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He took us to three dressing rooms with our names on the doors. He sent Lewis and Ed to get changed but held me back muttering something about someone wanting to see me. As we walked, he asked whether it had been me singing 'Heading Home' for the TV crews. I nodded and we walked in silence for a while. A bit later he said, "He'll be happy." with no explanation as to who 'he' was. Soon we arrived at another block of dressing rooms. The guard told me to wait outside one while he went inside to talk to the occupant.

A while later, he came out again and said I could go in. cautiously I went up to the door and froze in shock when I saw who was inside. Alan Walker himself was sat on a sofa talking to a camera that sat on a table in front of him. "You don't mind, do you?" he asked, indicating it. "Not at all. It's a privilege." I replied, waving at the camera.

"You're probably wondering why you're here," said Alan " A couple of months ago your mom emailed my manager saying she wanted you to have an unforgettable birthday present. I personally wrote a reply to her saying I would think of something that would make it truly memorable. I've been thinking about it long enough. But before I tell you my decision, I want to have a look at your outfit. Your mom said you spent ages on it!" he got me to spin around. He liked my mask and when he saw my sweater he asked, "where did you get that jumper?!" I could hear his Norwegian accent in everything he said. When I mentioned that I had made my hoodie, he sent someone a text on his phone before sticking his head out of the door and muttering something to the guard who was still out there.

When he had finished examining my jacket with more interest than I have ever seen anyone look at a sweater, he asked me what my top 5 of his songs were. I wrote a list for him, as it was easier that reciting them from memory, because I would forget some and repeat others. He turned to his laptop and quickly edited something before asking me to sing them in the order I had written them.

15 minutes and 5 songs later, Walker finally decided to tell me what my birthday present was. "Your mom wanted you to have a good view of me so where better that on stage? You know I have the two big flags at ever performance? You hold he black one until halfway through the show, when the flag bearers switch. Then you wait in the wings until I start playing 'the spectre'. Then someone will give you a microphone and you come back onstage, and you sing those 5 songs you gave me earlier. Got it?" my head was whirling after a minute of me sitting on that sofa in silence Alan asked me whether I was alright. "Huh? Sorry, did I fall asleep or did you just ask me to perform with you?" I stammered. He laughed and confirmed my suspicions with "Yes, if you want to you can perform with me." I squealed with anticipation. I saw him tap some keys on his laptop and then I left after collecting my phone from Alan's manager who had been sitting in the corner all along and had kindly programmed my phone with both his and Alan's numbers.

I went back to my dressing room. It took me about half an hour to walk back, but finally I pushed open the door. Inside was a sofa, a coffee table and refreshments and a dressing table with a new sweater folded up on it. I picked it up and examined it. It was a traditional back hoody with the white intertwining a and w on the back but on the front instead of a smaller logo, in white lettering was the text 'Walker 19013' I picked up my phone and texted Alan:

how do you know about #19013?

see you in 5 to explain. backstage door C.

Walker 19013 was my name when I was singing with The Rising Walkers (the others had numbers as well. Lewis was 19007 and Ed 19010)and I hadn't told anyone (especially not Walker) that I was 19013 other than the band and my mom (who had accidentally seen me going out to a concert in my onstage sweater once and I was nearly late for the show because I spent 10 minutes explaining what it meant and who I was when I was wearing it). In the five minutes I had until I was supposed to be meeting Alan, I had time to switch into my new jumper, brush my hair, even though I knew someone would fix it before the show, and just enough time to edit some footage for the Rising Walkers debut music video. Then I put on my mask again, I had taken it off because it gets quite hot if you wear it for a long time, and started towards stage door C.

Alan was waiting for me when I arrived at my destination. As soon as I reached him, he launched into an explanation. I thought he might be have been really awkward, but he got straight into an explanation as to how he got my Walker number. He had talked to my friends after I left, and they had told him about our band, our numbers and our music. Having sorted that out we went back to the first backstage room and Alan introduced me to some of the other singers and artists including Iselin Solheim, au/ra, Torine and Sabrina Carpenter. He was just introducing me to k-391 when his phone rang. He answered it with a string of Norwegian chatter. When he hung up, he apologised to K-391 "I'm sorry we have to rush off like this, but we have a sound check now" and led me through a door in one corner that I hadn't noticed before. All of a sudden, we were two metres from the stage, hidden from view by only set of steps. We were onstage for about 10 minutes practicing songs and checking equipment. It felt unusual to be using a microphone and not my Laptop, but that was Alan's job and he got paid to do it, so I couldn't complain. And anyway, I was onstage with Alan Walker! Then as I left the stage, I saw a row of people wearing Alan Walker hoodies and holding little flags come through a side door and rehearse coming down the front of the stage. I saw my friends among them and waved, but Lewis and Edward didn't see me.

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