chapter 18

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n// i'm back on my bullshit

yall dont even know how many versions of this chapter are in my drafts bitch. it's ridiculous. sorry for the wait and all that but i think this might be worth it because this is the hardest thing i have ever written. so please forgive any grammar/spelling so enjoy thotties please give me validation xoxo!

ps the song above captures the essence of tommy and billie's relationship perfectly and goes with the chapter quite well so i'd advise listening to it whilst reading xx

Tommy stormed out onto the streets of Birmingham with fire in his eyes and a finger just itching to pull a trigger. He couldn't believe that this was happening. He didn't want to believe it. This was one of the worst things that could've been happening at the moment — the cherry on top of the bullshit that'd been piling up for months now. But Tommy knew what he had to do.

Tommy was going to kill a man, and there wasn't a force on earth that could stop him.

He didn't really know where he was going at the moment, but he didn't really care. His feet had a mind of their own as he walked down the dreary roads, leading him down to the construction yards, where Billie had mentioned this Archibald Hayes fucker worked. And upon his arrival, everyone who was on duty was suddenly on edge. For everyone in Birmingham knew that a Shelby was never good news — especially if it was Thomas.

"Mr. Shelby," one brave man spoke up, trying to keep up with Tommy's long strides. "W-What brings you 'round here?"

Thomas didn't even acknowledge the man. He just kept walking, scouring the location for the monster in question.

"Are you in need of some labourers? I can get you labourers — the finest we've got! Brick layers, painters; good men! Just say the word and I'll—"

The bumbling man was cut off by Tommy's piercing gaze, putting an end to his senseless rambling immediately.

"Archibald Hayes." Tommy growled out, looking down at the man. "Where the fuck is Archibald Hayes?"

Tommy could see that the man was confused about his request, but his fear outweighed his curiosity.

"H-He isn't here, sir." the man explained. "He didn't show up for work today."

"Where is he?"

"I-I don't know, sir," the man sputtered. "H-He said something about his bird—"


Grabbing the man by his shirt, he pulled the man as close as he could possibly get him and then some. 

"What did he say?" Thomas asked, staring down at the man with wide eyes. "Tell me!"

"I-I don't know! Something about it being a big day for the two of them—"

Tommy didn't even let the man finish his sentence before he took off, cursing himself for being so foolish. He shouldn't have let her go home alone like that, he should've been there for her. He shouldn't have run off or been so foolish; he should've walked her home and stayed with her to make sure that she was safe.

devil's backbone 🗝 tommy shelbyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें