Blood Bond / VKOOK

By RoroBaka

1M 58.3K 47.5K

It all started because of an innocent mistake, It was his fault , not mine. It's all because of him ! Because... More

Prologue • rules
Chapter 1 • Half - Vampire
Chapter 2 • Vampire blood
Chapter 3 • Dangerous Mistake
Chapter 4 • Blood Bond
Chapter 5 • Cherry Blossom Book
Chapter 6 • Last Time
Chapter 7 • 10 Seconds
Chapter 8 • The beginning
Chapter 9 • Help
Chapter 10 • A Legion
Chapter 11 • Matriarch's care
Chapter 12 • A thirsty day
Chapter 13 • A Promise
Chapter 14 • One goal at a time
Chapter 15 • Desire
Chapter 16 • Dumb and Dumber
Chapter 17 • The Witch
Chapter 18 • The Plan
Chapter 19 • Napiyong
Chapter 20 • Unconsciousness Self
Chapter 22 • Uncontrollably Confused
Chapter 23 • 6 Months
~ Tagged ~
Chapter 24 • Two Opposite Sides
Chapter 25 • White Eyes
Chapter 26 • How to be a Demon
Chapter 27 • The Reason
Chapter 28 • A Place To Hide
Chapter 29 • Demon's Death
Chapter 30 • Hurtful Past
Chapter 31 • Tonight
Chapter 32 • Scared from 'it'
Chapter 33 • A Soft Desire
Chapter 34 • Confession
Chapter 35 • Dim Feelings
Chapter 36 • Farewell
Chapter 37 • Vampire meets Demon
Chapter 38 • Change of Plans
Chapter 39 • Jeon Jun
Chapter 40 • Mysterious House
Chapter 41 • Fairies' Powder
Chapter 42 • Black Blood
Chapter 43 • Judgement
Chapter 44 • Euphoria
Chapter 45 • The One
Chapter 46 • One Legion To Save
Chapter 47 • Lust You Can't Escape
Chapter 48 • Another Goodbye
Chapter 49 • Grandma's Threat
Chapter 50 • No Fear
Chapter 51 • End of Depression
Is it really the end???

Chapter 21 • Coming Back Home

14.8K 956 947
By RoroBaka



Hyuna and Seung finished their fight, Hyuna killed the shit out of him. Also she told about how she ended being the only witch alive, she killed them all 400 years ago :)

Jeongguk met his brother when he was on the mountain's summit. He couldn't move or talk, and suddenly his brother appeared in front of him, told him to stop playing around with vampires and remember that he's a demon.

Jeongguk asked Hyuna if it's possible for demons to reach the summit, but Hyuna told him that everything he saw out there or heard, it's all was his unconsciousness self.

Yoongi and Dawn took Jeongguk back to Hyuna, and she helped them to thaw him. Then Yoongi went to check up on Jimin and Taehyung, gave Jimin the last blood bag cuz of his injury. They all went to sleep finally. 

The next morning Hyuna asked them what they feel and apparently it worked, the blood bond broke. :c

They left Hyuna's and Dawn's place, she gave them a potion that will speed them up. They all reached the mansion and entered it seconds before the sun disappeared.

Finished with Jeongguk smiling and saying "I'm home"


words: 3799


Chapter 21 • Coming Back Home

• 07:48 PM

Namjoon stood in his office, his ass laid on his table. In front of him were Taehyung and Jeongguk with their faces down. Hoseok, Jimin and Yoongi stood behind them silently. Jin stood next to Namjoon, smiled at the two nervous vampires, he was just happy to see them all alive. 

Silent filled the whole room. Namjoon's eyes scanned the two youngest, he was annoyed, really really annoyed. He tried to keep his cool down, but damn his body filled with anger.

"Am I a bad Count?" he asked with a heavy voice, his eyes piercing them. 

Taehyung's eyes widened, he immediately raised his head up to look at the older, "n-no it's not like this!" he shouted out, he really didn't want his Count to think like that, Namjoon was an amazing Count. His eyes met Namjoon's eyes, made him startle and humble his head down.

"Then why? why the fuck did you ran out of the mansion without fucking telling me?!" 

Taehyung gulped, he was so scared to answer, but he had to tell him. Before he managed to say a word, he suddenly heard Jeongguk's voice.

"It's all my fault Namjoon" Jeongguk bowed down, his body showed a 90° angle.

