devil's backbone 🗝 tommy she...

By finnmikaelson

666K 22.4K 6.6K

"Don't care if he's guilty, Don't care if he's not; He's good and he's bad, And he's all that I've got." She... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 22

12.6K 510 45
By finnmikaelson

n// this chapter is brought to you by the new taylor swift album now everyone stream folklore for clear skin and more updates <3

ps this is a long chapter and i think im gonna get around to making a playlist for this story bc tommy and sybbie have such a particular Vibe so yeah that'll be up soon :) enjoy the chapter i love u <3

"Now," Sybil spoke, turning towards the board where she had written some math equations for the students.  "When you carry the three—"

But Sybil's lesson was cut short by the sound of children's giggles, causing her to turn around.

"I'm sorry," she began, a small smile of her own gracing her delicate features.  "Did I say something funny?"

"No, ma'am." the class chorused.

"Just as I thought." she nodded, turning back to the equations.  "As I was saying, if you—"

The giggles erupted throughout the class once more, causing Sybil to turn around even faster.

"Alright." she spoke, more stern this time around, and without a smile.  "What's going on here, hmm?"

She examined the pale and scared faces of the children, scanning the class for the culprit of the clownery.  But instead of seeing her resident trouble maker at the heart of it, she was greeted with the sight of one of her quieter students, asleep at his desk, and with different items belonging to his classmates and trash strewn all across his desk.

Silently, she walked over, and picked up the miscellaneous items.  Looking over them, it was easy to tell what belonged to who — she knew her students as if they were her own children, at times.  So, she took the items and returned them to each owner, watching as their faces fell and their heads slumped.  When she was done, she threw the little bits of trash that remained on the boy's desk in the bin and returned to her desk.  Leaning against it, Sybil crossed her arms and looked out into the sea of schoolchildren.

"I knew arithmetic couldn't possibly have been that funny." Sybil spoke sarcastically.  "However, I now realize that picking on the defenseless during the middle of a lesson is, according to you lot."

The class was silent at her words, knowing that when she got like this, it was even worse than when she would be cross at them.  They could handle a little bit of a raised voice from her, but they couldn't handle her disappointment.

"Would anyone like to say anything on the matter?  Or are you just waiting for me to turn around so you can put trinkets on my desk when I'm not looking, too?"

The class was silent for a moment, before one little boy raised his hand.

"Yes, David?"

"We would never do that to you, Miss."

At this, the class giggled, and even Sybil herself couldn't fight back a little smile.

"But you would do it to your classmate?"

"Well, Donovan was sleeping, Miss." he explained, as if it was an excuse for their actions.  "He shouldn't have been sleeping during your lesson, Miss."

"And why do you feel that way, David?"

"Because... Because you always tell us to pay attention during the lesson, Miss."

"And tell me, David," Sybil spoke, walking over to where he was sat and crouching in front of him.  "When you and the others were running over to his desk behind my back and throwing things at him, was that paying attention?"

"...No, Miss." the boy mumbled, letting his head droop.

"So what makes you any better than Donovan?"

"Well, I'm awake, Miss."

Another small wave of laughter swept through the class, but Sybil ignored it.

"Same outcome, different methods. That's what I see, David. Next time something like this happens, let me handle it. Sound good?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Good." she smiled, standing up and throwing a glance to the clock. "It looks like our time here is up. We'll pick this back up tomorrow, where I trust that you will all be a little more civilised."

"Yes, Miss Day." the class chorused.

"Thank you. Now, go on! Beat it!"

The class bid her goodbye as they dashed out of the classroom, off to enjoy the freedoms of the rest of their day. As soon as the last student exited the classroom, Sybil made her way over to little Donovan, and gently rubbed his back.

"Donovan," she called out. "Donovan, wake up, darling. School's over. It's time to go home."

Sitting up groggily, Donovan blinked open his eyes and looked up at his teacher.


"School's out, love." she chuckled. "Have a nice nap?"


"It's alright, Donovan." Sybil laughed. "I'm not cross.  I just want to know if everything is okay; you're usually never like this."

"My mum just had a baby," he spoke bashfully.  "I've been helping her out with everything.  I'm sorry, Miss.  It won't happen again."

