Angel In The Outfield (Camila...

By Arianator1287

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Katy Wood; one of Hester's most beloved students. She's pretty, smart, funny, and captain of the softball tea... More

Character list
Welcome to Hester
Working With Wood's Work
Can I Be Him?
Wouldn't Trade It For The World
The L Word
What's It Mean To Be A Top?
Valentine's Day and Homecoming Plans
Homecoming 2.0
Author's Note
Birthday Surprises and Taylor Swift
Alone for the Weekend
Breakup In A Small Town
Wasn't Expecting That
Torn From the Inside Out
My Life Without You
Maybe We Can Be Friends
Prom and New York: Part 1
Prom and New York: Part 2
Up In Flames
First Day Of The Rest Of Our Lives
I Have Questions
What Doesn't Kill You Makes You A Liar
The Olivers
Secrets, Secrets, and More Secrets
She's Not Camila
Return Of The Mack
Flashbacks Part 1
Will You Be Here In The Morning?
Tricks Up Her Sleeves
Keeping Anonymous, Anonymous

Talking Bodies

109 3 0
By Arianator1287

A/N: Just wanted to warn you guys that this chapter is a little bit longer than the others, and it's also gonna be wild 😬

Katy's POV:

"Holy shit, you had that many things happen just between yesterday and today?" Louis says. We're laying down on the little bridge in 'our spot' in the woods. He's laying one way and I'm laying the other. Our heads are rested beside each other. Laying on a wooden bridge above a creek might sound uncomfortable, but I'm actually very relaxed right now. I think it has to do with Louis' presence though. I could not wait to see him today after everything that's happened the past two days.

"Yep. Yesterday and today feel like there should've been at least a month in between." "They really do. Regardless of the amount of time though, I'm proud of you for handling everything the way you have so far." Louis says petting my head and making me laugh. "Thanks, Lou. I still have no idea what I'm doing though. I just feel really numb. I'm trying to goof off and have a fun time in hopes that I'll start to feel something again. I'm sure to the unknowing eye that I look like I don't give a shit about everything that's happened. Yesterday I was in zombie pilot mode all day. Today I felt a lot more lively. I talked to everybody like nothing happened, even Camila up until Miss Martin gave our exams back to us."

"You shouldn't care about how other people see you right now. Everyone has their own way of moving on after a breakup. Yours is just wanting to go back to the happy, skippy Katy you were before. I don't see anything wrong with that and other people shouldn't either. But if they do, they can fuck off because they clearly have no idea what they're talking about. They might be fooled by the outer act you're using, but if they take time to look in your eyes, they'll see the pain and realize you're just as heartbroken as Camila." Louis says. I'm glad he understands where I'm coming from. Lauren Cooper, Shawn, Ariana, and this new group seem to be the only ones that understand me at this point.

"What's been the hardest thing for you since you and Eleanor broke up?" I ask Louis. "For the first few days, the hardest thing was seeing her because she would always be with the guy she cheated on me with. He would kiss her at her locker before every period. That hurt to watch because that used to be my job. One day she saw me looking at them so now they don't meet at her locker in the mornings. They meet somewhere else. I actually haven't seen her for the past week. We both started taking different ways to get to class and lunch. Now, the hardest thing would be having a phone. She has really bad anxiety, and sometimes it causes her to have panic attacks late at night. She would always call me whenever that happened because hearing my voice helped calm her down. Now, I'll be completely passed out at night and still hear my phone go off. I'll turn over to check it, and there will be nothing there. My mind just plays really fucked up tricks on me. What's been the hardest thing for you so far?" Louis says.

"Seeing her cry and not being able to hold her; seeing her pout and not being able to kiss it away; not being able to walk her to class; not being able to tell her good morning and goodnight; not being able to hold her hand. Basically just seeing her in general and not being able to do anything. It feels like I lost part of my soul. You ever wonder how you can be on cloud nine with someone one day and then they're gone the very next?" "All the fucking time. Another thing I wonder is how time seems to be nonexistent whenever you're with that person, and then that's all you have left after they leave. You're left with nothing but never ending time and thoughts." Louis states. We both turn our heads to look at each other now.

"Do you believe in marriage?" He asks. "I did for a little bit. I didn't believe in dating or getting married until I met Camila. Now I don't believe in either one once again. Do you?" "It's the same for me, except part of me still has a little hope that we'll find the right people one day. They may even be closer than we think." I'm unable to say anything now because of the way he's looking in my eyes. Louis is super cute, he's sweet, he's funny, he has an amazing singing voice, but most of all, he makes me feel safe. But nothing can happen. I just got out of a relationship two days ago, and I'm still madly in love with Camila.

"Louis?" "Hmmm?" He hums, not breaking eye contact with me. "What are we doing?" "I really don't know to be honest. There's just something about the way I feel when I'm around you. It's like my heartbreak over Eleanor disappears because you make me feel like I'm not worthless after all." "Well you're definitely not worthless." "You're the only person that makes me feel like I'm not though. Even the lads haven't been much help lately. They keep telling me I need to find someone to sleep around with because apparently the best way to get over somebody, is to get under someone new." Louis explains.

"What, like a friends with benefits type of situation?" "I guess that's what they mean. I don't know how I feel about doing that though. Usually somebody get's hurt whenever that sort of thing happens." "Yeah, and the last thing you need right now is to get hurt again. Have Harry, Zayn, Niall, or Liam ever been in a serious relationship before?" "Not really. Harry's in a horndog stage right now. Zayn is in love with himself. Niall had a girlfriend a few years ago that broke up with him because he used to be a little on the bigger side. He really liked food and apparently became 'too fat' for her. So he hasn't really tried the dating game since then. As for Liam, he hasn't found anyone yet. He has nothing against dating though. But due to all of those things, none of them really understand how to help me. They try to but usually their suggestions just end up making me feel more like shit."

