Destiny Calling

By flowerydimwit

1.5K 81 32

A Ghost aka Kate Williams, is the sixteen year old loner. But it was never that way, she used to have friends... More

Destiny Calling
EIGHT- *Belated Tanksgving Chap**
NINE~ T/D w/ G N G
TEN ~T/D w/ G N G {Part ll}
ELEVEN- I hate you all. {Happy Xmas Eve! :3}
EIGHTEEN: Ares and Hades POV
TWENTY SIX: Goddesses in Distress
Notice me!!
THIRTY FIVE: When it Begins
THIRTY SIX: Let's Do This
THIRTY SEVEN: Finally Ever After
Epilogue: Reincarnation
A Poem For the Fans
Thank You.


33 1 0
By flowerydimwit

Hey guys! Apparently there was zip comments about boy character's suggestions, so youll just have to use your wise minds to visualize the boy ppl. :O

Update=> minus u, julia. Thanks nethertheless.
Thanks. XP

Pic on the side Cecile Conks/ Woods>>>>♤



"Usually a half breed, the parents are a god or goddess and a mortal, but for you, your parents that you know since birth, are your actual parents. And their both mortal, at the least." -Hestia


"Usually," Hestia continues, "for a child to be a half breed, there is  suppose to be a godly parent to make the child half god, but you, Kate. Your parents are both mortal. Athena suggested that you have a lineage that is already connected with us, and we looked up your family tree."

She handed me a beige folder, I took it without a word. I flipped it open, there was a print out of my family tree, from me to my great great great grandmother. Cecile Woods.

"Where did you see a connection with the gods?" I ask, looking up expectantly.

Hestia traced her finger to Cecile, "There."

Next to Cecile's name was a red marker identifying when the god line was entwertwined with mine. 

"Cecile, your great great great grandmother was a woman who had peeks of immortal power, the first in your family. Cecile was the beginning of your line, who started your family. Everything before was under a different name, a different family."

I smoothed Cecile's photo under my finger, "There was no one before?" I whisper still in awe.

Hestia shook her head, "Not to your family, but Cecile changed her last name to be placed at the start of your family, her old name used to be Conks."

"So how did she know? That she was not... completely human?"

Hestia traced her hand over Cecile's name. "She was the firstborn to a wealthy family in the 1800s. Her maiden name was Cecilia Conks. Her mother was sick and her father was too busy traveling the world to get his works done instead of caring for her health projects. So Cecile, growing up alone taught herself to care for herself. By the age of 13, she blew up a tree, by accident of course. A couple of years later, her immortal glow showed and that's when we officialy call for watch of her."

"Immortal glow?" I ask bewildered.

"Its like a aura that anyone can see and its almost like a signal to tell us that your hald breed blood is awakening," Hestia answeres unfazed, "Like I said, Cecile had her glow at a age before 18, and then a few weeks later we brought her up here. Like we did for you." She gestures with her hand.

"But, why?"

"Kate, what do you mean by 'why'?" Hestia quirks an eyebrow with a curious expression.

"Why didnt you let us go? To live unknown?"

Hestia pulls a small smile, "Kate, we never leave somebody behind. In the early human stages, Zeus created a flood that wiped out all half breeds, we all thought they were corrupted the mortal world with their immortal blood. But Cecile was the first one we ever detachted for eons! Did you know how happy we were to know at least one survived?"

I quirked a awkward smile. "What happened when she, Cecile came here?"

"We talked to her like Im doing to you. She had made a friend, Demeter to be exact," she winced slightly, mentioning one of the missing goddessess.

I gestured a 'go on.'

"Cecile was to be someone great and one day she did. That's the ending. But then after becoming what was told, she became a nymph and followed the nymphs in the woodlands." I blink. I blink twice.

" Is she still, alive?"

Hestia smiled a kind smile, "She became something great and other worldy, not even I can feel the way she was rewarded. She prevented the ghosts to take control, did you know that? She became a hero but more. And Kate, we all live and we all die, especially for immortals. They still die and are reborn like mortals but with more life span and the right weapon."

I frown, "She's gone? The only one that I can relate to?"

Hestia shook her head, "She's alive, all around us and with us everyday."

I frown deeper, so she was gone. Hestia touched my heart, "Dont think as if she as met Death but as if she was released from her limits and was released everywhere."

My frown stayed on my face as I wondered the possibility of having someone who was like me in a strange sense.

Instead of dwelling on the past I asked a question instead. " Why are you telling me this?"

Hestia smiled in a motherly way.  "Because to let you know your not alone. And to help you a little so you could embark your own destiny."

Before I could reply, she continued. "Like Cecile had her future,  you have your own. The second person out your family to be revealed upon it."

A burning question entered my mind as I blurted, "How come my mom didn't have this? I mean mom was the great great granddaughter of Cecile," I say referring to the family tree, that was now laying in my loose hands.

"She wasn't a first born like you and Cecile. Strangely after Cecile,  her firstborn daughter died, and then your great great grandmother's first born died, and so did your mother's sister, she was the ultimate first child. ."

I shook my head, obvious to my shocked reaction.  "That's so weird. "

Hestia eyes crinkled as she placed an ironic smile, "It is the way of the Fates. "

Before I can open my mouth Aphrodite beat me to it, letting out a loud groan or moan, or both, and in pure bored-ness. As her eyes became mischievous, her mouth spurted out, "Let's go man-shifting!!!"

Everyone let a whoop of delight or a relieved face, a break from they're searching of information on 2 certain goddesses.  My eyes bugged out as Aphrodite reused the word 'man-shifting' in a reply to Athenas question.

What the heck does that mean?!?!?!!

□¤♡} Thanks so much for the over 300 reads, whether u r reading it all or skimming, but thanks to both!!! :)

Also, updates r faster for now until finals hit, then I'll be a complete nerd for a couple of weeks before I move back to a bookworm on wattpad. So thanks!!!

PW2000 ☺

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