went to the store." "When will they be back?" Asked Kit. "I'm not sure." "Okay well then I can I leave to go play with Kyo at the Fortilla?" Asked Kit. "Yeah sure go ahead." "Hurray!" Said Kit leaving to the Fortilla. It's nice to see Kit having someone to play with during these times. Ghost isn't in the best place right now without Midas here. We don't know what to do but when Midas returns I have a ton of information to give him to help Ghost win this never ending war. I mean I been working uncover at the Authority for almost a full year right by Chaos Agent....He told me something that confused me pretty bad...he said the golden statue of Skye was completely gone without a trace, that probably means she is alive because Meowscles and the others are. I have a bone to pick with her.

Eternal Knight's (Skye) P.O.V. : (Skye is in the armor) *Steps foot on land on the island.* It's been about a year since I been here. Oh well I guess. *Starts walking and goes up a snowing hill that's next to Catty Corner.* Isn't that where the Box Factory was? *Goes to check it out.* *Walking around Catt Corner and Jules sees the Eternal Knight.* "Hi can I help you?" Asked Jules. "Yes does Meowscles live here?" "Hmm why does that matter?" Asked Jules suspiciously. "He's an old friend and I need to talk to him." "That sounds a little suspicious, what's your name?" Asked Jules. "Eternal Knight." "Weird Meowscles has never told me about an Eternal Knight." Said Jules. "Listen lady I don't have time for this." *Meowscles and Lynx get back from the store.* "Jules who's this?" Asked Meowscles. "She says she the Eternal Knight." Said Jules. "I could have introduced myself without you, you know." *Jules walks away.* "Who really are you?" Asked Meowscles. *The Eternal Knight takes off her helmet.* "SKYE?!" Said both Meowscles and Lynx. "Yeah it's me it's been awhile." *Both Meowscles and Lynx hug Skye.* "We have missed you so much." Said Lynx. "I know I'm sorry I have been training." "Training for what?" Asked Meowscles pulling away from the hug. "Revenge on Midas." "Revenge?" Asked both Lynx and Meowscles kinda concerned. "Yes...he has cause a lot of pain by flooding the island and killed countless people to show his power over all of us on the island." *Meowscles and Lynx look at each other.* "Skye...I have talked to Tntina and that's not true..." Said Meowscles. "What?!" "Yes it's true...he only killed his cousin because he threaten to kill everyone on this island and the world, which caused a flood to happen." Said Lynx. "Skye he loves you and would have done anything to get you back." Said Meowscles No...It can't be true!" Said Skye running away from Catty Corner crying. "Skye come back!" Said Meowscles. *Lynx puts her arm around Meowscles.* "Give her time to accept the truth." Said Lynx. "Your right." Said Meowscles. *Skye goes to sit under a tree.* It can't be true! Why else would a goddess train me just not to get revenge on someone? It doesn't make since!

Jules P.O.V. : *Listened in on everything Meowscles,Lynx, and Skye said.* I knew it! Skye is the Enteral Knight! And the way she was talking seems like she wants to kill Midas. But why? He risked everything just to save her....what an ungrateful lady. It's a good thing I have Omo a chip to help him fight off bad people. *Gets out of the garage type building at Cattory Corner and goes back to the Authority.*

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