chapter 11

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n// sorry for the wait, this chapter in particular was just very difficult to write for some reason. i tried my hardest, and i hope you guys like it! thank you.

Billie smiled as her students got settled in, chatting amongst themselves as she wrote the lesson for the day on the board. She'd woken up in a rather good mood, something that hadn't happened for a while. She didn't exactly know why, either, seeing as she'd been stressing about that Campbell fellow and her little conspiracy concerning the barmaid at the Garrison, but she had. She came into work with a smile, was ready to die right into her lesson for the day and she doubted that there was anything that could ruin her mood.

That was, until she heard one of her students — a little boy called Sidney  talking to his friends.

"You should have seen it, lads!" He enthused, eyes wide as the moon itself. "I've never seen anything like it! Not in all me life, I swear! I want to be just like them when I grow up!"

"You saw it?!" Another boy called Daniel asked, jaw slackened like the rest of them.

"No, my mum kept me inside, but I got a peak out of me window, and it was—"

"Boys," Billie interrupted, walking up to their little circle. "What's going on here?"

"Nothing, Miss Day." They all chimed in unison.

"Didn't sound like nothing to me, now did it?"

They all lowered their heads, ashamed of lying to their beloved Miss Day.

"No, Miss Day."

"That's what I thought." Billie smirked. "Now what's all this chatter about, hmm?"

The boys were quiet, all looking at each other before settling their gaze on the leader of the whole ring, Sidney. Seeing this, Billie settled her gaze on the dark haired boy with eyes to match, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Sidney? Care to explain?"

Sidney swallowed a little bit before looking down at his lap, muttering his answer.

"The bonfire last night, Miss."

"Bonfire?" She questioned. "What bonfire?"

"The one that the Peaky Blinders had," He explained. "The one at Watery Lane."

Billie couldn't help but laugh aloud at this notion. If she knew anything about the Peaky Blinders, it was that they most certainly did not just have bonfires.

"The Peaky Blinders?" She laughed. "Having a bonfire? Sidney, where'd you get that from?"

"It's true, Miss Day!" Sidney exclaimed, shocking her at the sudden change in his volume and tone. "It's true, I swear it! They were burning pictures of the King!"

At that little piece of information, Billie could have sworn she felt her heart stop.

"They were burning what?!"

"The Peaky Blinders were burning pictures of the King, Miss Day." Sidney replied, lowering his tone again.

"Sidney, if you're making this up as some sort of joke, I can assure you, none of us are laughing."

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