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Next morning, I woke and dressed early, as it was an hour's drive to the TV studio. I had left out an outfit the day before while I was packing (black cargo pants, black tee, with a red hoodie and a customised denim jacket from the new music video) and I got changed into the clothes, shoving anything that had missed the previous evening into my bag. In the bus, Gunnar and Moe (Chris's manager, not Alan's cameraman) handed around croissants and Orange juice, our equivalent of a breakfast, to eat on the way to the studio. In the backseats, Alan and Chris were making out, and Lewis was on call with his girlfriend, Jessica, next to me.

When we arrived at the studio, the makeup artists practically forced me into a chair so they could do my hair. They also applied some eyeshadow and mascara that went well with my outfit, and I quickly took a picture for my Instagram. Then a helper [A/N: IDK what they're called, OK?] clipped a microphone to my jacket, which meant that we were going live soon. Suddenly, I got really nevous. "Hey, Ise, don't tell me you're scared?! You performed on Tomorrowland and you're scared of going on TV?" Alan said, his hand covering the microphone on his collar. "They're different! At Tomorrowland, they can barely see me, let alone ask me questions. Here, they stick a microphone in your face and expect you to answer everything as though you are in court!" I whispered back. Chris interrupted, his voice muffled from his marshmello helmet "It's not that bad. You don't even have to talk if you don't want to. Just look as though you're relaxed. I'm sure you can play music through that earpiece of yours..." I thought it through, then looked across at Alan "To be honest, I never tried to... Can the drones play music through the headphone, Alan?"
"Yes, but you have to download the music to the unit first. We've got 5 minutes until we go live, so you should get about... 20 tracks? Or something along those lines." He replied. I called AV-8 down to me, and linked it up with my phone via Bluetooth. Then I exported all my favourite songs to the drone and put the volume on my earpiece up to 40%, so it wasn't too loud, before commanding AV-8 to shuffle my playlist. I heard the opening bars of 'Heading Home' and immediately relaxed. "Better now?" Asked Alan and I nodded my head.
"Sorry. I get nervous when I do anything I'm not used to. I also have ADHD, which doesn't help..." Alan looked surprised and Chris tilted his to the side, giving me what I assumed was a questioning look. "You do? I wouldn't have realised unless you told me..." I laughed
"You're too kind. No, I always have at least one fidget toy on me, and that generally gets me through the day." From across the room, a cameraman called
"OK, we're live in a minute, everybody get ready!" We walked over to the stage area where we were filming and I looked at the sofas we were going to be sitting on. Relax, remember, it's just like Tomorrowland... I told myself and listened to the music playing in my ear.
"Everyone to your places, please" called the director. The two hosts were already in thier seats, and Alan and Chris nabbed the second couch for themselves, leaving me to share a sofa with Ed and Lewis.
"Good morning folks, I'm Logan O'Connor and this is James Patrick and today we have 5 very special guests in the studio with us!" The first host recited
"That's right everyone. The only people anyone is talking about right now: Alan Walker, Marshmello and The Rising Walkers; the so-called 'EDM Family'! " I cringed visibly at this nickname
"That's seriously what they're calling us? More than a little wierd. Kinda creepy to me." I commented.
"Yeah, I know... I don't think any of you are related, right? Not brothers and sisters?" We shook our heads
"So who is who?" Logan asked
"#19013, #19010, #19007" I replied, pointing to each of us as I said our number. James shook his head and sighed
"Knew that wouldn't work. I told you you wouldn't get their names, Logan. They're too smart. So, 13, can I call you that?, your jacket. It looks very 'Mello' style. Has he started influencing your outfits, or what? I haven't seen you wear anything like it before." I shrugged
"Oh, well, this outfit I am wearing is sort of, well, it's a, let's say, neater version of an outfit I wore in in the new music video. It's supposed to represent all of our different styles, so... yeah... I can't really say much more about it, other than the fact that it's personalised," I turned around so that they could see the back of my jacket as well, where '#19013' was written in a rough, hurried font that made it look extremely scruffy,
"without spoiling the MV. It's premiering on YouTube later today, so go check it out if you want to know more..." Logan nodded and turned to the couple on the other couch
"Mello, Alan. Two days ago, you officially announced that you are dating, springing chaos on both of your fanbases, why then? Why not keep it secret longer?" Alan nodded and paused before speaking
"Um, well, I remembered some advice a couple of friends gave me 'if you leave a problem or a worry bottled up inside you for too long, it's just going to get worse.' And me and Mello talked about it, and decided that having kept it secret for 6 years-"
"6 years?! That's an extremely long time!" James exclaimed
"Yeah, I know. Well, we decided to finally tell the world, because there are people that already suspected there was something happening between us, and we'd rather tell them now, and get all of the craziness over with, than have a massive commotion later, when the people who think we are dating, find out we are." Alan finished.
"So thanks Iselin, Kyrre, Kenneth, Joel, Tijs, Martijn- and anyone else who knew about our relationship and encouraged us and gave us the advice that we needed for this to happen."
I could tell that the couple were smiling as they snuggled up on thier sofa.
"Awww, so cute. Yin and Yang, right?" We all laughed, even Alan and Chris, who just cuddled even closer.
"So, we know these two are in a relationship... are any of you three dating anyone?" James turned towards me and my friends.
"I have a girlfriend, but don't even think of asking who she is, she's staying anonymous for as long as I am." Lewis confided. Logan tilted his head at me and Ed.
"And you two are single? No partners?" He asked, and Ed blushed under his mask.
"Well, I do have a crush on this girl, but I never asked her out..." he sighed.
"Why don't you ask her? If you act like you do when you do a show, you'll be fine!" Ed bit his lips,  then glanced at me from the corner of his eye.
"No. I can't do it." he sighed, shaking his head.

A few minutes later and we were done with the recording.
"Thanks for coming in guys, and I look forward to hearing the new song later!" called Logan as we left, chucking the mics to the sound technicians.

Unity - an alan walker fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora