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So that was it. The Rising Walkers went on our fourth tour in total, the third with walker, and the first X Walkers tour. From across the room, I could see our manager beckoning at me, so I put down my laptop, the same one I had those 2 years ago, and walked over. "Ready?" she asked. I nodded. I got more confident with every show I do, and I didn't really get scared about going on stage Infront of millions of people.
"Then go get them, tiger" I smiled at the use of the saying I grew up hearing from my teachers and ran over the lyrics of 'rise' in my head. It was definitely at the top of my list of favourite Rising Walkers songs. It carried so many good memories. I nodded at Alan, who is stood next to me, and we ran onstage together, the rest of X Walkers behind us. I stood at the front of the stage and a minute later, Saphire joined me, ready for the harmonious melodies that come from the rear of the stage. The crowds were just as big as ever. The songs flashed by. Darkside. Faded. Shadows. Rise. Unity. Sky High. I could feel the adrenalin pumping through my blood stream, but I'd got used to it. There are many things I had to get used to that I never had to do before we became famous, such as always wearing my mask around my neck when I go out, having a tour bus or getting fan mail.

After the show, a reporter cornered me for an interview:

Reporter: who is your biggest inspiration?

Me: I think you probably know this and only asked the question because it's in the script, but it is Walker

Reporter: how does it feel, getting paid full time to make music when you should be in school?

Me: well, I still consider music as a hobby, and definitely feel unusual earning around £10000 a year when I should really be taking my GCSEs but, hey, that's life for you!

Reporter: why do you wear the mask? I mean there are obviously people out there that know you personally, but very few, if any, of your fans have seen your actual face.

Me: I know. There are a couple of reasons actually, the first being, ok I'm going to quote Alan here, 'the mask is more of a sign and a symbol of unity than of me being different' but also, and you're the first person outside of the band I've told this to, at school, I was bullied and I was kind of scared that if the bullies saw me on stage then they would make fun of me even more, so the mask was my way of making sure that they never found out it was me, but it has kind of become uniform.

I felt better after opening up to the reporter and grabbed a bottle of soda before going to find the others. They were sat around a table eating Chinese food, despite the fact that we were in Belgium. I saw the cake on the table and muttered "no more unmasked vlog #11, aka. 'we mess up the backstage' ok?" everyone laughed and started singing 'happy birthday'. For a minute I wondered who they're singing to and then I remembered. It was my birthday! It had definitely been my best birthday yet. 15 and already I was an international EDM star. All because I got tickets to my favourite artist's concert. Alan pulled me out of my train of thought by producing a present, wrapped elegantly in golden wrapping paper. A tag taped to the top said:

To 19013,

Happy 15th, from Alan, Au/ra, Sabrina, Julie, Tomi, Tori, X Walkers, #19007 and #19010

I slowly teased the paper off. Inside was a box. And inside the box was...

Our first ever album.


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