"Helping your mum out is very kind of you, Donovan.  I'm sure she appreciates your help, and I'm sure that your little brother or sister does, too."

At this, Donovan perked up.

"She's so tiny, Miss Day," he shared.  "Loud as the devil, too!  Kept the whole house up the whole night!"

Sybil laughed and nodded, smiling down at the boy.

"Babies tend to be that way," she mused.  "I'll tell you what.  If you're ever tired like that again, just let me know before class.  We'll sort something out so you can get a little bit of rest. Sound good?"

Nodding enthusiastically, Donovan beamed up at his teacher, grateful that he had someone like her in his life.

"Thank you, Miss!"

"You're very welcome, Donovan.  Now, run along.  I'm sure your mother is wondering where you are by now." she smiled.  "I'll see you tomorrow."

The little boy quickly gathered his things, seeming to only just remember that school had already ended.  Dashing towards the door, he turned to his teacher and waved.

"Bye, Miss Day! See you tomorrow!"

But as he opened the door, he was met with the sight of an elderly gentleman, who he clumsily knocked into, but left anyways with a quick, "Sorry, mister!"

Sybil, on the other hand, felt her blood run cold at the sight of Inspector Campbell.  Was this it?  Had he finally figured out that she had killed Archibald Hayes?  Surely she would hang for her crimes, along with Tommy if they found out that he was linked.  Oh, god.  Did they get Tommy?

Sybil's mind was working a mile a minute as she stared at the inspector, waiting for him to state his business.

"You know," he began, his harsh Irish accent filling the silence.  "In my day, a child would have been disciplined for falling asleep in class.  And here you are, giving him permission to do so again."

"It's a new century, Inspector." she spoke, taking a subtle dig at the man's age.  "Times have changed.  Surely a little boy does not deserve to be paddled for something as harmless for taking a nap?"

"Times have changed, indeed." he spoke, perching himself on one of the desks.  "That's why you're the school teacher, and I'm the inspector, isn't it?"

"I would have to agree."

"Have you found a husband yet, Miss Day?" he asked, changing the subject.

"No, I can't say that I have." she answered.  "As I told you before, I have no desire for one."

The inspector chuckled, causing a panic to spread through Sybil's chest like a flood.

"And Thomas Shelby?  Are the circumstances still of those from before?"

"Yes." she lied.

"Then why are you living with him?"

Sybil stared at the man with a certain fury behind her eyes, but kept her composure.  For a moment, for just a split second, she didn't know what to do.  But as if her lover was in the room with her, she felt his ghost tell her exactly what she needed.

"Lie, Sybbie.  Lie."  she heard his ghost whisper in her ear.

He was always there for her when she needed him, even if he didn't even know he was.

"My home had been broken into," she lied convincingly.  "Thomas was there for me, and was kind enough to let me stay with him until I felt safe going home again."

"And I take it you have not?"

"No, no I have not.  I was threatened in my own home, Inspector Campbell.  That's something that doesn't just go away."

"Did you report it?"

"A burglar in Birmingham is much to the effect of a pig on a farm, Inspector.  I knew nothing would come out of me reporting it other than ridicule for being an unwed woman."

"And tell me, Sybil, why didn't you stay with your family?  Your mother, perhaps?"

"With all due respect, Inspector Campbell, I do not wish to discuss my personal life with you any longer.  Is there anything you need from me?  Anything I can assist you with?"

"Yes, yes, of course." he chuckled, shaking his head.  "I should have started with that, no?"

"I would have to concur, Inspector."

"A man by the name of... ah, what was it?  Oh, yes," he muttered, composing himself once more.  "A man by the name of Archibald Hayes has been reported missing, have you any knowledge as to where he is, Miss Day?"

And there it was.  Sybil's worst fear right in front of her, like the devil himself.

"Stand your ground, Sybbie. Give him a little truth, throw him off your scent."

"No." she answered calmly. "But I am familiar with the man."

This seemed to pique the inspector's interest.

"Do tell, Miss Day."

