chapter 28

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n// not proofread and written very past my bedtime but i hope u enjoy ;) love u all!!

The energy in the betting shoppe was something that Sybil couldn't put a finger on, but she knew it was electric.  There were many faces in the room, some familiar, some foreign, but they all had one thing in common: they were family.  They were Shelbys, whether they liked it or not.  However, she didn't think there was anyone in the room that didn't love the man to his side, and no one in the room that wouldn't take a bullet for anyone else. 

She let the idea sink in for a moment as people filed in, and came to the conclusion that she liked it.  She liked having a family again.  She'd almost forgotten the feeling, if she were being honest, and found herself standing proud.  Sybil Day, a Shelby.

Who'd've thought?

Finn raced to his favorite girl as Polly smiled and pulled them closer to her side, keeping her future niece company whilst Tommy stood in the centre of it all, like the king Sybil reckoned he was in a past life.

"Right," he began, his tone much harder than the one Sybil was used to.  "I've brought you all here today because this is the day that we replace Billy Kimber.  This is the day we become respectful.  The day we join the National Association of Race Course Bookmakers.  But first, we do the dirty work."

Sybil would be a liar if she said his proclamation didn't send a wave of anxiety over her, but she did her best not to show it.  What Tommy needed was a solid rock to lean on, not another burden to shoulder.  She had to have faith in him, and she would prove to him that hers was unwavering.

"We've all known this day has been coming, I just haven't told anyone the date."

Sybil would also be a liar if she said that she didn't roll her eyes at the man, knowing exactly who he had told the date to.  But, her unwavering faith continued.

"We're going to the Worcester Races.  Track opens at one, we'll get there at two.  Now, Kimber thinks we're going there to help him fight the Lee brothers.  But thanks to the efforts of our John and his new lovely wife Esme, the Lees are now our kin.  I interrupted those efforts this morning, and, uh, I can assure you all, John is making great sacrifices in the cause of peace."

The schoolteacher took a look at the newlyweds as the room erupted in laughter, recalling how they came to be, and how angry she was at Thomas for making that call.  But... they looked happy, truly happy, even under the knowing gazes of everyone in the room.  It was clear as day that they were in love, despite being strangers such a short time ago.

Their stars were good, just as Tommy promised.

"So it'll be us and the Lees against Kimber's boys.  We'll take them out, but leave the bookies.  I expect a swift victory which will send a signal all the way to London that we believe in letting legitimate businesses run peacefully."

"And, uh, what about Kimber himself?" John asked.

"I'll deal with Kimber.  Any other questions?"

"Yes." Polly spoke up, removing her arm from Sybil's to move toward the door.  "Does anyone object if I bring a newcomer to the meeting?"

"After all the new ones we've got already?  Why the hell not." Arthur laughed, throwing glances at Billie and Esme.

"I'd like to introduce the newest member of the Shelby clan." Polly spoke, opening the door and revealing Ada with her baby.

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