
13 1 0

We drove back to the city. We had flights booked for the afternoon, but it was still early morning, meaning we had until lunchtime to relax, so the crew took us to a bowling alley, where we were welcomed heartily and given a couple of lanes to play in.

Alan actually ended up winning both of the games that we played, but only by a very small margin, there was a four point range between his and Chris' scores on the second game. When we got out of the bowling place, we all took off our masks and left them in the back of the van before finding a cafe and opening one of our laptops on the table as we ordered cake and hot drinks. The video premier was set for half an hour's time, but we wanted to chat to the fans in the comments beforehand. We gave a couple of shoutouts to the people that had been in the chat longest, and did a few givaways, before the countdown began. I leaned over towards the screen and quickly typed in

//How exited are you for this song?//

As a reply, we got "REEEEEE" and "Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" from a couple hundred people. Quickly checking the amount of people waiting, I almost chocked on my cake. 8470 fans were watching our video at the premier! I watched intently, eager to see the fully finished video. We had filmed quite a lot of it infront of greenscreens, and although I had seen the video during editing, it had been in short snippets, and I had not watched the complete file yet. The video played on the screen, causing laughter when we remembered bloopers for various scenes.

Later, at the airport, I said goodbye to my band.
"I really am going to miss you, guys." I said, hugging them tightly.
"Hey, calm down, 13. They can come visit sometimes." Chris offered and I smiled at the American
"Takk! [Thanks!] Oh, and Ed, call me when you get home, O.K?" We smiled at each other, before Lewis grabbed his arm.
"Come on - Jess'll kill me if we miss the flight!" I chuckled, Lewis' girlfriend overexaggerated her actions a lot, and waved to Ed as he dissapeared through the gate.
"And we go this way..." Chris muttered, pulling me and Alan down a corridor plastered with pictures of celebrities and we emerged in a massive room with a glass wall that overlooked a runway that had a couple of smaller planes on it.
"Welcome to the VIP lounge, Ise!" Alan called from across the room, where he was buying himself yet another Red Bull from a vending machine. I rolled my eyes.
"That's like, your 4th Red Bull in the past 2 hours, Alan. No more, or you'll get super hyped, and then I won't be able to sleep on the flight because you'll be bouncing off the walls..." He made a sulky face, but agreed to not drink any more.
"OI! We weren't supposed to stop in here at all, you two - come on, Moe, Gunnar and the pilot are waiting for us on the jet!" Chris yelled from the boarding tunnel. We followed him and only as I boarded did I realise how big the private plane was, there was even a sofa along one wall, for goodness sake!

It was only a two-hour flight from Sacramento to Los Angeles, where Chris lived, and we soon landed once again. We donned our masks and, after collecting our luggage, walked out to the car park, where Chris' customised Lamborghini sat waiting for us. The rest of the crews waved goodbye as we got in, heading back to Chis', while they went off to goodness-knows-where, probably going to get drunk as hell. As we drove along, I started wondering what Chris' house would be like. I had heard from several sources (A.K.A : Moe, Alan, The Internet) that it was big, but knowing Chris in person, it would probably be messy.

And, boy, was I right! It was very big, and messy. Well, it didn't look like a bomb had hit, but you definitly not call it tidy. The kitchen was the worst; there were pots and pans everywhere, and the countertop was coated in flour and sugar.
"I thought you were a cook?!" I exclaimed, raising my eyebrows at Chris
"Yeah, but-"
"No buts, a good chef would know that all... This! is unhygienic!" I cried, gesturing to the catastophe that was supposed to be an oven
"... You still haven't cleaned and repaired this stovetop since you set it on fire cooking that burger!" He looked ashamed.
"Look, I'll help you clean it, but you have to do you share of the work too. No skiving!" I started putting dirty plates in the dishwasher while he wiped down the work surfaces.
"Chris...?" called Alan from the hall.
"You do know that your skateboard has rust- OH!" he had walked into the kitchen and seen the two of us cleaning up. He shook his head.
"You really need to do this before you have guests, Chris... Just so you know, Ise, the rest of the house is relativly clean, though it could do with hoovering..." He told me
" I was in the middle of tidying the garage, where you could store at least two of your cars, yet you insist on turning it into a giant box for your junk, Chris... I came to say - did you know that your board has rusted?"
"It has? Great..."
"We're nearly done in here, Alan, we'll come help you in about 15 minutes," I called, my head inside a cupboard, where I was putting away crockery.
"We?" Chris questioned
"Yes, Chris, we. Your mess, you tidy it up."

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