"That man, Archibald... he was in love with me." she began, prefacing her lie with some truth. "Well, he thought he was. He didn't know me, and he proposed. As you can see, I refused. You know the reason why I said no, don't you, Inspector? Or do we need to go over that again?"

"You don't seem too upset by the news of his disappearance."

"May I be honest, Inspector?"

"That would be encouraged, Miss Day."

Sybil took a deep, shaky breath, looking in the blue eyes of the man before her. But these weren't the kind of blue that kept her warm at night. These were cold. Calculating. Looking for a simple slip up that would have her and her love hanged.

She wouldn't let that happen.

"I'm a little bit relieved," she spoke with a sigh. "Archibald... he was insistent. He was upset that I said no, and was convinced that I was playing hard to get. When he stopped, I figured that he finally took the hint. Have you a wife, Inspector? Any daughters, perhaps?"

"No, I cannot say that I do, Miss Day."

"Well, surely, there must be a some woman in your life, sir. Someone you care about like family."

Sybil asked this question with intention; Campbell and his barmaid weren't the only wolves in sheep's clothing. She observed as his eyes softened at her question, thinking of whatever poor woman had captured his attention. Sybil usually would have wanted to end the interaction as quick as possible, but she realised that making him vulnerable to her was the key to levelling the playing field. If he recognised her as just a woman, opposed to a threat, maybe he would back off. Maybe, if she was lucky, he would even slip up.

"Yes. Yes there is."

"If they were in my shoes, and the man who was the cause for their stress had stopped his actions, could you say that you would be worried about their disappearance?"

"No, I believe not, Miss Day."

"So you can understand my relief."

"Yes, I can."

"I have no idea where he has gone, Inspector. And pardon me for speaking so brazenly, but wherever he is, I hope he does not return."

"I understand, Miss Day."

"Please, call me Sybil, Inspector." she spoke, throwing him a small smile. "I feel as if we have grown acquainted by now. I apologise for my curt attitude earlier, it's been a long few weeks, as you can imagine."

"Apology accepted, Sybil." he emphasised, trying out the taste of her name on his tongue. "But may I ask why you didn't report Archibald Hayes to the police?"

Sybil offered him a small smile and a shrug to accompany it.

"Same reason I didn't report the robbery. Everyone would have just told me to marry him."

"I understand now." Campbell spoke with a nod.  "Thank you for your time, Sybil."

"Thank you for yours, Inspector. Good luck with the investigation."

Sybil held in a sigh of relief as she saw the man make his way out of her classroom, but it quickly hitched in her throat as she saw him pause before exiting.

"May I trouble you for one more thing, Sybil?"

"Of course, Inspector."

"Did Thomas Shelby know about Archibald Hayes?"

There it was, the moment she'd been hoping he would avoid the entire time. She knew he would give that to her, but was hoping she'd gotten him off track before he had the chance to think about asking the question.

He was a clever man, indeed.

But he was no Sybil Day.

"No." she answered honestly. "Thomas had no idea about him."

"And why is that?"

"Because he has a lot on his plate, and it would be selfish of me to add anything to his list of worries."


"He's a provider, Inspector.  A good man.  He has a family to take care of, a rather large one at that.  He does so without complaint.  His brother, the little boy I tutor, views him as a father.  Looks up to him above anyone else.  I know you don't believe that he is a good man, and that he is guilty of something that I do not know of, but I promise you he is good.  His intentions are clean."

Campbell examined the mysterious school teacher, seeing nothing but sincerity in her eyes.  He knew the crimes of the Shelby family well, and it appeared that she didn't.  She truly believed that the monster he was dealing with was a man.

The thought of it made him feel sick.

"Thank you.  I'll intrude no further.  May I escort you back home?  Or Thomas' home, rather."

"No, thank you, Inspector.  I've got a few more things to handle on my end here."

"But of course.  Thank you for your time, miss."

"I hope you find what you're looking for, Inspector."

Campbell looked over the woman one last time, taking in her seemingly calm demeanour with a  skepticism he couldn't exactly place.

"...I will, eventually."

And with that, the older man left her classroom, and as soon as the door shut behind him, she exhaled. 


n// ooooooo things are heating up and sorry for any typos made!!

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