"I get that. Sometimes it's hard trying to help people get over stuff when you personally haven't experienced it. I guess that's one of the reasons we get along so well." I say making Louis smile. "Well I think we get along so well for several reasons, but dealing with broken hearts is definitely one of them. What are you doing tomorrow after school by the way?" "I have a softball game as soon as school ends, but after that I was probably gonna go stay with Ariana again. I haven't decided yet though. Did you have something in mind?" "The group is having a big sleepover here tomorrow. I know you haven't officially decided to be part of the group yet, but we would still love to have you stay with us. Some of the rooms in the church got turned into bedrooms. Scooter bought beds and stuff because he wanted us to have a place to stay at incase anyone ever needed to escape the real world for the night. There's not enough beds for everyone, but we have a shit ton of sleeping bags and air mattresses to use."

I wait a few seconds before answering. "If I stay, we're sharing a bed, or sleeping bag, or air mattress. And whatever we sleep in, we have to make a fort around it." "See, this is another reason why we get along so well. Oh! Bring a nerf gun of some sort. Any time we have one of these group sleepovers, a nerf war always breaks out." Louis says making me laugh. "I don't even have a nerf gun though!" "So? There's a big ass toy store down the road. We can go get one. I've been meaning to go get another one because Niall broke mine." Louis says standing up and holding his hand out for me.

"Wait, are we really going to the toy store?" I ask as he helps me up. "Yes! We have to get you a nerf gun, woman!" I get drug through the woods and then into the passenger seat of his car. "What about the rest of the group?" "They're not allowed to see the nerf gun I'm getting until tomorrow. Plus they'll sing individually without us. We only have to be there for group sing, and we have time until that happens. So chill that pretty little head of yours." Louis says petting my head and making me smile. We drive for about ten minutes before we come to the toy store. Louis gets excited and jumps out of his side of the car before running over to my side and opening the door for me. I'm not used to that. I've always been the one opening doors for Camila, and now Louis is opening them for me.

"I can't wait for you to see the one I'm getting!" He says grabbing my hand again as we walk into the store. He instantly walks us to a certain aisle, before stopping at a large blue nerf gun. "There she is, the Nerf Elite Titan CS-50. It has a little motor in it that spins the barrel around, sending 50 darts out. Our team will dominate with this. We always get into groups of two since there's been eighteen of us. But now that you make nineteen, one group will have three players. Just me and you can be a team though." Louis says making me smile again.

"Well if you're getting that one, then I'm gonna get the Nerf Rampage N-Strike Elite Blaster. It says it shoots up to 75 feet away which means I can hide somewhere and shoot people across the auditorium." "That is the sexiest thing I have ever heard come out of a girl's mouth before." Louis says making me laugh once again. "I feel like we need to go all out with this. Like get those tactical vests and stuff." "Hell yes! We can store more darts that way! Plus they come with those masks and glasses. We're gonna look badass." Louis says as we get our nerf guns and vest sets off the shelves.

"Katy?" Someone says behind me. I turn around and see Sinuhe and Sofia standing there looking at us. "Hey guys!" I say trying to make this situation a little less awkward. The last thing I expected was to see my ex's mom and little sister while I'm at the toy store with Louis just two days after our breakup. I'm knocked out of my thoughts whenever I feel a little pair of arms wrap around my legs. "Hey princess." I say sitting my stuff down and hugging Sofia now. "I've missed you. I haven't seen you I forever!" She says making me laugh.

"We just saw each other last night, but I've missed you too." I say pulling back to look at her. "What are you doing here?" "I'm having a nerf gun war with some friends tomorrow, so I needed to get supplies." I say making Sofia laugh. "You're so weird." "I know, right? What are you guys doing here?" "My birthday is April 2nd, but my aunt and uncle in Miami sent me my birthday card early." "They gave her $100 and she wanted to come here to look around." Sinuhe says looking down at us and smiling.

"Oh yeah, the princess is turning 5 next month! What are you gonna get?" "They have a Disney princess suitcase that comes with different accessories!" "Wow! That's so cool! Who's your favorite Disney princess?" "I like Anna!" "That's a good choice! Did you know you're my favorite Disney princess? Don't tell Ariel though because she used to be my favorite." I say making Sofie smile really big. Her smile soon fades whenever she looks at the boy behind me. "Who's that?" Sofie whispers.

"That's Louis. He's my-" "I'm her cousin from the UK." Louis says bending down to our level now. "You must be Camila's little sister." Louis says. Sofie smiles once again and nods her head. "I've heard so much about you! And you must be Sinuhe." Louis says looking up now. "Yes, that's me. It's very nice to meet you." Sinuhe says holding out her hand for Louis to shake. "It's very nice to meet you too." Louis says shaking her hand.

"Sofia, let's let Katy and Louis get back to their shopping, okay?" "Okay mommy! Bye Louis, bye Katy!" Sofie says giving Louis a hug first before giving me a long one. "Bye princess. Have fun looking around. Be good, okay?" "I will!" Sofie says letting go of me now. She grabs her mom's hand before pulling her into another aisle now. I look over at Louis and see he's gathered all of our nerf stuff together. "Would you like some help?" I ask while laughing.

"Nope! I'm a strong independent woman that don't need no help." Louis snaps his fingers before walking to the register for us to pay. I follow behind him while laughing once again. Louis always makes me laugh and forget about all the negativity in my life for a split second. "That'll be $100 even." The clerk says, drawing my attention back to our nerf stuff. I watch Louis pull a $100 bill out of his wallet before handing it to the clerk. The clerk has already bagged all of our stuff up, and that's when I realize Louis didn't even give me a chance to pay for my stuff.

"Louis! What the hell! I'm supposed to buy my stuff!" "Katy, please! This is a children's store! Don't fucking swear! And I bought your stuff for you because I'm the one that said you had to come tomorrow night and get a nerf gun in the first place." "But you literally just spent $100 between the two of us! Please, let me pay you back. I'll feel like shit." "Shhhh. Just let it happen." Louis says giving me a kiss on the cheek before grabbing my hand and leading me back out to his car.

"For the record, I have a lot of money saved up. My stepdad and my mom own several sports bars in Austin. My siblings and I have been helping them out with that for as long as I can remember. So I'm saying this now, I have money and I'm gonna treat you because you're the number one girl in my life now, other than my mom and sisters." I blush over Louis' comment as we get into his car now and head back to the church. Why has this boy made me develop butterflies in the pit of my stomach?" "Promise me you'll let me treat you too?" I ask him. He takes my hand again before answering. "I promise."

