This Is How We End It

By AdamLovesAndrea

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A group of teens come together, along with a group of adults to try and survive the apocalypse. Using actual... More

This Is How We End It
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (SEASON FINALE)
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six (SEASON FINALE FARM)
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three - (Season Three Finale Part ONE)
Chapter Fifty Four (Season Three Finale Part TWO)
Chapter Fifty Six

Chapter Forty Eight

75 3 0
By AdamLovesAndrea

It was morning when the group finally regathered themselves. Everyone had made it out safely, as Brittany and Scott, along with Taylor and Ethan, had spent the night in the vehicles. It was safe inside of them, as walkers weren't around them. The morning doves were playing their melody as Rick got into the driver's seat. Ellen, beyond exhausted, collapsed into the passenger's seat. Scott and Brittany sat in the back, as Adam had sat in the middle, about ready to fall asleep.

As Rick and Adam walked back to the cars, it was quite dark. Not much could be seen, and Adam held his gun close, just in case any walkers were in the dark. 

"Rick," Adam spoke quietly, continuing to walk. 

He looked over to Adam's silhouette, ready to listen. Adam saw his movement in the darkness, knowing he was listening.

"Mikaela's in Woodbury. I saw her. I talked to her, and she's there." Adam spoke quickly, unsure of how Rick would react.

Rick paused, stopping. "What?"

"She's there. I had to leave her because I was getting shot at." Adam said, feeling disappointed in himself for leaving Mikaela behind. "We can go back, I mean,"

Rick took a deep breath. He wanted to go back, just to get her. He needed to save her. 

"Andrea's there too. She kept Mikaela safe all winter, and they found Woodbury, I guess." Adam said, continuing to walk. 

Rick turned back to face the direction that Woodbury was in, before turning around and walking with confidence to the car. Adam just followed. Ellen, and the others weren't far ahead.

In Woodbury, Andrea sat in the infirmary, watching Jese help Doctor Stevens with repairing the Governor's eye socket. She dabbed a swab in alcohol, looking at the wound. It had stopped bleeding, after hours of slowly bleeding. The eye was removed, as it was useless. Doctor Stevens had put it in a jar, unsure of what to do with it. Andrea sat, looking at The Governor with curiousity. 

"What was she doing here?" Andrea asked, confused. 

Jese walked over, handing The Governor some pain killers.

"I don't know." The Governor mumbled.

His daughter was dead. That's all he cared about. There was no way Milton could revive her, or stop the sickness. He didn't want to lead the town, or deal with anything. He knew he would have to address the town; or what was left of it. Doctor Stevens had earlier given him a report of twenty two people dead. That was almost half the town, however, it was most of the children. And that was a problem. Woodbury needed a future, and with the population growing older, it was getting to be impossible.

Alyssa walked in, looking at Stevens.

"I need a bandage for Martinez and Shumpert's wounds. I got the bleeding to stop, thank god, but I don't know how much longer it'll stay put." She sighed, leaning against the doorway. A

Andrea looked over, sighing. "I have to go check on Mikaela. Anthony put her on wall duty, right?"

The Governor shrugged. Andrea rolled her eyes, before walking out of the infirmary.

Mikaela sat perched up on the wall, sitting in her chair, half asleep. Gun in her hand, with ammo beside her, she could hear Andrea's footsteps. She knew it was her, just by the way she walked.

"Andrea," Mikaela said, getting up quickly and shaking off any sleepiness she had. "I was just--"

"I know. On watch," She said, climbing the ladder. She sat down in the chair; more like collapsed, and sighed.  "I haven't slept in so long."

"I have to tell you somethin'." Mikaela said quickly. "I meant to tell you earlier, but well, uh,"

"You were on watch, I get it. Spit it out." Andrea said quickly.

She inhaled. "I saw Adam here. Rick's group was the group that attacked. He didn't tell me where they were staying at, but by the looks of it, from what he was wearing, it looked like a prison."

Andrea's eyes widened. "Are you sure it wasn't just some illusion?"

Mikaela blushed, knowing that she had been seeing things. She was too tired to even remember if she told Andrea or Ariel about them.

