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#19013 / Iselin PoV:
I don't know why I was so hyper about it. The instant the computer gave me access to the base I practically threw myself down the hole. It wasn't actually that far down, and I managed to land on my feet with a bag in each hand, using skills from when I had done parkour with Chris to make sure I didn't hurt myself. Andreas looked at me, surprised that I could just jump down and not be injured. I shrugged at him
"I guess the three weeks of parkour paid off. Is there a way for AV-8 to get in?"
"Sure. Just tell it to come to you. It's programmed to recognise the base." I did so, then turned back to Andy.
 He gestured behind me as my drone appeared from another hatch in the ceiling that was obviously made for the drones to enter and exit through. A couple of minutes of waiting for Alan and Chris, and I told my drone,
"AV-8, open a voice call to Avem"

You - Alan if you dont get down here in 40 seconds, I'm sending AV-8 up there to give you an electric shock.
#0 - whatever. Avem, end call.

I heard a bit of muttering from above, then the trapdoor opened, and Chris came down, his helmet under his arm, despite the fact that he'd been wearing it only minutes before. Then Alan appeared, his face flushed bright red, dragging the last two rucksacks behind him as he scrambled down the stairs. "Welcome to the Bergen Centre, guys!"

#0 / Alan's PoV:
As we walked through the corridors towards the rooms I had prepared for them, I told Chris and Iselin a little bit about the base.
"It has accommodation for around 30000 walkers. Took 4 years to build, and we had most of Norway's Walkers working on the construction. It's probably the most secure location ever. Quite a few of the Walkers who live nearby stay over on weekends, and most of my team have permanent rooms here, so we might bump into a few people-" at this, Chris hurriedly shoved his helmet back on.
"Right. Here we are. So, there aren't any single rooms because we were trying to make the most of the space available, so everyone has to share with at least one person. Ise, would you rather share with my sister, #28300, or do you want me to place you in a communal dorm with some other girls?"
"Alan, why are you even asking? You know I practically hero worship #28300. No offence to Camilla, but Susanne is wayyy cooler. Wait! Is #28300 here?!" Her eyes went wide.
"Who told you that #28300's name was Susanne? And no, she isn't here yet, she's due to arrive tomorrow."
"Yay! I get first dibs on which bed I  want! As for #28300's name, I just assumed about her and Susanne Karin Moe being the same person.... did I get it wrong?"
I told her she had assumed correct and showed her her room.
"Just leave your bags on your bed. You can come and sort them out later, because I want to to show you the rest of the base." Andreas said, startling all of us. I had completely forgotten that he was tagging along. I quickly opened the door next to Iselin's room.
"This one's ours, snuppa [babe]." I told Chris, and he kissed me when he saw the room.
"You shouldn't have..."
"Oh, I had to, min kæreste. [My darling.] I couldn't have you sleeping in a dorm with seven random strangers, could I?" I replied, ignoring Andy fake gagging behind us.
"Now come on, we've got better things to be doing than stare at a bedroom." I dumped my suitcase on the double bed, and Chris flung his onto the floor on the other side of the room, then I remembered the backpack with Chris's drone in it, and swung it over my shoulder as we left. First, Andy took us to the canteen and the gym, showing various recreational areas on the way, then I led the way to the Admin Office, because there was some paperwork they needed to fill out.
After half an hour of filling out questionnaires (clothing sizes, Walker ID, age, and proof you were who you said you were), Chris's datapad came up with the notification
"Please report to dormitory 4972" I took it off of him and tapped a couple of options, authorising the changes to his profile.
"Walker #1, please report to dormitory 1" the datapad said. ("Woah, you're Walker #1,  Chris?" "Yep...")
"Or... I could just get the things here please, Walker Bot." I told the system and it processed the command, a bag containing a white walker hoodie, mask and pair of cargo pants, along with a drone case appearing on the desk.
"This is for you," I said, handing my boyfriend the clothes
"But you won't need this, Walker Bot, unregister drone KP-74 from Walker #1." Chris protested angrily, claiming that I had let a teen procure an AW-8, but not him (which was true, I had.)
"Relax søtnos [cutie], I unregistered that one because yours is here." I took the customised drone case from my bag and handed it to him.
"Go on, activate it!" Ise called from across the room, where her and Andreas were wrestling with the second datapad, trying to make it realise that she already had the kit supplied. Chris carefully placed the case on the side and flipped the lid off, gingerly taking the logogram from the padded slot and tossing it into the air, cringing as the metal twisted into the customised drone I had made for him.
"OH MY GOD ALAN! It's perfect!" He cried and gave me the biggest hug I had ever had. For a moment I contemplated sinking into his chest, but settled on smiling and hugging him back, lifting him off the ground and swinging him around. Well, I tried to. It didn't really work out that way. It was more like; I lifted his heels 2cm off the ground and then collapsed in his arms from exhaustion. He chuckled and swung me round with ease, nearly hitting Ise in the face with my feet, then finished by throwing me over his shoulder.
"Chris, put me down!" I laughed
"Nope! I'm not letting you go, Potato." He replied, grabbing the bags and walking out of the room, ignoring the startled looks of #653, who was about to walk in, and I realised he really wasn't going to let me go.
"PUT! ME! DOWN!" I screamed, pretending to have a full blown tantrum and hitting his back.
"Ouch! No, I'm not- Ouch- going to put- Ouch!- you down!" By now, Ise and Andy had emerged from the office and were watching us, and, along with a couple of other Norwegian Walkers who had been in the base already, were laughing their heads off at my situation.
"It's not funny! It's really uncomfortable, his helmet's digging into my waist. Snuppa [babe], please- if you won't put me down, at least let me get comfortable." I pleaded, trying to give him puppy eyes, but I was the wrong way around. He sighed and put me down for two seconds, then made me get back on in a piggyback.
"Thank You." I said, finally able to breathe properly.
"Let's go get some food, I'm hungry." Chris agreed and started walking towards the cafeteria with me still clinging on for dear life.
"Uh, Alan? Aren't you supposed to be meeting Ken?" I turned my head over  my shoulder to reply to Ise.
"Meh, he'll call me when he arrives." She seemed satisfied with this answer, and we got some pizza to eat.