"No! that's not true! it was my idea to go out!" Taehyung frowned at Jeongguk, "it's my fau-"

"I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHO FAULT WAS IT!!!" the Count yelled out, made everyone in the room look at him with a little fear, "TELL ME THE FUCKING REASON!"

Jeongguk straightened his back, he and Taehyung looked at Namjoon with their eyebrows up, frowned their forehead.

Jeongguk gulped, "I'll tell..." he mumbled and then started to tell the whole story from the very beginning, when he was in the basement, and Hoseok's joke, and his accidentally bond with Taehyung, then the library that they searched for answers, then Taehyung's idea and about them taking advantage of Ateez's arrival, and then the whole story outside the mansion. 

Everyone stood there in the room, listened to each detail that Jeongguk said, and Taehyung some time to time added. 

Namjoon all this time glared at them, his arms crossed over his chest, listening very carefully to the story.

"... and it worked, she really broke our bond..." he finally finished, looked at Namjoon's eyes and waited for a reply.

"How do you know your bond really broke?" Namjoon asked with a calm voice but his expression still was annoyed.

"Because the feelings are different... really different... like it was before the bond..." Taehyung explained, his eyes looked down to the ground with a sad expression. He still was confused about his feelings; first hating Jeongguk so much that he would've be happy to kill him, then being so fucking in love with him that he would give his life for him, and now... what now? he doesn't hate him, but also not in love... so what his feelings for him?

Namjoon's action cut his train of thoughts, his eyes widened while looking at his Count punching strongly Jeongguk's stomach.

Jeongguk groaned out of the blast in his stomach, his eyes opened widely of the sudden act and his body curved. They all stunned at Namjoon with his serious expression.

Namjoon then looked at Taehyung, made him flinch, "did you feel anything?" he asked casually.

Taehyung, who was completely shocked, shook his head to his sides as a 'no'. His mouth was parted and his head confused.

Namjoon moved back and walked back to where his desk was. Jeongguk groaned, held his stomach because of the pain. He slowly looked up at his Count, he guessed that Namjoon did this just to check if they were bonded, but still, this punch was damn strong.

Jin bit his lower lip, it's been a long time since he saw Namjoon this mad.

"You broke 6 rules!!! FUCKING SIX RULES AND MAYBE SEVEN! depends on the fucking Kine that you bit!!!" Namjoon turned to them, glared into their souls, "If there was no war out there, I would have kicked you the fuck out of here"

Taehyung gulped when Jeongguk glared, still was annoyed from the punch.

'You're just mad Namjoon... there's no way that you would have threw them out of the brood, I know you too well' Jin thought inside his head.

'Liar.' Yoongi thought the same, but shortly.

'S-Scary...' Jimin was speechless of his Count.

'Damn... we got a Daddy here' Hoseok's mouth was opened, he was impressed by his Count, 'maybe I shouldn't share that I got Shrooms...'

"I'm so disappointed, I'm your fucking Count! if you ever have a problem fucking come to me!!! don't fucking break rules like two dumbasses!!!" he showed his anger clear and loud, "I always believed you guys have faith in me but all I see now that you all don't trust me! am I bad Count?! don't you feel comfortable to share your problems with me?! you know that I'm damn fucking mad right now only because I feel betrayed by you... I-" He tsked, felt himself close to crying.

Taehyung frowned up, Jeongguk humbled his head, they both felt so ashamed.

"It's not like this Namjoon..." Jeongguk said, "I adore you, we both adore you, we do trust you and have faith in you, it just... we acted without thinking..."

"We're sorry Namjoon..." Taehyung let his head down.

Namjoon looked down to the ground, his eyes were watering and he didn't want anyone to see it. He took a deep breath and gulped the tears. Seconds of silence filled the small room. 

"I don't want anyone to know about this" he said with a calm voice, he turned his back to them, still hid his sad face, "all this stays in this room, I'll tell the Counts that I've sent you to a secret mission or something" he then remembered something that Taehyung said in the middle of the story, "about Jeongguk and Jimin... I'll think about it" Taehyung suggested the idea of those two to bond so the demon won't bother Jeongguk.

No one said a word, they waited for Namjoon to continue, "dismissed" he finished.

Taehyung and Jeongguk slowly turned and walked out with the others. Jin was the only one who stayed in the room with Namjoon.

"You handled it well" he smiled at him, even though Namjoon didn't look at him, "being assertive with your members is good in cases like this" 

Namjoon clenched his palms strongly, "I'm disappointed..." he mumbled but Jin understood him, "I'm disappointed in myself" 

Jin frowned up, his sweet smile disappeared, he never thought Namjoon will ever say those words. He shook his head and slowly walked to back hug him, "don't be stupid, you know that we're alive only because we got the best Count, we all admire you" he said softly.


The five vampires walked down on the corridor to their rooms area, "damn Namjoon can be scary sometimes..." Jimin mumbled.

"Yeah damn that was hot" Hoseok smirked, made Jimin chuckle. "Now that everything is ok! you know it's time to party a little!!!" he had a naughty smile, looked at them while walking backward.

"No thank you" Yoongi already understood what the other's intension was.

"Oh c'mon Yoongi bear! we all need a little release after the journey we had!" Hoseok put a hand around the elder's shoulder. The latter looked at him with a disgusted face because of the weird nickname. 

"I'm in" Jimin rose his hand with a small smile, made Hoseok's smile become bigger, "YES! Tae?!" he turned to look at Taehyung who shrugged, "sure".

"Gukk?!" Hoseok got more excited.

"Uh... I'm a little tired... I'll pass" he looked away, felt his heart getting heavier. He did his best to hide his pain.

"Mm... I guess it's just the four of us!"

"I said I don't want to" Yoongi glared at him.

"C'mon! let's goo~ TO MY ROOM!" Hoseok completely ignored him and grabbed his arm, pulled him after him. Yoongi sighed and rolled his eyes, he was so tired of the younger.

Taehyung looked over his shoulder at Jeongguk who had an enduring expression, "you look pale" he said to him.

Jimin turned to look at him too, noticed Jeongguk raising his head, "I just need to rest a little, I'll join you guys later" he faked a small smile.

Jimin looked at Taehyung and then at Jeongguk, the two had eye contact. He slowly bit his lower lip, he felt confused about them, he wanted Jeongguk so badly in the past but now he didn't mind if Jeongguk would stay with Taehyung. He just didn't feel comfortable with this heavy atmosphere around them.

Taehyung nodded and walked faster after Hoseok, Jimin smiled at Jeongguk and walked with his close friend. 

Jeongguk's fake smile disappeared, he grabbed his chest and breathed out, "dammit, don't tell me the demon..." he tsked, "no... control it Jeongguk, control it" he closed his eyes and mumbled to himself, did his best to make the pain decrease. 

"Jeongguk!!!" a loud happy voice was heard not so far from him. Jeongguk's eyes widened and he looked up to see his close friend running to him while waving. Suddenly he noticed the pain disappeared which gave him relief. He guessed that maybe a distraction helped the pain to go away.

"Yugyeom" he smiled back at him and groaned from the tight hug that the latter gave him. 

"Dude I was so worried! where have you been?!" Yugyeom broke the hug and smiled widely at his friend.

"Just... was sent to a mission by Namjoon" he looked away, felt bad for lying to his close friend.

"Ohh~ amazing! didn't know you capable to go for missions" Yugyeom put his arm over Jeongguk's shoulder and the two started to walk on the corridor together, "I found a new game in the library! let's go to your room and play!" 

Jeongguk smiled at him, "sure!" 

"Great! I'll go bring it so wait for me!" Yugyeom started to run excitedly to his room. Jeongguk continued to walk calmly, his head still was worried about the sudden pain he felt. 

'I guess the bond really prevented from the demon to take control on me...' his fists clenched, 'I need Namjoon's permission to bond with Jimin soon...' 


• 07:54 PM

The room filled with small rants mixed with chuckles. Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung ate a shroom only because of Hoseok. Yoongi actually didn't want to be part of this but Hoseok punched his stomach, made him groan and open his mouth, hastily Hoseok pushed a shroom into his mouth with a satisfied smile, "YOU'LL ENJOY THIS I PROMISE!" he shouted with confidence and Yoongi swallowed it. After him, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung ate one too. 

Minutes passed and they all were high. Yoongi's head was on the bed when his ass on the floor, he stared at the wall in front of him, "why a snail is talking to me?" he asked himself, his eyes half-lidded when he was so focused on the imaginary snail with glasses on him. "He's so smart..." he mumbled to himself.

Hoseok's laughs heard all around the room, "YOUR HAIR! YOUR HAIR IS A CACTUS! HAHAHAHAHA" he touched Jimin's hair with his finger and then shouted an 'ouch' he continued to do it; touched his hair and mumbled 'aw' then laughed out loud.