*Later that night*

"Seriously? Why did all of that stuff have to happen when I wasn't around!" Ariana says. I just told her about all the events that happened since this morning, starting with Gibson almost running over Camila again and finishing with everything that happened with Louis. I'm not sure what's going on between the two of us at this point. I can't like him like that. I'm still in love with Camila, but there's just something about being with him that just makes sense.

"You can't be around for everything, Ariana. You have your own life you have to live. I don't want you to feel like you're my babysitter or anything." "I know that. And you don't make me feel like that at all. I guess I'm just upset because you've had all these things happen to you the past two days, and I haven't been able to be there for you at the time. I just don't think it's fair on you. You shouldn't have to handle everything by yourself, but life just keeps throwing you curveballs." "Isn't that what happens to everyone that goes through a breakup? Or any other struggle? One thing goes wrong and it suddenly opens up this constant loophole for other things to go wrong. It'll clear up eventually." I say.

"I really wish I had your attitude and your outlook on life. you think your dad meant what he said earlier?" Ariana asks, catching me off guard. I knew we would end up discussing him at some point tonight, but I didn't realize that's how he would get brought up. "Honestly? I'm not totally sure. All I know is that every time he's kicked me out of the house for a few days in the past, he never came to tell me my mom misses me. When he gets mad to the point of kicking me out for however long, there's no abuse as long as I'm gone. He doesn't come looking for me either because at that point, he's so mad that it's not even worth beating me because that means he has to see and acknowledge me. He may actually surprise us all and try to change, but I don't think it will last long. I'll find some way to screw something up again and that will be it." I explain.

"Well hopefully he changes and keeps it that way. Now tell me more about Louis." Ariana says making me roll my eyes. "There's nothing more to tell! He's a new guy friend that I'm very confused about." "Well you're not confused enough to not wear his ring." Ariana says pointing to Louis' ring on my my ring finger. I look at it and smile softly to myself, thinking back to two hours ago.

*2 hours ago*

"I have a joke this time!" Louis says. We're all gathered around in a circle again. We just finished doing a group sing, and now we're taking turns telling bad jokes. "Okay Louis, let's try to keep it PG this time." Halsey says. "Fuck that! Tells us all a nasty one!" Harry says making us all laugh. "Well if y'all would shut up, you'd be able to figure out what the joke is rated!" Louis says causing everyone to quiet down now.

"Thank you for your attention. Now, what did the elephant say to the naked man?" Louis asks us. "Nice junk?" I say making everyone laugh again. "Close, but no. He said 'how do you breathe out of that think?'" Suddenly there's another roar of laughter between all of us. "That was a good one, lad! But I feel like Katy could top that." Niall says. Everyone agrees and begins to chant for me to tell one now.

"Okay, okay, fine. What did one boob say to the other boob?" I ask. "Don't have a nip slip?" Louis says making us laugh. "Nope. It said 'if we don't get support, people will think we're nuts.'" I say causing another uproar of laughter. "Holy shit, Katy is literally Louis in girl form!" Luke squeals. "Dude, yes!" Calum agrees. "I think Louis and Katy just need to marry each other." Kehlani says causing everyone to agree. Louis and I look at each other and blush. Everyone else begins talking amongst themselves now.

"Since we're done singing for the day, come with me back to our spot." Louis says standing up and holding his hand out for mine. I take it as the two of us head back to our spot in the woods. When we get on the bridge, Louis takes off a ring from his pinky, then gets down on one knee and holds it up to me. "I know we're goofing off right now, but I would definitely be down to marry you one day. I know we just met two days ago, but I feel like I've known you my whole life. We have so much in common and you make me feel happy again. Last year our school's soccer team won the state championship. This is my championship ring from that game. It means a lot to me. Now I'm about to do something I never did with Eleanor, and that's letting you wear it. Wearing this is my promise to you that I'll get you a ring in the future. Whether it's an engagement ring or not." Louis says making me tear up.

How in the world can a guy I just met took days ago already be swooning over me. I just don't understand how I'm more than enough for him, but I wasn't enough for Camila, the only person in the world that's ever been able to hold my heart. "What do you say? You wanna take care of each other's hearts until we find other people to do it." He says. I smile at him once again before nodding my head yes. He slips it onto my ring finger, and surprisingly, it's a perfect fit.

"This is just for fun though. It's our little promise to take care of it each other." "Sounds like wedding bells to me." Ariana says smirking at me. I shake my head at her before taking off one of my shoes and throwing it at her. "Ow! What the fuck, Katy!" "Say something else and you'll get the other shoe!" "Do you really wanna threaten the girl that has a closet full of heels?" Ariana says opening up her closet and revealing all of her high heels. Half of those would take my eyes out if she threw them at the right angle.

"Okay, truce! I'm just saying, it's nothing serious. I think my heads just confused because I'm still in love with Camila, but here I have this attractive, smart, funny, and caring guy that wants to give me the world now. He's still not over Eleanor either. I think it's just nice that we've found each other. We hate ourselves and feel completely worthless after our breakups, then we get around each other and forget about everything for just a little bit. I don't think our hearts and minds know how to handle it yet, you know?" "I understand. I just want you to be happy, no matter who you end up with. You just need to make sure that they wanna give you the world as much as you wanna give the world to them." Ariana says walking over and hugging me now. 

The girl I love may not be here for me now, but I'm glad I've found an amazing new group that will be.

*March 14th*

"It needs to be a little higher." Lauren Cooper instructs Shawn. "If you make him put it any higher, people won't be able to read it." I say causing her to roll her eyes. "The banner is four feet tall and two feet wide. I think people will be able to read it no matter how high it is." Lauren argues. Shawn and I are helping her put up flyers and banners for prom. It's being held on April 13th. I haven't quite decided if I'm gonna go or not yet. If I do go though, I'm going alone. I really hope people will understand that I'm not ready to go with anyone to a prom yet, especially since I was supposed to go with Camila.

