chapter 12

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"Finn, my darling, it's been a while, hasn't it?" Sybil smiled, hugging the youngest Shelby.

"Too long, Miss Day." he replied, hugging her skirt in return. "Things have been boring without your lessons."

Sybil smiled a large, genuine smile at the little boy's words.  She loved it when students were eager to learn (what teacher didn't?) and Finn Shelby was the prime example of such a student.  Every single time she saw him, he was ready to continue with his lessons, and always improved a little bit since she saw him last.

All of which just made it harder for her to have to start limiting their time together.  She knew that it as for the best, seeing as police were looking into her and someone was informing said police of her relationships with the Shelby family, but she still hated it.  No child should ever be deprived of an education for any reason; especially if that reason is intimidation by the police.

Not to mention that it was causing Sybil and Thomas to see much less of each other.

"Well, I'm very glad to hear that." she smiled, taking the boy's hand in her warm one. "Shall we?"

"Yes, Miss D—"

But before little Finn could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by his eldest brother, who'd appeared from the back room of the pub seemingly out of nowhere.

"Oi!  Is that our Finn?" he cheered, looking over the bar. "And the lovely Miss Day, of course."

Finn giggled, nodding enthusiastically.

"I'm on me way to me lessons, Arthur!"

"My lessons, Finn." Sybil corrected. "'I'm on my way to my lessons'."

"Sorry, Miss Day."

"It's quite alright, Finn.  Just remember that next time, yeah?"

Arthur couldn't believe his eyes.  He knew that Tommy had had Finn going to lessons, but he just assumed that was an excuse so that Tommy could have his way with the school teacher.  It wasn't a secret that his brother fancied the woman, so he just figured this was the only way they could see each other.  He never would have guessed that Finn, the illiterate little thing that he was, was actually receiving lessons from the woman.

"Well, I'll be damned." Arthur said, shock as clear as day. "It's a bloody miracle! Finn's learning!"

"Piss off, Arthur!" Finn laughed in reply.

Sybil couldn't help but smile at the interaction, for once seeing the Shelby boys under a different light.  One that wasn't so serious or tense, like when Tommy was around.  Not to say that she didn't like having him around, however.  In fact, it was the complete opposite.  But she'd ever really seen how Tommy interacted with the boy — never any of the other men of the household.  It was almost fascinating.

"And how are you, Miss Day?" Arthur asked, pulling her out of her thoughts. "This little buggar ain't giving you much trouble, is he?"

"No, not at all.  He's actually one of the best students I have."  she responded. "But I am well, and yourself?"

"Never better!  You're looking at the proud new owner of the Garrison!"

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