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Hello, 45674 here. Just so you know: if text is in italics with an ID at the start, that is what people on the call are saying. Text in the centre of the page with a bold and underlined title that starts with an ID is a post on the Forum.

I watched confusion flash across thier faces and laughed inwardly. I'd really stumped them.
"Fostered? That's not the same as adoption, is it?"
"Sounds stupid, but can guys get pregnant?..."
"They're could have had someone else carry the child... but she doesn't really look like either of them, so I doubt it..."
"Who are you?" They asked me
"Still not figured it out? Sheesh... don't you ever watch TV or listen to the radio? Fine I'll tell you. #19013 ring any bells? I'm staying with 'Mellowalker' because my house burnt down, dumbass. We're not related at all!.."
"Yo, 13, picked a fight with the locals already?" Asked Chris, walking up behind me.
"Yeah, they insulted both you and Alan and called me a Mini-Mello. They also thought I was your adopted daughter?! And- get off my skateboard, you little...!!!" One of the boys had snuck up behind me while I was talking to Chris, and was attempting to loosen the wheels so that they would come off when I next rode it. I tried to smack him, but a hand grabbed my wrist.
"Some temper you've got there, 13!" Alan said, letting me go once he was sure that the boy had backed far enough away that I couldn't reach him.
"And before you ask, yes, I heard the whole conversation, AV-8 was streaming to Avem."
"Uh, he was?"
"Yeah, I've got remote override incase he fails..."
"Oh, OK."
"What are you talking about?" Asked one of the boys, the geeky looking one they called Hacker.
"You have remote override on a person? That's illegal, right?" Me, Alan and Chris burst out laughing and when we finally recovered, Alan muttered
"I'm not even going to begin to explain the tech and coding I'm talking about, kid. Mainly because you would try and replicate it and quite probably hurt both you and anyone helping you. No I don't have remote override on a person. That's all you need to know" he grabbed Chris's wrist and dragged him away.
"Come on babe. Let's go home." I turned back to the boys.
"Never forget this....I'm always watching you, even if you can't see me!" Then I sprinted away, leaving them in shocked silence. As I caught up with Alan, I caught parts of thier conversation via AV-8

-Did she seriously just say she's always watching us?
-Yo that's basically stalking. She could get arrested.
-And that whole remote override on humans thing. I'm not entirely convinced that he was telling the truth, and that has to be illegal, right?
-I'm going to go set a trap... we know where she lives right, so we can take her in for questioning for corporation.
-Fine mate, just nothing too serious, so that if it goes wrong or mellowalker trips it instead, we can blame it on her.
-Good idea

"Those kids are crazy!" I groaned as I climbed into the car.
"Jeg vet, [I know] Ise. We're gonna have to be careful..."
"What did they say, Alan?" Chris asked as he started the engine.
"They're going to try and 'prank' us..." he replied doing quotation marks with his fingers on the word prank.
"They aren't going to get very far. I'll set up some security..." I said, already pulling the miniature prophecy disk, that came with AV-8, out of my pocket to program him with new code. The holographic screen appeared, prompting me to log in, the lack of Internet obviously having an effect on the previous credentials.
"Uh, Ise, you know you can only access drone footage and the Community Forum through that, right?" Alan informed me, spotting me scrolling through the files stored on AV-8.
"Uh-huh!" I replied absent-mindedly, too focused on the task at hand to listen to what he said.
"So what are you doing?"
"Going in deeper."
"Wait - you're hacking him?!"
"I prefer the term 'reprogramming' but yeah, if you insist, I'm hacking him."
"How'd you know how to do that?"
"I've been doing it since I figured out what the Prophecy Disks do."
"You've been messing with AV-8's code for 2 months?!"
"Yeah. I repainted him as well."
"Ok.... so you added more features?"
"Yeah. I'll send you a list later. I also got rid of some of the bugs in the original software-"
Alan's shocked face said it all.
"I didn't know you coded."
"Meh, I got bored easily when we quit school, I'd be sat in front of my workstation all day, but couldn't really do much if the song wasn't ready for vocals yet, so I'd write software, apps, viruses, anti-virus protection, anything really." Chris turned his head slightly to look at me
"What's the hardest thing you made?" I thought it over for a second then replied
"Well, I helped K on his little project."
"K? As in 391?" Chris asked
"What project has he been working on?"
"None of your business, bucket-head." I said, teasing him for the helmet which he was still wearing.
"But seriously - what project?" Alan questioned.
"I guess you're not the only one with secret tech then, Alan, if you dont know, jeg vill ikke snakker [I will not talk]"
"Tell me!"
"Nei[No]. Kenneth tells me a secret, I'll keep that secret." He pouted, sulking
"You're too loyal to him."
"I'm in his army! Do you expect me to go around handing out pictures of him to random people and telling them what he does on a day-to-day basis?!"
"No." All the time we had been discussing it, I had been entering code into the program using a holographic keyboard. I typed one last line:

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