The Alphas Guard

By bubblegumfog

405K 18.2K 2.1K

❝Her eyes spoke more than her lips moved.❞ After her pack is brutally taken over, Leila is forced to reside i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 - The War
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 - Filler
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Filler
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 - Filler
Chapter 58 - Filler
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - The End of Leila and Luca
Book 2 snippet

Chapter 22

6.7K 271 29
By bubblegumfog

For those wondering, each pack represents a major race/ ethnicity.

The north: The Middle East and South Asia
The South: East Asia (China, The Korea's etc..)
The West: Europe
The East: Africa

Enjoy this chapter! Stay safe lovelies!


The Leaders were furious.

Kibibi Nyongo threatened to cause an uproar with her people on behalf of our loss. The southern leader, Kim Seokjin, supported Kibibi's plans and got his people onboard with her. The minute they were excused from the questioning hall they began packing to leave from the castle and promised to never return so long as the castle hadn't repaid us for our tremendous loss.

It made me emotional.

It also made me realize just how important my home was in terms of resources and history to the other 3 nations; regardless of whether or not the western leader spoke on our behalf.

I swallowed as I sat in my room, staring back at my wheelchair.

We had one last dinner tonight before the Leaders left to their homelands and I was excited. I could feel adrenaline sweep through my veins at the thought of my new companions meeting with the disgraced Luna one last time. The sole image of her face red with embarrassment brought me so much joy I honestly began growing worried at how much I enjoyed her misery.

Something was off though.

I hadn't seen Lara since my arrival at the castle and of all people residing between these walls, I expected to be greeted by her first. Father's words unsettled me greatly; that they hadn't seen her in two days. That meant one thing.


Somehow, I needed to find him and ask him where in the world Lara was. So without a second thought, I limped my way into my wheelchair and rode out into the hallways, dagger strapped to my thigh and swords rising from my back in X form. The wheelchair made me feel small in comparison to the people that passed me. It made me feel like I wasn't a guard, like I was something much, much less. I hated it with a passion but it's not like I could've done anything to get out of it. Whatever that monster was, it ate at my nerve cells and I was lucky I escaped the outskirts fast enough before it had my entire leg in its mouth.

On my way to Hamza's chambers, I saw Slaiman walking down the hall with Talia, arm in arm. The sight made my heart ache with desire and hurt. I couldn't believe I'd forgotten her face; the paleness of her skin and the blackness of her hair. She was stunning in the traditional way.

Mother loved her.

Sometimes, I thought she loved her more than me and it made me detest her, but no one could detest Talia. She was warm in every way.

"Leila," Slaiman breathed out, "that was a sight to see, wasn't it

I nodded, eyes shifting from his to Talias, "It was,"

"You did great, really, you've grown up so much," Talia untangled her arm from Slaiman's, forcing a frown to his lips as she squatted down to level with me, "Slaiman told me you couldn't recognize me during the ball and, well, I don't really blame him, you haven't seen me since you were 12, but- I just wanted to say I never forgot you. Everyday, I prayed and prayed so that I could see your eyes again and finally, I'm seeing them,"

She ran her knuckles down the side of my face, eyes filled to the brim with tears I didn't recognize until now.

"You were always my green eyed beauty, Leila," Talia whispered, voice catching in her throat, "you still are,"

I let out a shaky breath, unknowing of what to say to her words. How did I ever forget her? How in the world did I ever forget her? She was my person, the woman that I went to for advice when mother was too busy criticizing my posture and fight.

"I'm sorry," I lowered my eyes, "I just-"

"Don't you dare apologize, little one," She tilted my chin upwards, forcing me to look into her eyes, "the goddess pulled you away from me for a reason and while I may not understand it now, the truth will come out-"

"It always does," I completed, watching as a smile grew onto her lips.

"Exactly," With a satisfied look on her face, she stood up, sliding her arm back into Slaiman's, "I'll see you at the dinner. I really do hope you come back home with us. This castle is no place for a warrior like you,"

It was only then that I remembered father's offer to me that morning.


The idea of going back to the north terrified me greatly, but the sole image of the sandy oasis that was my home filled the hollowness in my chest every so slightly.

