Unity - an alan walker fanfic...

By Walker_45674

918 52 17

19013 loves music. It's her life. Then she's given a chance to collaborate with her favorite artist, and she'... More



25 2 0
By Walker_45674

The next few days were relatively uneventful. We recorded the song and music video and were well into the editing stage when I finally confirmed my suspicions. I was sat next to Alan on the way back from the last day of filming when I spotted something on his phone while he was scrolling through his contacts list. Or rather, the person that wasn't there, but should have been.

That night, I checked that my band were asleep before tiptoeing over to Alan's room. Carefully, I tapped on the door as quietly as possible so as to not wake the others. "Come in?" he called from inside. I opened the door and immediately saw him sat on the windowsill, staring out across the city. "Oh, hey!" he smiled "I thought you were asleep." "Sorry to disappoint you, I wanted to ask you something without anyone else hearing..." He finally turned away from the window, looking me in my eyes. "And what would this question be?" He asked "Are you sure it can't wait?" I shook my head, No.
"I'm sorry if this comes across as rude or nosy, but are you and Mello, Y'Know, going out?" He turned away from me again and sighed. After a couple of minutes, he spoke
"Yes, we are. We tried to keep it a secret, but you were bound to find out eventually. How did you know?" I chuckled.
"You were on your phone earlier. Vii isn't on your contacts. And Mello is. As 'My Lil' Mello <3'" he rested his head in his hands.
"I didn't realise it was that obvious. Do the others know?" I shook my head again
"They don't Know, but they do suspect something after the whole incident of you tripping and then Mello carrying you inside. That's why I waited until they were asleep to ask you about it." I squeezed his hand and started back to my room, but when I reached Alan's door, I paused. "Sometimes holding things back just makes it worse."

The next day, we played the first of our 7 shows. The crowds were wild, mainly because there were members from all three of our fanbases in the audience and they were arguing over who was the best artist.

The week flew by, relatively calm compared to the couple of days we had spent in the studio, and we even got to go bowling one day. Then, on Sunday, everything went wrong. We were in the middle of our last show, with about 10 minutes of stage time left, when I got a phone call from my mom. Now, it was an unwritten rule in my family that you can't hang up on your parents, so I told everyone I had to take it and went backstage so that no-one other than the people onstage could see me. On the other end of my phone, my mom explained why she had called me. Soon, I could feel hot tears on my face and I knew I had to get out of there. I legged it down the corridor, ignoring the yells and confused glances thrown my way, trying to find an exit. Eventually, I found myself in the car park, I looked around and spotted a dark corner where I could sit and not be spotted by passers-by, so I put my jacket on the ground, to sit on, took my mask off and let the tears run freely from my eyes.

I don't know how long I sat there for. I totally ignored my phone, in fact, I turned it off entirely. It was almost completely dark when Alan found me.
"What are you doing down there, Iselin?" he asked, the first time he used my real name. "You need sleep. You've got an Interview tomorrow!"
"Jeg vet [I Know], Alan. But that call was bad news, and I needed some time to myself." More tears appeared in my eyes and I couldn't stop myself from crying again.
"Hey, calm down. Deep breaths." he said, letting me bury my head in his neck and rubbing my back until I was focused again.
"Now, tell me, what happened?" So, slowly, I told him about the accident, and how I couldn't go home, and everything else that was worrying me.

The next morning , I dressed in the traditional walker style: all black clothes and mask (of course - the whole idea was that nobody knew who I was). The radio studio where we would be interviewed had cameras as well, and the video was going to be posted on the station's Youtube channel, which did not help my worries at all, because I had no clue what was going to happen after my last few days in the US, and if my mask fell off on camera, my day would get a ton worse. When I walked through the door with my friends, the radio presenter laughed. "So you found the runaway Mini-Mello?" she said to Alan. I glared at her. "Never, Never call me a Mini-Mello again, or you will seriously regret it!" I seethed "Just because I am working with him, doesn't make me a 'Mini-Mello'!" she shrugged
"So what did happen last night? I heard she was missing until around one in the morning!" Across the room from me, Alan rolled his eyes. "It wasn't that late. And she is is in this room as well, and I think she would apreciate you using her name." she glared at him for taking my side. "Well, Mr Walker, would you mind telling me her name so I can use it? Because the last time I checked, she wasnt going to reveal her identity to anybody, least of all a reporter for one of the most listened-to radio station in the US, and was just using a bunch of random numbers as her alias!" she retorted.
"I know who she is. So do her band. If she wants to go under the name #19013, freaking use it!" Alan replied. "Now, 19013, Are you going to tell what happened, or am I, or is it going to stay our secret?"

My longest chapter yet, I think!

Comment below what you think happened to Iselin?? And what do you think of the fact that ALAN AND MELLO ARE DATING???

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