Chapter Two : The Incident

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Skye's P.O.V. : I'm heading back to the Agency and Midas is site.

? : "I got you in my sites Skye..."

*I take a boat to the Agency and park it and I walk over to Midas* "Boss man I got the fi-" *Someone shot me through the stomach with a sniper and I start bleeding through my yellow shirt. The pain is unbearable. "H-Here's t-t-the fi-"

Midas : "SKYE!!"

*I passed out*

Midas Perspective : I just witness Skye get sniped and I didn't do anything. Stupid self! Something is weird in my...heart, it feels like someone shot me trough it but not physically. I walk over to her. "Skye..." I said. I lended down on my knees and gently picked up Skye's body. WHO DID THIS?! SHOW YOUR SELF YOU COWARD COME OUT AND FACE ME!" I said.

? : "Oh I will Midas I will"

I picked up Skye and when to the basement of the Agency where the hospital for the Agency is. "Oh Skye I swear I will find and kill that person that did this to you. *notices the files in her hands* "You did great agent Skye"

Skye's P.O.V. :*I can hear Midas talking?*

Midas P.O.V. : "Hope you don't mind Agent Skye but your bleeding is coming from your stomach and I have to at least lift your shirt up a little" *I lift her shirt up a little bit* Danggg she's so curvy...Am I blushing? Why is my heart racing? What is this feelings? I gotta focus on Skye's sniper wound. *starts cleaning the bullet, then puts ointment on it and bandages up. "Hope you feel better Agent Skye." *Starts to walk away from her with the files but stops* I don't see why I can't look at the files while waiting for Skye to wake up. *Walks back to Skye and pulls up a chair reading the files.*

Skye's P.O.V. : * Boss Man...I mean care that much about me? Well I'm sure he would do the same for anyone of his agents. But would he act like that towards them? I don't know I'm over thinking. *

Midas P.O.V. : *reading Chaos Agents plans* "Interesting...he plans to blow up the Rig. Now how do we stop him?"

Skye's P.O.V. : "Mi-Midas?" "Agent Skye your awake!" Said Midas. "Where am I?" "Your in the hospital below the Agency." Midas said. "What happened?" "Some coward sniped you right before you handed me the files. I will make that cowardly person pay dearly."

Midas P.O.V. : Why am I feeling so protective over Skye? "Anyways Agent Skye how are you feeling?" "You can just call me Skye boss man.." Skye said. "And you can just call me Midas." *Skye rolls her eyes.* Wow her eyes are so pretty I could look into them all day. What am I talking about I have an Agency to run and stop Chaos Agent. "Don't roll your eyes at your boss." "But you told me to call you Midas boss man" Skye said sarcastically. "Whatever, how are you feeling?" "Pretty good." Skye said with a fake smile. "You better not be lying to me Skye." "I'm-I'm not." Skye said almost as a question. "Look me in the eyes."

Skye's P.O.V. : "Okay." I-...woah...boss man I mean Midas eyes...he' really is...what's the word? Hot....what am I saying I gotta get back to work. "You sure your okay Skye?" Midas said. "Yes." *tries to get up* oh man that really hurts but I can't show it Midas won't let me go on missions if he sees me hurting. Wait..why am so worried if I can't go on missions for a few days? Am I trying to impress Midas? I mean I want him to think I'm a great agent. "Agent Skye you look like your in pain." Midas said. "No way boss man I'm okay." *gets out of the bed and nearly collapses* *Midas quickly gets up out of his chair and catches Skye. "I gotcha." Midas said. Midas has is hands on me and I all the sudden feel like a thousand times more safe. His touch it feels...right? and warm. And my heart is racing? What is this feeling?

Midas P.O.V. : Her body she feels comforting...My heart is racing..again what is this feeling I'm feeling right now?....I wonder if Skye is feeling this too. "T-Thank you." Skye said a little ashamed. "Why did you lie to me?" "I guess I wanted to get back to work and go on missions again." Skye said hesitantly. "Anything else?" "M-Maybe.." "What is it Agent Skye?" "I-I don't want you to think I'm weak and a bad agent" Skye said with a tear forming in her eyes. "Oh Skye, your one of the best and my personal favorite agent, I would never think poorly of you and especially not think your weak." I said blushing. *goes to wipe her tear from her eyes and keeps his hand on her face.* Man her skin is so soft.

Skye's P.O.V. : *blushes* Am I blushing? My heart is racing again... his touch..."Midas..." "Skye..." Midas said softly. *puts her hands around his neck*

Midas P.O.V. : what's this thought in my head about wanting to kiss her? My heart is beating faster now...maybe if I do kiss her my heart beat will go back to normal? *leans in slowly* *Skye leans in also* Our lips are about to touch but all the sudden.....we hear scratching at the door. We stop. "What's that noise?" "Oh it's just Meowscles wanting in." Skye said. "Oh." *Meowscles opens the door and looks at us* Both Skye and I are blushing like crazy.

Meowscles P.O.V. : "Skye! M? What are you guys doing?" "Uh Agent Meowscles, what are you doing here?" Said Midas. "I heard what happened to Skye and went to check on her." "I'm okay Meowscles." Skye said nervously. "Want to play video games?" "Sure kitty bro." Skye said. "Wait Skye!" Midas said. *grabs a wheel chair* "This will help you a lot until you feel better." Midas said. "Okay thank you Boss man." Skye said waving.

*Skye and Meowscles go up to her room where there are games leaving Midas alone to think.*

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