"Remind me again why we're doing this?" I ask taking a handful of flyers from Lauren's hand to tape on people's lockers now. "Shawn is my boyfriend so he doesn't really have a choice. And you're helping me because it's getting you out for first period. You've already done all of your Mark Twain March worksheets for the rest of the month. All you would be doing is sitting in class right now." Lauren says. "Correction, I would be sleeping right now." I say. Shawn laughs and Lauren rolls her eyes. I make her do that a lot, but she secretly loves my stupidity.

"Well if you hurry up and finish helping put the flyers up on people's lockers, then maybe you can go sleep on the couch in my office." Lauren offers. "Nah, I'm good." "You give me palpitations. Go put the flyers on the lockers!" Lauren says pushing me over to lockers. Shawn laughs while following behind me. "We only have one roll of tape. So I'll hand you the tape for the flyers so we're not having to go back and forth between each other." Shawn suggests. For the next half hour, the two of us put up the rest of the flyers on people's lockers. Lauren only bitches at us for a little bit. By the time we're done, the bell for first period to end rings.

"And now, here comes all the people that will be dumb enough to ask Katy to go to prom with them." Lauren says watching people come out of their classrooms. One by one, they look at the flyers. A few of them notice me and smile. "Oh shit! Here they come! Come on Katy, I'll take you to your locker." Shawn says turning around and signaling for me to hop on his back. I look at Lauren for approval. "Just do it. He's fast and people won't pay much attention to you unless you're alone. Now go!" Lauren says. I hurry and jump on Shawn's back. He takes off running at full speed now. Both of our lockers are on the other side of campus.

"How the hell can you run full speed with someone on your back?" I ask Shawn. "I'm a football player. Coach has made us do drills like this before to gain strength and also help us learn how to keep better balance. You have to have a lot of balance to hold somebody on your back and run full speed without falling on your face." Shawn says. Makes sense. I'm kinda surprised my coach hasn't made the softball team do something like that before.

We finally make it back to my locker. "Get your books and I'll take you to the chemistry lab. I have study hall this period so I'm just gonna hang out in Lauren's office. We have to go back to the other side of campus again and the chemistry lab is on my way." Shawn says as I hop off his back. He stands guard while I hurry and get my chemistry stuff out of my locker. I love he's being protective like a brother. "I'll take this. Hop on my back again." Shawn says taking my stuff and turning around for me to hop on his back again. I do that and just as he's about to take off again, the fabulous Dinah Jane and Normani stop us.

"Soooo you skipped first period to ride Shawn's back?" Dinah says earning a slap from Normani. I look behind them and see Camila is now looking at the flyer on her locker. "Lauren needed our help putting those up, and I'm helping save Katy from anyone asking her to prom." Shawn says. Camila whips her head over and looks between me and Shawn. She cocks her eyebrow at me now. "I'm going alone." I say before averting my eyes away from Camila. "I'm going alone so I don't want people to ask me to go with them because I'm not in the mood to shoot people down." I explain.

"So how does Shawn giving you a piggyback help?" Normani asks. "He's fast at running and it'll be hard for people to ask me if I'm on his back going as fast as the speed of light. I'll see you guys later." I say telling the two girls goodbye before Shawn takes off running again.

Camila's POV:

"Well that was strange." Normani says as her and Dinah join me at my locker. "At least she said she's not going with anyone though." Dinah says. Hearing that causes an idea to pop in my head. "I'm gonna get Katy back at prom." I say. "What?" Both girls say in unison, clearly not following my point. "I'm tired of us not being together. It's killing me, and it's only been 3 days. As of yesterday, we have exactly one month until prom. That gives Katy and I enough time to cool off and figure things out. I can already tell you guys that my mind won't change about wanting to get back together with her. I'm gonna spend the next month coming up with a plan. I want to do a huge gesture. Something she couldn't possibly say no to. Will you guys help me?" I ask closing my locker door now.

"Uh, duh! You really think we're just gonna stand back and watch? You and Katy are our OTP. And as the captain of the Katila ship, I bid to make it my personal mission to help you come up with the greatest prom gesture anyone has ever seen, so help me God." Dinah says saluting me. I smile before hugging the taller girl tightly. I'm gonna get the girl I love back, even if it's the last thing I ever do.

"Would you like us to walk you to class?" Normani asks when Dinah and I pull away from our hug. "Oh no it's okay. Thank you though. I'll see you guys at lunch." I say hugging each girl before heading to chemistry, thinking of ways to get Katy back at prom. How do I make this the greatest prom gesture anyone has ever seen? Maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I do need to make it unique and special.

I could do something softball related? It would make the most sense. I would just have to find promposal ideas and throw my own twist into it. I just hope she says yes to whatever I do, even if it turns out to be a fail. Her saying yes is all that matters right now. It's killing me not to be with her, and I know it's secretly killing her too. We were such a good fit for each other. I don't know why I even said I didn't want to date someone that had the whole school after her, because truth be told, that was one of the things that made me feel really special. She could have anyone she wanted, but she still chose me.

"Good morning, Camila. You and Katy did an excellent job on your labs yesterday." Miss Martin greets me while handing our lab paper to me. I thank her before heading to our table in the back. "You know you could have put me down back there, Shawn." I hear someone say. I look up from our lab paper and see Shawn walking to my table, Katy still on his back. For some reason they're both wearing fake mustaches now? "Nope. Your table was your final destination, so now I will put you down." Shawn says stopping at our table now. Katy slides off of his back and takes her books from his hands.

"Thanks for letting me ride you, Shawny boy." Katy says smirking at Shawn and making him laugh. "You're welcome. And don't ever let Lauren hear you say that or we will both be in hot water." Shawn says as the two of them remove their fake mustaches now. They tell each other goodbye before Shawn walks away and Katy sits in the seat next to me. That seat doesn't sit close to me like it used to.

"What's up with the fake mustaches?" I say after a few moments of awkward silence. "It's some weird senior prank that the Spanish class is doing to people. They're holding them down and putting fake mustaches on them to take weird pictures on Instagram. It's kinda stupid but Shawn and I didn't question it when we passed by." "The senior class this year is pretty weird." I say causing a small chuckle to escape from Katy.

