Chapter 29 : Gold

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*Midas leaves the Agency and goes to the Grotto.*

Midas P.O.V. : *Enters the Grotto and finds Brutus.* "Agent Brutus.." "Yes boss?" Asked Brutus tur
Ning to face Midas. "Aren't you supposed to be looking for Skye at the Shark with Peels?" Asked Brutus confused. "Slight problem with that.." "What is it boss?" Asked Brutus. "Stay still." *Midas walks towards Brutus with his hand up.* "What are you doing boss?" Asked Brutus kinda scared. "Brutus trust me I will make this as less painful as I can make it." "What?!" Said Brutus pulling out his minigun. "Brutus..." "STAY BACK BOSS!" Said Brutus aiming at Midas. "Guess I have to do this the hard way..." *Midas turns himself completely gold and Brutus starts firing his minigun hitting Midas. The bullets doesn't affect Midas and Brutus notices this and runs up to Midas and tries to punch Midas. Brutus hits Midas and Brutus holds his hand in pain. "OWW!" Said Brutus. *Midas goes up to Brutus to face him. "Boss please..." Said Brutus. *Midas touches Brutus with his golden touch. "Please d-don't hurt Tina..." Said Brutus turning completely gold. "I'm sorry Agent Brutus but I have to...for her...none of you would get it." *Midas picks up Brutus and sets him into the choppa and flies off to the Agency.*

Journey's P.O.V. : *Is fighting with Black Knight.* "Just give up already!" "Never! Not until Red Knight is by my side!" Said Black Knight hitting Journey causing her to go flying and hitting a wall.* "Journey!" Said Remedy running over to Journeys aid. *Rippley gets out a pistol and shotts Black Knight but nothing happens. *8-Ball gets out his swords and cuts Black Knight armor off and points the swords at Black Knight. "Now you give up?" Said 8-Ball. "I guess so..." Said Black Knight. "We will put you in the same cell as Red Knight." Said Cameo. "Where are the hostages?" Asked Turk. "Right blow us." Said Black Knight. *Rippley goes to take Black Knight to prison.* "Is Journey okay?" Asked 8-Ball concerned. "Yeah I'm alright just a bit bruised up."

Midas P.O.V. : *Got back in his choppa with golden Tntina in his choppa heading back to the Agency.* I wonder why Tntina didn't fight back? Maybe she has a feeling I am doing this for Skye? Could be. Hopefully Meowscles acts the same way. *Lands at the Agency and gets golden Tntina out of the choppa and walks down to the secret room with golden Tntina.* "Got another agent Jules. "Okay place her between Skye and Brutus." Said Jules working on Midas's suit. "Alright." *Mida's placed golden Tntina between golden Skye and golden Brutus and leaves.* *Midas gets in his choppa and flies to the box factory.*

Catalyst's P.O.V. : *Taking cover at Weeping Woods waiting for all the miniguns to overheat or run out of ammo.* *Notices Drift using his lightning powers to hit the miniguns causing them to explode in front of Raptor and his friends. *Calamity ties them up.* "Why are you guys killing all the trees here?" Asked Dire. "Got bored I guess." Answered Raptor. *Goes to put Rator and his friends in jail.*

Meowscles P.O.V. : I have looked every square inch of this place. Skye isn't here. *Goes outside of the box factory and sees Midas landing his choppa and getting out of it.* "M? What are you doing here? Where's Skye?" "Agent Meowscles..." Said Midas. "Does her disappearance have something to do with you?" "Meowscles...I don't know how to put it." Said Midas. "What do you mean? Where is she?!" Said Meowscles going up to Midas. "At the Agency..." Said Midas. "WHAT?! Then why in the world did you make me and everyone else go away from the Agency?!" "Agent Meowscles you wouldn't understand." Said Midas. "What? Not understand!? You aren't making sense!" *Meowscles points his peow peow rifle at Midas.* "Let's try this right Agent Meowscles I don't wanna start a fight." Said Midas walking towards Meowscles. "Boss...BACK OFF!" Said Meowscles starting to fire a few bullets and Midas but Midas turns himself into gold so the bullets don't affect him.* "How could you do this?! How could you do this to Skye?!" *Midas walking  stops for a moment.* "I didn't mean to Meowscles." Said Midas looking down. "DID YOU HURT HER?!" "Yes and no Meowscles it was an accident." Said Midas. "LIES! YOU JUST WANT POWER OVER EVERYTHING!" "If that was true I would want Skye by my side and not in her current state." Said Midas. "Current state?" "Yes Ageht Meowscles...she is still alive I need her. That's why I'm doing this." *Meowscles was completely off guard and Midas touched him with the golden touch.* "M...why? I-I have s-so many questions..." "Meowscles I don't have time to answer those I'm sorry." Said Midas. "B-Boss." Said Meowscles turning into gold. *Midas picks up golden Meowscles, sets him on the choppa, and flies back to the Agency.*

Midas P.O.V. : *notices five weird machines circling around the  Agency.* Hmm? What's this? *Lands the choppa and takes golden Meowscles down to the secret room.* "Jules I got the last one." "Okay I'll put him in the last machine." Said Jules taking golden Meowscles and putting him in the machine. "Small problem Midas." Said Jules. "And that is?" "We need more electric strong as lightning." Said Jules. "I know two people." *Midas walks out of the room and contacts Drift.* "Hello?" Asked Drift. "Drift I need you and Catalyst back at the Agency." "What about Dire and Calamity?" Asked Drift. "We don't need them." "Okay be over in ten minutes." Said Drift hanging up. "Skye...this is all for you my will come back." *Ten minutes later, Drift and Catalyst come into the Agency.* "What's the problem?" Asked Catalyst. "I need you two to stand still." "What?" Asked Drift and then Midas touches him with the golden touch. "Drift? DRIFT?!" Said Catalyst panicking. "It-It's okay- Cat-" Said Drift turning into gold. "What the hell?!" Said Catalyst angry. *Catslyst tries to fight Midas with her hands and lightening but Midas pulled out his drum gun and shot Catalyst a few times and walked over to her and turned her into gold.* Now this should do it...You will be back soon my love. *Midas takes golden Drift and golden Catalyst down to the secret room. "Jules I got them." "Put them into the mechanical ball" Said Jules. *Midas puts golden Drift and golden Catalyst into the mechanical ball.* "I decided to make some adjustments in case Tempest decided to show up and mess up the plan. That's why I needed the lightning power." Said Jules. "Thank you Jules." "Not a problem." Said Jules. You hear that Skye your going to be back soon.

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