Jimin laughed to himself, and then stopped laughing, then laughed again, and then stopped. His head laid on the bed and his ass sat on the ground just like Yoongi. He looked down on the ground and laughed to himself some time to time with no reason. 

(A/N: I'm not into drawing these days, I just did it so you guys can imagine the room and their positions... I know the perspective is bad I was damn too tired to fix it lol- it looks like a shit cuz I did it in like 15 minutes... just wanted to show you where the window and the bed is, and where each one located.)

Taehyung felt his eyes sleepy, he was laying on the wall next to the door and his head fell forward. He slowly rose his head up and looked at the bright moon that was in front of him. It was evening already and some of the vampires in the house still slept. 

(A/N: I didn't draw Tae cuz he was next to the door, which is in front of the window.)

His eyes stared into the bad moon, he remembered the moment in Hyuna's balcony, when Jeongguk hugged him warmly and protectively. The drug was supposed to make him see illusions but he only felt tired and exhausted. His eyes didn't move away from the moon and suddenly it started to get brighter and brighter. 

He closed one eye, tried to understand how it became so bright. The moon slowly changed into a sun and Taehyung suddenly felt hot all over his body. His eyes widened and he started to shout out of scare. He closed his eyes and hid his face behind his palms, "AHHHHH!!!!" he shouted loudly.

"Ahhhh" Jimin shouted with him with a tired voice and then laughed, "ahhh" he continued each time Taehyung shouted.

Taehyung bent his body down, curved into himself while he continued to shout of fear, "NOO NOO!!!"

Jimin's voice heard in the background together with Hoseok's laugh and Yoongi's mumbles about the smart snail.

Suddenly the door opened next to Taehyung, "GUYS!" it was Jin's voice who finished his encouraging talk with Namjoon. His eyes widened when he saw shrooms on the ground and the four vampires in their own world, "what the fuck?! you just came back and you making troubles already?!" he shouted at them and grabbed the shrooms, inserted them into his pocket. He heard Taehyung's shouts and cocked a brow, "Jeez... I bet it's Hoseok's fault" he sighed and walked to the shouting Taehyung, "Tae, what's going on?"

"THE SUN THE SUN!!! AHHHH!!!" he screamed and Jin could hear his sobs. He looked at the window, saw half-moon. He walked over there to close the curtains. Then he walked back to Taehyung and bent down, "there's no sun Tae. Guys, can someone bring water?" he looked at the others and his face immediately changed into an annoyed expression;

Yoongi talked to the air, "wow you're so smart snail-hyung... do you think ants can dance?". Hoseok continued to touch with his fingers Jimin's hair while mumbling, "thorn aw hahahaha thorn aw hahaha!!! aw thorn!!! HAHAHAHA". Jimin stared at the floor and suddenly rose his hand and slapped the floor, "shut up floor!" he shouted angrily.

Jin sighed, what can he expect from them?

"c'mon Tae, let's go to your room" he helped the vampire stand up, Taehyung trembled badly which worried Jin. "Oh God... why do you guys play with drugs?!" he shouted over to the three other vampires who were completely in their own world. Slowly he walked out the room with Taehyung and closed the door after him. 

The two walked to Taehyung's room. Jin helped him on the bed and then switched on the air conditioner on cold, Taehyung didn't stop mumbling how hot he feels. 

He frowned at the terrified vampire that curved into a ball on the bed. "Damn... what this Hyuna did to you with her potion..." he pouted in worry. He remembered when Jeongguk and Taehyung told them about this witch that broke their bond. They told every detail and Taehyung mentioned that at that moment all he could see was the sun burning him. 

He sat on the edge of the bed and caressed Taehyung's hair softly till he fell asleep.


"DAMN!!! I'LL KILL YOU! HAHAHA" Yugyeom shouted in Jeongguk's room. The two sat on the ground and played in Yugyeom's Nintendo. It was a new game that Yugyeom found in the library but Jeongguk still was winning him somehow, "how you so good in this?!" 

Jeongguk chuckled, "I'm a professional in games dude" he smirked in confidence and won the game.

"Fuck~ can't believe I lost again..." Yugyeom pouted, "hey hey I wanted to ask-" he smiled at his friend, "does Taehyung like games too? cause I've been thinking to ask him to play with me!" 

Jeongguk cocked a brow and looked at his friend, then he remembered... "oh right, you have a crush on him"

"Waa~~ What are you saying... it's not a crush" Yugyeom pushed Jeongguk's arm slightly out of embarrassment, "he's just really beautiful..." he smiled to himself and looked down with blushing cheeks.

