A 5 SOS fanfic(slow Update)

By SissyMoon17

1K 14 20

Desi,Rem,Cryzal, and Ella life was great. well that all changes when Desi and Rem get attacked and meet the b... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4(Edited)
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30

Chapter 9

33 1 0
By SissyMoon17

Desis PoV:

Seeing Luke and Rems face we all died of laughter.

"Come on Desi why would he be staireing at her when theres someone much more sexy,"Cry said stepping up out of the pool.

I had to admit she was pretty but she didnt have Rems figure.Yeah if your wondering I'm biesexuale.Only the girls know that I am but nune of the guys know.

"Yeah right.I've got a better body than all of you,"Rem said popping up out of the water.

"No you dont. Desi whos got the best body?" Cry asked looking at me as i slid into the pool.

"Well wouldnt you want to know?" Micheal asked going all sassy

"How about we do a cat walk?" Calum asked looking at Crys body.

"Best idea ever!"Ella said jumpping out of the pool.

"But i dont want to do it,"Rem said.

"You have to do it if im doing it," I said helping her out of the pool.

"Okay Calum were will we have this cat walk?"Ashton asked.

"Right here to right here,"I said walking from the edge of the pool and to the begging of Rems small Garden.

"Okay who wants to go first?" Luke asked.

"Ill go first!"Isaid beging to walk.

When i got to Rems garden i struck a winky face pose with a piece sigh over one of my eyes.After me followed Ella stricking a simple peace sighn.After Ella came Cry who through a rock sighn.Rem came last throughing the most common pose of one hand on her hip and her other hand on her side.

"Okay guys.Now you go in that changing room and cast your votes,"I said pointing at the guys changing room.

After about two minutes we heard Calum yell my name really loud.

Hearings Luke tell Calum to shutput i saw a broud smile streach across Rems face.

"Okay guys. It's a tie between Desi and Rem," Ashton said stepping out of the changing room.

"We can't have a tie," Luke said stepping out next.

"So we have come up with," Calum said stepping out next.

"An idea. Who ever completes a full lap around the house wins," Michael said next stepping out last.

"Okay!"i yelled

"Why me,"Rem said looking down.

I kind of felt bad for her because everytime she did something of a long periods of time she would hurt the very next day. The only thing was she never showed it one the surface around Ella and Cry. She always waited until we were in our room to weep and indulge in her pain. I hated seeing her like that. It's got were she doesn't even show it when were alone. It makes me worried but i don't say anything. I know Rem will say it nothing and blow it off as nothing. Seeing her face of defeat i sent a face that said how sorry i was.

"On your mark ready set go,"Ashton said waving a napkin telling us we could go.

I'm sorry if it short. I'm writing this on my phone and it doesn't tell me how many words i have in this chapter. So until next time my lovely humans.


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