Three hours later, after finishing our pizza and a movie, it was 10pm, and I still hadn't received a call or a message from Ken, and I was starting to get a little bit worried about him.
"Avem, go to Walker #391." I instructed my drone and he flew off to find him. Soon after, Andreas got a call from his girlfriend (whatsapp, there was no signal, we were underground, but the wifi was good down there), who wanted him to 'go home ASAP, for some reason'. Before he left, he agreed to send Ken up if he saw him anywhere. Iselin escorted him to the entrance, then sent me a message via her drone.

#19013 - I'm going to bed now, good night!
you - Ok, sweet dreams

After that, I went to get ready for bed, and I had just got snuggled under the covers when Chris came back in from the bathroom. He pulled off his shirt and dropped it to the floor and I felt my cheeks go red at the sight of his six pack, and buried myself deeper under the duvet, hoping that he wouldn't notice. But, of course, he did.
"Alan, are you blushing?" He asked me. I shook my head, but it was evidently obvious that I was.
"Stop lying to me, Baby. Was it because I took off my shirt?" This time I nodded, my cheeks going even redder.
"But you've seen me without my shirt before and-"
"I was always wearing my mask. I was blushing underneath it. That or you either didn't see or thought it was natural for me to be blushing." I admitted. He laughed and fell into bed, cuddling up to me, making my face look like a tomato from blushing so hard.
"So, what are all these other components for?" He asked, pulling the drone case onto his lap, trying to take my mind off of the the incident that happened just then. I gladly accepted the change in topic and explained what each thing did and how to use them.
"Which reminds me..." I pulled my projector out and opened it to the Forum, which was still crammed with stuff about Red Nexus. I typed up a post for anyone awake at this time of night, and pinned it, so that Walkers would still be able to read it in the morning as well:

I know I've not been
very honest with you guys
recently. But now, what with
this whole commotion about
Red Nexus knocking down
half of the World's doors, I
can't really keep this a
secret much longer: the
World Of Walker is real.
The Excavations, the ancient
Walkers, the drones. Everything.
Unfortunately, Red Nexus is
also real. They were
originally a made up
thing, created to add
a bit more craziness to the
music videos. Then a band
of people who did not approve
of us walkers found out about
#28300's excavations by accident.
They took the name of the
fictional company, and set
about trying to get the technology
to use for their own gain.
They have grown thier
influence and are searching for
#28300, they won't stop at
anything to find her, and now
none of us are safe. I hate for the
first time I do this to be in a
time of danger,
rather than an opportunity to
socialise with others, but

W47K3R5 J01N
470N3 - F1N473

Please do not tell anyone
about this, unless they are
registered in the community. It
might put lives at risk, and I'd feel
that that's on me.
Do not make it obvious that
you are a Walker on your
way here, RN will have people watching the airports,
so hide your hoodies well. I can provide some
here as well, so you could leave
yours at home if needed. I'll (hopefully) see you soon.


I put it away, knowing that it would be a couple of minutes before anyone saw the post, and snuggled closer to Chris,  leaning my head on his shoulder.
"Night, baby" he whispered in my ear before kissing my forehead and falling asleep. I relaxed in his embrace and closed my eyes to focus on Avem's video feed instead of the bedroom. He was flying over a city, weaving his way through the skyscrapers , and I knew that he was nearing his destination because he would have flown above the clouds in any other situation. Sure enough, my drone stopped outside the balcony door of a 10th floor apartment and I could see Ken on the sofa, asleep, with a suitcase next to him. Spotting his headphones charging by his feet, I realised why he hadn't turned up: the headset had run out of power.
"Avem, home in on command centre." I said, and the drone turned and started it's journey back to me.

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