"So do you not want people to ask you to prom because you're not going?" The words slip out of my mouth before I can stop them. Katy turns to look at me with a face I can't quite describe. "I'm probably getting forced against my will to go to Prom again this year because I'm part of the prom committee, thanks to Lauren Cooper. So no, it's not because I'm not going. I just don't want anyone asking me because I was supposed to go with you. I only wanted to go with you. I'll probably just third wheel Lauren and Shawn. They secretly love it whenever I do that." Katy says making me laugh. So her going alone because she can't go with me is already a good sign, right?

"Katy." Miss. Martin says grabbing our attention now. She's talking on the phone that leads to the front office. "Penelope says there's a visitor for you at the front desk." "Who the hell would wanna visit my ass?" Katy mutters before standing up and heading towards the office. I kind of can't help but wonder who is here to see her.

Katy's POV:

"Louis, what are you doing here?" "I have the day off from school and I thought I would bring you a smoothie." Louis says handing me a yellow smoothie. "Is this what I think it is?" "Yep! I paid attention whenever you said that you and Camila have been raving about that new banana smoothie from Smoothie King." I take the smoothie from Louis and hug him.

"Thank you so much Louis. You know you didn't have to do this though, especially since it's you're day off from school." "I don't mind. I wanted to see you and bring you this smoothie in hopes that it would give you a good morning. I also came to tell you that you're playing your game against my school later." "Shit, you go to Baldwin High School?" I ask. For some reason I've never heard Louis mention where he goes to school.

"Yes, and so do the rest of the group. Is that a problem?" He says laughing. "Oh no, it's not. It's just some people in my friend group had an experience there last year with an under cover cop there." "Ohhhh I remember that! There was a guy and girl dressed as cheerleaders, and then another girl stole our mascot costume." Louis says. "Yep, that was Amy, Lauren, and Shane. Not their brightest plan, but it is what it is."

"Will Camila be there for the game?" "Our Glee club is actually singing the National Anthem before the game starts, and she's in that club so she'll be there for a little bit. I don't know if she'll stay for the rest of the game though." "Okay, so both of our exes are gonna be there. That's swell." Louis says running his hand through his hair now. "Wait...Eleanor will be there?" "Yeah...she's cheer captain so she goes to every single game, no matter what sport it is." "This is gonna be a wild ass game." I say making Louis laugh.

"More than likely, yes. But just think, right afterwards we're having our nerf gun war and then a giant sleepover. So if something happens, we have those as comfort measures. Oh and the rest of the gang is coming too. We're about to take Camila on a jealousy trip." Louis says making me smile at roll my eyes. "Katy, tell your boyfriend goodbye and go back to second period. You obviously will have a lot more time to talk to him later." Penelope says interrupting our conversation. I forgot she's been standing across from us the entire time. She has her arms crossed and keeps looking between the two of us like she knows something we don't.

"I'm her cousin." Louis objects. I try my best to hold in my laughter. I'm not sure how much longer he's gonna be able to get away with that coverup. "Young man, I don't know who you are or where you come from, but I know for a fact that you two are not related in any way. Now I'm not going to run my mouth because Katy has every right to date you after her and Camila broke up." "But we're not-" "Katy, stop denying what I already know. Now please, go back to class." Penelope says. Louis and I shrug our shoulders before hugging each other.

"Thanks again for the smoothie. I'll see you later." I say pulling away from him and walking back to class. This afternoon is about to be really wild.

Camila's POV:

Katy walks back in with a yellow smoothie in her hand. Half of it's gone from what I can see. She starts talking to Miss Martin before grabbing a Clorox wipe and walking back to our desk. "Did you get a visit from the smoothie fairy?" I ask. Katy smiles before shaking her head no. "No, but that would be a pretty legit visitor." She says as she starts wipe down our table with the Clorox wipe. "Miss Martin said we aren't doing any labs today so it's safe to drink this in here, I just had to wipe down our desk first." She says handing me the rest of her smoothie.

"What's this for?" "It's the banana smoothie we like to get. I drank half of it and now I'm giving you the other half like we've always done." She says before walking away to throw the Clorox wipe in the trash. I sit completely dumbfounded, looking at the smoothie in my hand. Somebody brought her a smoothie, she drinks half of it, and even though we're not together now, she still gave me the other half like we did when we were dating.

If I wasn't nervous before about making the best promposal for her, I sure as hell am now.

*After school*

"I probably need to leave after we sing today." I tell Normani and Ally. "Why? You have as much of a right to be here as the rest of the students." Ally points out. "Plus you said you both agreed to try the whole friendship thing. Friends watch other friends play sports. You need to stop making yourself worry so much." "I know, I'm not really sure why-" I try to respond to Normani but I cut myself off whenever I see Katy walking with the rest of the team following behind her. I forgot how hot she looks in her uniform, especially her pants because they show off her toned ass.

"That however, is not something friends do." Normani says grabbing my face and turning it to look back at her and Ally again. I nod my head in a agreement before thinking about the conversation I had with Katy in chemistry earlier. After she gave me the last bit of her smoothie, we started talking and agreed that we should try being friends again to make the tension die down.

I look over at Katy once again and notice a group gathered around her. I've never seen any of these people before, and she's never mentioned knowing anyone from Baldwin High. I feel knots develop in my stomach whenever I notice one of the boys is standing too close to her for my liking. He keeps making her smile and laugh. How dare he take over my job! Katy soon looks over at me and gives me a half smile before turning to talk to the boy once more.

I have got to find out who he is.

Katy's POV:

"Here, put these on so you can look at her without making eye contact." Louis says handing me a pair of sunglasses before he puts on a pair as well. "You seriously brought two pairs of sunglasses so we can look at each other's exes without getting caught?" "Precisely! We can look as much as we want now." I shake my head before putting on my sunglasses and looking over at Eleanor and the rest of the cheerleaders from Baldwin. "Well shit, Louis. You're just gonna leave out the details about her being gorgeous?" I say making Louis laugh.

"I've told you before that she's gorgeous! And you didn't tell me Camila has an ass on her! You could land an airplane on that thing! How many times total did you smack it?" Louis says causing me to shriek.

