chapter 19

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Sybil shoved her belongings into a bag as quickly as she could as Thomas was making calls, looking around her room frantically. She was still shaking like a leaf after all that had transpired, and the tears still made their way down her reddened cheeks.  She just couldn't believe all that had just happened — and she didn't want to.

Sybil Day had just killed a man.

Choking out a sob, she clutched her hand over her mouth to quiet her cries, sitting down on her bed.  She was a schoolteacher — someone that the general public of Birmingham entrusted with their youth — and now she was a murderer.  The thought alone was nauseating, and it wasn't long before she felt the true effects of it.

Tossing her bag aside, she dashed to the bathroom, throwing herself over the toilet just in time for the contents of her stomach to come back up.  She coughed and cried and shook while she did so, reliving the moment she stabbed the man over and over again, making things worse.

Hearing the commotion, Tommy was quick to rush out of the kitchen and down the halls, easily (maybe a little too easily) ignoring the body and the blood on the floor.

"Sybil?" he called out, finding his way into her bathroom.

Upon entry, however, he nearly gasped at the sight.  Miss Sybil Day was as white as a sheet and clutching the toilet bowl for dear life, to the point where it almost looked like she would tear the thing out of the floors.  Grabbing a nearby towel, he quickly went to the sink and doused it with cold water before dropping down to his knee beside her. 

"Sybil." he said, pulling her disheveled hair out of her face. "Hey, Sybil, you're alright.  It's alright.  Just let it out."

Billie didn't exactly know how long she spent heaving over the toilet, but she knew that Tommy never once left her side. Which, despite all that had just transpired, was comforting, in a way. She knew that he was the only person on the planet that could possibly make her feel better about anything that had just happened, and that if anyone had the slightest idea as to how to take care of her in that moment, it would be Tommy.

Shaking, Billie took a few deep breaths before slowly moving from the toilet and slumping into Tommy's chest, exhausted.  Tommy welcomed her with open arms, of course, and began dabbing the cool towel on her forehead.

"'m sorry, Tom," the girl whimpered, closing her eyes as he cleaned her face of tears and her sick. "I'm sorry."

"No," he responded, shaking his head.  "You've done nothing wrong."

And for once in her life, Sybil didn't have the energy to argue with him, despite her feelings at the moment.  Instead, she asked the question that'd been weighing on her mind since the moment she plunged the blade into Archibald's back.

"What happens next?"

Tommy looked down at her and put the towel on the floor, using his free hand to brush Billie's baby hairs out of her eyes.

"You'll come stay with me for a little while," he spoke, using the same soft tone Sybil had grown to adore.  "Lay low.  Take time off from school, if you have to.  Just take care of yourself."

Nodding, Sybil felt a few tears slip out from her closed eyes.

"And... And A-Archibald?"

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