Jeongguk remembered Taehyung's face when he smiled at him, and then remembered his lewd face and also the angry one. He slowly smiled and hummed as agreement. "he's also good in bed" the words came out which surprised them both.

"Wait what? you two did it?! but I've thought he hates you or at least that's what you said..." Yugyeom's eyes were shocked.

Jeongguk gulped, he didn't mean to say it out loud, "well you know... Namjoon sent us to a secret mission so... we wanted some pleasure and damn he was wild in the woods" he smirked. He tried to get out of this but just made it worst.

"You did it in the woods?!" 

"Oh yeah, hard and loud" 

Yugyeom's mouth opened in shock, he was speechless. "he's good sex so you'll enjoy his ass too" even when Jeongguk tried to stop himself from talking he couldn't. He wanted Yugyeom to know that he touched Taehyung before him, and Taehyung was damn wild with him. He wanted Yugyeom to remember this.

Yugyeom gulped and looked down, "oh wow... that's..."

"Don't worry Yugyeomie, I'm sure he'll give you try his ass" Jeongguk laid on the bed, put his arm on it and smirked confidently at his friend.

Yugyeom chuckled at him, "yeah well... I'll meet with him tomorrow, hope it will go smoothly" he smiled innocently.

Jeongguk's smug smile slowly disappeared when his eyes stared at the other. 

"C'mon let's play more!" Yugyeom started a new round, and Jeongguk looked down at the screen that was on the ground in front of them. 

Without noticing his fingers held tighter the control, his eyes pierced the screen. "Hey Jeongguk if you won't wake up I'll win" he heard Yugyeom's mumbled in the background. His fingers gripped strongly and suddenly the control broke. Yugyeom's eyes widened in shock together with Jeongguk's.

The two were surprised at Jeongguk's trembling hands.

"Hey why you did this?" Yugyeom suddenly whined and grabbed the pieces that scattered on the ground. Jeongguk's eyes darkened when he felt his heart clenching, 'w-what?' he went confused, didn't know what happened to him. Something took control at his actions he suddenly was so angry that without noticing he broke the control.

"Ahh... let's stop for today Gukk... I'll see you tomorrow" he grabbed the Nintendo and the broken pieces and walked out of the room with a sigh.

Jeongguk didn't care about Yugyeom leaving his room. He was completely blank, 'no...' he felt another clench in his heart, "s-stop!" he tsked and held his chest strongly, "control it! Jeongguk! control it!" he mumbled to himself and fought the demon inside him.

A half hour passed and the pain disappeared. 

Jeongguk laid on the ground, breathed out and stared at nowhere. Sweat was all over his face. 'Fuck...'


• 12:12 AM

It was still night, the vampires were scattered around the mansion, some in the gaming room, some in the living room, some in the kitchen. They all were really close and had fun with the other broods. 

Hoseok, Jimin and Yoongi fell asleep in Hoseok's room. Taehyung and Jeongguk also snorted in their own rooms. Jin already left Taehyung's room a long time ago. 

It was midnight and the five vampires slept for four hours. It was enough for a short nap. Jin slightly knocked on the brownish door and slowly opened it. He peeked inside to see a dark room and a body laying on the bed, "Gukk?" he called him softly, just to check if he's awake. 

There was no response. Jin walked into the room and shook Jeongguk's body, "Gukk, c'mon wake up-"

"I'm awake" Jeongguk stared at the wall in front of him, his eyes were red "what is it?"

"Namjoon wants to talk with you and Jimin"

"What?" Jeongguk's eyes opened widely and changed back to their normal brownish color, he sat up and looked at the older, "so soon?"

Jin chuckled, "there's not so much what to think about... go to his office, I'll go call Jimin" he stood up and walked calmly outside the room.

Jeongguk bit his lower lip and looked at the blanket that covered his legs, "is he going to let me... bond..." he thought to himself, "bond... with another vampire..."

'Stop playing around with vampires...' he suddenly remembered what his 'fake' brother said.

He clenched the sheets tightly, 'stop it Jeongguk... it's a nonsense! you're a vampire now... not a demon...' he suddenly felt his heart squeezing. He groaned out of the pain. 

His face slowly getting down, 'stop it... p-please-'


Yeah... sorry for finishing the chapter like this but.... next chapter is going to be tough and looong~

So be ready guys c:

btw don't do drugs, also not Shrooms, it's a bad shit, I just made it funny.

Lil cute Jimin is telling you "no no no!" 🥺🥺

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