"" Mikaela nodded. "They weren't."

Andrea quickly stood up. "We can't tell the Governor. He'll attack them. Mikaela, we lost twenty something people last night." She said rapidly. "Most of that was kids. I don't know why Rick would attack this place, though.."

Mikaela sighed. "Anthony.. he kidnapped Taylor and Ethan."

"Why..?" Andrea said, confused. "Never mind that."

Andrea thought for a moment. Michonne left because of something fishy, but never explained what exactly was 'fishy'. Maybe that was it? Kidnapping people? It was a puzzle, to Andrea. But she needed to see it for herself. The prison. She couldn't let a war possibly happen. 

The sun rose slowly, in the distance. The streets had become a tad lighter, minute by minute. 

"Talk to the Governor?" Mikaela shrugged, suggesting ideas for Andrea.

Andrea nodded. "Yeah. I need to see Rick. I'm going to the prison."

"What? Take me with you, please." Mikaela said, wanting to see her father and brother again. 

Andrea shook her head. "No, it's too risky. I hardly think that the Governor would give me a car. I'll have to do it by foot."

Mikaela looked down. "Oh.. well, talk to The Governor, please?"

Andrea nodded. "Will do."

Her blonde ponytail hopped a little as she jumped down from the wall, walking toward the infirmary.

Inside the infirmary, The Governor sat as Doctor Stevens covered his eye socket with gauze. She was quiet, not wanting to talk to him, as he seemed pissed. He was angered by everything. The destruction of his town, the fact that people broke in, not walkers, and more importantly, his daughter's final death. 

Alyssa looked at him, stitching a cut on his arm from the glass that'd been on the floor. He was pretty cut up.

"I'm sorry about everything that happened," Alyssa said, running the needle and thread.

The Governor was silent, watching her repair his skin back together. 

"I can't imagine what you're going through." She said, sighing. She pulled the last of the thread through, before hearing the door behind them open. Andrea walked back in.

"What's this I hear about kidnapping?" Andrea said, not caring about others hearing.

The Governor looked up at the blonde, confused. He knew that it would surface sooner or later, as the attack was a surprise. 

"I'm sorry?" The Governor tried to play it off.

Andrea rolled her eyes. "I'm not stupid. Mikaela told me everything. She said that one of the people that attacked this place spoke to her. He was part of our group before all this,"

The Governor sighed. "Stevens, can you get me an aspirin? I've got a headache,"

Andrea rolled her eyes yet again, before walking to the door. "I know just where they are. You don't, but I do."

The Governor rose an eyebrow, looking at the blonde with a confused look. before she walked out the door. 

Just minutes before it was calm, but now people flooded the streets. It was a mess, and a large crowd. Cars were being started, supplies attached to the roof. They all headed for the gates. With injuries, Martinez and Shumpert had jobs to do. They took it easy, but tried to keep the crowd of people at the gates from starting something.

"Go back to your houses! You're safe here," Martinez pleaded. 

Mikaela sat on the wall, gun in her hand as she looked down at the crowd of people. "Go back to your houses! Please!"

"It's not safe here!" Ariel cried out, looking at Mikaela. 

Mikaela examined her, seeing her with a bag of supplies on her shoulder. She wanted out, just like Michonne. Mikaela wasn't even sure if she knew about Michonne. However, suddenly a large scream cried out from just north of where the crowd was. It was a child's, like Mikaela, running down the street. Andrea reached for her gun, beginning to run up the street.

Adri ran down the street, screaming as a walker rushed toward her. Adri was defenseless, not having a knife nor gun. Another man ran out of his house, carrying his belongings before the walker lunged itself at him. It bit his arm, as he collapsed. Andrea couldn't shoot, as her aim was too shaky. Not to mention that walkers could swarm this place if any other gunshots went on.

The man squirmed as the walker's teeth tore into him, shouting in pain. Andrea quickly ran over to the scene, as the walker saw her, and rose from the man. She shoved the gun to its head, pulling the trigger. She didn't care about the noise anymore.

