Chapter 30 : Doomsday

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*The next day.*

Jules P.O.V. : *Runs out of the Agency and uses Ome and flies off.*

Midas P.O.V. : Everything  is ready for today. *goes to look outside his window and sees the storm circling around the Agency.* Shoot! Tempest! *goes down to the secret room and puts on the Cyclone suit.* "Jules!" "Yes Midas?" Asked Jules. "I need you to leave the Agency now." "Okay." Said Jules running out of the Agency. *Midas sets off the doomsday device and goes outside to the front of the Agency and sees Tempest controlling the storm. "Tempest stop this!" "No never! Not until I undo everything you created!" Said Tempest. *Midas goes back into the Agency and goes to the top of the roof where the five pillars and the orb of energy thing is.**Midas takes off the Cyclone helmet.* "I'm warning you Tempest!" "Go on do it if you dare!" Said Tempest. *Midas puts back on the helmet.* *Tempest uses his storm controlling power to move the storm a little closer to the Agency.* *The device starts making alarm noises.* *The five pillars go up one by one that are surrounding the Agency and then the orb of energy causing the Agency to blow up.* *The energy orb starts rising up and the energy orb does it's thing and hits the five pillars with energy and moves back the storm.* *But something goes a little wrong and the storm comes back towards the Agency and the storm gets darker.* "Oh no...please work..." *The devices works again and moves back the storm causing the storm to be a red color.The storm goes completely off the island.* "Did-Did I do it?" *Sees Tempest falling to the ground.* "It's over Tempest." *Looks over at the pillars.* "Skye...I hope this worked." *The five pillars go down and the energy orb.* *Midas walks over to Tempest.* "Well you failed dare you mess with my plans." *Midas gets out his drum gun and shoots Tempest for a few seconds causing Tempest to bleed out.* (Tempest suit was severely damaged because of how much power was being used and got overused because of the device.) "O-Or did you." Said Tempest dying. *Midas looks up and sees a huge wall of water.* "What the..." *Midas goes back to the Agency.* "Damn this place is a huge mess." *Goes down to the secret room at that is almost completely destroyed. *Goes over towards the machine pillar that has Skye in it and opens the door.* "Skye...I'm so sorry." Said Midas crying. "What went wrong?!" *Midas walks away and doesn't bother to check on the other Agents.*

Dire's P.O.V. : *Gets a call from Drift and answers.* "Drift?! Where were you and Catalyst?!" "Long story but I need you and Calamity to set up and stock up the bunker under your house." Said Drift. "Okay. When are you coming?" "In about two minutes, I have Agent Peely,Catalyst, Brutus, Maya,Rox, and Tntina with me." Said Drift. "Where's Meowscles and Lynx?" "We don't know. We didn't see them...hopefully they are okay." Said Drift. *They end the call.* "Who was that Dire?" Asked Calamity. "Drift...We need to stock up the bunker." "Okay." Said Calamity going into the kitchen grabbing can foods.* Dire grabs a few cases of water and brings it down to the bunker and goes back upstairs to grab pillows and blankets. Calamity goes to grab more food and water. Dire goes back up stairs and grabs soaps,a tv,phone chargers, and radio. Calamity goes to get more blankets and pillows. Dire goes back upstairs and grabs more clothes and opens the door for Drift and the others. "Hey can you guys grab more clothes?" "Yes." Said Maya. *Everyone goes to grab more clothes.* *Calamity goes upstairs and goes to get lots of laundry soap because there is a washer and dryer in the bunker.* *dire goes to get batteries and flashlights and heads back into the bunker and shuts the door.* *Everyone is in the bunker and starts charging their phones and turns on the radio. "So why did you guys not answer us for days?" Asked Calamity. "Midas..." Said Agent Peely. "He turned all of us into gold." Said Brutus. "But not me and Maya." Said Rox. "Yeah he put Rox and I into a pretty deep sleep." Said Maya. "So that's why you two were sleeping when we went back to the living room in the Agency." Said Catalyst. "Yes." Answered Maya. "Where's Skye? I'm so worried about her." Said Rox. "She's mostly with Midas wherever that jerk is." Said Tntina. "I can't wait to give Midas a piece of my mind." Said Brutus. "Well I'm tired.What's sleeping arrangements?" Asked Maya. "Well there is three bunk beds, a bed, and the couch." Said Calamity. "Brutus and I will take the bed." Said Tntina. "Maya,Agent Peely,Drift,Catalyst,Calamity and I will take the bunk bed." "Okay." Said Drift. *Everyone goes to sleep.*

Jules P.O.V. : *Lands by a house and opens the door. Walks inside and goes down to the basement and sees her cousin tied up and in a cage.* "Demi!" "J-Jules?" Said Demi. "Are you okay?!" "Somewhat." Said Demi. *Jules gets Demi out of the cage and unties her.* "Thank you." Said Demi grateful. *Jules hugs Demi.* "What did Tempest do?" "He forced Vendetta and I build him his suit for power because he was jealous of Midas' success." Said Demi. "I'm so sorry to hear that....Were's Vendetta?" "In the shed next to the house." Said Demi. *Jules and Demi goes upstairs and goes the shed and lets Vendetta out of the cage and unties him. *Demi hugs him.* "I missed you so much Vendetta!" Said Demi. "I missed you too Demi. Are you okay?" Said Vendetta. "Yes." Answered Demi.

Midas P.O.V. : I'm so sorry Skye. *goes back down to the destroyed secret room in the Agency. Then goes to Skye's pillar and opens the door and kisses Golden Skye's lips. "I love you. I'm sorry I failed you. I am leaving...I don't deserve to be on this island." Said Midas kissing Golden Skye's lips for the last time and leaves.

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