chapter 25

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n// as we all know, there was a major loss in the peaky world recently, and despite how silly this may seem (seeing as i did not know helen mccrory on a personal level), it feels like a personal loss.  peaky blinders has always been a comfort show for me, and aunt polly brought the show up an entire level, elevating it to be the best it could possibly be with every season.  she was the backbone of the entire operation, on screen and off, and i dedicate this chapter — and every other chapter that follows it — to the late, but great, helen mccrory.

thank you for all that you've done, may you rest in peace.

"You're hurt."

That was the first thing Tommy had said upon entering their home, seeing Billie clearly for the first time all night.

"It's nothing," Sybil brushed off, taking his face in her small hands and checking for any damage left by Polly. "Just a few scrapes, Thomas."

"Who did this?" he asked stoically.

"Just some copper, Tommy. I yelled at them and got pushed. It's alright, I'm alright." she reassured, trying to tear his gaze away from her arms and knees. "Just come to bed, yeah?  Let's go to bed."

Tommy followed her silently to their modest room, letting his emotions bubble underneath his calm exterior.  Sybil, on the other hand, just got ready for bed as she usually would.  She took off her makeup and brushed through her hair before changing out of her dress and into her nightgown, trying to hide her injuries as best she could so Tommy didn't throw a fit. 

But Sybil's routine was interrupted by Tommy ripping off his tie, startling the woman.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed, making his love flinch slightly.

Quickly recovering, Billie rushed to his aid.

"Tom, Tommy!  It's alright.  You're alright.  We're alright." she muttered, curling up beside him on the bed.  "We'll get this sorted just like we always do.  We can do this.  Just calm down."

Tommy took a few ragged breaths and let the tension in his shoulders lessen, pulling the woman into his lap. Pressing his forehead against hers firmly, he enclosed his arms around her and held her tight.

"I didn't do it," he confessed. "I didn't do it, Sybil. You have to believe me."

"I know you didn't, Thomas," she responded, running her long nails through the short hair on the back of his head. "I believe you."

"I can't lose you."

"And you won't."

The authority Sybil's tone held was warm to Tommy's ears, and for a second, he let himself believe her.  She wasn't going anywhere.  She did love him.  She wanted him just as much as he wanted her.  She wouldn't hate him when she found out who he was, what he did. 

She was his.

Sighing shakily, he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed until his arms trembled and his heart clenched.   But Sybil never pulled away or loosened her grip.  She stayed there, in his arms, running her long nails through his hair and peppering kisses to his handsome face, being there for as long as he needed her to be.  Eventually, when his heartbeat slowed enough to where he could form coherent thoughts, he loosened his grip, and took another look at her.

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