"It was great seeing you Talia, it really was," I confessed, "I missed you greatly,"

"Me more, habibti," She said, sending me a wink, "your brother has bored me a bit,"

"Hey," He growled, tightening his grip on her arm, "that wasn't nice,"

She snickered, "Sorry dear, I just missed my girly. We'll be off now. Can't wait to see what you will wear tonight, I bet you'd make even a potato sack look worthy,"

I chuckled, shaking my head, "That's you, not I,"

"I beg to differ,"

"Oh, get a room you two!" Slaiman exclaimed, glaring at me, "Your male was looking for you, by the way,"

My eyes widened at the thought of Luca.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"In his chambers," Slaiman clarified, "See you at the ball, sister,"

"See you two tonight, farewell!" I waved them goodbye and they did the same before pushing myself to Hamza's room.

It was close to Luca's room, so I thought it would be a good idea to look for Lara before visiting my male. She deserved that; to be put first. Her mother was a witch for not giving her daughter the attention she so deeply deserve and by being her friend, I would make her my first priority. She was kind enough to approach me in all my coldness when she first saw me. She called me her soul sister.

Finally, I reached Hamza's door and knocked, heart beating out of my chest.

A minute or two later, the door opened revealing a Hamza with circles as dark is night under his eyes and hair flying in all directions. In his hand, he held a glass of bourbon whiskey and in his belt was a knife strapped.

He looked lost.

"You," He grumbled, "what is it you want?"

"I need Lara, is she here?"

His nostrils flared, "I looked everywhere in this castle for her, guard, every where, even the secret corridors you locked. She's no where,"

"I- when was the last time you saw her?"

"2 days ago. She never leaves without saying goodbye. She's been kidnapped-"

"Calm yourself horses, warrior. I sense her presence in this castle. She must be somewhere,"

"I said I looked everywhere!" He growled, eyes glowing a bright amber.

It was nowhere near as bright as Luca's.

"Have you visited the seers below?" I asked, a hand resting atop the dagger stuck to my thigh.

He looked like he was about to attack me any second.

"She feared the seers, why would she-" He paused, dots connecting, "thank you, guard. I'll be off,"

I scoffed as I watched him sprint down the stairs at the end of the hallway, leaving his door opened.

He was such a northerner.

Respectively, I shut the door behind him, not before grabbing the keys stuck to the other end of the door. I didn't want anybody looking through their belongings, more specifically Lara's belongings. Immediately, Lara's pregnancy rushed to my mind, forcing my heart into a frenzy of panic.

Where would she be?

She did mention that her past wasn't as pure as her brothers, so my mind wandered in all directions as to what she could have done but, to no avail, reached no sensible conclusion.

With a sudden heavy heart, I strolled through the hallway until I reached Luca's chambers and knocked for the second time that day.

Where are you, Lara?

The door swiveled open, rushing a gush of wind through my hair and up my nostrils. There stood Luca wearing a pair of black shows, slacks and a white dress shirt. His eyes smiled, only his eyes, at the sight of me and he pulled the door further ripen to accommodate for my wheelchair.

Silently, I pushed myself into the room. Goddess did my hands burn at the strength it took to pursue that damn piece of metal. I hoped it wasn't showing that I was struggling. In front of Luca, I wanted to seem strong and graceful.

"You called for me," I said, looking up at him.

Before answering, he grabbed a chair from the dining table and placed it in front of him for him to sit. I furrowed my brows at the action, smiling lightly.

"You didn't need to do that," I assured.

"I want to see your eyes when I talk to you, verde," He spoke to me for the first time in 5 days and my heart burst at the sound of his voice.

Ironically, his comment made me lower my eyes and blush furiously. The effect he had on me felt more robust than before, like the string pulling me towards him turned into a trail of fire so bright the sun was envious.

"I missed you," He revealed, reaching for my hands, "I missed you with my entire being,"

"I missed you too," I almost whispered, shivering at the warmth his hands radiated.

"4 days ago, the entire castle was convinced you were mine, and they weren't wrong. You are. You always will be," He shook his head, swallowing, "That was the first time I'd ever cried since my father's death. I think I surprised everybody there,"

My lips parted and without a second thought, I removed my hands from his to cup his beautiful face, "I'm not dying anytime soon. Know that, Luca. I'm not leaving this world without you knowing,"

"Your heart almost stopped,"

"But did it? Did it stop beating?"

"No- but-" I shut him up by laying my lips on his, breaking my own promise.

His eyes held too much sadness and I couldn't stand it because I was the cause of it. I wanted to be his source of happiness, the person he couldn't wait to see nor the person he was worried would slip through his fingers any moment.

Almost immediately he responded, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to his lap.

Luca's lips moved sensually against mind, slowly and with heartfelt compassion. He kissed me like it was the last time he was going to. He kissed me like he as going to lose me.

His hands snaked through the back of my head, pulling me impossibly closer.

It wasn't a kiss of lust nor was it a kiss of desire.

It was a kiss of reassurance and a kiss of love.

He was the first to pull away, laying his head atop mine as he breathed heavily into my chest.

"My wolf is ready to speak to you. He's prepared something for you, even I don't know much of it, but I can say he won't let me converse with you unless he's shown you,"

I was tacked aback, surprised.

"I'll allow it," I said, laying a last chaste kiss to his sculpted lips.

He smiled brightly as he looked up at me; appreciation saturated in his icy blue eyes.

"I don't want to remove you off my lap," His voice was honey to my ears, raw, "Leila, tell my wolf it's my time with you now,"

I giggled, shaking my head, "No. Tell Luke he can come out now. I have some unfinished business with him,"

"Dammit, woman. You had one job,"

For the second time, I laughed, throwing my head back as I pushed myself off of him and stood on one leg. Goddess. I really liked Luca. Like, really really liked him. His mere presence made my mind drift to a world of serenity, sand and sun. A world where everywhere with him was home.

Without removing his clothes, he shifted into his wolf like water taking the shape of a container; with tranquil flow.

I admired the process, even desired to learn how to do so.

His wolf stood before me, eyes soft as he took two steps towards me. Luke's tongue licked my wrist, bringing about a foreign sizzle to that area of my body. No longer did my wrist ache after his wolfs touch, no longer did it burn whenever it moved it. It was brand new.

Luke placed his head under the palm of my arm, signaling for me to get on his back.

"My leg struggles to bend, Luke. I can't get on your back," I frowned, watch his eyes fall.

All of a sudden, his face brightened as an idea popped up in his head. He laid flat against the ground, so flat he could have gotten away as a carpet.

"Thank you," I said, limping until his spine laid between my legs.

Luke arose and suddenly, my legs were off the ground. I squeaked, fisting his fur with all the strength in my body as I sat on his back. I feared I was hurting him, feared I was too heavy and a lot more things.

He likes your touch and you weigh no less than a feather would to him, Leila, calm yourself, Luca's voice popped into my head and for the first, I was extremely grateful for it, though it would be best if you leaned a bit more to the front, this way he could run faster without worrying that you may fall.

I did just as Luca instructed, scooting a bit to the front and bending my back like I was about to mount a horse.

"I'm ready," I said, patting the side of Luke's furry face.

Without a second word, Luke howled and sprinted out of Luca's chambers, running with speed so intense the world blurred around us. It was just Luke and I and the rest of the world was white noise. My grip on him tightened as he lunged down the stairs; forcing the wind to kiss the tan of my skin and the smell of him to saturate the entirety of the atmosphere. I loved it. The freedom his speed brought. The way it made me feel like I was flying.

We passed by Slaiman and Talia as we ran through the greenhouse, urging an array of plants out of their soil. We passed by Roman and Dalal who stared at us with child like wonder in their eyes as they pulled flowers out of their soul. We passed by the Luna and the western princess who's eyes were filled with anger as they connected with mine.

He's mine, I linked to her wolf, smiling deviously at the redness that accumulated underneath her porcelain skin.

I laughed as I looked up, shutting my eyes.

In that moment, I prayed. I prayed to the goddess with all the power in my heart that it wouldn't be Slaiman or Hamza's heart that would stop in the prophecy. I prayed that there laid another northerner somewhere in the castle who died instead of them. I prayed that Luca would live a long life filled with colour and contentment, and somewhere in the skies, I could've sworn I saw a star sparkle, as though it were winking at me, abiding by my promise.

My chest felt full as a Luke passed by hundreds of trees in mere minutes.

I felt the opposite of hollow.