"Louis William Tomlinson! Don't say that ever again!" I say before smacking Louis. I look around and notice we've drawn the attention of several people around us, including Eleanor and Camila. "Shit...I don't think I've ever felt so awkward in my entire life. Does the color of my face match my red jersey? Because I feel like it does." "You know I could think of a few times I've felt this awkward." Louis says making me cock my eyebrow.

"Being born was pretty awkward. I came out naked and screaming. I saw my mom for like three seconds before the nurses started going to work on me. Didn't even ask me out for dinner before they started touching on my peen." "Oh my God, Louis. You realize it's basically impossible for someone to remember the day they were born, right?" "Oh trust me, I remember. A man never forgets the day his peen gets touched by a woman. Besides, it's totally possible because as long as you're not premature, your brain is fully developed."

"Um, no bitch. Brains don't fully develop until you're twenty-five. And even if they were fully developed at birth, yours wouldn't have been and still wouldn't be developed." I say smirking at him. "Hmmm. You realize I'm gonna gave to chase you around in front of all these people now, right?" "Tomlinson, don't you dare!" "Too late! I'll give you a five second head start." "I don't need one of those, thank you very much." I argue. "Why? Think you're that fast?" "Well that, and because of this." I say pushing Louis to the ground before taking off. "WOOD! THAT WAS CHEATING!" Louis says chasing after me now.

I make a whole lap around the softball field before running into my coach. "I'm glad to see you're doing your running exercises before the game. But you better not let that boy distract you from the game." My coach warns. "I'm her cousin, Louis." Louis says before shaking her hand. She looks between the two of us like she's trying to see if we really are related or not. "I can see the resemblance now! But listen, Katy. I came over here to tell you that you'll be benched with Jauregui for the first inning. Baldwin is pretty easy to beat so I'm saving our star players for later on in the game. Louis, if you'd like to come sit in the dugout with your cousin, you're more than welcome to. Just make sure she pays attention to the game." My coach says walking into the dugout.

"You realize that you keep telling people that you're my cousin, and I haven't said anything so far and people have still believed you." "Well you're using your don't ask, don't tell policy. And I'm telling people I'm your cousin because I don't want people getting the wrong idea. We don't need that getting back to Camila." Louis says as we head into the dugout. "Hi! I'm Lauren, one of Katy's best friends. She's yet to mention she has a cousin from the UK." Lauren says holding out her hand for Louis to shake. She gives me a weird side eye look.

"Well we're kinda distant cousins that had no idea about each other until I started doing some snooping through our family tree stuff. I found out she was local and my age so I reached out to her. Now we're spending as much time together as possible." Louis says making me hold back my laughter once again. "Oh cool! Now I don't have to beat her for keeping secrets from me." Lauren says nudging my side and winking at me before walking away. "I felt her eyes pierce my soul." Louis says making me laugh.

I really hope people will continue to believe the story about us being cousins. I love being around Louis so damn much. He calms me down and makes me feel loved. I'm afraid if someone finds out that we're not actually related, people will get the wrong idea about us. And I'm even more afraid that one of those people will be Camila.

*After the game, sleepover*

"Okay guys, you know the rules. Each team gets two minutes to find a hiding spot before the next team comes in. If you get shot, you're out." Luke explains. We're standing in line waiting to go inside our building to start our nerf gun war. "Since Katy is new to this game, I think her and Louis should go first." Halsey says making everyone nod their heads in agreement. "Great! Let's go!" Louis says grabbing my free hand and pulling me into the church.

"I found this secret tunnel that leads up to the very top of the gym next to the air vents. It's a little area where the workers go whenever they're fixing the vents. Follow me." Louis says leading me over to what looks like a large air vent. He pulls the vent cover off, uncovering a stairway. He steps in and then helps me in after. He puts the vent cover back on and then leads us up the stairs. We quietly make our way up the stairs as we hear the next team come in. We finally make it to the top and Louis leads me over to a little platform behind the vents. There's enough space to where we can see everyone below us, but they can't see us. The vents are also going right now so no one will be able to hear us whenever we talk.

"This is a great spot. We'll be able to win this way." I say to Louis as we sit down. We still have close to another twenty minutes before all of the teams get inside. "There's actually a timer that starts running whenever the first team comes in the building. So whenever it's up you'll hear the purge siren go off." "That's so awesome! You'll have to let me know right before it goes off though because I may jump and fall off this platform." I say making Louis laugh.

"I'll look at my watch and let you know. So I didn't get to say this to you earlier because I know you wanted to hurry up and get out of there, but you had a really good game today. You had five home runs and three of those were caused by you hitting them over the fence in the outfield. You were running around like superwoman." I chuckle over Louis' statement. "I don't even know where that power came from honestly. I guess I was getting my frustrations out from this week. The only good thing about this week is I met you." I say making Louis smile.

"Ditto to that! I'm glad we met. In fact, I'm so glad that I don't want to share you with anyone else later tonight. Whenever it's time to go to bed, do you want to camp outside in our spot? I brought a huge tent for us to share. I used to go camping a lot in Doncaster before I moved to the US." Louis says pulling out his phone and showing me a picture of the tent.

"I see there's no clear spots to lookout and the material is black to where people won't be able to see our shadows. Are you trying to murder me?" I ask. "I would never do that. It's just like I said, it's big and I don't want to share you with anyone later." Louis says giving me a look I've never seen before. I gulp as I feel an ache start in stomach, leading down between my thighs.

It's Thursday, and Camila and I just broke up Monday. Louis should not be having this affect on me, but he somehow is. I get it, he's handsome and he makes me feel safe, but is there something else that's making me want him in that way? Am I just hurting so bad from not having Camila anymore that my body just aches for another human's touch? Whatever it is, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself tonight if something were to happen.

Louis and I continue to talk about how this week has gone until we hear the purge siren go off. "So here's plan. We'll let about half of the teams knock each other out before we start. By then we will take out the remaining teams one by one, and let them get confused whenever they get shot." Louis says making me laugh. We stand up and begin watching the other teams run out from their hiding spots. Everybody's screaming and laughing as they get hit with the nerf darts. I smile to myself as I continue watching my new friends enjoy life. These are the people I never knew I needed in my life until Monday. They're all genuine human beings that know how to have fun in life and how to protect the ones they love.