The man cried in pain, as the crowd was beginning to surround Andrea, watching the man in pain. He was bleeding harshly.

"Do something, please," A woman from the crowd said softly. holding her son close. Her name was Karen, and her son's was Noah.

Andrea looked at Karen, unsure what to do. The group turned their heads, hearing the infirmary door open, before The Governor walked out. His eye was revealed to the group, along with his wounds. He took the gun out of his waist, holding it up a bit, walking to the man. The crowd stood back, as Andrea did too. The Governor shot the man in the head, ending his suffering. The crowd was stunned, as well as Andrea. Anthony watched from afar, looking down from The Governor's apartment, as he was assigned to cleaning up the mess in the closet room.

The morning sun was still low as the cars rolled into the prison's safe walls. Skylar had kept watch, pulling the gates back when needed for the group. Everyone got out of the car, dazed and exhausted. Michonne had bruises and markings on her skin, making her limp a little. It hurt to walk, and to move. But nothing was too severe.

Adam walked to the cellblock doors, opening them for the others. He was exhausted, adrenaline having gone out the window. Heather was holding the baby, Hershel beside her standing with his crutches. 

Rick immediately went to the baby, taking it from Heather's arms. He was tired, but that didn't mean he could stop being a father. Adam, Matt, Darrion, Brittany, Scott and Skylar all headed out to the cellblock to get their sleep. Taylor and Ethan sat down next to to Delta who was eating breakfast, as she had to prepare for her shift on watch duty. Seeing Skylar come in, she knew she had to hurry so that she could go out to the tower.

Michonne sat down at the table, looking at the adults.

"What now?" Michonne questioned Rick.

Rick placed a kiss on his asleep daughter's head. He looked over to Michonne, unsure of what to say. "We sleep. Get fixed up. You seem pretty banged up,"

"I'm fine." Michonne said quickly after. She didn't want the attention to be on her again.

Ellen sighed, looking down. "I think we should prepare for the worst. Just in case," She said, looking back up at Rick.

Heather nodded. "It's smart to do that. We haven't really bulked this place up."

"We haven't had the chance to." Hershel said, looking over to Ethan and Taylor, who were awaiting his care. 

Taylor's knee was badly scraped, and Ethan had cuts along his arm from the chair. Taylor wasn't sure if anything was broken, either. She had hit the ground pretty hard when she was shoved. Rick looked up at the windows, seeing light shine in.

Heather walked over to the kitchen area, taking two bottles of water and placing one down on the table for Taylor and Ethan. 

"You guys are damn tough." She said, smiling before looking over to Rick. "You best get some sleep. You too, Ellen."

Ellen nodded. "The thought was already on my mind." She said, yawning before walking to the cellblock.

Rick looked at Hershel, sighing. "Mikaela and Andrea are in Woodbury."

Michonne rose an eyebrow. "Why do you care about them?"

Rick turned to look at Michonne. "They were part of our group. Mikaela's my daughter,"

Michonne's eyes widened. "This is the group Andrea was talking about?" She asked quickly. "We looked all Winter for you.. couldn't find you, so we gave up. I saved them in the woods after that farm attack?"

Rick eyed Michonne. She was legit, as he hadn't mentioned the farm attack. "Yeah.. that's it. You took care of my girl over the winter?"

Michonne nodded. "Took care of herself. She knows how to survive,"

Rick nodded, smiling. "Yeah. She's come a long way." Rick gave the baby another kiss onto the head. "Anyone come up with a name for her yet?"

Ethan swallowed. He wasn't sure what to say. He had a few names in mind, but didn't know. 

"How about... Judith?" He asked, looking up at Rick. "It was the name of our third grade teacher.. we loved her."

"Judith..." Rick mumbled it over. "Judith. Goodnight, Judith." Rick said, small smile on his face as he nodded. He gave Judith over to Heather, as Delta got up from the table, walking outside to take watch. 

"Night." Rick said over his shoulder, walking toward the cell block.

Heather sighed, looking at Taylor. "It's gonna be one damn long day. You better get some sleep, buttercup. You too, Ethan."

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