I love this, I thought to myself, so much.

Luke began to slow down as we neared a large rock with an opening so dark I wondered just how deep the cave ran. He laid flat on his stomach, signaling for me to get off his back. I did just that.

He nudged his head forward, smiling a wolffish smile.

My lips rose at the sight and gave into the urge to lay a small kiss right above his snout. He jumped, circling me before placing his body between my legs and forcing me back into his back.

"Luke! Put me down!" I said, voice chilling with laughter.

He respectively objects, Luca said.

"Well, if it's done respectively, I wouldn't mind," I said, "let's go in,"

Luke followed my command and walked into the cave, taking a torch into his mouth to light up our way. It was then that I realised the cave ran for miles on end, but I didn't mind it. It was beautiful. Several drawings were carved onto the walls, drawings I could run my hands over because of how small the cave was. The stone was cold and glossy, a type I'd never encountered nor seen before.

Some drawings were of alters, others were of swords, some were of flowers even. It was a sight to see. Every inch was covered. My favorite one was of a carriage with a cat inside it and a man emerging from within the carriage. The cat was filled in with a purple chalk, indicating it was a cat from the outskirts. Just the view of the purple creature made me smile brighter. I encountered a purple cat when I was 17. It licked my wounds till they healed and left before I could say goodbye. It is said that they are the rarest of all animals.

The daughter of the 8th king was an artist who loved all things peculiar. Rumor has it that she wouldn't accept her mate unless he gifted her with a violet feline. She was soon crowned as Luna of the kingdom after poisoning her unworthy sister with the man that gave her the feline, Luca said.

"Wow," I uttered, "so these caves are millions of years old,"

Luke nodded at my words and I petted his head.

Just as I was about to speak, we reached the end of the cave where two columns lay and a pair of doors made of gold were drilled.

I got off of Luke the second he laid on the ground, my fingers begging to feel the carved walls.

"Luke, why are we-" When I turned around, Luca stood in front of me in all his bare chested glory, "where did you get those pants?"

"Luke told me they were behind the column, though I don't know how they got there," He took a step towards me, his hands instinctively going to grab mine, "but I do know why we're here,"


"This cave is not just millions of years old, Leila. It's billions of years old. Every king and queen of every generation came down here to bless their reign because the moon goddess herself graced these grounds," He explained, "Luke wants us to bless our reign,"

I took in a deep breath, tightening my grip on his hands, "How do we do that?"

"By drawing what you treasure the most on the wall,"

"I- I have no skill when it comes to the arts," I stammered, nervous.

"You don't need to. You just need to listen to the voice in your head and let it guide you," Luca squatted down and grabbed a box of chalks, "whatever you put on the wall will never be erased,"

"Can I write something?" I asked.

"You can write or draw whatever you want," Luca reassured me, squeezing my arm in comfort.

From the chalk box I grabbed the colour that caught my eye the most: gold and copper. The screamed to be used and the minute they landed on my hand, they felt right.

I rose my hands unknowing of where to start.

With the copper, I wrote mothers name in my native alphabet; Arabic. It shone against the light of the torches, almost as though it were glowing. The sight made my nervous skyrocket, but I held it in. I controlled the hollowness in my chest as I stared at the name. Underneath it, I wrote my fathers name, then my brothers name. Like it was instinct, I switched to the gold chalk and wrote Luca's name, then Lara's name and even Talia's.

That cycle continued as I wrote the names of all of my friends back at the north, my bullies and my teachers; I even wrote Hamza's name because it all felt like it belonged there.

I drew onto the wall like a crazed artist that had gotten the spark of inspiration they needed after years of retire. I drew like I'd been drawing for centuries on end without stopping until the chalk in my hand cracked and dropped on the floor, breaking into a million little pieces of golden glitter.

"Leila," Luca spoke from behind me, breath fanning the skin of my neck, "Leila that is beautiful,"

It was only when I looked at the drawing from afar that I realised I hadn't just written names, but that I'd also formed a picture with those names; one of my mothers beautifully sculpted face.

I stumbled backwards, bumping into Luca's chest. He placed his arms on waist to balance me.

"Easy there," Luca said, resting his chin on my shoulder, "what did you write? And who did you draw?"