"I know you don't like singing in front of people and that you wanted a few days to think about joining the group, but you belong here. You belong with us." Louis says taking my hand once again. I turn to look at him and feel my breath hitch in my throat as he looks down at my lips and then back up to my eyes. He slowly starts to lean in and brushes his lips against mine before finally connecting them. I sigh in relief over the contact. We stay in this position for another few seconds before pulling away.

"Well....that's one way to pass time with your teammate." I say making Louis laugh. "I'm sorry if I overstepped. There's just something about you. When we first met I had this sense to take care of you, but now I want to do more than just take care of you. We don't have to date or anything yet because I don't think either one of us are ready for that step yet. I was just thinking that maybe we could..." "Be friends with benefits?" "Well I guess that too, but I meant treat each other like we're dating until we're ready to actually date, whether it's each other or other people." Louis explains.

I'm honestly all for this idea just because I feel like we could teach each other how to love again without actually being tied down. That way if the day ever comes to where Louis got back with Eleanor or I got back with Camila, we could do so without barriers. "Let's do it." "Great! We'll celebrate tonight!" Louis says giving me a quick peck on my lips before turning back to watching everyone down below.

"Damn, how did they already get down to four teams?" I ask. The teams left are Bebe and Kehlani, Ariana and Alessia, Halsey and Luke, and finally Jonah and Daniel. They've all made barriers out of tables to hide behind. "You take Ariana and Alessia, I've got Jonah and Daniel." Louis says. We both get in positions and then fire our nerf guns. Louis takes out Jonah and I take out Alessia. "What the heck! Who shot me?!" Alessia says standing up. "I don't know but I got shot too." Jonah complains. As the two walk over to stand with the other players that have gotten shot.

Louis and I simultaneously knock Ariana and Daniel out next. "Where do those keep coming from? Nobody has moved!" Ariana yells. Louis and I try our hardest to keep from laughing. "It's got to be Katy and Louis. They haven't gotten knocked out yet. But where could they be?" Daniel says. Louis and I smirk at each other before we start rapidly firing at Bebe, Kehlani, Halsey, and Luke. "AHHHH!" They all scream before running out from their table forts. We take them all out before screaming in victory. "Are y'all in the damn vents?!?" I hear Ariana yell out. "We'll never tell! Victory is ours!"

*Later that night*

"So what's next?" Ashton asks as we all collapse into chairs. We just got done having a big dance party in our pajamas. Some of the guys have invited over their girlfriends, and the remaining guys have claimed Ariana, Kehlani, Halsey, and Bebe for the night. "Well it's nine o'clock, so I think it's time for that good good." Zayn says pulling out a plastic bag from his. backpack. "What the hell is that?" Michael asks. "This my friends, is MDMA, also known as Molly's crystalline powder." Zayn says smiling proudly. "Isn't that what Hannah and Clay took in 13 Reasons Why?" I whisper to Ariana. "I think so. Is that even safe?" "It's far from safe! It's mixed with toxic chemicals that range from bath salts to amphetamines." I say.

"Before any of you freak out, this is a low dose. We will be fine as long as we stay here and drink plenty of fluids. Do not mix this with any alcohol or any other drugs. The purpose of this is to send us all into a state of euphoria. I know we've all had a terrible week and now we're with the people we love. So let's escape the madness and enjoy the night. I have enough for everyone so take one and pass it around." Zayn says handing the bag to Harry. "Are you guys gonna take one?" I ask Ariana and Louis. They both look as scared as I feel.

"I don't know. I'd love to be in a state of euphoria but there's almost always consequences after doing drugs. And I was raised not to do things like this." Louis says. "I feel the same way." Ariana says hugging herself tightly. The bag finally reaches Louis. He stares down at it before looking at me. I know better than to do drugs of any sort, but after this week, a state of euphoria sounds nice. "Fuck it." I say snatching the bag from Louis before pulling out one of the gel capsules. I hurry and throw it into my mouth and wash it down with my Gatorade before I change my mind. Louis grabs one after me and so does Ariana.

"How long does it take to kick in?" "It can take twenty to thirty minutes and it will last two to four hours. So prepare yourself." Zayn explains after everyone has taken one. "Have you ever taken Molly before?" Louis asks. "I did once, but it was kind of on accident. The first week whenever Camila came to school, I was super fucked up. I had never had feelings that extreme for someone before. My friend Shane gave me a pill and said it would lighten my mood. I thought maybe it was a placebo for serotonin. He didn't tell me what it actually was until I had already been going crazy for the past hour. I haven't done any since then and I wasn't planning on it. Tonight is the last time and we do not repeat this to anyone." I say to Louis and Ariana.

"I think we should call it a night and go set our tent up while we're still sober." Louis says to me making me laugh. We say goodnight to everyone before heading out to our spot. There's a little bit of the sunset still shinning through the trees enough for us to see what we are doing. "I brought a crap ton of snacks and drinks for us. I also brought some cards to play. I don't know how focused we will be in a few minutes though so we need to hurry with the tent." Louis says. We both start working fast and finish setting the tent up as well as our sleeping bags and blankets inside. It's so comfortable that you can't even tell we're sleeping on the ground.

"Oof, I think it's starting to kick in now. My heart feels like it's about to fly out of my chest." I say. "Mine too. Are my eyes dilated?" "Yes. Are mine?" "Yep. Do you feel hot?" "It's like you can read my mind!" Louis says. "We're kinda, sort of, not really dating now. I'm taking my clothes off." I say before stripping into my bra and underwear. "I think I will strip into my bra and underwear too. Why is it so hot? It's only the middle of March." Louis says stripping down into his underwear now. "Did you just say you were stripping down into your bra and underwear too?" "I did. What's wrong with that?" "I didn't think you wore a bra?" I say.