I swallowed down my frenzy of emotion, "I wrote names, of everyone I cherished and appreciated at one point. I also- I drew my mother,"

"She's a stunning woman that birthed an even more stunning woman," He laid a kiss on my neck, one filled with appreciation that caused a fire to rise within my blood.

I didn't know why it came out of my mouth.

I didn't know how I'd grown the courage to say them, but I did, and I didn't want to take them back.

"Mark me, Luca," I said under my breath, turning around to face him, "I want you to mark me,"

His eyes glowed that powerful amber, "Leila,"

"I'm saying this from the bottom of my heart. I want your mark in my neck,"

Maybe it was because mothers face made me realise that I wanted to go back home with my family or maybe I just really wanted Luca at the moment; I didn't know. All I did know was that when I left, I wanted to speak to Luca regardless of how far away he was from me. All I knew was that I wanted Luca in my head, pushing away the monsters that laid there.

"You don't have to ask me twice," Luca slammed me against the wall where my drawing Laid, hands laying at either side of my face. I winched at the pain that rushed up my legs but nothing stopped him from placing his mark on me for he grabbed me by the thighs and wrapped my legs around his waist.

I moaned into his mouth at the action, feeling the power that laid between his legs beneath me.

Our lips moved like the sea against each other's, our tongues swiveling like waves pushing down other waves.

His hips grinded against my own and he growled into my lips, forcing a moan out of me. It was then I knew what the real meaning of desire was; desire to have him fully and make him my own.

He pulled away from me, leaving a trail of wet kisses at the base of my neck before finding my weak spot. The spot that made me legs clench around his waist furthermore.

"You're mine, Leila," He said, voice deep, "all mine,"

Not even a second later, he sunk his teeth into my neck, rising an impeccable pain throughout the entirety of my body. It was a fire, similar to the one I felt before, except multiplied by a thousand oils. It wasn't long before that fire was replaced by a pleasure to robust I squirmed against him, releasing sounds I didn't know I had in me.

He rubbed my back, keeping a strong hold on one of my thighs as I shivered against him.

No words could describe what I felt in that moment. The English dictionary was too mundane for Luca's being. He made every language seem like it wasn't enough for him and I didn't mind that. In fact, I loved it.

"Mark me, Leila," He kissed my forehead, "I want to show the entire castle that you're mine,"

"That 'Im yours'," I corrected.

"That I'm yours," He repeated.

I didn't hesitate to sink my lips into his neck and feel him wither against me.

As I watched him, the complexity that he was, I wondered how he was able to hold me as he went through the pain I went and went through the and the pleasure I went through. He let out a low moan before dropping his forehead onto mine, our sweats mixing into one just as our souls were.

We laid there for a few minutes, registering to the new found fullness in our chests in complete silence; just the breathing of our bodies transcending into the atmosphere.

He was the first to speak up.

"Not even a warning," He said, putting me down, "I don't whenever you be worried or riled up,"

"If I had the energy to swat you across the chest, I would, Luca," I said, wrapping my arms around his waist.

Goddess, was I turning clingy?

I was about to pull away before he pushed me flush against his chest.

"You're not clingy. Touch me whenever you want, however you want,"

I swatted him across the chest, evoking a hiss out of his chest.

"Goddess, when I said however you want I didn't mean-"

"You said however, Luca," I mumbled into his chest.

"Let go back to the castle before the witch looks for me,"

My eyes snapped to his in question,"

"I was talking about my mother," He clarified.

I chuckled, shaking my head, "I won't disagree,"

So we walked for an hour and a half until we reached the castle, our souls intertwined and our scents seeping out of our pores. Luckily, midnight had strolled upon us so there wasn't anyone to question our close proximity, but we did see someone running down the hallway with another person in their arms. From the distance, it seemed a man was running with his female in his arms, happily as her head beat against the wind.

It was only when I noticed that the her sported a bright red hue that I grew worried.

And it was only when saw Hamza, a look of pure panic staining his stoic features, carrying Lara who's chest was bleeding profusely in his arms, that I fell to my knees and screamed.


(This is what Leila's drawing looked like)

I have no words 😔✋

Do you think Lara will survive through the bleeding? Or do you think she'll die? Honestly, the author SUCKS for doing that.

*evil laugh*

Stay safe lovelies!

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