"You don't know what I wear! Why should freeing your willies only be limited to women! If men can breastfeed as a last resort then we should be able to wear bras without judgment!" "But you're not even wearing a bra to take off!" "I'm wearing it in my heart, Katy!" "Well if you're not going to wear your bra, I'm not either!" I say taking my bra off. Now we're both left in our underwear. Louis eyes look down at my chest before looking back up at me. "My God, you are a goddess. How the hell could Camila say she didn't want to date you anymore? I get why everyone's after you, but she made a huge mistake saying such a thing." Louis says.

"Well I don't understand why Eleanor cheated on you! You are such a beautiful human being with a beautiful soul. Why the hell are people so shitty! Are we that bad of people? I always try to be nice and take care of everyone. Where does it get me? Brokenhearteville!" I angrily say. "I know! Every now and again it would be nice for people to take care of us for a change. Will they? Nope. Why did we think that dating someone would change our minds?  Why do good people end up alone? It makes no sense!" Louis says.

"See! This exactly why I don't want to date and I don't believe in marriage. Literally, marriage is such a joke and so is dating. One person always loves harder than the other. How's that fair? Why do people sign up for something that's not always an equal thing? People get so happy because of the honeymoon stage and suddenly boom! Things go downhill. People talk about how much of a pain in the ass it is to date or marry someone and then they throw in that little 'but it's worth it' at the end of their statement. Like bitch, how the fuck is it worth it if literally all you do is complain or argue!" I say.

"Exactly! Plus you spend so much damn money. Think about all the good things that come out of being single forever. You can sleep with whoever you want, whenever you want. You don't have anyone to answer to. You save a shit ton of money. You don't have to answer your phone all the time. It's peace and quiet. No sharing the bed or blankets. You don't have to worry about meeting in the middle of everything. You're free to do whatever the fuck you want. And you know what's the best part of that? You don't get cheated on or have somebody decide they don't want to date you anymore because of the way other people look at you." Louis says.

"You're damn right about that. Why can't we cancel the dating and married lifestyle? There's more to life than that! Why do you have to share it with someone else? Why can't we just sleep around with people whenever we're horny and then go on living our lives independently." "I don't know, but from here on out, I think we should make a pact. No more dating and no marriage. We just fuck around and enjoy being single." Louis states.

"See, this is why we are friends. Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I say. "No, because it's not even half the amount of how much I love you." "That's bullshit. I love you 3000." "Well I love you 3000 too. You're such a genuine human. I'd marry you." "I'd marry you too, Lou Bear." "I take back what I said about dating and marriage." "Me too. I'm just so heartbroken. Are we just trying to convince ourselves that we're better off alone because we don't want to get hurt again?" I ask. "I feel that way sometimes. For now I think we are just better off being single and getting laid with others from time to time. Maybe we need to have a little bit of a hoe phase." Louis suggests.

"I agree. When does this hoe phase start?" "I think it starts now?" Louis says looking back down at my chest again. I start to look down his chest and notice a slight bulge in his underwear now. "Well, why do we still have our underwear on?" I say before taking off mine. Louis slides of his after me. I look down at Louis' manhood and gulp at the sight. That's at least seven to seven and a half inches.

"You've never been with a guy before, have you?" He asks. "No. But my hymen got popped whenever I was fourteen. I went horseback riding with my friends one day and the horse started hopping over stuff while I was trying to adjust myself. I couldn't sit on that thing properly. I felt this pain between my legs and whenever I got home there was a little bit of blood on my underwear. I didn't know if it was actually popped so a few days later I went to investigate..."

"How did you do that?" "Do not repeat this because I've never told anyone this before, not even Camila. But I used the handle of my hairbrush to see how far up it would go. Needless to say I found out it was actually popped and I suddenly got addicted to how good it felt to use that. I wasn't a smart fourteen year old. It didn't last long and I haven't done it since. But I'm telling you all of that to say that I don't think it will hurt that bad tonight because of it already being popped." Louis nods his head in understanding. "Well, I'll go slow and we can take as long as we need to for you to get used to the feeling." Louis says while leaning in to kiss me now.

We kiss for a few minutes before I lay down and pull him on top of me. I feel his cock start rubbing against my entrance. I whimper as I feel the wetness in between my legs start to increase. "Are you ready?" Louis asks. I nod my head yes as I feel a state of euphoria rush over me. I can't help but moan out as Louis slowly enters me. It hurts a little at first, but soon the pain turns to pleasure. Louis picks up the pace of his thrusts as I wrap my legs around him to pull him closer. I cry out as he finds my spot now. When he realizes he's found my spot, he begins thrusting into me as fast as he can, causing me to turn into a moaning mess.

No one's POV:

If you would've told Katy early Monday morning that her and Camila would be broken up within the next two hours, and that she would be having sex with a boy she just met three days later, she would have laughed in your face. But here she is in a state of euphoria, taking in everything Louis has to offer, without a single thought of Camila.

Katy has never dreamed of being so submissive before. There was just something about Louis that made her feel like she could give everything about herself to him, and still be okay. He made her feel like it's okay for her to let go and let someone else take care of her for once. With Camila, it was the complete opposite. Katy was always the dominate one. She always took care of Camila. She did the hard work with Camila. She hardly let Camila touch her over the weekend. Why? Her focus was making Camila feel good, not herself. Camila always tries to take care of Katy the same way she took care of her, but Katy never allowed it.

Katy's dad had caused her to build up a wall. She knew what her dad was capable of. She never wanted anyone she cared about to have to witness his fury, especially Camila. She always had to be on guard and never submit herself to anyone. If she was submissive in any way, her guard would be let down, that wall would crumble, and suddenly her dad would have the power to harm her and everyone she loved, or so she believed. She's finally being submissive now without a care in the world. The only thing she can think about is how amazing Louis makes her feel.

Maybe it's the Molly taking over. Maybe it's the euphoric state. Maybe it's Louis. Whatever it is, Katy is hooked, and she's about to find herself in deep, deep water because of it.

Hey fam. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I tried to make it a little bit longer because I'm unsure how long it will take to upload the next chapter. I'm about to start my last semester of nursing school! It's supposed to be the hardest semester with a lot of work. I'll try my best to update as quick as I can. Don't forget to comment/vote! Until next time.

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